18,813 research outputs found

    The written production of argumentative and dissertation text: a didactic project based on Bakhtin's philosophy

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    This article is characterized as a theoretical and practical research related to a project developed during the year 2015 in two schools - one public, the other private- , in the city of Birigui, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The main goal of the study was to analyze: the pedagogical project and the teachers’ activities oriented towards teaching and learning of argumentative and dissertation texts. The methodology used in this research comprised: (i) visiting both schools, (ii) producing a description of ongoing school practices, with focus on the teaching of argumentative and dissertation texts, (iii) suggesting a teacher’s activity to improve this apprenticeship, (iv) putting this activity into practice and (v) analyzing obtained results. The theoretical framework used for this study was the Bakhtinian philosophy (BAKHTIN, 2013; 2006a; 2006b; 2006c; 2006d; 2010; 2013; VOLOSHINOV, 1986). This theoretical approach was chosen due to the importance of comprehension of the text not just as an amalgamated set of words, phrases and paragraphs; other than that, we understand it as a structure of meaning, in which we encounter linguistic forms, ideologies and discursive stance. At last, we can say the results show that the argumentative texts render assistance to the development of the students’ argumentative competence and skill, that is, in their ability to argue and organize ideas in a communicative situation

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    The Aesthetic Politics of Unfinished Media: New Media Activism in Brazil

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    This article analyzes the role of key visual technologies in contemporary media activism in Brazil. Drawing on a range of media formats and sources, it examines how the aesthetic politics of activists in protests that took place in 2013 opened the way for wider sociopolitical change. The forms and practices of the media activists, it is argued, aimed explicitly at producing transformative politics. New media technologies were remediated as a kind of equipment that could generate new relationships and subjectivities, and thereby access to intentionally undetermined futures

    J-PLUS: analysis of the intracluster light in the Coma cluster

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    The intracluster light (ICL) is a luminous component of galaxy clusters composed of stars that are gravitationally bound to the cluster potential but do not belong to the individual galaxies. Previous studies of the ICL have shown that its formation and evolution are intimately linked to the evolutionary stage of the cluster. Thus, the analysis of the ICL in the Coma cluster will give insights into the main processes driving the dynamics in this highly complex system. Using a recently developed technique, we measure the ICL fraction in Coma at several wavelengths, using the J-PLUS unique filter system. The combination of narrow- and broadband filters provides valuable information on the dynamical state of the cluster, the ICL stellar types, and the morphology of the diffuse light. We use the Chebyshev-Fourier Intracluster Light Estimator (CICLE) to disentangle the ICL from the light of the galaxies, and to robustly measure the ICL fraction in seven J-PLUS filters. We obtain the ICL fraction distribution of the Coma cluster at different optical wavelengths, which varies from 7%21%\sim 7\%-21\%, showing the highest values in the narrowband filters J0395, J0410, and J0430. This ICL fraction excess is distinctive pattern recently observed in dynamically active clusters (mergers), indicating a higher amount of bluer stars in the ICL compared to the cluster galaxies. Both the high ICL fractions and the excess in the bluer filters are indicative of a merging state. The presence of younger/lower-metallicity stars the ICL suggests that the main mechanism of ICL formation for the Coma cluster is the stripping of the stars in the outskirts of infalling galaxies and, possibly, the disruption of dwarf galaxies during past/ongoing mergers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    Bibliography on open access in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Bibliography on open access in Latin America and the Caribbean. Selection mainly based on open access publications describing open access initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Prepared for UNESCO-Latin America and the Caribbean Section of the UNESCO-GOAP Global Open Access Portal

    Natural history of four species of Platydracus Thomson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Heliconia bourgaeana Petersen (Zingiberales: Heliconiaceae) flower bracts

