11 research outputs found

    Современные тенденции в автоматизации промышленных комплексов

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    Досліджено перехід виробництва на новий етап розвитку, що зумовлено впровадженням у процес автоматизації новітніх комп’ютерних технологій, давно поширених у сфері послуг. Однією з характерних особливостей розвитку сучасної промисловості є інтеграція досягнень теорії і практики автоматизації, інформаційних технологій, робототехніки та систем «людина – автоматизований об’єкт». «Індустрію 4.0» було задумано як перспективний проект високих технологій під керівництвом федерального уряду Німеччини з акцентом на інформаційних і комунікаційних технологіях. Однак це поняття значно розширилося і стало збірним для європейської системи технологій і концепції організації ланцюга виробництва нового покоління. Розкрито сучасний зміст поняття «Індустрія 4.0» і узагальнено інформацію про основні ідеї та технології, які застосовуються для реалізації цієї концепції.This paper is dedicated to the study of the transition of manufacturing to a new stage of its development due to the introduction of the latest computer technologies, that have become common in the service sector, into the automation process. One of the characteristic features of the development of modern industry is the integration of the achievements of the theory and practice of automation, information technology, robotics and “human-automated object” systems. “Industry 4.0” was designed as a promising high-tech project under the supervision of the Federal Government of Germany with a focus on information and communication technologies. Today, however, this concept has expanded considerably and now is a collective system for European technologies and concepts for the organization of a new generation of production chains. Thus, in the paper, the modern meaning of “Industry 4.0” concept is described and the main ideas and technologies used for its implementation are summarized.Исследован переход производства на новый этап развития, что обусловлено внедрением в процесс автоматизации новейших компьютерных технологий, давно распространившихся в сфере услуг. Одной из характерных особенностей развития современной промышленности является интеграция достижений теории и практики автоматизации, информационных технологий, робототехники и систем «человек - автоматизированный объект». «Индустрия 4.0» была задумана как перспективный проект высоких технологий под руководством федерального правительства Германии с акцентом на информационных и коммуникационных технологиях. Однако это понятие значительно расширилось и стало собирательным для европейской системы технологий и концепции организации цепи производства нового поколения. Раскрыто современное содержание понятия «Индустрия 4.0» и обобщена информация об основных идеях и технологиях, применяемых для реализации данной концепции

    E-services in e-business engineering

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    Сучасні тенденції в автоматизації промислових комплексів

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    Досліджено перехід виробництва на новий етап розвитку, що зумовлено впровадженням у процес автоматизації новітніх комп’ютерних технологій, давно поширених у сфері послуг. Однією з характерних особливостей розвитку сучасної промисловості є інтеграція досягнень теорії і практики автоматизації, інформаційних технологій, робототехніки та систем "людина – автоматизований об’єкт". "Індустрію 4.0" було задумано як перспективний проект високих технологій під керівництвом федерального уряду Німеччини з акцентом на інформаційних і комунікаційних технологіях. Однак це поняття значно розширилося і стало збірним для європейської системи технологій і концепції організації ланцюга виробництва нового покоління. Розкрито сучасний зміст поняття "Індустрія 4.0" і узагальнено інформацію про основні ідеї та технології, які застосовуються для реалізації цієї концепції.Исследован переход производства на новый этап развития, что обусловлено внедрением в процесс автоматизации новейших компьютерных технологий, давно распространившихся в сфере услуг. Одной из характерных особенностей развития современной промышленности является интеграция достижений теории и практики автоматизации, информационных технологий, робототехники и систем "человек – автоматизированный объект". "Индустрия 4.0" была задумана как перспективный проект высоких технологий под руководством федерального правительства Германии с акцентом на информационных и коммуникационных технологиях. Однако это понятие значительно расширилось и стало собирательным для европейской системы технологий и концепции организации цепи производства нового поколения. Раскрыто современное содержание понятия "Индустрия 4.0" и обобщена информация об основных идеях и технологиях, применяемых для реализации данной концепции.This paper is dedicated to the study of the transition of manufacturing to a new stage of its development due to the introduction of the latest computer technologies, that have become common in the service sector, into the automation process. One of the characteristic features of the development of modern industry is the integration of the achievements of the theory and practice of automation, information technology, robotics and "human–automated object" systems. "Industry 4.0" was designed as a promising high-tech project under the supervision of the Federal Government of Germany with a focus on information and communication technologies. Today, however, this concept has expanded considerably and now is a collective system for European technologies and concepts for the organization of a new generation of production chains. Thus, in the paper, the modern meaning of "Industry 4.0" concept is described and the main ideas and technologies used for its implementation are summarized

