242 research outputs found

    Improved Reinforcement-Based Profile Learning For Document Filtering

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    Today the amount of accessible information is overwhelming. A personalized information filtering system must be able to tailor to current interests of the user and to adapt as they change over time. This system has to monitor a stream of incoming documents to learn the user’s information requirements, which is the user profile. The research has proposed a content-based personal information system learns the user’s preferences by analyzing the document contents and building a user profile. This system is called RePLS; an agent-based Reinforcement Profile Learning System with adaptive information filtering. The research focuses on an improved terms weighting to measure the importance of the terms represent each profile called “purity term weighting”. The top selected terms are then used to filter the incoming documents to the learned user profiles. The agent approach is used because of its autonomous and adaptive capabilities to perform the filtering. The proposed method was evaluated and compared with three Information Filtering methods, namely Rocchio, Okapi/BSS Basic Search System and Reinf, the incremental profile learning method. Based on the proposed method, a profile learning system is developed using Microsoft VC++ connected to Microsoft Access database through an ODBC. AFC kit is used to implement the proposed agents under RETSINA architecture. The experiments are carried out on the TREC 2002 Filtering Track dataset provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This research has proven that RePLS is able to filter the stream of incoming documents according to the user interests (profiles) learned by the proposed Purity term weighting method. Based on the experiments results, Purity weighting shows better terms weighting and profile learning than the other methods. The outcome of a considerably good accuracy is mainly due to the right weighting of the profile’s terms during the learning phase. This research opens a wide range of future works to be considered, including the investigation of the dependency between the selected terms for each profile, investigating the quality of the method on different datasets, and finally, the possibility to apply the proposed method in other area like the recommendation systems

    A platform for P2P agent-based collaborative applications

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    The operational environment can be a valuable source of information about the behavior of software applications and their usage context. Although a single instance of an application has limited evidence of the range of the possible behaviors and situations that might be experienced in the field, the collective knowledge composed by the evidence gathered by the many instances of a same application running in several diverse user environments (eg, a browser) might be an invaluable source of information. This information can be exploited by applications able to autonomously analyze how they behave in the field and adjust their behavior accordingly. Augmenting applications with the capability to collaborate and directly share information about their behavior is challenging because it requires the definition of a fully decentralized and dependable networked infrastructure whose nodes are the user machines. The nodes of the infrastructure must be collaborative, to share information, and autonomous, to exploit the available information to change their behavior, for instance, to better accommodate the needs of the users to prevent known problems. This paper describes the initial results that we obtained with the design and the development of an infrastructure that can enable the execution of collaborative scenarios in a fully decentralized way. Our idea is to combine the agent-based paradigm, which is well suited to design collaborative and autonomous nodes, and the peer-to-peer paradigm, which is well suited to design distributed and dynamic network infrastructures. To demonstrate our idea, we augmented the popular JADE agent-based platform with a software layer that supports both the creation of a fully decentralized peer-to-peer network of JADE platforms and the execution of services within that network, thus enabling JADE multiagent systems (MASs) to behave as peer-to-peer networks. The resulting platform can be used to study the design of collaborative applications running in the field

    DSAAR: distributed software architecture for autonomous robots

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaThis dissertation presents a software architecture called the Distributed Software Architecture for Autonomous Robots (DSAAR), which is designed to provide the fast development and prototyping of multi-robot systems. The DSAAR building blocks allow engineers to focus on the behavioural model of robots and collectives. This architecture is of special interest in domains where several human, robot, and software agents have to interact continuously. Thus, fast prototyping and reusability is a must. DSAAR tries to cope with these requirements towards an advanced solution to the n-humans and m-robots problem with a set of design good practices and development tools. This dissertation will also focus on Human-Robot Interaction, mainly on the subject of teleoperation. In teleoperation human judgement is an integral part of the process, heavily influenced by the telemetry data received from the remote environment. So the speed in which commands are given and the telemetry data is received, is of crucial importance. Using the DSAAR architecture a teleoperation approach is proposed. This approach was designed to provide all entities present in the network a shared reality, where every entity is an information source in an approach similar to the distributed blackboard. This solution was designed to accomplish a real time response, as well as, the completest perception of the robots’ surroundings. Experimental results obtained with the physical robot suggest that the system is able to guarantee a close interaction between users and robot


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    Coordination in MAS can be conceived as either an agent activity (the subjective viewpoint) or an activity over agents (the objective viewpoint). The two viewpoints have generated two diverging and often contrasting lines of research, as well as different and non-compatible technologies: however, their integration is mandatory for modelling and engineering complex MAS. In this paper, we explore the issue of integration at both the model and the technology levels. First, by taking FIPA agents and coordination artifacts as reference notions for subjective and objective approaches, respectively, we sketch a framework where agent interactions with coordination artifacts are modelled as physical acts, deliberated and executed by agents analogously to communicative actions. Then, we show how the JADE infrastructure for FIPA-compliant agents, and the TuCSoN infrastructure providing agents with coordination artifacts can be integrated at the technology level, allowing JADE agents to access TuCSoN tuple centres through JADE services

    Multi-robot Task Allocation using Agglomerative Clustering

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    The main objective of this thesis is to solve the problem of balancing tasks in the Multi-robot Task Allocation problem domain. When allocating a large number of tasks to a multi-robot system, it is important to balance the load effectively across the robots in the system. In this thesis an algorithm is proposed in which tasks are allocated through clustering, investigating the effectiveness of agglomerative hierarchical clustering as compared to K-means clustering. Once the tasks are clustered, each agent claims a cluster through a greedy self-assignment. This thesis investigates the performance both when all tasks are known ahead of time as well as when new tasks are injected into the system periodically. To account for new tasks, both global re-clustering and greedy clustering methods are considered. Three metrics: 1) total travel cost, 2) maximum distance traveled per robot, and 3) balancing cost index are used to compare the performance of the overall system in environments both with and without obstacles. The results collected from the experiments show that agglomerative hierarchical clustering is deterministic and better at minimizing the total travel cost, especially for large numbers of agents, whereas K-means works better to balance costs. In addition to this, the greedy approach for clustering new tasks works better for frequently appearing tasks than infrequent ones

    Roboskeleton: an architecture for coordinating Robot Soccer agents

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    SkeletonAgent is an agent framework whose main feature is to integrate different artificial intelligent skills, like planning or learning, to obtain new behaviours in a multi-agent environment. This framework has been previously instantiated in a deliberative domain (electronic tourism), where planning was used to integrate Web information in a tourist plan. RoboSkeleton results from the instantiation of the same framework, SkeletonAgent, in a very different domain, the robot soccer. This paper shows how this architecture is used to obtain collaborative behaviours in a reactive domain. The paper describes how the different modules of the architecture for the robot soccer agents are designed, directly showing the flexibility of our framework.Publicad

    Flexibility of Multiagent Problem-Solving Based on Mutual Understanding

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    Cloud Computing Integrated into Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Architecture

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    The main objective of Cloud Computing is to provide software, services and computing infrastructures carried out independently by the network. This concept is based on the development of dynamic, distributed and scalable software. In this way there are Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and agent frameworks which provide tools for developing distributed systems and multiagent systems that can be used for the establishment of cloud computing environments. This paper presents CISM@ (Cloud computing Integrated into Service-Oriented Multi-Agent) architecture set on top of the platforms and frameworks by adding new layers for integrating a SOA and Cloud Computing approach and facilitating the distribution and management of functionalities