283 research outputs found

    “Salamis”: Ένα παιχνίδι επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας τοποθεσίας για την τοπική ιστορία

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η παρουσίαση του σχεδιασμού, της ανάπτυξης και της αξιολόγησης ενός παιχνιδιού επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας για την τοπική ιστορία. Ο σχεδιασμός του σεναρίου του στηρίχθηκε σε μαθητές και εκπαιδευτικούς των τριών τελευταίων τάξεων ενός Δημοτικού Σχολείου της Σαλαμίνας, η ανάπτυξη του παιχνιδιού έγινε στην πλατφόρμα ARIS από εκπαιδευτικό του σχολείου ενώ στη διαμορφωτική του αξιολόγηση συμμετείχαν εκπαιδευτικοί/ειδικοί στην εκπαιδευτική τεχνολογία καθώς και χρήστες ψηφιακών παιχνιδιών. Τα αποτελέσματα της διαμορφωτικής αξιολόγησης έδειξαν ότι το παιχνίδι θεωρήθηκε εύχρηστο από μαθητές και εκπαιδευτικούς. Επίσης, αξιολογήθηκε ότι έχει όλα τα στοιχεία της εμπειρίας της Ροής, δηλαδή συγκέντρωση, σαφήνεια στόχων, ανατροφοδότηση, πρόκληση, αυτονομία, εμβύθιση και βελτίωσης της γνώσης. Παράγοντες που επηρέασαν την αρχική ανάπτυξη του παιχνιδιού ήταν οι μεγάλες ομάδες μαθητών στη διαμόρφωση του σεναρίου και ο μη επαρκής παιδαγωγικός σχεδιασμός του παιχνιδιού από τον συντονιστή - εκπαιδευτικό

    Collocated interactive outdoor games for children:A systematic literature review

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    Outdoor play is an important component in the development of children and adolescents. Nevertheless, there is a growing trend towards replacing outdoor play with sedentary indoors activity, related to media consumption and computer games. Researchers in child computer interaction and related fields have been developing games that can be played outside, encouraging physical activity and social interaction. This article reviews this niche but substantial body of work, aiming to provide an overview of these games, the evidence provided regarding the benefits they claim to provide and related methodological issues. The paper takes a critical reflection on the role of technology in outdoor play and suggests areas for future research, including the learning and developmental benefits that these games can provide to children in the long term

    Collocated interactive outdoor games for children:A systematic literature review

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    Outdoor play is an important component in the development of children and adolescents. Nevertheless, there is a growing trend towards replacing outdoor play with sedentary indoors activity, related to media consumption and computer games. Researchers in child computer interaction and related fields have been developing games that can be played outside, encouraging physical activity and social interaction. This article reviews this niche but substantial body of work, aiming to provide an overview of these games, the evidence provided regarding the benefits they claim to provide and related methodological issues. The paper takes a critical reflection on the role of technology in outdoor play and suggests areas for future research, including the learning and developmental benefits that these games can provide to children in the long term

    El Potencial de Gamificación para Aumentar la Competitividad de Destinos Turísticos: revisión de la literatura basada en Scopus

