2,473 research outputs found

    Understanding the determinants of evaluation, adoption and routinisation of ERP technology (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the context of agricultural farms

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information and Decision SystemsThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of the adoption of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) technology in agricultural farms in Brazil. The data were collected in 502 personal interviews with farmers of soy, corn, cotton, coffee, beans, wheat, peanuts, fruits, sugarcane and cattle raising, The data gathering instrument used for the quantitative research was built based on the result of the qualitative study in combination with three theories: Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI), Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE), and Interorganizational Relations (IORs). Structural Equations (SEM) methodology was used to analyze the data and hypothesis. The results indicate the significant drivers for Evaluation, Adoption, and Routinisation. Also, we analyzed the ERP impact on farm performance based on resource-based view (RBV). We hope this work can bring a theoretical and practical contribution for the agribusiness field and also increase debates about the platforms on cloud computer based on ERP, Enterprise 2,0 and Industry 4.0. The results this thesis provide information to agribusiness owners, managers and administrators to promote and incentivize the use of ERP

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    Brazilian farmer perception of dynamic capability and performance over the adoption of enterprise resource planning technology

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    Haberli Júnior, C., Spers, E. E., Oliveira, T., & Yanaze, M. (2020). Brazilian farmer perception of dynamic capability and performance over the adoption of enterprise resource planning technology. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 23(4), 515-528. https://doi.org/10.22434/IFAMR2020.0029The study investigates the perceptions of the effects and impacts on the performance of agricultural and livestock farms based on the view of obtaining dynamic capabilities by the adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology. The dimensions for measuring farmers’ perceptions of ERP adoption were technological, organizational and environmental and their diffusion and the impacts measured on dynamic capabilities were on internal operations, costs, sales and natural resources. A total of 502 farmers directly involved in managing the production, located in the main agricultural areas of Brazil were interviewed. The results indicated that the perception of obtaining dynamic capabilities in the farms by adopting the ERP was significant, but with lower levels in costs and natural resources. The influence of farm size on ERP adoption and its perception on farm performance was not significant. The proposed model proved to be adequate and can be validated and compared with other producing regions.publishersversionpublishe

    Resources and competitive strategies to improve the performance of diving tourism business in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research provides solutions to improve the performance of the diving tourism business in Indonesia by increasing competitive strategies and resource-based uniqueness. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted using quantitative methods. The unit of analysis is dive operators in Indonesia where data are collected from 50 random samples taken from 284 dive operators. Then the observations in this study use a time horizon that is cross section one shoot taking. Findings: The results of the study show that the uniqueness of resources and competitive strategies have a significant effect on business performance. Competitive strategies have dominant influence in improving the performance of dive service operators in Indonesia. Practical Implications: The results can be used in an effort to improve the performance of the dive tourism business in Indonesia through the development of competitive strategies based on cost-based approaches, and the development of resource uniqueness based on the development of human resources. Originality/Value: This study acts as a reference for the diving tourism business people and all parties involved in this kind of business to understand the uniqueness of resources and competitive strategies in improving the business performance.peer-reviewe

    Uses of ERP systems and their influence on controllership functions in Brazilian Companies

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    Controllership and Information Technology provide ways for companies to adapt to the competitive context of business environments. As such, the aim of this research is to identify and analyze the impacts of ERP systems on Controllership functions, verifying the relationships between the use of solutions and possible improvements in such functions. The need for management control and operations control were observed. This research is descriptive and exploratory of the survey kind. The subjects mentioned in this research are managers involved in Controllership activities in large companies from the Auto Parts sector in the State of São Paulo. The data obtained through a questionnaire by non-probabilistic samples were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics. According to the subjects, ERP systems modify Controllership functions and better serve the control needs of the operations. The results showed problems to be overcome in management control

    Capacidades dinâmicas e complementaridade em projetos de TI complexos no Brasil: a experiência da Dataprev

