26 research outputs found

    The Michaelis-Menten-Stueckelberg Theorem

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    We study chemical reactions with complex mechanisms under two assumptions: (i) intermediates are present in small amounts (this is the quasi-steady-state hypothesis or QSS) and (ii) they are in equilibrium relations with substrates (this is the quasiequilibrium hypothesis or QE). Under these assumptions, we prove the generalized mass action law together with the basic relations between kinetic factors, which are sufficient for the positivity of the entropy production but hold even without microreversibility, when the detailed balance is not applicable. Even though QE and QSS produce useful approximations by themselves, only the combination of these assumptions can render the possibility beyond the "rarefied gas" limit or the "molecular chaos" hypotheses. We do not use any a priori form of the kinetic law for the chemical reactions and describe their equilibria by thermodynamic relations. The transformations of the intermediate compounds can be described by the Markov kinetics because of their low density ({\em low density of elementary events}). This combination of assumptions was introduced by Michaelis and Menten in 1913. In 1952, Stueckelberg used the same assumptions for the gas kinetics and produced the remarkable semi-detailed balance relations between collision rates in the Boltzmann equation that are weaker than the detailed balance conditions but are still sufficient for the Boltzmann HH-theorem to be valid. Our results are obtained within the Michaelis-Menten-Stueckelbeg conceptual framework.Comment: 54 pages, the final version; correction of a misprint in Attachment

    Detailed balance in micro- and macrokinetics and micro-distinguishability of macro-processes

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    We develop a general framework for the discussion of detailed balance and analyse its microscopic background. We find that there should be two additions to the well-known TT- or PTPT-invariance of the microscopic laws of motion: 1. Equilibrium should not spontaneously break the relevant TT- or PTPT-symmetry. 2. The macroscopic processes should be microscopically distinguishable to guarantee persistence of detailed balance in the model reduction from micro- to macrokinetics. We briefly discuss examples of the violation of these rules and the corresponding violation of detailed balance.Comment: 7 pages, extended version with new sections: "Reciprocal relation and detailed balance" and "Relations between elementary processes beyond microreversibility and detailed balance.

    Transition states and entangled mass action law

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    The classical approaches to the derivation of the (generalized) Mass Action Law (MAL) assume that the intermediate transition state (i) has short life time and (ii) is in partial equilibrium with the initial reagents of the elementary reaction. The partial equilibrium assumption (ii) means that the reverse decomposition of the intermediates is much faster than its transition through other channels to the products. In this work we demonstrate how avoiding this partial equilibrium assumption modifies the reaction rates. This kinetic revision of transition state theory results in an effective `entanglement' of reaction rates, which become linear combinations of different MAL expressions.Comment: Significantly extended version with more explanation, illustrations, and reference

    Local Equivalence of Reversible and General Markov Kinetics

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    We consider continuous--time Markov kinetics with a finite number of states and a given positive equilibrium distribution P*. For an arbitrary probability distribution PP we study the possible right hand sides, dP/dt, of the Kolmogorov (master) equations. We describe the cone of possible values of the velocity, dP/dt, as a function of P and P*. We prove that, surprisingly, these cones coincide for the class of all Markov processes with equilibrium P* and for the reversible Markov processes with detailed balance at this equilibrium. Therefore, for an arbitrary probability distribution PP and a general system there exists a system with detailed balance and the same equilibrium that has the same velocity dP/dt at point P. The set of Lyapunov functions for the reversible Markov processes coincides with the set of Lyapunov functions for general Markov kinetics. The results are extended to nonlinear systems with the generalized mass action law.Comment: Significantly extended version, 21 page

    Demystification of Entangled Mass Action Law

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    Recently, Gorban (2021) analysed some kinetic paradoxes of the transition state theory and proposed its revision that gave the ``entangled mass action law'', in which new reactions were generated as an addition to the reaction mechanism under consideration. These paradoxes arose due to the assumption of quasiequilibrium between reactants and transition states. In this paper, we provided a brief introduction to this theory, demonstrating how the entangled mass action law equations can be derived in the framework of the standard quasi steady state approximation in combination with the quasiequilibrium generalized mass action law for an auxiliary reaction network including reactants and intermediates. We also proved the basic physical property (positivity) for these new equations, which was not obvious in the original approach.Comment: Minor correction