    On Servitization of the Manufacturing Industry in the UK

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    AbstractFor a number of years, an increase in manufacturing-related service activities being provided by third parties rather than “in-house” departments has been observed. This trend appears to be strengthening in the context of the Industry 4.0 landscape. The purpose of this paper is to investigate in what sense and at what rate the domain of manufacturing in the UK is transitioning into a major service-oriented field and what types of manufacturing-related activities are most/least suitable for future servitization. Hence, the paper addresses the following questions: i) To what extent has Servitization been adopted in the UK? – What impact is Industry 4.0 currently making? ii) What types of services are currently being offered as a result of industry 4.0? iii) What pros/cons/opportunities/threats does Industry 4.0 bring to British Servitization? – What wider economic issues will make an impact? The research summarized in this paper presents an answer to the outlined questions and draws conclusions as to how this field may further develop in future. The main contributions of this research are the closing of a critical gap in literature by investigating the relationships between the two fields of Servitization and Industry 4.0, and the creation of a framework to allow companies to make themselves aware of Industry 4.0-related services, whilst ensuring these new service innovations are offered in-line with their current business model

    Utviklingens påvirkning på vedlikehold av heisanlegg i Schindler AS

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    Estratégia do retalho na indústria da moda em Portugal após COVID-19: uma análise exploratória

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de ModaO mundo atravessou uma fase de muitas incertezas com o aparecimento do COVID-19. A pandemia teve um impacto enorme na vida das pessoas e mudou muitos hábitos de consumo. Grande parte da população teve que se isolar nas suas casas, o que mudou drasticamente o quotidiano das pessoas, fazendo com que as suas necessidades mudassem. A pandemia trouxe muitas questões humanitárias e ambientais à consciência do consumidor e que passam por um consumidor mais exigente com os padrões éticos da moda e que procuram uma moda mais sustentável, com mais justiça e altos padrões éticos tanto ambientais como humanitários. O encerramento de muitos estabelecimentos comerciais fez com que surgisse uma urgência para a transição do ponto de venda físico para online. Assim, muitas empresas que já tinham este canal operacional, conseguiram manter o seu negócio a funcionar durante a pandemia, enquanto que muitas outras tiveram necessidade de se introduzir neste canal de venda. As empresas que não tiveram a capacidade de ser reajustar para o ponto de venda online, sofreram um impacto maior nas suas vendas. O futuro do retalho passa pela indústria e retalho 4.0, pois traz muitas vantagens para as empresas, desde um crescimento de produtividade, a uma redução de custos, maior competitividade e maior eficácia nos processos da cadeia de valor, o que faz com que a mudança para a indústria 4.0 seja quase que inevitável. Os resultados indicam que o consumidor continua a dar preferência a deslocar-se a um ponto de venda físico para adquirir produtos de moda, pela possibilidade de tocar, ver e experimentar os artigos. Apesar de o uso do canal online para a aquisição de produtos de moda ter aumentado, o consumidor nunca será totalmente digital, o que indica que o futuro passa pela implementação do omnicanal. Apesar de ter existido uma urgência para a transição do ponto de venda físico para online numa fase pandémica, as empresas portuguesas ainda estão muito atrasadas na implementação da Indústria 4.0, e a pandemia não teve um impacto significativo no seu reajustamento pois este ainda não estava implementado antes do Covid-19. O reajustamento do retalho passa por implementar processos e componentes do Retalho 4.0, mas também surgiram questões éticas e humanitárias por parte do consumidor que levam um reajustamento da indústria face a questões éticas e sustentáveis, o que leva a muitas mudanças estruturais.The world went through a time of great uncertainty with the emergence of COVID-19. The pandemic had a huge impact on people's lives and changed many consumer habits. A large part of the population had to isolate themselves in their homes, which drastically changed people's daily lives, causing their needs to change. The pandemic has brought many humanitarian and environmental issues to the consumer's consciousness, with consumers becoming more demanding of ethical fashion standards and looking for more sustainable fashion, with more fairness and high ethical standards, both environmental and humanitarian. The closure of many retail outlets has led to an urgency to transition from the physical point of sale to online. Thus, many companies that already had this channel operational were able to keep their business running during the pandemic, while many others needed to introduce themselves to this sales channel. The companies that did not have the ability to readjust to the online point of sale suffered a major impact on their sales. The future of retail is industry and retail 4.0, because it brings many advantages for companies, from productivity growth, to cost reduction, greater competitiveness and greater efficiency in the value chain processes, which makes the change to industry 4.0 almost inevitable. The results indicate that the consumer still prefers to go to a physical point of sale to purchase fashion products, for the possibility of touching, seeing and trying on the items. Although the use of the online channel to purchase fashion products has increased, the consumer will never be fully digital, indicating that the future lies in the implementation of omnichannel. Although there was an urgency for the transition from the physical point of sale to online in a pandemic phase, Portuguese companies are still far behind in the implementation of Industry 4.0, and the pandemic did not have a significant impact on their readjustment because this was not yet implemented before Covid-19. The readjustment of retail involves implementing processes and components of Retail 4.0, but ethical and humanitarian issues have also arisen from the consumer that led to a readjustment of the industry to ethical and sustainable issues, which leads to many structural changes