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    Objective of the study: Large IT projects are admittedly complex, expensive, and risky, and not always produce the desired business results. In this study, we draw on the Resource-Based View and the theory of dynamic capabilities to elucidate the dynamics that allow a company to extract value continuously from an investment in a large corporate system.Methodology / approach: To accomplish this, we developed a case study on the implementation and post-implementation of an ERP system by Dataprev, a large Brazilian public company.Originality / Relevance: Our study provides empirical evidence of the interplay among complementary IT and organizational resources and capabilities, and dynamic capabilities in a large ERP implementation project and subsequent events in a Brazilian public company. There is still a paucity of research on these three issues, especially in the context of emerging economies.Main results: Our analysis of the primary and secondary qualitative data we collected showed that, over time, the company's dynamic capabilities worked to improve the complementarity of IT and organizational resources and capabilities. This allowed Dataprev to develop new synergistic resources and capabilities and thereby, increase its performance and competitiveness continuously.Theoretical / methodological contributions: We describe these resources and capabilities, as well as the dynamics of their interactions, and discuss its theoretical and practical implications.Objetivo del estudio: Los grandes proyectos de TI se reconocen como complejos, costosos y riesgosos y no siempre producen los resultados comerciales deseados. En este estudio, la Vista Basada en Recursos y la teoría de las capacidades dinámicas se utilizan para dilucidar las dinámicas que permiten a una empresa extraer continuamente valor de una inversión en un gran sistema corporativo.Metodología / enfoque: Para ello, se desarrolló un estudio de caso sobre la implementación y post implementación de un sistema ERP por parte de Dataprev, una gran empresa pública brasileña.Originalidad / Relevancia: El estudio proporciona evidencia empírica de la interacción entre recursos y capacidades organizativos y de TI complementarios y capacidades dinámicas en un importante proyecto de implementación de ERP y en eventos posteriores, en una empresa pública brasileña. Todavía hay escasez de investigación sobre estos tres temas, especialmente en el contexto de las economías emergentes.Resultados principales: El análisis de los datos cualitativos primarios y secundarios recopilados mostró que, con el tiempo, las capacidades dinámicas de la empresa contribuyeron a mejorar la complementariedad de los recursos y capacidades organizacionales y de TI. Esto permitió a Dataprev desarrollar nuevos recursos y capacidades sinérgicas y, así, mejorar continuamente su desempeño y competitividad.Aportes teóricos y metodológicos: El estudio describe estos recursos y capacidades, así como la dinámica de sus interacciones, y discute sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.Objetivo do estudo: Grandes projetos de TI são reconhecidamente complexos, caros e arriscados e nem sempre produzem os resultados de negócios desejados. Neste estudo, a Visão Baseada em Recursos e a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas são utilizadas para elucidar a dinâmica que permite a uma empresa extrair valor continuamente de um investimento em um grande sistema corporativo.Metodologia / abordagem: Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso sobre a implantação e pós-implantação de um sistema ERP pela Dataprev, uma grande empresa pública brasileira.Originalidade / Relevância: O estudo fornece evidências empíricas da interação entre recursos e capacidades organizacionais e de TI complementares, e capacidades dinâmicas em um grande projeto de implementação de ERP e em eventos subsequentes, em uma empresa pública brasileira. Ainda há escassez de pesquisas sobre essas três questões, especialmente no contexto das economias emergentes.Principais resultados: A análise dos dados qualitativos primários esecundários coletados mostrou que, ao longo do tempo, as capacidades dinâmicas da empresa contribuíram para melhorar a complementaridade dos recursos e capacidades organizacionais e de TI. Isso permitiu à Dataprev desenvolver novos recursos e capacidades sinérgicas e, assim, melhorar seu desempenho e competitividade continuamente.Contribuições teórico-metodológicas: O estudo descreve esses recursos e capacidades, bem como a dinâmica das suas interações, e discute as suas implicações teóricas e práticas

    What role does corporate governance play in the intention to use cloud computing technology?

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    This paper aims to investigate the factors which promote the adoption of cloud-based technology. It strives for a better understanding of the impact of corporate governance on the adoption of this technology. This study concentrated on executives in companies where the use of cloud computing may give a competitive advantage. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model for the influence of corporate governance and other factors that determine the adoption of this technology. A questionnaire was prepared after taking into consideration the reviewed literature. The sample consisted of 164 technology companies from Southern Spain that already use the new economic models for digital solutions. The methodology used to analyze the structural model was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the survey showed the influence of Corporate Governance and the procedures and practices of the organization on the adoption of cloud computing and the associated business model. This study aims to point out the importance of corporate support and Knowledge Management for the correct and successful adoption of this technology and to show the effects on the new business model of billing for the use of available resources. View Full-Tex

    The dimensions of IT portfolio management (ITPM) : an analysis involving managers in brazilian companies

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    The aim of this study is to explore and validate the dimensions of IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) in Brazilian companies, based on three different models. Five case studies were carried out in Brazilian companies that invest more than nine million reals per year in IT. Eight top IT executives from those organizations who had knowledge of the dimensions of ITPM were interviewed. Items were modified and new items included within the dimensions, while examples of equipment or systems applicable to each of the four dimensions were also identified. Research that helps managers to better understand and structure their IT investments by using the dimensions of ITPM is important to assist in the management of such resources

    The dimensions of it portfolio management (ITPM): an analysis involving it managers in Brazilian companies

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    The aim of this study is to explore and validate the dimensions of IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) in Brazilian companies, based on three different models. Five case studies were carried out in Brazilian companies that invest more than nine million reals per year in IT. Eight top IT executives from those organizations who had knowledge of the dimensions of ITPM were interviewed. Items were modified and new items included within the dimensions, while examples of equipment or systems applicable to each of the four dimensions were also identified. Research that helps managers to better understand and structure their IT investments by using the dimensions of ITPM is important to assist in the management of such resources