23 research outputs found

    Byzantine modification detection in multicast networks using randomized network coding

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    Distributed randomized network coding, a robust approach to multicasting in distributed network settings, can be extended to provide Byzantine modification detection without the use of cryptographic functions is presented in this paper

    Automatic Reconfiguration for Large-Scale Reliable Storage Systems

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    Byzantine-fault-tolerant replication enhances the availability and reliability of Internet services that store critical state and preserve it despite attacks or software errors. However, existing Byzantine-fault-tolerant storage systems either assume a static set of replicas, or have limitations in how they handle reconfigurations (e.g., in terms of the scalability of the solutions or the consistency levels they provide). This can be problematic in long-lived, large-scale systems where system membership is likely to change during the system lifetime. In this paper, we present a complete solution for dynamically changing system membership in a large-scale Byzantine-fault-tolerant system. We present a service that tracks system membership and periodically notifies other system nodes of membership changes. The membership service runs mostly automatically, to avoid human configuration errors; is itself Byzantine-fault-tolerant and reconfigurable; and provides applications with a sequence of consistent views of the system membership. We demonstrate the utility of this membership service by using it in a novel distributed hash table called dBQS that provides atomic semantics even across changes in replica sets. dBQS is interesting in its own right because its storage algorithms extend existing Byzantine quorum protocols to handle changes in the replica set, and because it differs from previous DHTs by providing Byzantine fault tolerance and offering strong semantics. We implemented the membership service and dBQS. Our results show that the approach works well, in practice: the membership service is able to manage a large system and the cost to change the system membership is low

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    Towards Human Society-inspired Decentralized DNN Inference

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    In human societies, individuals make their own decisions and they may select if and who may influence it, by e.g., consulting with people of their acquaintance or experts of a field. At a societal level, the overall knowledge is preserved and enhanced by individual person empowerment, where complicated consensus protocols have been developed over time in the form of societal mechanisms to assess, weight, combine and isolate individual people opinions. In distributed machine learning environments however, individual AI agents are merely part of a system where decisions are made in a centralized and aggregated fashion or require a fixed network topology, a practice prone to security risks and collaboration is nearly absent. For instance, Byzantine Failures may tamper both the training and inference stage of individual AI agents, leading to significantly reduced overall system performance. Inspired by societal practices, we propose a decentralized inference strategy where each individual agent is empowered to make their own decisions, by exchanging and aggregating information with other agents in their network. To this end, a ”Quality of Inference” consensus protocol (QoI) is proposed, forming a single commonly accepted inference rule applied by every individual agent. The overall system knowledge and decisions on specific manners can thereby be stored by all individual agents in a decentralized fashion, employing e.g., blockchain technology. Our experiments in classification tasks indicate that the proposed approach forms a secure decentralized inference framework, that prevents adversaries at tampering the overall process and achieves comparable performance with centralized decision aggregation methods

    Intrusion Tolerance: Concepts and Design Principles. A Tutorial

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    In traditional dependability, fault tolerance has been the workhorse of the many solutions published over the years. Classical security-related work has on the other hand privileged, with few exceptions, intrusion prevention, or intrusion detection without systematic forms of processing the intrusion symptoms. A new approach has slowly emerged during the past decade, and gained impressive momentum recently: intrusion tolerance. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the underlying concepts and design principles. The tutorial reviews previous results under the light of intrusion tolerance (IT), introduces the fundamental ideas behind IT, and presents recent advances of the state-of-the-art, coming from European and US research efforts devoted to IT. The program of the tutorial will address: a review of the dependability and security background; introduction of the fundamental concepts of intrusion tolerance (IT); intrusion-aware fault models; intrusion prevention; intrusion detection; IT strategies and mechanisms; design methodologies for IT systems; examples of IT systems and protocol

    The Design of a COTS Real-Time Distributed Security Kernel (Extended Version)

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    This technical report describes the design of a security kernel called TTCB, which has innovative features. Firstly, it is a distributed subsystem with its own secure network. Secondly, the TTCB is real-time, that is, a synchronous subsystem capable of timely behavior. These two characteristics together are uncommon in security kernels. Thirdly, the TTCB can be implemented using only COTS components. We discuss essentially three things in this paper: (1) The TTCB is a simple component providing a small set of basic secure services. It aims at building a new style of protocols to achieve intrusion tolerance, which for the most part execute in insecure, arbitrary failure environments, and resort to the TTCB only in crucial parts of their operation. (2) Besides, the TTCB is a synchronous device supplying functions that may be an enabler of a new generation of timed secure protocols, until now known to be fragile due to attacks on timing assumptions. (3) Finally, we present a design methodology that establishes our hybrid failure assumptions in a well-founded manner. It helps us to achieve a robust design, despite using exclusively COTS components, with the advantage of allowing the security kernel to be easily deployed on widely used platform