108 research outputs found

    A new approach for solving nonlinear Thomas-Fermi equation based on fractional order of rational Bessel functions

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    In this paper, the fractional order of rational Bessel functions collocation method (FRBC) to solve Thomas-Fermi equation which is defined in the semi-infinite domain and has singularity at x=0x = 0 and its boundary condition occurs at infinity, have been introduced. We solve the problem on semi-infinite domain without any domain truncation or transformation of the domain of the problem to a finite domain. This approach at first, obtains a sequence of linear differential equations by using the quasilinearization method (QLM), then at each iteration solves it by FRBC method. To illustrate the reliability of this work, we compare the numerical results of the present method with some well-known results in other to show that the new method is accurate, efficient and applicable

    Rational spectral methods for PDEs involving fractional Laplacian in unbounded domains

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    Many PDEs involving fractional Laplacian are naturally set in unbounded domains with underlying solutions decay very slowly, subject to certain power laws. Their numerical solutions are under-explored. This paper aims at developing accurate spectral methods using rational basis (or modified mapped Gegenbauer functions) for such models in unbounded domains. The main building block of the spectral algorithms is the explicit representations for the Fourier transform and fractional Laplacian of the rational basis, derived from some useful integral identites related to modified Bessel functions. With these at our disposal, we can construct rational spectral-Galerkin and direct collocation schemes by pre-computing the associated fractional differentiation matrices. We obtain optimal error estimates of rational spectral approximation in the fractional Sobolev spaces, and analyze the optimal convergence of the proposed Galerkin scheme. We also provide ample numerical results to show that the rational method outperforms the Hermite function approach

    The Chebyshev points of the first kind

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    In the last thirty years, the Chebyshev points of the first kind have not been given as much attention for numerical applications as the second-kind ones. This survey summarizes theorems and algorithms for first-kind Chebyshev points with references to the existing literature. Benefits from using the first-kind Chebyshev points in various contexts are discussed

    Application of Rational Second Kind Chebyshev Functions for System of Integrodifferential Equations on Semi-Infinite Intervals

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    Rational Chebyshev bases and Galerkin method are used to obtain the approximate solution of a system of high-order integro-differential equations on the interval [0,∞). This method is based on replacement of the unknown functions by their truncated series of rational Chebyshev expansion. Test examples are considered to show the high accuracy, simplicity, and efficiency of this method

    A time-splitting pseudospectral method for the solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations using spherical harmonics with generalised-Laguerre basis functions

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    We present a method for numerically solving a Gross-Pitaevskii system of equations with a harmonic and a toroidal external potential that governs the dynamics of one- and two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. The method we develop maintains spectral accuracy by employing Fourier or spherical harmonics in the angular coordinates combined with generalised-Laguerre basis functions in the radial direction. Using an error analysis, we show that the method presented leads to more accurate results than one based on a sine transform in the radial direction when combined with a time-splitting method for integrating the equations forward in time. In contrast to a number of previous studies, no assumptions of radial or cylindrical symmetry is assumed allowing the method to be applied to 2D and 3D time-dependent simulations. This is accomplished by developing an efficient algorithm that accurately performs the generalised-Laguerre transforms of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates for different orders of the Laguerre polynomials. Using this spatial discretisation together with a second order Strang time-splitting method, we illustrate the scheme on a number of 2D and 3D computations of the ground state of a non-rotating and rotating condensate. Comparisons between previously derived theoretical results for these ground state solutions and our numerical computations show excellent agreement for these benchmark problems. The method is further applied to simulate a number of time-dependent problems including the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a two-component rotating condensate and the motion of quantised vortices in a 3D condensate

    Spectral method for matching exterior and interior elliptic problems

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    A spectral method is described for solving coupled elliptic problems on an interior and an exterior domain. The method is formulated and tested on the two-dimensional interior Poisson and exterior Laplace problems, whose solutions and their normal derivatives are required to be continuous across the interface. A complete basis of homogeneous solutions for the interior and exterior regions, corresponding to all possible Dirichlet boundary values at the interface, are calculated in a preprocessing step. This basis is used to construct the influence matrix which serves to transform the coupled boundary conditions into conditions on the interior problem. Chebyshev approximations are used to represent both the interior solutions and the boundary values. A standard Chebyshev spectral method is used to calculate the interior solutions. The exterior harmonic solutions are calculated as the convolution of the free-space Green's function with a surface density; this surface density is itself the solution to an integral equation which has an analytic solution when the boundary values are given as a Chebyshev expansion. Properties of Chebyshev approximations insure that the basis of exterior harmonic functions represents the external near-boundary solutions uniformly. The method is tested by calculating the electrostatic potential resulting from charge distributions in a rectangle. The resulting influence matrix is well-conditioned and solutions converge exponentially as the resolution is increased. The generalization of this approach to three-dimensional problems is discussed, in particular the magnetohydrodynamic equations in a finite cylindrical domain surrounded by a vacuum

    Pseudospectral Calculation of the Wavefunction of Helium and the Negative Hydrogen Ion

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    We study the numerical solution of the non-relativistic Schr\"{o}dinger equation for two-electron atoms in ground and excited S-states using pseudospectral (PS) methods of calculation. The calculation achieves convergence rates for the energy, Cauchy error in the wavefunction, and variance in local energy that are exponentially fast for all practical purposes. The method requires three separate subdomains to handle the wavefunction's cusp-like behavior near the two-particle coalescences. The use of three subdomains is essential to maintaining exponential convergence. A comparison of several different treatments of the cusps and the semi-infinite domain suggest that the simplest prescription is sufficient. For many purposes it proves unnecessary to handle the logarithmic behavior near the three-particle coalescence in a special way. The PS method has many virtues: no explicit assumptions need be made about the asymptotic behavior of the wavefunction near cusps or at large distances, the local energy is exactly equal to the calculated global energy at all collocation points, local errors go down everywhere with increasing resolution, the effective basis using Chebyshev polynomials is complete and simple, and the method is easily extensible to other bound states. This study serves as a proof-of-principle of the method for more general two- and possibly three-electron applications.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, Final refereed version - Some references added, some stylistic changes, added paragraph to matrix methods section, added last sentence to abstract
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