    Goal-driven context-sensitive production processes : a case study using BPMN

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet, predicts that Smart Factories driven by Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems, will reinvent the traditional manufacturing industry into a digitalized, a context-aware, and an automated manufacturing that will flourish with contemporary Information and Communication Technology (ICT). As the IoT are being deployed across production cites of the manufacturing companies, the need of decision making inside a business process based upon the received contextual data such as employee availability, machine status, etc. from the execution environment has transpired. Production processes need to be updated and optimized frequently to stay competitive in the market. Context-sensitive Adaptive Production Processes is an adept concept that illustrates how a business process can be context-sensitive keeping itself aligned with the abstract organizational goals. The notion of Context-sensitive Adaptive Production Processes leads us to Context-sensitive Execution Step (CES), a logical construct, that encompasses multiple alternative processes, albeit the best-fitting alternative can only be selected, optimized, and executed in runtime. Realization of the context-sensitive business processes requires a model-driven approach. Being Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) the de-facto standard for business processes modeling, business experts of manufacturing companies can use custom CES construct of BPMN to model and execute context-sensitive business processes in a model-driven approach. This case study is based upon a scenario where there exists multiple alternatives to achieve the same goal in production, nevertheless all the alternatives are not suitable at a certain point of time as changes in business objectives and execution environment makes adaption tougher. Properties of intelligent production processes are different from traditional processes. Such properties along with the scrutinized properties of standard BPMN facilitates modeling CES integrated processes in BPMN. From the requirements inferred from these properties, standard BPMN is extended with extensions such that context-sensitive business processes can be modeled and executed seamlessly. Developed extensions include a new type of process construct and a new type of process definition that are technology agnostic. Thus, CES approach provides a comprehensive solution that makes production processes contextsensitive as well as goal-driven in unison

    Desenvolvimento de módulos de hardware para aquisição e condicionamento de sinais para a indústria 4.0

