106 research outputs found

    Telecommunications for a deregulated power industry

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    Telecommunication plays a very important role in the effective monitoring and control of the power grid. Deregulation of the US power industry has enabled utilities to explore various communication options and advanced technologies. Utilities are increasingly investing in distributed resources, dynamic real-time monitoring, automated meter reading, and value added services like home energy management systems and broadband access for its customers. Telecommunication options like power line communications (PLC) and satellites are fast replacing legacy telephone and microwave systems in the US.;The objective of this thesis is to study the communication options that are available for utilities today. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are analyzed in detail and communication delays due to the use of PMUs in wide area measurement systems (WAMS) are also studied. The highlight of this thesis is a close look at the characteristics of the power line channel by presenting a power line channel model and the use of digital modulation techniques like SS and OFDM, which help overcome the effects of such a hostile medium of communication. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Façonnement de l'Interférence en vue d'une Optimisation Globale d'un Système Moderne de Communication

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    A communication is impulsive whenever the information-bearing signal is burst-like in time. Examples of the impulsive concept are: impulse-radio signals, that is, wireless signals occurring within short intervals of time; optical signals conveyed by photons; speech signals represented by sound pressure variations; pulse-position modulated electrical signals; a sequence of arrival/departure events in a queue; neural spike trains in the brain. Understanding impulsive communications requires to identify what is peculiar to this transmission paradigm, that is, different from traditional continuous communications.In order to address the problem of understanding impulsive vs. non-impulsive communications, the framework of investigation must include the following aspects: the different interference statistics directly following from the impulsive signal structure; the different interaction of the impulsive signal with the physical medium; the actual possibility for impulsive communications of coding information into the time structure, relaxing the implicit assumption made in continuous transmissions that time is a mere support. This thesis partially addresses a few of the above issues, and draws future lines of investigation. In particular, we studied: multiple access channels where each user adopts time-hopping spread-spectrum; systems using a specific prefilter at the transmitter side, namely the transmit matched filter (also known as time reversal), particularly suited for ultrawide bandwidhts; the distribution function of interference for impulsive systems in several different settings.Une communication est impulsive chaque fois que le signal portant des informations est intermittent dans le temps et que la transmission se produit à rafales. Des exemples du concept impulsife sont : les signaux radio impulsifs, c’est-à-dire des signaux très courts dans le temps; les signaux optiques utilisé dans les systèmes de télécommunications; certains signaux acoustiques et, en particulier, les impulsions produites par le système glottale; les signaux électriques modulés en position d’impulsions; une séquence d’événements dans une file d’attente; les trains de potentiels neuronaux dans le système neuronal. Ce paradigme de transmission est différent des communications continues traditionnelles et la compréhension des communications impulsives est donc essentielle. Afin d’affronter le problème des communications impulsives, le cadre de la recherche doit inclure les aspects suivants : la statistique d’interférence qui suit directement la structure des signaux impulsifs; l’interaction du signal impulsif avec le milieu physique; la possibilité pour les communications impulsives de coder l’information dans la structure temporelle. Cette thèse adresse une partie des questions précédentes et trace des lignes indicatives pour de futures recherches. En particulier, nous avons étudié: un système d'accès multiple où les utilisateurs adoptent des signaux avec étalement de spectre par saut temporel (time-hopping spread spectrum) pour communiquer vers un récepteur commun; un système avec un préfiltre à l'émetteur, et plus précisément un transmit matched filter, également connu comme time reversal dans la littérature de systèmes à bande ultra large; un modèle d'interférence pour des signaux impulsifs

