315,619 research outputs found

    Being a Good Teacher in Biology and Chemistry Classes (A Case Study at SMAN 2 of Semarang City)

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    The position of teachers in education process is very important and dominant. Thus the success of education affected much by the existence of teachers. Being a good teacher, one must fulfill any kind of qualifications, such as pedagogical competency, personality competency, social competency, professional competency, and spiritual competency or religious competency; as recommended by UUGD No. 14/2005. From the aspect of graduation, teachers in all education institutes from kindergarten to Senior High School must be S1 or D4 graduates. Moreover; all the teachers must have passed a certification program. To support all competencies, the teacher then continues the education to reach the target level of S1/D4 or even S2 program. In brief, the teacher should have all competencies required either in the classroom activities or outside the classroom, and even in the daily life of society. SMAN 2 of Semarang City is one of Senior High Schools in Semarang City having tried to carry out the issue of UUGD No. 14/2005 to prepare all things needed to be a good school in this city and even in national scope.Keywords: competency, certification program, graduates, graduation, and dominan

    Teaching Competency of Teacher of Building Drawing Skill In SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul

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    Teacher is an important element for the improvement of Indonesia’s education because teacher has a role to delivery subject matter directly to the student. The teacher must have good teaching competency so the aim of learning can be achieved. This research is explain how teaching competency in productive subject matter, building drawing course in SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul. In this research the writer take research object was 6 teachers of building drawing course in SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantu. Data collection technique was indirect observation in 3 kinds of questionnaire. First questionnaire was for student participant, the second was for head master participant. The questionnaire consisted of 4 answer choice, (BS) very good, (B) good,(K) minus,(KS) very minus. The third was portfolio questionnaire for teacher participant. Data of this research was analyzed with descriptive statistics technique and descriptive quantitative. Result of the research show that in general teaching competency teacher in productive subject matter, building drawing course SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul can be categorized in good category. From 6 indicators of teaching competency 83,3% were good and 16,66% was minus. The indicators categorized as good category were indicator of teaching instrument usage, giving motivation, indicator of assessment, the use of teaching method, interaction between teacher and student, However, for presentation matter was categorized as minus. Second, result of this research indicated that there was correlation between head master assessment and student assessment for teaching competency. The student assessment was more objective than head master’s assessment because the number of student was bigger than the number of head masters that just one person. The student had enough time to fill up the questionnaire so the result was more accurate. The student was more understand because the teacher aught them every day. Third, this research indicated that there was no correlation between assessment of teacher portfolio and their teaching competency, it means, for the student, high result of portfolio assessment didn’t increase the teachers’ teaching competency. So, portfolio assessment can’t be absolute reference to assess the teacher competency. Keyword: Teaching competency, Productive subject matter, Pedagogic competency, Personal competenc

    Comparative Study of Competency and Certification of Special Education Teachers in Various Countries

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    Being a professional teacher must meet the competency standards set by the government. Special education teachers must also be professional because special education teachers must have specific competencies that teachers in public schools do not possess. This study aims to describe special education teachers' competence and certification in various countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and South Korea. Teacher certification is the process of giving educator certificates to teachers and has several competencies, namely: pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence. In several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and South Korea, the special education teacher certification program must have a Bachelor of Education academic qualification, have an educator certificate by following the available programs, and pass a field competency test

    Comparative Study of Competency and Certification of Special Education Teachers in Various Countries

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    Being a professional teacher must meet the competency standards set by the government. Special education teachers must also be professional because special education teachers must have specific competencies that teachers in public schools do not possess. This study aims to describe special education teachers' competence and certification in various countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and South Korea. Teacher certification is the process of giving educator certificates to teachers and has several competencies, namely: pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence. In several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and South Korea, the special education teacher certification program must have a Bachelor of Education academic qualification, have an educator certificate by following the available programs, and pass a field competency test

    Communication Competency: Coaches and the Media

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    Communication is a major component of sport, particularly among coaches. These figures must be able to effectively communicate to capitalize on every media interaction and to do so effectively must possess the three characteristics of communication competency, skill, motivation, and knowledge. To determine the level of communication competency athletic coaches have when communicating with the media, surveys were conducted. The questions within the surveys were used to rank the coach based on his or her level of the three characteristics of communication competency. The study focused on varsity-level athletic coaches at SUNY Oswego. By studying the communication competency of these coaches the research is able to determine the importance of Communication competency among coaches in a small area. During the study I will utilize other variables such as length of time coaching and budget size to compare coaches within similar programs. This will allow the study to reveal any direct correlations between a coach’s success with the media and his or her communication competency while limiting the influence of outside variables. In the end I wish to determine whether the communication competency of coaches is a valuable asset to both the individual’s athletic program and university

    Recent Development: Sibug v. State: When a Defendant is Found Incompetent, a Retrial Does Not Renew His Responsibility to Raise the Issue of Competency; A Judicial Determination of Competency is Required Upon Retrial

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    The Court of Appeals of Maryland held that a defendant who was previously found incompetent must be given a new competency hearing at retrial. Sibug v. State, 445 Md. 265, 319, 126 A.3d 86, 116 (2015). In addition, the defendant does not have to raise the issue of competency anew

    Recent Development: Sibug v. State: When a Defendant is Found Incompetent, a Retrial Does Not Renew His Responsibility to Raise the Issue of Competency; A Judicial Determination of Competency is Required Upon Retrial

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    The Court of Appeals of Maryland held that a defendant who was previously found incompetent must be given a new competency hearing at retrial. Sibug v. State, 445 Md. 265, 319, 126 A.3d 86, 116 (2015). In addition, the defendant does not have to raise the issue of competency anew

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Independensi dan Profesionalisme terhadap Kualitas Audit (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Se Sumatera)

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    The purpose of this research is to research the influence of competency level,auditor independency and profosionalism to the audit quality. Competency,independency and profosionalism are three characteristics that must be have bythe auditor.The population of this research is an external auditor. The sample that isresearched is auditor who works in public accounting that domiciled inSumatera.There are 163 questionnaires being spread. The returned questionnaireare 89. this research is used result test double regression linear, they are t testand F test.This research gives empirical research to support the competency influence,independency, profesionalism auditor to the audit quality partially andsimultaneously.Kata Kunci : Audit quality, competency, independency, profesionalis

    Competency building in a busy working day for librarians and for libraries

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    Medical librarians know very well that they must build new competencies to offer relevant services and develop new library services. In a workshop at the EAHIL conference 2023, suggestions for competency building, and how libraries can build competency, were discussed. Positive and enthusiastic participants came up with many ideas: different types of clubs, webinars and courses, knowledge sharing with colleagues, regularly block out time, or just solve your tasks in a new way. The experiences showed that competency building in a busy work schedule is possible. The initiatives have in common that they portray an attitude to learn more, but also the willingness to organise activities and share competency with colleagues.publishedVersio
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