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    Mestrado em em Engenharia MecânicaAo longo da história a indústria tem sofrido alterações e evoluções constantes a nível de métodos e processos de fabrico devido a um conjunto de factores que estiveram sempre ligados à inovação tecnológica na área. Com esta evolução surgiram também novas necessidades dentro desta área, de modo a elevar a competitividade das empresas no mundo industrial. Estas visam atingir a maior redução de custos possível através do aumento da eficiência de processos, não só a nível de matéria prima e consumos associados à produção, mas também ao aumento de complexidade dos equipamentos e das interações entre estes numa instalação fabril. A manutenção industrial é atualmente a principal aposta na redução de custos, através da implementação da manutenção preditiva, com o objectivo de prever falhas em equipamentos. Para esse efeito são usados inúmeros sistemas que permitem efetuar a monitorização em tempo real destes equipamentos, permitindo a deteção de falhas e anomalias num curto período de tempo, sendo assim possível fazer um planeamento da intervenção de uma forma atempada e adequada. O uso destes sistemas reflete-se numa grande redução de custos não só na substituição de peças na manutenção, mas principalmente na redução das paragens inesperadas de produção. O projeto em que o presente relatório se insere que tem por objetivo global desenvolver um sistema de monitorização de equipamentos em conjunto com a Renault CACIA, desde a aquisição de dados, até à interface onde os mesmos são expostos. O objetivo final passa por integrar este sistema numa linha pré-definida de modo a eliminar a necessidade de efetuar planos de manutenção de uma forma manual, dando ao operador responsável por esse plano as informações em tempo real e o histórico de leituras dos equipamentos em que o sistema esteja instalado, sem a necessidade de fazer o deslocamento ao local. Para além dos operadores, o sistema terá também grande utilidade para as equipas de manutenção, que poderão planear e agendar as intervenções com antecedência. No âmbito deste relatório de projeto foram desenvolvidas soluções para a aquisição, condicionamento e envio de dados recolhidos do equipamento para uma base de dados, que servem de complemento para um trabalho desenvolvido de forma externa a este relatório com o objectivo de fazer o armazenamento e disponibilização dos dados recolhidos numa interface gráfica. Os resultados finais obtidos superaram as expectativas iniciais, tendo cumprido todos os objetivos delineados para o projeto e recolhido interesse e feedback muito positivo por parte de entidades internas ao grupo Renault.Throughout history industry has undergone changes and constant evolutions in the methods and processes of manufacture due to a set of factors that have always been linked to the technological innovation in the area. With this evolution, new needs have also arisen within this area, in order to raise the competitiveness of companies in the industrial world. These are aimed at achieving the greatest cost reduction possible by increasing process efficiency, not only at raw material and costs associated with production, but also by increasing the complexity of the equipment and the interactions between them in a manufacturing facility. Industrial maintenance is currently the main focus on cost reduction, through the implementation of predictive maintenance, with the aim of predicting equipment failures. For this purpose, a number of systems are used that allow real-time monitoring of these devices, allowing the detection of faults and anomalies in a short period of time, thus making it possible to plan the intervention in a timely and adequate manner. The use of these systems is reflected in a great reduction of costs not only in the replacement of parts in the maintenance, but mainly in the reduction of the unexpected stops of production. The project in which this report is inserted has the overall objective of developing an equipment monitoring system in conjunction with Renault CACIA, from the acquisition of data, to the interface where they are exposed. The final objective is to integrate this system into a predefined line in order to eliminate the need to carry out maintenance plans manually, giving the operator responsible for this plan the real-time information and the history of the equipment readings where the system is installed, without the need to move to the location. In addition to operators, the system will also be very useful for maintenance teams, who can plan and schedule interventions in advance. In the scope of this project report, solutions were developed for the acquisition, conditioning and transmission of data collected from the equipment to a database, which complement a work developed outside this report in order to make the storage and availability of the data collected in a graphical interface. The final results obtained exceeded initial expectations, having fulfilled all the objectives outlined for the project and collected interest and very positive feedback from entities within the Renault group

    Monitoring and Information Alignment in Pursuit of an IoT-Enabled Self-Sustainable Interoperability