    Ultra Wideband Communications: from Analog to Digital

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    Ultrabreitband-Signale (Ultra Wideband [UWB]) können einen signifikanten Nutzen im Bereich drahtloser Kommunikationssysteme haben. Es sind jedoch noch einige Probleme offen, die durch Systemdesigner und Wissenschaftler gelöst werden müssen. Ein Funknetzsystem mit einer derart großen Bandbreite ist normalerweise auch durch eine große Anzahl an Mehrwegekomponenten mit jeweils verschiedenen Pfadamplituden gekennzeichnet. Daher ist es schwierig, die zeitlich verteilte Energie effektiv zu erfassen. Außerdem ist in vielen Fällen der naheliegende Ansatz, ein kohärenter Empfänger im Sinne eines signalangepassten Filters oder eines Korrelators, nicht unbedingt die beste Wahl. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dabei auf die bestehende Problematik und weitere Lösungsmöglichkeiten eingegangen. Im ersten Abschnitt geht es um „Impulse Radio UWB”-Systeme mit niedriger Datenrate. Bei diesen Systemen kommt ein inkohärenter Empfänger zum Einsatz. Inkohärente Signaldetektion stellt insofern einen vielversprechenden Ansatz dar, als das damit aufwandsgünstige und robuste Implementierungen möglich sind. Dies trifft vor allem in Anwendungsfällen wie den von drahtlosen Sensornetzen zu, wo preiswerte Geräte mit langer Batterielaufzeit nötigsind. Dies verringert den für die Kanalschätzung und die Synchronisation nötigen Aufwand, was jedoch auf Kosten der Leistungseffizienz geht und eine erhöhte Störempfindlichkeit gegenüber Interferenz (z.B. Interferenz durch mehrere Nutzer oder schmalbandige Interferenz) zur Folge hat. Um die Bitfehlerrate der oben genannten Verfahren zu bestimmen, wurde zunächst ein inkohärenter Combining-Verlust spezifiziert, welcher auftritt im Gegensatz zu kohärenter Detektion mit Maximum Ratio Multipath Combining. Dieser Verlust hängt von dem Produkt aus der Länge des Integrationsfensters und der Signalbandbreite ab. Um den Verlust durch inkohärentes Combining zu reduzieren und somit die Leistungseffizienz des Empfängers zu steigern, werden verbesserte Combining-Methoden für Mehrwegeempfang vorgeschlagen. Ein analoger Empfänger, bei dem der Hauptteil des Mehrwege-Combinings durch einen „Integrate and Dump”-Filter implementiert ist, wird für UWB-Systeme mit Zeit-Hopping gezeigt. Dabei wurde die Einsatzmöglichkeit von dünn besetzten Codes in solchen System diskutiert und bewertet. Des Weiteren wird eine Regel für die Code-Auswahl vorgestellt, welche die Stabilität des Systems gegen Mehrnutzer-Störungen sicherstellt und gleichzeitig den Verlust durch inkohärentes Combining verringert. Danach liegt der Fokus auf digitalen Lösungen bei inkohärenter Demodulation. Im Vergleich zum Analogempfänger besitzt ein Digitalempfänger einen Analog-Digital-Wandler im Zeitbereich gefolgt von einem digitalen Optimalfilter. Der digitale Optimalfilter dekodiert den Mehrfachzugriffscode kohärent und beschränkt das inkohärente Combining auf die empfangenen Mehrwegekomponenten im Digitalbereich. Es kommt ein schneller Analog-Digital-Wandler mit geringer Auflösung zum Einsatz, um einen vertretbaren Energieverbrauch zu gewährleisten. Diese Digitaltechnik macht den Einsatz langer Analogverzögerungen bei differentieller Demodulation unnötig und ermöglicht viele Arten der digitalen Signalverarbeitung. Im Vergleich zur Analogtechnik reduziert sie nicht nur den inkohärenten Combining-Verlust, sonder zeigt auch eine stärkere Resistenz gegenüber Störungen. Dabei werden die Auswirkungen der Auflösung und der Abtastrate der Analog-Digital-Umsetzung analysiert. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die verminderte Effizienz solcher Analog-Digital-Wandler gering ausfällt. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass im Falle starker Mehrnutzerinterferenz sogar eine Verbesserung der Ergebnisse zu beobachten ist. Die vorgeschlagenen Design-Regeln spezifizieren die Anwendung der Analog-Digital-Wandler und die Auswahl der Systemparameter in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Mehrfachzugriffscodes und der Modulationsart. Wir zeigen, wie unter Anwendung erweiterter Modulationsverfahren die Leistungseffizienz verbessert werden kann und schlagen ein Verfahren zur Unterdrückung schmalbandiger Störer vor, welches auf Soft Limiting aufbaut. Durch die Untersuchungen und Ergebnissen zeigt sich, dass inkohärente Empfänger in UWB-Kommunikationssystemen mit niedriger Datenrate ein großes Potential aufweisen. Außerdem wird die Auswahl der benutzbaren Bandbreite untersucht, um einen Kompromiss zwischen inkohärentem Combining-Verlust und Stabilität gegenüber langsamen Schwund zu erreichen. Dadurch wurde ein neues Konzept für UWB-Systeme erarbeitet: wahlweise kohärente oder inkohärente Empfänger, welche als UWB-Systeme Frequenz-Hopping nutzen. Der wesentliche Vorteil hiervon liegt darin, dass die Bandbreite im Basisband sich deutlich verringert. Mithin ermöglicht dies einfach zu realisierende digitale Signalverarbeitungstechnik mit kostengünstigen Analog-Digital-Wandlern. Dies stellt eine neue Epoche in der Forschung im Bereich drahtloser Sensorfunknetze dar. Der Schwerpunkt des zweiten Abschnitts stellt adaptiven Signalverarbeitung für hohe Datenraten mit „Direct Sequence”-UWB-Systemen in den Vordergrund. In solchen Systemen entstehen, wegen der großen