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    A gamificação surgiu com o propósito de gerar envolvimento, lealdade e, acima de tudo, proporcionar uma experiência marcante para turistas e visitantes. Em vista disso, os destinos turísticos tornaram-se mais sensíveis às oportunidades de criação de novos serviços e produtos gamificados na indústria do turismo. Nesse cenário, este artigo objetiva analisar os estudos científicos (teóricos e empíricos) sobre a gamificação aplicada ao turismo com a finalidade de identificar elementos que justifiquem o potencial da gamificação para gerar competitividade nos destinos turísticos. Para atingir o objetivo, executaram-se pesquisas eletrônicas na base de dados especializada Scopus, atingindo-se, ao término da pesquisa, um agregado de onze documentos científicos identificados como significativos para a abordagem deste estudo. Deste modo, esta revisão exploratória da literatura trouxe as seguintes conclusões: (1) identificação de tendências na literatura sobre gamificação no turismo; (2) autores e publicações que mais se destacam nessa área; (3) objetivos, contextos e abordagens da gamificação no setor; (4) o potencial da gamificação para a competitividade; e, por fim, (5) a indicação das abordagens metodológicas adotadas nos estudos analisados. Além disso, permitiu-se realizar uma síntese do conhecimento sobre a temática, o que possibilitou a percepção do que já se sabe sobre o tema e o que se precisa saber, além de apontar direções para investigações futuras e algumas limitações de investigações nessa área.Gamification has emerged with the purpose of generating involvement, loyalty and, above all, providing a remarkable experience for tourists and visitors. In view of this, tourist destinations have become more sensitive to the opportunities to create new services and gamified products in the tourism industry. In this scenario, this article aims to analyze the scientific studies (theoretical and empirical) on gamification applied to tourism in order to identify elements that justify the potential of gamification to generate competitiveness in tourist destinations. In order to achieve this goal, an electronic research was carried out in the specialized Scopus database, reaching, at the end of the research, an aggregate of eleven scientific documents identified as significant for the approach of this study. Thus, this exploratory review of the literature brought the following conclusions: (1) identification of trends in the literature on tourism gamification; (2) authors and publications that stand out most in this area; (3) goals, contexts, and approaches to gamification in the industry; (4) the potential of gamification for competitiveness; and, finally, (5) the indication of the methodological approaches adopted in the studies analyzed. In addition, it was possible to make a synthesis of the knowledge on the subject, which made possible the perception of what is already known about the subject and what one needs to know, besides pointing out directions for future investigations and some limitations of investigations in this area.La gamificación se acercó con el propósito de generar participación, la lealtad y sobre todo proporcionar una experiencia notable para los turistas y visitantes. La vista de esto, los destinos turísticos se han vuelto más sensibles a las oportunidades para crear nuevos servicios y productos en la industria gamificados turismo. En este escenario, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los estudios científicos (teóricos y empíricos sobre gamificación) aplicado en el turismo con el fin de identificar elementos de apoyo al potencial de gamificación para generar competitividad en los destinos turísticos. Para lograr el objetivo, que se llevaron a cabo investigaciones en una base de datos electrónica especializada, Scopus, de llegar al final de la investigación un total de once trabajos científicos indicados como significativos para el enfoque de este estudio. Por lo tanto, esta revisión sistemática de la literatura permitió a las siguientes conclusiones: (1) la identificación de las tendencias en la literatura sobre gamificación en el turismo; (2) autores y publicaciones que se destacan en este ámbito; (3) los objetivos, contextos y enfoques de gamificación en el sector; (4) el potencial de gamificación para la competitividad y, por último, (5) apunta hacia arriba los enfoques metodológicos adoptados en los estudios analizados. También permite realizar una síntesis de los conocimientos sobre el tema, dando la oportunidad de conocer lo que ya se sabe sobre el tema y lo que necesita saber, y señalar direcciones para futuras investigaciones y algunas limitaciones de la investigación en esta área

    O Potencial da Gamificação para Aumentar a Competitividade dos Destinos Turísticos: revisão de literatura baseada na Scopus

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    A gamificação surgiu com o propósito de gerar envolvimento, lealdade e, acima de tudo, proporcionar uma experiência marcante para turistas e visitantes. Em vista disso, os destinos turísticos tornaram-se mais sensíveis às oportunidades de criação de novos serviços e produtos gamificados na indústria do turismo. Nesse cenário, este artigo objetiva analisar os estudos científicos (teóricos e empíricos) sobre a gamificação aplicada ao turismo com a finalidade de identificar elementos que justifiquem o potencial da gamificação para gerar competitividade nos destinos turísticos. Para atingir o objetivo, executaram-se pesquisas eletrônicas na base de dados especializada Scopus, atingindo-se, ao término da pesquisa, um agregado de onze documentos científicos identificados como significativos para a abordagem deste estudo. Deste modo, esta revisão exploratória da literatura trouxe as seguintes conclusões: (1) identificação de tendências na literatura sobre gamificação no turismo; (2) autores e publicações que mais se destacam nessa área; (3) objetivos, contextos e abordagens da gamificação no setor; (4) o potencial da gamificação para a competitividade; e, por fim, (5) a indicação das abordagens metodológicas adotadas nos estudos analisados. Além disso, permitiu- se realizar uma síntese do conhecimento sobre a temática, o que possibilitou a percepção do que já se sabe sobre o tema e o que se precisa saber, além de apontar direções para investigações futuras e algumas limitações de investigações nessa área.Gamification has emerged with the purpose of generating involvement, loyalty and, above all, providing a remarkable experience for tourists and visitors. In view of this, tourist destinations have become more sensitive to the opportunities to create new services and gamified products in the tourism industry. In this scenario, this article aims to analyze the scientific studies (theoretical and empirical) on gamification applied to tourism in order to identify elements that justify the potential of gamification to generate competitiveness in tourist destinations. In order to achieve this goal, an electronic research was carried out in the specialized Scopus database, reaching, at the end of the research, an aggregate of eleven scientific documents identified as significant for the approach of this study. Thus, this exploratory review of the literature brought the following conclusions: (1) identification of trends in the literature on tourism gamification; (2) authors and publications that stand out most in this area; (3) goals, contexts, and approaches to gamification in the industry; (4) the potential of gamification for competitiveness; and, finally, (5) the indication of the methodological approaches adopted in the studies analyzed. In addition, it was possible to make a synthesis of the knowledge on the subject, which made possible the perception of what is already known about the subject and what one needs to know, besides pointing out directions for future investigations and some limitations of investigations in this area.publishe