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    To remain competitive with big corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often need to be more dynamic, adapt to new business situations, react faster, and thereby survive in today‘s global economy. To do so, SMEs normally seek to create consortiums, thus gaining access to new and more opportunities. However, this strategy may also lead to complications. Due to the different sources of enterprise models and semantics, organizations are experiencing difficulties in seamlessly exchanging vital information via electronic means. In their attempt to address this issue, most seek to achieve interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or by using neutral data standards to regulate communications in optimized networks. Moreover, systems are more and more dynamic, frequently changing to answer new customer‘s requirements, causing new interoperability problems and a reduction of efficiency. Another situation that is constantly changing is the devices used in the enterprises, as the Enterprise Information Systems, devices are used to register internal data, and to be used to monitor several aspects. These devices are constantly changing, following the evolution and growth of the market. So, it is important to monitor these devices and doing a model representation of them. This dissertation proposes a self-sustainable interoperable framework to monitor existing enterprise information systems and their devices, monitor the device/enterprise network for changes and automatically detecting model changes. With this, network harmonization disruptions are detected in a timely way, and possible solutions are suggested to regain the interoperable status, thus enhancing robustness for reaching sustainability of business networks along time

    Avaliação de modelos de negócio inovadores em PME: a servitização dos fabricantes de tecnologia de produção avançada para as rochas ornamentais

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    Variadas empresas industriais de referência têm apostado no crescimento, adotando a servitização como estratégia integrada de produtos/serviços, gerando vantagem competitiva relativamente à concorrência por baixos custos. Esta dissertação visa avaliar a relevância de modelos de negócio suportados na servitização, para PME Fabricantes de Tecnologia de Produção Avançada para as Rochas Ornamentais (RO). Assim, concebeu-se e testou-se um modelo conceptual que proporciona um contexto holístico transversal para as operações, incluindo três dimensões: estratégia, estrutura organizacional, infraestrutura tecnológica. Este modelo suporta um processo de inquérito organizado e sistemático para endereçar o estado-da-arte da servitização, nos dois casos de estudo. Os dados primários foram recolhidos por entrevistas semi-estruturadas, completadas por observação "in loco" e dados secundários. Confirmou-se qualitativamente a usabilidade/utilidade do modelo para discutir e avaliar modelos de negócio inovadores numa PME, pela relevância dos resultados obtidos. Foram detetados estágios primários de servitização que tenderão a evoluir, em função da adoção como "standard" para a estrutura organizacional, quer de plataformas tecnológicas digitais associadas à Indústria 4.0, quer de redes colaborativas (RC). Constatou-se ainda, a ausência de inovação aberta por parte dos clientes, gerando fortíssimos sentimentos de posse dos recursos físicos, capital, informação e dados, o que condiciona a servitização e ameaça a sobrevivência do "cluster". Contudo, a esperada introdução obrigatória do "Building Information Modeling" irá requerer RC operacionalizadas em organizações virtuais e respetivos ambientes de criação, gerando vantagem competitiva nas RO e viabilizando o progresso da servitização. O projeto mobilizador INOVSTONE 4.0 exemplifica esta dinâmica inovadora no "cluster" das RO.Many industrial companies have been adopting servitization as an integrated product/service strategy to achieve growth and competitive advantage concerning low cost competition. This thesis aims at assessing the relevance of servitization business models for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) SME that supply the Ornamental Stones (OS) cluster. A conceptual framework was designed and tested. It proposes a holistic context that is cross sectional to SME operations by addressing strategy, organizational structure, technological infrastructure. The framework supports an organized and systematic process of inquiry to approach the state-of-the-art of servitization in the investigated case studies. Primary data were gathered by semi-structured interviews and, completed by in loco observation and secondary data. The framework usefulness/usability to discuss and assess the adoption of innovative business models in a SME was qualitatively confirmed by the outcomes relevance. This research has identified primary stages of servitization taking place into the AMT SME. They might progress towards advanced servitization, if both digital business platforms associated with Industry4.0 and collaborative networks are deployed as the standard for organisational arrangements. Moreover, the lack of open innovation in the OS SME generates strong feelings of ownership towards physical resources, capital, information and data that constrains the progress of servitization and provides a threat to the cluster survival. However, a mandatory progress towards "Building Information Modeling" is expected, which is going to generate strong requirements for virtual breeding environments and virtual organisations that will leverage competitive advantage and enable servitization progress. INOVSTONE 4.0 initiative exemplifies this innovative dynamic in OS