Anzahl der empfangenen Mehrwegekomponenten, starke Inter- bzw. Intrasymbolinterferenzen. Außerdem kann die Funktionalität des Systems durch Mehrnutzerinterferenz und Schmalbandstörungen deutlich beeinflusst werden. Um sie zu eliminieren, wird die „Widely Linear”-Rangreduzierung benutzt. Dabei verbessert die Rangreduzierungsmethode das Konvergenzverhalten, besonders wenn der gegebene Vektor eine sehr große Anzahl an Abtastwerten beinhaltet (in Folge hoher einer Abtastrate). Zusätzlich kann das System durch die Anwendung der R-linearen Verarbeitung die Statistik zweiter Ordnung des nicht-zirkularen Signals vollständig ausnutzen, was sich in verbesserten Schätzergebnissen widerspiegelt. Allgemeine kann die Methode der „Widely Linear”-Rangreduzierung auch in andern Bereichen angewendet werden, z.B. in „Direct Sequence”-Codemultiplexverfahren (DS-CDMA), im MIMO-Bereich, im Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) und beim Beamforming.The aim of this thesis is to investigate key issues encountered in the design of transmission schemes and receiving techniques for Ultra Wideband (UWB) communication systems. Based on different data rate applications, this work is divided into two parts, where energy efficient and robust physical layer solutions are proposed, respectively. Due to a huge bandwidth of UWB signals, a considerable amount of multipath arrivals with various path gains is resolvable at the receiver. For low data rate impulse radio UWB systems, suboptimal non-coherent detection is a simple way to effectively capture the multipath energy. Feasible techniques that increase the power efficiency and the interference robustness of non-coherent detection need to be investigated. For high data rate direct sequence UWB systems, a large number of multipath arrivals results in severe inter-/intra-symbol interference. Additionally, the system performance may also be deteriorated by multi-user interference and narrowband interference. It is necessary to develop advanced signal processing techniques at the receiver to suppress these interferences. Part I of this thesis deals with the co-design of signaling schemes and receiver architectures in low data rate impulse radio UWB systems based on non-coherent detection.● We analyze the bit error rate performance of non-coherent detection and characterize a non-coherent combining loss, i.e., a performance penalty with respect to coherent detection with maximum ratio multipath combining. The thorough analysis of this loss is very helpful for the design of transmission schemes and receive techniques innon-coherent UWB communication systems.● We propose to use optical orthogonal codes in a time hopping impulse radio UWB system based on an analog non-coherent receiver. The “analog” means that the major part of the multipath combining is implemented by an integrate and dump filter. The introduced semi-analytical method can help us to easily select the time hopping codes to ensure the robustness against the multi-user interference and meanwhile to alleviate the non-coherent combining loss.● The main contribution of Part I is the proposal of applying fully digital solutions in non-coherent detection. The proposed digital non-coherent receiver is based on a time domain analog-to-digital converter, which has a high speed but a very low resolution to maintain a reasonable power consumption. Compared to its analog counterpart, itnot only significantly reduces the non-coherent combining loss but also offers a higher interference robustness. In particular, the one-bit receiver can effectively suppress strong multi-user interference and is thus advantageous in separating simultaneously operating piconets.The fully digital solutions overcome the difficulty of implementing long analog delay lines and make differential UWB detection possible. They also facilitate the development of various digital signal processing techniques such as multi-user detection and non-coherent multipath combining methods as well as the use of advanced modulationschemes (e.g., M-ary Walsh modulation).● Furthermore, we present a novel impulse radio UWB system based on frequency hopping, where both coherent and non-coherent receivers can be adopted. The key advantage is that the baseband bandwidth can be considerably reduced (e.g., lower than 500 MHz), which enables low-complexity implementation of the fully digital solutions. It opens up various research activities in the application field of wireless sensor networks. Part II of this thesis proposes adaptive widely linear reduced-rank techniques to suppress interferences for high data rate direct sequence UWB systems, where second-order non-circular signals are used. The reduced-rank techniques are designed to improve the convergence performance and the interference robustness especially when the received vector contains a large number of samples (due to a high sampling rate in UWB systems). The widely linear processing takes full advantage of the second-order statistics of the non-circular signals and enhances the estimation performance. The generic widely linear reduced-rank concept also has a great potential in the applications of other systems such as Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system, and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), or in other areas such as beamforming