    Designing with teenagers: A teenage perspective on enhancing mobile museum experiences

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    Teenagers are an understudied group within the Interaction Design and Children community. Museums and cultural heritage spaces offer solutions for young children but none that are specifically targeted to teenagers. The active involvement of teenagers in the design of interactive technologies for museums is lacking further development. This paper centres on the presentation and discussion of several design sessions deployed with 155 teenage participants aged 15-19. They were asked to ideate a mobile museum experience that they would enjoy. Through qualitative analysis, the disparities in suggestions about story-based apps vs. game-based apps show that teenagers might value gamification over narratives. This work generates design recommendations for mobile museum tour guides for teenagers, to be used by both curators and museum designers in engaging teenagers in museum exhibitions. We also contrast the game and narrative mechanics produced by teenagers with what is already known. Finally, we answer the questions of how these findings align with existing museum guides for teenagers and how other designers can design with teenagers for this domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Can the Circle Be Unbroken” : An Ensemble of Memory and Performance in Selected Novels of Lee Smith

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    This project combines performance studies and memory studies to the analysis of three of Lee Smith’s southern Appalachian novels in order to open the texts to broader understandings of Smith’s use of oral performance forms, such as ballads, music, and storytelling, in her characters’ transmissions of tradition. The approach draws on performance work by Joseph Roach and collective memory theory by Maurice Halbwachs to create a lens through which to add to existing Smith scholarship centering on feminist readings and women’s authorship. This blended approach allows room to analyze the oral performance forms so central to Smith’s work and their role in her work of transmitting Appalachian cultural memory through multiple family generations. Close readings of murder ballad themes and country music that pervade Smith’s work yields insight into Smith’s negotiation of personal memory, collective memory, and public memory passed down through the malleable forms of song. Chapter 1 probes the importance of audience and listener in Oral History. Chapter 2 analyzes the artistic process of negotiating individual memory with shared memory in Fair and Tender Ladies. Chapter 3 analyzes the role of “roots” and origins in the development of country music as portrayed in The Devil’s Dream. Each of the three chapters takes up a different theme on Smith’s use of performance as a vehicle through which her characters artistically revise cultural memory, recover personal memory, and create public memory

    Word Play: Modernist Women and Performative Writing

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    In Word Play: Modernist Women and Performative Writing I read modernist literary texts informed by theories about theatre, performance, and art. Exploring lesser-known works of Djuna Barnes, Gwendolyn Bennett, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Mina Loy, I combine literary analysis and performance studies to discover how modernist texts talk back to performance theories.;Performance studies, of course, is an inter-discipline that includes anthropology, sociology, performing arts, and literary theory. Modernist authors, influenced as they often are by art, performance, and ritual, incorporate these interdisciplinary interests into a writing practice, specifically performative writing. Performative writing is not so much a matter of style and form as a discursive, rhetorical practice. It presents textual moments that invoke performance and is grounded in the corporality of the body, calling attention to physical bodies in relation and movement. Because performative writing contains a rhetoric of potential action, it can have real social and political consequences. It stages a particular type of encounter between textuality and social realities, a relationship that appears in each of the primary texts I explore in this project. The work of these women is an active response to and reworking of social and political issues, and it acknowledges the complex relationship between history/politics and art/aesthetic form. I understand this labor as a modernist performance.;I do not attempt to define or demonstrate the most illustrative examples of performative writing; nor do I aim to lay out a conclusive and complete definition. Rather, I am interested in discovering how performative writing acts in the world and what effects it has. I lead with the writers themselves and map several trajectories of performative writing through these writers and their work. I chose these writers because they employ similar rhetorical strategies and have shared stylistic practices. I set the stage with Barnes to show the relation between physical violence and rhetorical violence; Bennett\u27s performativity involves breaking enforced invisibility and silence and uniting a community; Millay offers a metatheatrical performance that positions human agency against cycles of violence throughout history; and Loy gives a subjective account of the trauma of gender performance. Each chapter explores a different kind of violence and intervenes in that violence, offering commentary and critique in highbrow as well as lowbrow genres. My project demonstrates the ways in which the practice of performative writing can inform and expand our study of modernisms, genre, and gender

