42,160 research outputs found

    The moderating role of organizational culture on the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership

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    The purpose of this empirical research is to examine the interrelated influences among emotional intelligence, organizational culture, and transformational leadership. In particular, the current study investigated the effect of emotional intelligence as a predictor of transformational leadership. The potential moderating effects of organizational culture on the relationships between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership were also examined. Data was collected from a sample of 333 academic leaders in 18 public universities in peninsular Malaysia. Transformational leadership was measured by using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5x Short), emotional intelligence, using the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS), and organizational culture, using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). Structural equation modeling by means of partial least square bootstrapping resampling was used for hypotheses testing. Methodological improvements were made to overcome some of the challenges identified by past research that examined emotional intelligence and leadership. These concerns included common method variance, smaller sample sizes, relatively lower construct reliability, and researching sole organizations. The statistical results revealed a significantly positive relationship between transformational leadership and three of the independent variables, namely, self-emotion appraisal, others emotional appraisal, and use of emotion. The study of organizational culture as a moderator between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership was also unprecedented. Generally, organizational culture played an important role in moderating this relationship. However, the moderating effect of organizational culture as a whole construct, and clan and hierarchy type cultures were found significant only on the relationship between regulation of emotion and transformational leadership while adhocracy type culture negatively moderated the relationship between others emotional appraisal and transformational leadership. The results of this study contribute to the present pool of knowledge about the interrelationships of emotional intelligence, organizational culture and transformational leadership, showing that the power of leaders’ emotional intelligence on transformational leadership is expressed through a third moderating variable, organizational culture. Theoretically, the study is hopeful to further understandings of the predictive power of emotional intelligence dimensions on transformational leadership, as well as contribute insights as to the conditional effect of organizational culture on the relationship. The findings of the study will also help practitioners improve the selection and development of leaders

    Effects of Measures of Emotional Intelligence on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership

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    The major purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between two measures of emotional intelligence: performance-based ability test, self-reported measure of ability emotional intelligence, and transformational leadership. Base on a sample of 177 middle-level and low-level leaders, in 16 organizations, the study tries to explain the role of emotional intelligence in the variance of transformational leadership style, after controlling for cognitive ability and five factors of personality. Vocabulary Emotion Test (VET-3), representing performance-based ability test of emotional intelligence, and Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ-45), representing self-report measure of emotional intelligence, TN-10 test of fluid intelligence and BFI - inventory of personality traits were administered to all supervisors in identifying their emotional intelligence, cognitive ability and personality traits. To evaluate the transformational leadership style, the short version of a Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ X5) was used for 177 selfratings. The results show that VET-3 as the measure of ability EI has no relationship with transformational style. The results obtained in hierarchical regression analysis of self-ratings transformational leadership show that the personality traits were significant predictors but that selfreport measure of EI incrementally explained 5% of the variance of transformational leadership

    Peran Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Memoderasi Pengaruh Motivasi Intrinsik dan Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus pada SMA Negeri di Kecamatan Pati Kabupaten Pati)

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    This research is intended to examine the influence of motivation intrinsic and emotional intelligence to the state senior high school teachers\u27 work performance with the moderation of transformational leadership style. The specific purpose of this research is to examine the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers\u27 work performance. The USAge of this research is to explain and expand the previous research about the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers\u27 work performance. This research used the population of 116 teachers of state senior high school in Pati District, Pati Regency. The technique of sample collection used in this research is non-probability sampling with the purposive method. The analysis technique used in this research is regression model moderate quasi. Based on the research result can be conduded that: intrinsic motivation influences teachers\u27 work performance, emotional intelligence influences the teachers\u27 work performance, transformational leadership style do not moderate the influence of intrinsic motivation to teachers\u27 work performance, , transformational leadership style strengthen the influence of emotional intelligence to the teachers\u27 workperformance

    Peran Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Memoderasi Pengaruh Motivasi Intrinsik dan Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus pada SMA Negeri di Kecamatan Pati Kabupaten Pati)

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    This research is intended to examine the influence of motivation intrinsic and emotional intelligence to the state senior high school teachers' work performance with the moderation of transformational leadership style. The specific purpose of this research is to examine the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers' work performance. The USAge of this research is to explain and expand the previous research about the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers' work performance. This research used the population of 116 teachers of state senior high school in Pati District, Pati Regency. The technique of sample collection used in this research is non-probability sampling with the purposive method. The analysis technique used in this research is regression model moderate quasi. Based on the research result can be conduded that: intrinsic motivation influences teachers' work performance, emotional intelligence influences the teachers' work performance, transformational leadership style do not moderate the influence of intrinsic motivation to teachers' work performance, , transformational leadership style strengthen the influence of emotional intelligence to the teachers' workperformance

