11 research outputs found

    Elevating commodity storage with the SALSA host translation layer

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    To satisfy increasing storage demands in both capacity and performance, industry has turned to multiple storage technologies, including Flash SSDs and SMR disks. These devices employ a translation layer that conceals the idiosyncrasies of their mediums and enables random access. Device translation layers are, however, inherently constrained: resources on the drive are scarce, they cannot be adapted to application requirements, and lack visibility across multiple devices. As a result, performance and durability of many storage devices is severely degraded. In this paper, we present SALSA: a translation layer that executes on the host and allows unmodified applications to better utilize commodity storage. SALSA supports a wide range of single- and multi-device optimizations and, because is implemented in software, can adapt to specific workloads. We describe SALSA's design, and demonstrate its significant benefits using microbenchmarks and case studies based on three applications: MySQL, the Swift object store, and a video server.Comment: Presented at 2018 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS

    On the use of NAND flash memory in high-performance relational databases

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-49).High-density NAND flash storage has become relatively inexpensive due to the popularity of various consumer electronics. Recently, several manufacturers have released IDE-compatible NAND flash-based drives in sizes up to 64 GB at reasonable (sub-$1000) prices. Because flash is significantly more durable than mechanical hard drives and requires considerably less energy, there is some speculation that large data centers will adopt these devices. As database workloads make up a substantial fraction of the processing done by data centers, it is interesting to ask how switching to flash-based storage will affect the performance of database systems. We evaluate this question using IDE-based flash drives from two major manufacturers. We measure their read and write performance and find that flash has excellent random read performance, acceptable sequential read performance, and quite poor write performance compared to conventional IDE disks. We then consider how standard database algorithms are affected by these performance characteristics and find that the fast random read capability dramatically improves the performance of secondary indexes and index-based join algorithms. We next investigate using logstructured filesystems to mitigate the poor write performance of flash and find an 8.2x improvement in random write performance, but at the cost of a 3.7x decrease in random read performance. Finally, we study techniques for exploiting the inherent parallelism of multiple-chip flash devices, and we find that adaptive coding strategies can yield a 2x performance improvement over static ones. We conclude that in many cases flash disk performance is still worse than on traditional drives and that current flash technology may not yet be mature enough for widespread database adoption if performance is a dominant factor. Finally, we briefly speculate how this landscape may change based on expected performance of next-generation flash memories.by Daniel Myers.S.M

    Write-Combined Logging: An Optimized Logging for Consistency in NVRAM

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    Write-Combined Logging: An Optimized Logging for Consistency in NVRAM

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    Nonvolatile memory (e.g., Phase Change Memory) blurs the boundary between memory and storage and it could greatly facilitate the construction of in-memory durable data structures. Data structures can be processed and stored directly in NVRAM. To maintain the consistency of persistent data, logging is a widely adopted mechanism. However, logging introduces write-twice overhead. This paper introduces an optimized write-combined logging to reduce the writes to NVRAM log. By leveraging the fastread and byte-addressable features of NVRAM, we can perform a read-and-compare operation before writes and thus issue writes in a finer-grained way. We tested our system on the benchmark suit STAMP which contains real-world applications. Experiment results show that our system can reduce the writes to NVRAM by 33%-34%, which can help extend the lifetime of NVRAM and improve performance. Averagely our system can improve performance by 7%-11%

    Enhancing the Accuracy of Synthetic File System Benchmarks

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    File system benchmarking plays an essential part in assessing the file system’s performance. It is especially difficult to measure and study the file system’s performance as it deals with several layers of hardware and software. Furthermore, different systems have different workload characteristics so while a file system may be optimized based on one given workload it might not perform optimally based on other types of workloads. Thus, it is imperative that the file system under study be examined with a workload equivalent to its production workload to ensure that it is optimized according to its usage. The most widely used benchmarking method is synthetic benchmarking due to its ease of use and flexibility. The flexibility of synthetic benchmarks allows system designers to produce a variety of different workloads that will provide insight on how the file system will perform under slightly different conditions. The downside of synthetic workloads is that they produce generic workloads that do not have the same characteristics as production workloads. For instance, synthetic benchmarks do not take into consideration the effects of the cache that can greatly impact the performance of the underlying file system. In addition, they do not model the variation in a given workload. This can lead to file systems not optimally designed for their usage. This work enhanced synthetic workload generation methods by taking into consideration how the file system operations are satisfied by the lower level function calls. In addition, this work modeled the variations of the workload’s footprint when present. The first step in the methodology was to run a given workload and trace it by a tool called tracefs. The collected traces contained data on the file system operations and the lower level function calls that satisfied these operations. Then the trace was divided into chunks sufficiently small enough to consider the workload characteristics of that chunk to be uniform. Then the configuration file that modeled each chunk was generated and supplied to a synthetic workload generator tool that was created by this work called FileRunner. The workload definition for each chunk allowed FileRunner to generate a synthetic workload that produced the same workload footprint as the corresponding segment in the original workload. In other words, the synthetic workload would exercise the lower level function calls in the same way as the original workload. Furthermore, FileRunner generated a synthetic workload for each specified segment in the order that they appeared in the trace that would result in a in a final workload mimicking the variation present in the original workload. The results indicated that the methodology can create a workload with a throughput within 10% difference and with operation latencies, with the exception of the create latencies, to be within the allowable 10% difference and in some cases within the 15% maximum allowable difference. The work was able to accurately model the I/O footprint. In some cases the difference was negligible and in the worst case it was at 2.49% difference

