102 research outputs found

    A major electronics upgrade for the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes 1-4

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    The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) located in the Khomas Highland in Namibia. It consists of four 12-m telescopes (CT1-4), which started operations in 2003, and a 28-m diameter one (CT5), which was brought online in 2012. It is the only IACT system featuring telescopes of different sizes, which provides sensitivity for gamma rays across a very wide energy range, from ~30 GeV up to ~100 TeV. Since the camera electronics of CT1-4 are much older than the one of CT5, an upgrade is being carried out; first deployment was in 2015, full operation is planned for 2016. The goals of this upgrade are threefold: reducing the dead time of the cameras, improving the overall performance of the array and reducing the system failure rate related to aging. Upon completion, the upgrade will assure the continuous operation of H.E.S.S. at its full sensitivity until and possibly beyond the advent of CTA. In the design of the new components, several CTA concepts and technologies were used and are thus being evaluated in the field: The upgraded read-out electronics is based on the NECTAR readout chips; the new camera front- and back-end control subsystems are based on an FPGA and an embedded ARM computer; the communication between subsystems is based on standard Ethernet technologies. These hardware solutions offer good performance, robustness and flexibility. The design of the new cameras is reported here.Comment: Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 30 July- 6 August, 2015, The Hague, The Netherland

    Lovelock: Towards Smart NIC-hosted Clusters

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    Traditional cluster designs were originally server-centric, and have evolved recently to support hardware acceleration and storage disaggregation. In applications that leverage acceleration, the server CPU performs the role of orchestrating computation and data movement and data-intensive applications stress the memory bandwidth. Applications that leverage disaggregation can be adversely affected by the increased PCIe and network bandwidth resulting from disaggregation. In this paper, we advocate for a specialized cluster design for important data intensive applications, such as analytics, query processing and ML training. This design, Lovelock, replaces each server in a cluster with one or more headless smart NICs. Because smart NICs are significantly cheaper than servers on bandwidth, the resulting cluster can run these applications without adversely impacting performance, while obtaining cost and energy savings

    TRANSOM: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant System for Training LLMs

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    Large language models (LLMs) with hundreds of billions or trillions of parameters, represented by chatGPT, have achieved profound impact on various fields. However, training LLMs with super-large-scale parameters requires large high-performance GPU clusters and long training periods lasting for months. Due to the inevitable hardware and software failures in large-scale clusters, maintaining uninterrupted and long-duration training is extremely challenging. As a result, A substantial amount of training time is devoted to task checkpoint saving and loading, task rescheduling and restart, and task manual anomaly checks, which greatly harms the overall training efficiency. To address these issues, we propose TRANSOM, a novel fault-tolerant LLM training system. In this work, we design three key subsystems: the training pipeline automatic fault tolerance and recovery mechanism named Transom Operator and Launcher (TOL), the training task multi-dimensional metric automatic anomaly detection system named Transom Eagle Eye (TEE), and the training checkpoint asynchronous access automatic fault tolerance and recovery technology named Transom Checkpoint Engine (TCE). Here, TOL manages the lifecycle of training tasks, while TEE is responsible for task monitoring and anomaly reporting. TEE detects training anomalies and reports them to TOL, who automatically enters the fault tolerance strategy to eliminate abnormal nodes and restart the training task. And the asynchronous checkpoint saving and loading functionality provided by TCE greatly shorten the fault tolerance overhead. The experimental results indicate that TRANSOM significantly enhances the efficiency of large-scale LLM training on clusters. Specifically, the pre-training time for GPT3-175B has been reduced by 28%, while checkpoint saving and loading performance have improved by a factor of 20.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Reproducible Host Networking Evaluation with End-to-End Simulation

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    Networking researchers are facing growing challenges in evaluating and reproducing results for modern network systems. As systems rely on closer integration of system components and cross-layer optimizations in the pursuit of performance and efficiency, they are also increasingly tied to specific hardware and testbed properties. Combined with a trend towards heterogeneous hardware, such as protocol offloads, SmartNICs, and in-network accelerators, researchers face the choice of either investing more and more time and resources into comparisons to prior work or, alternatively, lower the standards for evaluation. We aim to address this challenge by introducing SimBricks, a simulation framework that decouples networked systems from the physical testbed and enables reproducible end-to-end evaluation in simulation. Instead of reinventing the wheel, SimBricks is a modular framework for combining existing tried-and-true simulators for individual components, processor and memory, NIC, and network, into complete testbeds capable of running unmodified systems. In our evaluation, we reproduce key findings from prior work, including dctcp congestion control, NOPaxos in-network consensus acceleration, and the Corundum FPGA NIC.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, under submissio