    The Moderating Role of Neuroleadership on the Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance at Mutiara Sukma Psychiatric Hospital, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    This study examines the moderating role of neuroleadership on the effect of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership on employee performance. This type of research is a causal associative research with a quantitative approach. The researchers used the quota sampling technique to select 112 respondents from the total population of 448 employees at the Mutiara Sukma Psychiatric Hospital in West Nusa Tenggara. Data analysis used the PLS-SEM technique with Smart PLS 4 software. The results showed that 1) Emotional intelligence had a significant positive effect on employee performance; 2) transformational leadership had a significant positive effect on employee performance; 3) Neuroleadership can strengthen the effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance; 4) Neuroleadership strengthens the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance.The results of this study can be a reference and consideration for companies applying applied neuroscience in the context of effective organizational leadership


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    Introduction :The performance achievement produced by the organization cannot be separated from the role of a leader himself, how the leadership system is, knowledge about self-management in leading so that it will directly have an impact on improving the resulting performance. The aim of this study was to determine the role of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership. Methods : This literature review is based on the PRISMA checklist, searched through PubMed, ProQuest, Geogle Scholar. This research question is structured using the PICO method (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome) and uses keywords based on the database. Result : 4 Studies reviewed based on the specified inclusion criteria, show that the role of emotional intelligence affects the transformational leadership model, with the instrument used referring to the emotional Questions (EQ-i 2.0) instrument used in emotional intelligence, while in transformational leadership using Multi-factor Leadership Question (MLQ) Conclusion : Achieving the desired organizational performance certainly requires a leader who is smart in managing his emotions, so a manager needs to continue to learn in terms of managing his emotional intelligence which has a positive impact on the transformational leadership model used. Key Word : Emotional Intelegency. Transformational Leaderships. Nursing Manager. Sistematic ReviewLatar Belakang : Pencapaian kinerja yang dihasilkan oleh organisasi tidak lepas dari peran seorang pemimpin itu sendiri, bagaimana sistem kepemimpinan, pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan diri dalam memimpin sehingga secara langsung akan berdampak pada peningkatan kinerja yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  untuk mengetahui peranan kecerdasan emosional terhadap kepemimpinan transformasional. Metode : Literatur review ini berdasarkan PRISMA cheklist, pencarian melalui PubMed, ProQuest, Geogle Scholar. Pertanyaan penelitian ini terstruktur menggunkan metode PICO (Populasi, Intervention, Comparasion dan Outcome) dan menggunakan kata kunci berdasarkan database. Hasil : 4 Studi yang direview berdasarkan kriteria inklusi yang ditentukan, menunjukkan bahwa peranan kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh pada model kepemimpinan transformasional, dengan Instrumen yang dilakukan mengacu pada instrumen emotional Questions (EQ-i 2.0) yang digunakan pada emotional intellegence, sedangkan pada tranformasional leadership menggunakan Multi-faktor Leadership Question (MLQ). Kesimpulan : Pencapaian kinerja organisasi yang diinginkan tentunya membutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang cerdas dalam mengelola emosinya, sehingga seorang manager perlu untuk terus belajar dalam hal mengelola kecerdasan emosionalnya yang berdampak positif pada model kepemimpinan transformasional yang digunakan. Kata Kunci : Kecerdasan Emosional, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Manager Keperawatan, Sistematik Revie

    Impact of Leaders’ Emotional and Cultural Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness: Mediating Role of Transformational Leadership

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    For leaders to serve as effective change agents in the organization, significance of leaders’ intelligence cannot be overlooked. Current empirical study was carried out with an intention to investigate the impact of leaders’ emotional and cultural intelligence on leadership effectiveness through the mediating role of transformational leadership as perceived by followers. With the help of questionnaire, data was collected from the employees of private banks of twin cities (Islamabad and Rawalpindi) of Pakistan. A total of 262 responses were entered in SPSS for analyzing data and interpreting results. The mediating, dependent and independent variables were modeled in a path diagram and tested through structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicate that transformational leadership fully mediates the relationships of leaders’ emotional and cultural intelligence with leadership effectiveness. The results of the study provide useful insight into the fact that emotionally and culturally intelligent leaders are more effective because they exhibit more transformational leadership style. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed along with limitations and recommendations for future researc