    Provenance-Aware CXXR

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    A provenance-aware computer system is one that records information about the operations it performs on data to enable it to provide an account of the process that led to a particular item of data. These systems allow users to ask questions of data, such as “What was the sequence of steps involved in its creation?”, “What other items of data were used to create it?”, or “What items of data used it during their creation?”. This work will present a study of how, and the extent to which the CXXR statistical programming software can be made aware of the provenance of the data on which it operates. CXXR is a variant of the R programming language and environment, which is an open source implementation of S. Interestingly S is notable for becoming an early pioneer of provenance-aware computing in 1988. Examples of adapting software such as CXXR for provenance-awareness are few and far between, and the idiosyncrasies of an interpreter such as CXXR—moreover the R language itself—present interesting challenges to provenance-awareness: such as receiving input from a variety of sources and complex evaluation mechanisms. Herein presented are designs for capturing and querying provenance information in such an environment, along with serialisation facilities to preserve data together with its provenance so that they may be distributed and/or subsequently restored to a CXXR session. Also presented is a method for enabling this serialised provenance information to be interoperable with other provenance-aware software. This work also looks at the movement towards making research reproducible, and considers that provenance-aware systems, and provenance-aware CXXR in particular, are well positioned to further the goal of making computational research reproducible


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    There is a long-standing trade-off between good locality (fast directory traversals) and efficient namespace operations (efficient file or directory renames) in file systems. Traditional inode-based file systems have good rename performance but can fail to maintain locality, especially in the face of file system aging. On the other hand, full-path-indexed file systems ensure locality, however, renaming a directory needs to update all related full-paths, which is usually implemented as an expensive operation. No existing file system has both good locality and efficient namespace operations. This dissertation describes a new file system design that has both good locality and efficient namespace operations. In particular, we describe a novel synthesis of write-optimization, fullpath indexing, and operations on data structures. By directly manipulating the data structure, a full-path-indexed file system can efficiently update related full-paths in a rename. Moreover, with the technique, a full-path-indexed file system can clone a directory without traversing the directory. We implement this technique in BetrFS, a full-path-indexed, write-optimized, local file system for Linux. Compared to ext4, the widely used inode-based file system in Linux, the new version of BetrFS traverses the Linux source directory 9.47x faster and renames the same directory 1.09x faster. Meanwhile, the new version of BetrFS clones a directory faster than state-of-the-art file systems that support clones, such as Btrfs and XFS.Doctor of Philosoph

    Second-tier Cache Management to Support DBMS Workloads

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    Enterprise Database Management Systems (DBMS) often run on computers with dedicated storage systems. Their data access requests need to go through two tiers of cache, i.e., a database bufferpool and a storage server cache, before reaching the storage media, e.g., disk platters. A tremendous amount of work has been done to improve the performance of the first-tier cache, i.e., the database bufferpool. However, the amount of work focusing on second-tier cache management to support DBMS workloads is comparably small. In this thesis we propose several novel techniques for managing second-tier caches to boost DBMS performance in terms of query throughput and query response time. The main purpose of second-tier cache management is to reduce the I/O latency endured by database query executions. This goal can be achieved by minimizing the number of reads and writes issued from second-tier caches to storage devices. The rst part of our research focuses on reducing the number of read I/Os issued by second-tier caches. We observe that DBMSs issue I/O requests for various reasons. The rationales behind these I/O requests provide useful information to second-tier caches because they can be used to estimate the temporal locality of the data blocks being requested. A second-tier cache can exploit this information when making replacement decisions. In this thesis we propose a technique to pass this information from DBMSs to second-tier caches and to use it in guiding cache replacements. The second part of this thesis focuses on reducing the number of writes issued by second-tier caches. Our work is two fold. First, we observe that although there are second-tier caches within computer systems, today's DBMS cannot take full advantage of them. For example, most commercial DBMSs use forced writes to propagate bufferpool updates to permanent storage for data durability reasons. We notice that enforcing such a practice is more conservative than necessary. Some of the writes can be issued as unforced requests and can be cached in the second-tier cache without immediate synchronization. This will give the second-tier cache opportunities to cache and consolidate multiple writes into one request. However, unfortunately, the current POSIX compliant le system interfaces provided by mainstream operating systems e.g., Unix and Windows) are not flexible enough to support such dynamic synchronization. We propose to extend such interfaces to let DBMSs take advantage of using unforced writes whenever possible. Additionally, we observe that the existing cache replacement algorithms are designed solely to maximize read cache hits (i.e., to minimize read I/Os). The purpose is to minimize the read latency, which is on the critical path of query executions. We argue that minimizing read requests is not the only objective of cache replacement. When I/O bandwidth becomes a bottleneck the objective should be to minimize the total number of I/Os, including both reads and writes, to achieve the best performance. We propose to associate a new type of replacement cost, i.e., the total number of I/Os caused by the replacement, with each cache page; and we also present a partial characterization of an optimal algorithm which minimizes the total number of I/Os generated by caches. Based on this knowledge, we extend several existing replacement algorithms, which are write-oblivious (focus only on reducing reads), to be write-aware and observe promising performance gains in the evaluations