11 research outputs found

    Metadata for Evidence Based Medicine resources

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    A new metadata element set based on Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DC) and Admin-Core: Administrative Container Core (A-Core) was proposed for Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) sources after reviewing metadata elements and contents of current EBM sources and medical metadata for Internet resources. The metadata schema was designed to provide a common format for existing primary and secondary studies; further for Internet resources as prospective sources. An enhanced DC.Description element can store structured abstracts of primary studies in primary and secondary studies of clinical research; A-Core elements are used for indexers or creators of metadata for primary studies. Two encoding schemes were suggested as EBM qualifiers for the DC.Subject element to distinguish important factors of EBM practices: the degree of evidence and focuses of clinical perspectives such as therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, and etiology. An additional feature of this metadata schema is in distinction of a variety of "types" (e.g., study type, resource type, format, genre

    Documentaci贸n m茅dica: algunos aspectos cr铆ticos actuales

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    [email protected] realitza una breu revisi贸 de la situaci贸 de desenvolupament professional i producci贸 cient铆fica de la Documentaci贸 M猫dica a Espanya, fonamentalment, en l鈥檃plicaci贸 hospital脿ria de la vertent de Documentaci贸 assistencial i sanit脿ria i s鈥檃nalitzen tres aspectes cr铆tics actuals: necessitats d鈥檌nformaci贸 en l鈥檃ssist猫ncia; hist貌ria cl铆nica; i qualitat.Se realiza una breve revisi贸n de la situaci贸n de desarrollo profesional y producci贸n cient铆fica de la Documentaci贸n M茅dica en Espa帽a, fundamentalmente, en la aplicaci贸n hospitalaria de la vertiente de Documentaci贸n asistencial y sanitaria y se analizan tres aspectos cr铆ticos actuales: necesidades de informaci贸n en la asistencia; historia cl铆nica; y calidad.A short revision of the professional development and scientific production of the Medical Documentation in Spain is studied, mainly, into the look of the hospitalary application of the sanitary and assistential documentation and three present critical aspects are analysed: information needs in the assistance; medical history; and quality

    Medicina basada en la evidencia: revisi贸n del concepto

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    This article reviews the concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM), EBM is a way to engage the best available evidence with the expertise and individual skills of the doctor is also a way to nurture the practice of medicine with scientific data. The thesis begins with a journey through the history of the concept, then we review what levels of evidence are and grades of recommendation, finally concisely describes how to make MBE.En el presente art铆culo se revisa el concepto de medicina basada en evidencias (MBE); la MBE es una forma de engranar la mejor evidencia disponible con la pericia y las habilidades individuales del m茅dico; es tambi茅n una manera de nutrir la pr谩ctica m茅dica con datos cient铆ficos. Inicialmente se realiza un recorrido por la historia del concepto, seguidamente se hace una revisi贸n de lo que son niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendaci贸n, finalmente se describe de manera concisa la forma de hacer MBE. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 159 - 166

    Chapter 10. Public Libraries

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    Cole, Becky and Pam Ryan. (2016). Chapter 10: Public Libraries. In Denise Koufogiannakis and Alison Brettle(Eds.), Being evidence based in library and information practice. London: Facet Press

    Chapter 10. Public Libraries

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    Cole, Becky and Pam Ryan. (2016). Chapter 10: Public Libraries. In Denise Koufogiannakis and Alison Brettle(Eds.), Being evidence based in library and information practice. London: Facet Press

    Mental Health Administrators\u27 Knowledge and Perceptions of Delivery of Relationship-Based Services