    Analysis of low-density parity-check codes on impulsive noise channels

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    PhD ThesisCommunication channels can severely degrade a signal, not only due to fading effects but also interference in the form of impulsive noise. In conventional communication systems, the additive noise at the receiver is usually assumed to be Gaussian distributed. However, this assumption is not always valid and examples of non-Gaussian distributed noise include power line channels, underwater acoustic channels and manmade interference. When designing a communication system it is useful to know the theoretical performance in terms of bit-error probability (BEP) on these types of channels. However, the effect of impulses on the BEP performance has not been well studied, particularly when error correcting codes are employed. Today, advanced error-correcting codes with very long block lengths and iterative decoding algorithms, such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes and turbo codes, are popular due to their capacity-approaching performance. However, very long codes are not always desirable, particularly in communications systems where latency is a serious issue, such as in voice and video communication between multiple users. This thesis focuses on the analysis of short LDPC codes. Finite length analyses of LDPC codes have already been presented for the additive white Gaussian noise channel in the literature, but the analysis of short LDPC codes for channels that exhibit impulsive noise has not been investigated. The novel contributions in this thesis are presented in three sections. First, uncoded and LDPC-coded BEP performance on channels exhibiting impulsive noise modelled by symmetric -stable (S S) distributions are examined. Different sub-optimal receivers are compared and a new low-complexity receiver is proposed that achieves near-optimal performance. Density evolution is then used to derive the threshold signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) of LDPC codes that employ these receivers. In order to accurately predict the waterfall performance of short LDPC codes, a nite length analysis is proposed with the aid of the threshold SNRs of LDPC codes and the derived uncoded BEPs for impulsive noise channels. Second, to investigate the e ect of impulsive noise on wireless channels, the analytic BEP on generalized fading channels with S S noise is derived. However, it requires the evaluation of a double integral to obtain the analytic BEP, so to reduce the computational cost, the Cauchy- Gaussian mixture model and the asymptotic property of S S process are used to derive upper bounds of the exact BEP. Two closed-form expressions are derived to approximate the exact BEP on a Rayleigh fading channel with S S noise. Then density evolution of different receivers is derived for these channels to nd the asymptotic performance of LDPC codes. Finally, the waterfall performance of LDPC codes is again estimated for generalized fading channels with S S noise by utilizing the derived uncoded BEP and threshold SNRs. Finally, the addition of spatial diversity at the receiver is investigated. Spatial diversity is an effective method to mitigate the effects of fading and when used in conjunction with LDPC codes and can achieve excellent error-correcting performance. Hence, the performance of conventional linear diversity combining techniques are derived. Then the SNRs of these linear combiners are compared and the relationship of the noise power between different linear combiners is obtained. Nonlinear detectors have been shown to achieve better performance than linear combiners hence, optimal and sub-optimal detectors are also presented and compared. A non-linear detector based on the bi-parameter Cauchy-Gaussian mixture model is used and shows near-optimal performance with a significant reduction in complexity when compared with the optimal detector. Furthermore, we show how to apply density evolution of LDPC codes for different combining techniques on these channels and an estimation of the waterfall performance of LDPC codes is derived that reduces the gap between simulated and asymptotic performance. In conclusion, the work presented in this thesis provides a framework to evaluate the performance of communication systems in the presence of additive impulsive noise, with and without spatial diversity at the receiver. For the first time, bounds on the BEP performance of LDPC codes on channels with impulsive noise have been derived for optimal and sub-optimal receivers, allowing other researchers to predict the performance of LDPC codes in these type of environments without needing to run lengthy computer simulations

