8,404 research outputs found

    The nature and evaluation of commercial expert system building tools, revision 1

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    This memorandum reviews the factors that constitute an Expert System Building Tool (ESBT) and evaluates current tools in terms of these factors. Evaluation of these tools is based on their structure and their alternative forms of knowledge representation, inference mechanisms and developer end-user interfaces. Next, functional capabilities, such as diagnosis and design, are related to alternative forms of mechanization. The characteristics and capabilities of existing commercial tools are then reviewed in terms of these criteria

    Simulation-assisted control in building energy management systems

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    Technological advances in real-time data collection, data transfer and ever-increasing computational power are bringing simulation-assisted control and on-line fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) closer to reality than was imagined when building energy management systems (BEMSs) were introduced in the 1970s. This paper describes the development and testing of a prototype simulation-assisted controller, in which a detailed simulation program is embedded in real-time control decision making. Results from an experiment in a full-scale environmental test facility demonstrate the feasibility of predictive control using a physically-based thermal simulation program

    Fifty years of the Psychology of Programming

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    This paper reflects on the evolution (past, present and future) of the ‘psychology of programming' over the 50 year period of this anniversary issue. The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) has been a key venue for much seminal work in this field, including its first foundations, and we review the changing research concerns seen in publications over these five decades. We relate this thematic evolution to research taking place over the same period within more specialist communities, especially the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG), the Empirical Studies of Programming series (ESP), and the ongoing community in Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Many other communities have interacted with psychology of programming, both influenced by research published within the specialist groups, and in turn influencing research priorities. We end with an overview of the core theories that have been developed over this period, as an introductory resource for new researchers, and also with the authors’ own analysis of key priorities for future research

    Creation of the selection list for the Experiment Scheduling Program (ESP)

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    The efforts to develop a procedure to construct selection groups to augment the Experiment Scheduling Program (ESP) are summarized. Included is a User's Guide and a sample scenario to guide in the use of the software system that implements the developed procedures

    Information support system comfort and energy efficiency of living spaces

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    Робота присвячена методам та засобам автоматичного регулювання параметрів повітряного середовища в приміщеннях. Запропоновано рішення про автоматизацію управління кліматичними параметрами, що підлягають контролю в приміщенні обслуговування. Об'єктом детального вивчення є процеси кліматичного забезпечення в середовищі людини. Була вивчена технічна документація на цей об’єкт: загальна інформація; характеристики мікроклімату в житлових приміщеннях, структурна взаємодія системи контролю клімату з її основними підсистемами. Також були обрані та розраховані елементи для підсистем підсистем управління параметрами, розроблена функціональна схема автоматизації. Написано програмне забезпечення для контролера та створено інтерфейс людина-машина, який є складовою системи SCADA, що забезпечує візуалізацію системи клімат-контролю в офісі. Основним завданням дипломної роботи є розробка інформаційної системи для дистанційного контролю параметрів мікроклімату житлових приміщень з оптимальною надійністю та зниженою вартістю. У першій частині роботи були розглянуті методи реалізації автоматизованого управління в системах контролю мікроклімату. У другій частині роботи були описані характеристики мікрокліматичних умов для забезпечення комфорту людини. У третій частині розглядаються основні варіанти обладнання для впровадження інформаційної системи. Четверта частина описує загальні характеристики протоколу MQTT. Об’єкт дослідження: інформаційна система мікроклімату житлових приміщень. Предмет дослідження: автоматизована система на базі апаратної платформи ESP 8266. Метою роботи є вивчення апаратної платформи та їх можливостей для здійснення дистанційного клімат-контролю. Основні результати: автоматизована система дистанційного контролю параметрів мікроклімату житлових приміщень на базі апаратної платформи ESP 8266. Ця розробка дозволить дистанційно контролювати і контролювати параметри мікроклімату в приміщенні як вручну, так і автоматично.Thesis is devoted to methods and means of automatic regulation of parameters of air environment in premises. The decision on automation of management of the climate parameters which are subject to control in a service room is offered. The object of detailed study are the processes of climate supply in the human environment. The technical documentation for this object was studied: general information; characteristics of microclimate in living quarters, structural interaction of climate control system with its main subsystems. Elements for subsystems of parameter management subsystems were also selected and calculated, the functional scheme of automation was developed. Software for the controller was written and a human-machine interface was created, which is a component of the SCADA system, which provides visualization of the climate control system in the office. The main task of the thesis is to develop an information system for remote control of the parameters of the microclimate of residential premises with optimal reliability and reduced cost. In the first part of the work the methods of realization of automated control in microclimate control systems were considered. The second part of the work described the characteristics of microclimatic conditions to ensure human comfort. The third part considers the main choices of equipment for the implementation of the information system. The fourth part describes the general characteristics of the MQTT protocol. Object of research: information system of microclimate of living quarters. Subject of research: automated system based on hardware platform ESP 8266. The aim of the work is to study the hardware platform and their capabilities for the implementation of remote climate control. Main results: an automated system for remote control of microclimate parameters of residential premises based on the hardware platform ESP 8266. This development will allow remote monitoring and control of microclimate parameters in the room both manually and automatically.INTRODUCTION 8 1 METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATED CONTROL IN MICROCLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEMS 9 2 ANALYSIS OF HARDWARE PLATFORMS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM 17 2.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROCLIMATIC CONDITIONS TO ENSURE HUMAN COMFORT 17 2.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT FOR INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 22 2.3 HARDWARE PLATFORMS FOR SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 26 2.3.1 ARDUINO 26 2.3.2 ESP 8266 34 2.3.3 INDUSTRIAL CONTROLLERS 36 2.4 CONCLUSIONS TO THE SECOND SECTION 37 3 CHOICE OF METHODS AND EQUIPMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM 38 3.1 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM 38 3.2 ALGORITHM OF INFORMATION SYSTEM OPERATION 40 3.3 CONCLUSIONS TO THE THIRD SECTION 49 4 LIFE SAFETY 50 4.1 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 50 4.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT OF THE COMPUTER USER: MICROCLIMATE, LIGHTING, NOISE LEVEL, ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION 53 4.3 ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS COVERING CERTAIN AREAS 54 4.4 ORGANIZATION OF CIVIL PROTECTION AT INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASURES TO PREVENT EMERGENCIES OF MAN-MADE ORIGIN 57 4.5 CONCLUSIONS TO THE SIXTH SECTION 59 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS FOR THE THESIS 60 REFERENCES 6

    The prospects for mathematical logic in the twenty-first century

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    The four authors present their speculations about the future developments of mathematical logic in the twenty-first century. The areas of recursion theory, proof theory and logic for computer science, model theory, and set theory are discussed independently.Comment: Association for Symbolic Logi

    A Programming Environment Evaluation Methodology for Object-Oriented Systems

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    The object-oriented design strategy as both a problem decomposition and system development paradigm has made impressive inroads into the various areas of the computing sciences. Substantial development productivity improvements have been demonstrated in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to user interface design. However, there has been very little progress in the formal characterization of these productivity improvements and in the identification of the underlying cognitive mechanisms. The development and validation of models and metrics of this sort require large amounts of systematically-gathered structural and productivity data. There has, however, been a notable lack of systematically-gathered information on these development environments. A large part of this problem is attributable to the lack of a systematic programming environment evaluation methodology that is appropriate to the evaluation of object-oriented systems