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    Past research has recommended that clinical mental health (CMHC) administrators employ a relational focus to their work, but little evidence exists that such a relational focus is actually being utilized. Guided by Rogers\u27 principles of client-centered therapy, this study examined whether CMHC administrators possessed the knowledge and attitudes to utilize the recommendation of relational based therapy and whether implementation in the CMHC was feasible. A qualitative multiple case study design was utilized to collect personal interviews with 12 CMHC administrators who could discuss Norcross and Wampold\u27s single recommendation about therapeutic relationships. Results were triangulated with the guide for CMHC financing, namely Rule 132, as provided by the administrators. Thematic content analysis of the data revealed that administrators were knowledgeable and in favor of the recommendation where funding could be provided. However, the administrators considered implementation unreasonable because of regulations, low financing of CMHC services primarily through Medicaid, burdensome paperwork requirements, and limited staff qualifications. Understanding these answers from CMHC administrators within the context and limitations of the CMHC should impress upon lawmakers the need for adequate financing of resources to implement the recommendation, which could result in promoting social change in the delivery of services for mental health

    Decision making in child and family social work: the impact of the assessment framework

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    The Department of Health's (2000) Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and Their Families [Assessment Framework] represents the most significant attempt to aid social work decision making in the UK currently. Its overriding objective is to improve outcomes for children in need through effective assessment and decision making. Yet, since its introduction in April 2000, no empirical research has been conducted exploring the ways in which the Assessment Framework helps social workers in the decision making process. Clearly, if the Assessment Framework is not effective in helping social workers reach decisions, it may not be effective in achieving better outcomes for children in need. This thesis therefore explores the impact of the Assessment Framework on social workers' decision making practice. Documentary analysis of 98 core assessment records in four local authorities was used as a means to reconstruct social workers' cognitive decision making processes and the role of the Assessment Framework within these processes. Follow-up semi structured interviews were carried out with the 50 social workers responsible for completing these core assessments. Particular attention was given to investigating the effects of case, individual and environmental characteristics on participants' decision making strategies and use of the Assessment Framework in order to identify factors that facilitated or obstructed the integration of this tool in practice. The resulting qualitative data was used to reconstruct a trace of the decision making process and to explore any potential causal factors affecting this process. Tests of association and cluster analysis were then employed as a means of exploring these causal connections further. Due to the complex way in which the relevant causal factors interacted Qualitative Comparative Analysis was also used as a method for understanding the causal mechanisms affecting social workers' decision making processes. The findings reveal variations in social work decision making strategies and in the use of the Assessment Framework associated with a range of case, environmental and individual characteristics. Participants identified strengths and weaknesses in the use of the Assessment Framework and confirmed that the Assessment Framework does not always fit with the way in which social workers approach assessment and decision-making. The thesis concludes by providing a number of solutions to this problem

    Realising evidence based practice: a systemic investigation of core knowledge processes in mental health

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    Aims To investigate the systemic circumstances required for mental health professionals to engage in the core processes of evidence based practice. Background Successful evidence based practice is the function of inter-related processes including knowledge acquisition, generation, and application, which occur in complex and dynamic circumstances. Dominant models and approaches to facilitating the use of knowledge in practice by health professionals remain based on linear, technical processes which aim to instigate behavioural changes at the individual level. Emergent conceptualisations argue the need for strategies that consider systemic factors which can impede or facilitate the processes underpinning the operation of evidence based practices in mental health. As yet no efforts have been made to actively apply systems thinking in efforts to improve evidence based practice in mental health. Method A collective case-study research design was developed by adapting Soft Systems Methodology. Three cases were examined, each selected due to their ability to provide information about one of the core processes under investigation; knowledge acquisition, knowledge generation and knowledge application. Data was collected iteratively from thirteen participants through focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Analysis was undertaken through the inductive open coding of data into sub-categories, following which key categories were identified and considered against individual, group and organisational systems levels. Findings This study identified twenty-four key categories across the cases and located these against the three systems levels. As anticipated, complex dynamic interactions between different elements at the different levels were identified including, the role of motivation, perception and skill at the individual level, the importance of team wisdom, support and decision making, and the need for organisations to provide adequate infrastructures, ensure access to specialist expertise and a number of elements contributing to a culture of space and support for evidence based practice.awd_pdtunpub1284_ethesesunpu