    A Space Communications Study Final Report, Sep. 15, 1965 - Sep. 15, 1966

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    Reception of frequency modulated signals passed through deterministic and random time-varying channel

    Performance Comparison Between Variable and Fixed Signature Codes in DS-CDMA Systems

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    In a CDMA or SCMA system, users can use a fixed signature for the whole transmission interval. But there is the possibility for two users to have highly correlated signatures. Hence, high interference exists in the system, and it will degrade the performance. On the other hand, if the users use variable signatures for spreading each modulation symbol, then the interference between the users will not be fixed for all the transmissions.In this way, we are avoiding clustering error symbols resulted from the high interference. As we show in this thesis, this prediction about better performance of variable spreading is not always true. We have discussed several scenarios and shown the performance for both the fixed and variable signature codes

    Ultra-wideband impulse radio with diversity reception

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    Blind source separation for interference cancellation in CDMA systems

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    Communication is the science of "reliable" transfer of information between two parties, in the sense that the information reaches the intended party with as few errors as possible. Modern wireless systems have many interfering sources that hinder reliable communication. The performance of receivers severely deteriorates in the presence of unknown or unaccounted interference. The goal of a receiver is then to combat these sources of interference in a robust manner while trying to optimize the trade-off between gain and computational complexity. Conventional methods mitigate these sources of interference by taking into account all available information and at times seeking additional information e.g., channel characteristics, direction of arrival, etc. This usually costs bandwidth. This thesis examines the issue of developing mitigating algorithms that utilize as little as possible or no prior information about the nature of the interference. These methods are either semi-blind, in the former case, or blind in the latter case. Blind source separation (BSS) involves solving a source separation problem with very little prior information. A popular framework for solving the BSS problem is independent component analysis (ICA). This thesis combines techniques of ICA with conventional signal detection to cancel out unaccounted sources of interference. Combining an ICA element to standard techniques enables a robust and computationally efficient structure. This thesis proposes switching techniques based on BSS/ICA effectively to combat interference. Additionally, a structure based on a generalized framework termed as denoising source separation (DSS) is presented. In cases where more information is known about the nature of interference, it is natural to incorporate this knowledge in the separation process, so finally this thesis looks at the issue of using some prior knowledge in these techniques. In the simple case, the advantage of using priors should at least lead to faster algorithms.reviewe