    Managing Workflows on top of a Cloud Computing Orchestrator for using heterogeneous environments on e-Science

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    [EN] Scientific workflows (SWFs) are widely used to model processes in e-Science. SWFs are executed by means of workflow management systems (WMSs), which orchestrate the workload on top of computing infrastructures. The advent of cloud computing infrastructures has opened the door of using on-demand infrastructures to complement or even replace local infrastructures. However, new issues have arisen, such as the integration of hybrid resources or the compromise between infrastructure reutilisation and elasticity. In this article, we present an ad hoc solution for managing workflows exploiting the capabilities of cloud orchestrators to deploy resources on demand according to the workload and to combine heterogeneous cloud providers (such as on-premise clouds and public clouds) and traditional infrastructures (clusters) to minimise costs and response time. The work does not propose yet another WMS but demonstrates the benefits of the integration of cloud orchestration when running complex workflows. The article shows several configuration experiments from a realistic comparative genomics workflow called Orthosearch, to migrate memory-intensive workload to public infrastructures while keeping other blocks of the experiment running locally. The article computes running time and cost suggesting best practices.This paper wants to acknowledge the support of the EUBrazilCC project, funded by the European Commission (STREP 614048) and the Brazilian MCT/CNPq N. 13/2012, for the use of its infrastructure. The authors would like also to thank the Spanish 'Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad' for the project 'Clusters Virtuales Elasticos y Migrables sobre Infraestructuras Cloud Hibridas' with reference TIN2013-44390-R.Carrión Collado, AA.; Caballer Fernández, M.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Kotowski, N.; Jardim, R.; Dávila, AMR. (2017). Managing Workflows on top of a Cloud Computing Orchestrator for using heterogeneous environments on e-Science. International Journal of Web and Grid Services. 13(4):375-402. doi:10.1504/IJWGS.2017.10003225S37540213

    Management of generic and multi-platform workflows for exploiting heterogeneous environments on e-Science

