182 research outputs found

    A testability metric for path delay faults and its application

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    Abstract — In this paper, we propose a new testability metric for path delay faults. The metric is computed efficiently using a non-enumerative algorithm. It has been validated through extensive experiments and the results indicate a strong correlation between the proposed metric and the path delay fault testability of the circuit. We further apply this metric to derive a path delay fault test application scheme for scan-based BIST. The selection of the test scheme is guided by the proposed metric. The experimental results illustrate that the derived test application scheme can achieve a higher path delay fault coverage in scan-based BIST. Because of the effectiveness and efficient computation of this metric, it can be used to derive other design-for-testability techniques for path delay faults. I

    An Integrated Test Plan for an Advanced Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design Group

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    VLSI testing poses a number of problems which includes the selection of test techniques, the determination of acceptable fault coverage levels, and test vector generation. Available device test techniques are examined and compared. Design rules should be employed to assure the design is testable. Logic simulation systems and available test utilities are compared. The various methods of test vector generation are also examined. The selection criteria for test techniques are identified. A table of proposed design rules is included. Testability measurement utilities can be used to statistically predict the test generation effort. Field reject rates and fault coverage are statistically related. Acceptable field reject rates can be achieved with less than full test vector fault coverage. The methods and techniques which are examined form the basis of the recommended integrated test plan. The methods of automatic test vector generation are relatively primitive but are improving

    Watermarking FPGA Bitfile for Intellectual Property Protection

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    Intellectual property protection (IPP) of hardware designs is the most important requirement for many Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) intellectual property (IP) vendors. Digital watermarking has become an innovative technology for IPP in recent years. Existing watermarking techniques have successfully embedded watermark into IP cores. However, many of these techniques share two specific weaknesses: 1) They have extra overhead, and are likely to degrade performance of design; 2) vulnerability to removing attacks. We propose a novel watermarking technique to watermark FPGA bitfile for addressing these weaknesses. Experimental results and analysis show that the proposed technique incurs zero overhead and it is robust against removing attacks

    LSI/VLSI design for testability analysis and general approach

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    The incorporation of testability characteristics into large scale digital design is not only necessary for, but also pertinent to effective device testing and enhancement of device reliability. There are at least three major DFT techniques, namely, the self checking, the LSSD, and the partitioning techniques, each of which can be incorporated into a logic design to achieve a specific set of testability and reliability requirements. Detailed analysis of the design theory, implementation, fault coverage, hardware requirements, application limitations, etc., of each of these techniques are also presented

    Detection of hard faults in combinational logic circuits

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    ABSTRACT: Previous Work in identifying hard to test faults (HFs) -- The effect of reconvergent fanout and redundancy -- Testability measures (TMs)Using of ATPGs to detect HFs -- Previous use of cost in Testability analysis -- Review of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) -- Fault modelling -- Single versus multiple path sensitization -- The four ATPG phases of deterministic gate level test generation -- Random test pattern generation and hybrid methods -- Review of the fan algorithm -- Backtrack reduction methods and the importance of heuristics -- Mixed graph -- binary decision diagram (GBDD) circuit model -- A review of graph techniques -- A review of binary decisions diagrams (BDDs) techniques -- gBDD -- graph binary decision diagrams -- Detection of hard faults using HUB -- Introduction to budgetary constraints -- The HUB algorithm -- Important HUB attributes -- Circuits characteristics of used for results -- Comparison of gBDD -- ATPG related results -- Fault simulation related results -- Hard fault detection

    Testable Design for Positive Control Flipping Faults in Reversible Circuits

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    Fast computational power is a major concern in every computing system. The advancement of the fabrication process in the present semiconductor technologies provides to accommodate millions of gates per chip and is also capable of reducing the size of the chips. Concurrently, the complex circuit design always leads to high power dissipation and increases the fault rates. Due to these difficulties, researchers explore the reversible logic circuit as an alternative way to implement the low-power circuit design. It is also widely applied in recent technology trends like quantum computing. Analyzing the correct functional behavior of these circuits is an essential requirement in the testing of the circuit. This paper presents a testable design for the k-CNOT based circuit capable of diagnosing the Positive Control Flipping Faults (PCFFs) in reversible circuits. The proposed work shows that generating a single test vector that applies to the constructed design circuit is sufficient for covering the PCFFs in the reversible circuit. Further, the parity-bit operations are augmented to the constructed testable circuit that produces the parity-test pattern to extract the faulty gate location of PCFFs. Various reversible benchmark circuits are used for evaluating the experimental results to establish the correctness of the proposed fault diagnosis technique. Also a comparative analysis is performed with the existing work

    Testing of leakage current failure in ASIC devices exposed to total ionizing dose environment using design for testability techniques

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    Due to the advancements in technology, electronic devices have been relied upon to operate under harsh conditions. Radiation is one of the main causes of different failures of the electronics devices. According to the operation environment, the sources of the radiation can be terrestrial or extra-terrestrial. For terrestrial the devices can be used in nuclear reactors or biomedical devices where the radiation is man-made. While for the extra- terrestrial, the devices can be used in satellites, the international space station or spaceships, where the radiation comes from various sources like the Sun. According to the operation environment the effects of radiation differ. These effects falls under two categories, total ionizing dose effect (TID) and single event effects (SEEs). TID effects can be affect the delay and leakage current of CMOS circuits negatively. The affects can therefore hinder the integrated circuits\u27 operation. Before the circuits are used, particularly in critical radiation heavy applications like military and space, testing under radiation must be done to avoid any failures during operation. The standard in testing electronic devices is generating worst case test vectors (WCTVs) and under radiation using these vectors the circuits are tested. However, the generation of these WCTVs have been very challenging so this approach is rarely used for TIDs effects. Design for testability (DFT) have been widely used in the industry for digital circuits testing applications. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation software to generate test vectors against fault models of manufacturer defects for application specific integrated circuit (ASIC.) However, it was never used to generate test vectors for leakage current testing induced in ASICs exposed to TID radiation environment. The purpose of the thesis is to use DFT to identify WCTVs for leakage current failures in sequential circuits for ASIC devices exposed to TID. A novel methodology was devised to identify these test vectors. The methodology is validated and compared to previous non DFT methods. The methodology is proven to overcome the limitation of previous methodologies