    Emotional intelligence and leadership

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Purpose: The main purpose of this document is to evaluate claims that emotional intelligence is significantly related to transformational and transactional leadership behaviour and also to analyse and explore the importance of emotional intelligence and the ability to manage our emotions in order to be more successful in every organization and personal life. In order to do so, the document first seeks to clarify the idea of emotional intelligence and all the components, identifying the importance and benefits of this type of intelligence in organizations. Design/ methodology / approach: This document represents a theoretical review of emotional intelligence, starting from the need to understand what it is, how to understand it, how to improve it, what are the benefits in organizations and what types of leadership use to be more emotional intelligent. In this document are used references to existing literature related to emotional intelligence and leadership. This references are obtained from the database of the University Jaume I. Findings: Emotional Intelligence has a positive impact on organizations. Emotional intelligence is the key to our relationships and interactions are successful and are beneficial for all parties involved. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to cope with different situations in a much more effective way. They are also able to manage stress and cope with the changes happening within companies. Emotional intelligence also influence on the physical and mental health. The emotional fitness is important especially in leadership role whose essence is getting others to execute their jobs more effectively. In addition, it has been found that the transformational and transactional leader have certain traits that match the dimensions of emotional intelligence

    The relationship between leadership style, emotional intelligence and organisational learning among academic staff in Malaysian higher educational institutions / Hanisah Bon (Kasbon)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived leadership styles and emotional intelligence on organisational learning among academics of Malaysian higher educational institutions. Specifically, the study attempted to 1) investigate the level of organisational learning, emotional intelligence and perceived leadership styles of academics of higher education institutions of Malaysia; 2) identify the relationship of perceived leadership styles and emotional intelligence on organisational learning of academics of higher education institutions of Malaysia and 3) identify the contributor of each significant of leadership styles and emotional intelligence on the variance of organisational learning.The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 150 randomly selected respondents and the responses rate was 83% or 125 questionnaires were returned and only 120 questionnaires were duly completed and used in analysis. Data were collected using the survey method and were descriptive statistically analysed. From the study, the findings revealed that the level of organisational learning perceived by the respondents was at moderate level and perceived transformational and transactional styles were both at moderate but slightly higher for transformational. In addition, most academics scored high for their emotional intelligence level. For the relationship between organisational learning and the independent variables, the findings suggested that there was a positive and moderate relationship between organisational learning and transformational leadership and also moderate relationship with one of the emotional intelligence cluster namely self emotional appraisal. In terms of determining the contributor of each significant of leadership styles and emotional intelligence on the variance of organisational learning, it revealed that 35.5% of the variance in organisational learning scores can be predicted from the variables of transformational leadership and self emotional appraisal. From the findings of the study, it could be summarised that transformational leadership plays a significant role in organisational learning process as a whole. In addition, learning environment in organisations could facilitate organisational members to enhance emotional intelligence ability and at the same time, promote continuous learning both at individual and organisational level

    The role of emotional intelligence in transformational leadership: A leader member exchange perspective

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    Magister Artium - MAThe Transformational Leadership style has shown that it elicits improved performance in followers and that emotion plays an important part in the leadership process. The goal of the present study is to investigate the role of emotional intelligence in the effectiveness of leadership in organisations through high Leader Member Exchange (LMX) relationships. The overarching research initiating question can be framed as “Does high emotional intelligence in leaders lead to higher LMX relationships?”. Through the synthesis of literature, the study proposes that leadership style and high-quality leader member exchange relationships have a profound impact on follower performance. It is hypothesized that emotional intelligence in both leaders and followers would have a positive impact in the quality of the exchange. Transformational leaders make use of emotional intelligence to understand the emotional needs of their followers, which in turn results in a high-quality relationship between the leader and their followers. High quality LMX relationships typically result in higher levels of follower commitment and performance. However, the mediating role of emotional intelligence between Transformational Leadership, LMX and follower performance have not been explored fully in the management literature and to date, there has been very little research exploring the sequential chain of influence between these variables. The current study aims to contribute to the body of knowledge in the fields of leadership, emotional intelligence, LMX and unit level performance. The research follows a quantitative approach. The sample for this research project consists of managers and employees in the banking sector. The biographical characteristics of the sample will include age, gender, educational level, years of service, type of employment and job level. The targeted sample size is between 300-350 employees working in the financial services industry in the Western Cape. The goal of the study was to examine the complex nomological network of relationships between Transformational Leadership, LMX, Emotional Intelligence, and unit level performance. The findings of the study indicate that the proposed model could be considered a credible representation of how emotional intelligence, LMX, and transformational leadership interact to influence unit level performance
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