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    Scientific Workflows (SWFs) are widely used to model applications in e-Science. In this programming model, scientific applications are described as a set of tasks that have dependencies among them. During the last decades, the execution of scientific workflows has been successfully performed in the available computing infrastructures (supercomputers, clusters and grids) using software programs called Workflow Management Systems (WMSs), which orchestrate the workload on top of these computing infrastructures. However, because each computing infrastructure has its own architecture and each scientific applications exploits efficiently one of these infrastructures, it is necessary to organize the way in which they are executed. WMSs need to get the most out of all the available computing and storage resources. Traditionally, scientific workflow applications have been extensively deployed in high-performance computing infrastructures (such as supercomputers and clusters) and grids. But, in the last years, the advent of cloud computing infrastructures has opened the door of using on-demand infrastructures to complement or even replace local infrastructures. However, new issues have arisen, such as the integration of hybrid resources or the compromise between infrastructure reutilization and elasticity, everything on the basis of cost-efficiency. The main contribution of this thesis is an ad-hoc solution for managing workflows exploiting the capabilities of cloud computing orchestrators to deploy resources on demand according to the workload and to combine heterogeneous cloud providers (such as on-premise clouds and public clouds) and traditional infrastructures (supercomputers and clusters) to minimize costs and response time. The thesis does not propose yet another WMS, but demonstrates the benefits of the integration of cloud orchestration when running complex workflows. The thesis shows several configuration experiments and multiple heterogeneous backends from a realistic comparative genomics workflow called Orthosearch, to migrate memory-intensive workload to public infrastructures while keeping other blocks of the experiment running locally. The running time and cost of the experiments is computed and best practices are suggested.Los flujos de trabajo científicos son comúnmente usados para modelar aplicaciones en e-Ciencia. En este modelo de programación, las aplicaciones científicas se describen como un conjunto de tareas que tienen dependencias entre ellas. Durante las últimas décadas, la ejecución de flujos de trabajo científicos se ha llevado a cabo con éxito en las infraestructuras de computación disponibles (supercomputadores, clústers y grids) haciendo uso de programas software llamados Gestores de Flujos de Trabajos, los cuales distribuyen la carga de trabajo en estas infraestructuras de computación. Sin embargo, debido a que cada infraestructura de computación posee su propia arquitectura y cada aplicación científica explota eficientemente una de estas infraestructuras, es necesario organizar la manera en que se ejecutan. Los Gestores de Flujos de Trabajo necesitan aprovechar el máximo todos los recursos de computación y almacenamiento disponibles. Habitualmente, las aplicaciones científicas de flujos de trabajos han sido ejecutadas en recursos de computación de altas prestaciones (tales como supercomputadores y clústers) y grids. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, la aparición de las infraestructuras de computación en la nube ha posibilitado el uso de infraestructuras bajo demanda para complementar o incluso reemplazar infraestructuras locales. No obstante, este hecho plantea nuevas cuestiones, tales como la integración de recursos híbridos o el compromiso entre la reutilización de la infraestructura y la elasticidad, todo ello teniendo en cuenta que sea eficiente en el coste. La principal contribución de esta tesis es una solución ad-hoc para gestionar flujos de trabajos explotando las capacidades de los orquestadores de recursos de computación en la nube para desplegar recursos bajo demando según la carga de trabajo y combinar proveedores de computación en la nube heterogéneos (privados y públicos) e infraestructuras tradicionales (supercomputadores y clústers) para minimizar el coste y el tiempo de respuesta. La tesis no propone otro gestor de flujos de trabajo más, sino que demuestra los beneficios de la integración de la orquestación de la computación en la nube cuando se ejecutan flujos de trabajo complejos. La tesis muestra experimentos con diferentes configuraciones y múltiples plataformas heterogéneas, haciendo uso de un flujo de trabajo real de genómica comparativa llamado Orthosearch, para traspasar cargas de trabajo intensivas de memoria a infraestructuras públicas mientras se mantienen otros bloques del experimento ejecutándose localmente. El tiempo de respuesta y el coste de los experimentos son calculados, además de sugerir buenas prácticas.Els fluxos de treball científics són comunament usats per a modelar aplicacions en e-Ciència. En aquest model de programació, les aplicacions científiques es descriuen com un conjunt de tasques que tenen dependències entre elles. Durant les últimes dècades, l'execució de fluxos de treball científics s'ha dut a terme amb èxit en les infraestructures de computació disponibles (supercomputadors, clústers i grids) fent ús de programari anomenat Gestors de Fluxos de Treballs, els quals distribueixen la càrrega de treball en aquestes infraestructures de computació. No obstant açò, a causa que cada infraestructura de computació posseeix la seua pròpia arquitectura i cada aplicació científica explota eficientment una d'aquestes infraestructures, és necessari organitzar la manera en què s'executen. Els Gestors de Fluxos de Treball necessiten aprofitar el màxim tots els recursos de computació i emmagatzematge disponibles. Habitualment, les aplicacions científiques de fluxos de treballs han sigut executades en recursos de computació d'altes prestacions (tals com supercomputadors i clústers) i grids. No obstant açò, en els últims anys, l'aparició de les infraestructures de computació en el núvol ha possibilitat l'ús d'infraestructures sota demanda per a complementar o fins i tot reemplaçar infraestructures locals. No obstant açò, aquest fet planteja noves qüestions, tals com la integració de recursos híbrids o el compromís entre la reutilització de la infraestructura i l'elasticitat, tot açò tenint en compte que siga eficient en el cost. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi és una solució ad-hoc per a gestionar fluxos de treballs explotant les capacitats dels orquestadors de recursos de computació en el núvol per a desplegar recursos baix demande segons la càrrega de treball i combinar proveïdors de computació en el núvol heterogenis (privats i públics) i infraestructures tradicionals (supercomputadors i clústers) per a minimitzar el cost i el temps de resposta. La tesi no proposa un gestor de fluxos de treball més, sinó que demostra els beneficis de la integració de l'orquestració de la computació en el núvol quan s'executen fluxos de treball complexos. La tesi mostra experiments amb diferents configuracions i múltiples plataformes heterogènies, fent ús d'un flux de treball real de genòmica comparativa anomenat Orthosearch, per a traspassar càrregues de treball intensives de memòria a infraestructures públiques mentre es mantenen altres blocs de l'experiment executant-se localment. El temps de resposta i el cost dels experiments són calculats, a més de suggerir bones pràctiques.Carrión Collado, AA. (2017). Management of generic and multi-platform workflows for exploiting heterogeneous environments on e-Science [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86179TESI

    A major electronics upgrade for the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes 1-4

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