    2D to 3D non photo realistic character transformation and morphing (computer animation)

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    This research concerns the transformation and morphing between a full body 2D and 3D animated character. This practice based research will examine both technical and aesthetic techniques for enhancing morphing of animated characters. Stylized character transformations from A to B and from B to A, where details like facial expression, body motion, texture are to be expressively transformed aesthetically in a narrated story. Currently it is hard to separate 2D and 3D animation in a mix media usage. If we analyse and breakdown these graphical components, we could actually find a distinction as to how these 2D and 3D element increase the information level and complexity of storytelling. However, if we analyse it from character animation perspective, instance transformation of a digital character from 2D to 3D is not possible without post production techniques, pre-define 3D information such as blend shape or complex geometry data and mathematic calculation. There are mainly two elements to this investigation. The primary element is the design system of such stylizes character in 2D and 3D. Currently many design systems (morphing software) are based on photo realistic artifacts such as Fanta Morph, Morph Buster, Morpheus, Fun Morph and etc. This investigation will focus on non photo realistic character morphing. In seeking to define the targeted non photo realistic, illustrated stylize 2D and 3D character, I am examining the advantages and disadvantages of a number of 2D illustrated characters in respect to 3D morphing. This investigation could also help to analyse the efficiency and limitation of such 2D and 3D non photo realistic character design and transformation where broader techniques will be explored. The secondary element is the theoretical investigation by relating how such artistic and technical morphing idea is being used in past and today films/games. In a narrated story contain character that acts upon a starting question or situation and reacts on the event. The gap between his aim and the result of his acting, the gap between his vision and his personality creates the dramatic tension. I intend to distinguish the possibility of identifying a transitional process of voice between narrator and morphing character, while also illustrating, through visual terminology, the varying fluctuations between two speaking agents. I intend to prove and insert sample demonstrating “morphing” is not just visually important but have direct impact on storytelling

    Restoring performance : personal story, place, and memory in post-Katrina New Orleans

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    Following the devastation of 80 percent of the city of New Orleans and the prolonged period of trauma due to levee failure and lack of effective emergency response in 2005, New Orleanian performing artists independently and along with national artists to create post-K performances as acts of restoration. This study explores post-disaster New Orleanian performances that engage with the interaction of personal story, place, and memory in response to disaster. How are these site-specific performances at significant sites of memory performative in the J.L. Austin sense? In the context of disaster, what are ethical implications of remembering? How may certain post-disaster performances animate community; sustain and convey cultural memory; reclaim lost spaces; incorporate marginalized stories; counter and resist master narratives; forge bridges of pre-and post disaster identities; and open an imaginative space to envision recovery. For this study I draw from the theoretical work of Jill Dolan, Peggy Phelan, Elin Diamond, Diane Taylor, Joseph Roach, Sylvie Rollet, Dwight Conquergood, James Thompson, Jan Cohen-Cruz, Sonia Kuftinec, Paul Connerton, and Pierre Nora to approach these performances. The act of making community visible to itself through the vehicle of story unleashes a performative power in these performances that follows conceptualizations of memory as embodied, connected to the present moment, and always in movement. These post-K performances engaging personal story, place, and memory take many forms: a bus tour, gutted home visitations, a communal feast, hauntings, an occupation, story sharing in community sites and in red tents, improvisational performance, and symbolic reclamation of iconic sites of disaster. How do these performances, through their overt process of recollection, inhabit a present moment and emphasize presence? How do these performances of memory invigorate a movement forward in the direction of recovery for communities reeling from disaster? This study looks most closely at LakeviewS: A Sunset Bus Tour by Home NOLA?; Paul Chan/Creative Time’s Waiting for Godot; Swimming Upstream coproduced by V-Day International and Ashé Cultural Arts Center in New Orleans; and the ongoing work of NOLA Playback Theatre in micro-community settings