    Tropicalization and tropical equilibration of chemical reactions

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    Systems biology uses large networks of biochemical reactions to model the functioning of biological cells from the molecular to the cellular scale. The dynamics of dissipative reaction networks with many well separated time scales can be described as a sequence of successive equilibrations of different subsets of variables of the system. Polynomial systems with separation are equilibrated when at least two monomials, of opposite signs, have the same order of magnitude and dominate the others. These equilibrations and the corresponding truncated dynamics, obtained by eliminating the dominated terms, find a natural formulation in tropical analysis and can be used for model reduction.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, workshop Tropical-12, Moskow, August 26-31, 2012; in press Contemporary Mathematic

    Quasichemical Models of Multicomponent Nonlinear Diffusion

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    Diffusion preserves the positivity of concentrations, therefore, multicomponent diffusion should be nonlinear if there exist non-diagonal terms. The vast variety of nonlinear multicomponent diffusion equations should be ordered and special tools are needed to provide the systematic construction of the nonlinear diffusion equations for multicomponent mixtures with significant interaction between components. We develop an approach to nonlinear multicomponent diffusion based on the idea of the reaction mechanism borrowed from chemical kinetics. Chemical kinetics gave rise to very seminal tools for the modeling of processes. This is the stoichiometric algebra supplemented by the simple kinetic law. The results of this invention are now applied in many areas of science, from particle physics to sociology. In our work we extend the area of applications onto nonlinear multicomponent diffusion. We demonstrate, how the mechanism based approach to multicomponent diffusion can be included into the general thermodynamic framework, and prove the corresponding dissipation inequalities. To satisfy thermodynamic restrictions, the kinetic law of an elementary process cannot have an arbitrary form. For the general kinetic law (the generalized Mass Action Law), additional conditions are proved. The cell--jump formalism gives an intuitively clear representation of the elementary transport processes and, at the same time, produces kinetic finite elements, a tool for numerical simulation.Comment: 81 pages, Bibliography 118 references, a review paper (v4: the final published version

    Iterative Approximate Solutions of Kinetic Equations for Reversible Enzyme Reactions

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    We study kinetic models of reversible enzyme reactions and compare two techniques for analytic approximate solutions of the model. Analytic approximate solutions of non-linear reaction equations for reversible enzyme reactions are calculated using the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) and the Simple Iteration Method (SIM). The results of the approximations are similar. The Matlab programs are included in appendices.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figure

    Reduction of dynamical biochemical reaction networks in computational biology

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    Biochemical networks are used in computational biology, to model the static and dynamical details of systems involved in cell signaling, metabolism, and regulation of gene expression. Parametric and structural uncertainty, as well as combinatorial explosion are strong obstacles against analyzing the dynamics of large models of this type. Multi-scaleness is another property of these networks, that can be used to get past some of these obstacles. Networks with many well separated time scales, can be reduced to simpler networks, in a way that depends only on the orders of magnitude and not on the exact values of the kinetic parameters. The main idea used for such robust simplifications of networks is the concept of dominance among model elements, allowing hierarchical organization of these elements according to their effects on the network dynamics. This concept finds a natural formulation in tropical geometry. We revisit, in the light of these new ideas, the main approaches to model reduction of reaction networks, such as quasi-steady state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, and provide practical recipes for model reduction of linear and nonlinear networks. We also discuss the application of model reduction to backward pruning machine learning techniques

    A geometric method for model reduction of biochemical networks with polynomial rate functions

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    Model reduction of biochemical networks relies on the knowledge of slow and fast variables. We provide a geometric method, based on the Newton polytope, to identify slow variables of a biochemical network with polynomial rate functions. The gist of the method is the notion of tropical equilibration that provides approximate descriptions of slow invariant manifolds. Compared to extant numerical algorithms such as the intrinsic low dimensional manifold method, our approach is symbolic and utilizes orders of magnitude instead of precise values of the model parameters. Application of this method to a large collection of biochemical network models supports the idea that the number of dynamical variables in minimal models of cell physiology can be small, in spite of the large number of molecular regulatory actors