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    The insect fauna within inflorescences of Heliconia bourgaeana Petersen (Zingiberales: Heliconiaceae) was evaluated in Parque Metlac, Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico between May and October 1995. Floral bracts were present in May and some persisted to October, despite much destruction in August by a grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus (JF Gmelin) (Icteridae). Flowers were abundant in the bracts in May-June, after which their number declined as fruits matured. Insects that fed on the flowers were most abundant in May-June; several of them could be pollinators; the immature stages of most of these insects were absent from Heliconia Linnaeus. The floral bracts contained water enriched by decomposition of the flowers, and this provided nutrition for aquatic organisms. Syrphid larvae (Diptera) contributed the largest biomass among the aquatic insects, and their distribution among bracts was more uniform in time than that of other aquatic insects. Larvae of Culicidae and Psychodidae (Diptera) were more variable in density and were more abundant after decomposition of the flowers. The most abundant aquatic predators of culicid larvae were larvae of Toxorhynchites Theobald (Culicidae). The most abundant amphibious predators of dipterous larvae were adults of four species of Platydracus Thomson (Staphylinidae), one of them yet undescribed. To capture its prey, the Platydracus adult would immerse its head and thorax, with open mandibles, to snap at passing dipterous larvae.La fauna insectil asociada con las inflorescencias de Heliconia bourgaeana Petersen (Zingiberales: Heliconiaceae) fue evaluada en el Parque Metlac, Fortín de las Flores, Ver., México entre mayo y octubre de 1995. Las brácteas florales estuvieron presentes en mayo y persistieron hasta octubre, aunque con mucha destrucción a partir de agosto debido a la acción del zanate mexicano (Quiscalus mexicanus (JF Gmelin), Icteridae). Las flores en las brácteas fueron abundantes en mayo y junio, después de lo cual su número se redujo conforme aumento el tamaño de los frutos, los cuales maduraron en octubre. Los insectos adultos que se alimentaron en las flores fueron más abundantes en mayo y julio; varios de ellos podrían actuar como polinizadores. Los estados inmaduros de la mayoría de estos insectos no fueron encontrados en Heliconia Linnaeus. Las brácteas florales contuvieron agua enriquecida por la descomposición de las flores, lo cual provey de nutrimentos para algunos de los organismos acuáticos. Las larvas de la familia Syrphidae (Diptera) constituyeron la mayor biomasa de las larvas de insectos y su distribución fue notablemente uniforme entre las brácteas en cada espiga floral y a lo largo del periodo de observación. Las larvas de las familias Culicidae y Psychodidae (Diptera) fueron más variables en su densidad, y más abundantes después de la descomposición de las flores. Los depredadores acuáticos de las larvas de Culicidae más abundantes fueron larvas de Toxorhynchites Theobald (Culicidae). Los depredadores anfibios más abundantes de las larvas de dípteros fueron cuatro especies de Platydracus Thomson (Staphylinidae), una de ellas aun no descrita. Para capturar su presa, un estafilínido sumerge su cabeza y su tórax, con mandíbulas abiertas, en el agua e intenta capturar las larvas de dípteros

    Mentoring Entrepreneurial Networks : mapping conceptions of participants in technological-based business incubators in Brazil

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    La agenda de la investigación reciente sobre emprendedores incluye el análisis de las estructuras cognitivas de los empresarios de éxito, revelándose como una herramienta importante a la hora de examinar una trayectoria emprendedora. Mediante técnicas de mapas cognitivos, este estudio explora los conceptos de una trayectoria de éxito y la red en sí misma como un todo, para el desarrollo de esta carrera. Fueron estudiados 53 empresarios en siete viveros tecnológicos de la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. El objetivo específico de este estudio era situar los significados comunes de los emprendedores del vivero teniendo en cuenta las redes de apoyo informal. Este tipo de redes ofrecen apoyo a la carrera empresarial, y el presente estudio examina tanto las características como el modelo conceptual que subyace bajo éstas. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de entrevistas a través de la técnica de evocación libre. Los significados comunes indican la existencia de categorías de pensamiento inherentes que fomentan el contexto de la red en el entorno del vivero, especialmente en las redes-mentor. Los resultados refuerzan la interpretación de un modelo mentor informal que emerge de las evocaciones predominantes respecto a una carrera de éxito y de la red en sí misma como promotora de su desarrollo.The recent entrepreneurship research agenda includes the analysis of cognitive structures of successful entrepreneurs, revealing an important tool for the examination of an entrepreneurial career. Using techniques of cognitive maps, this study explores the concepts of a successful career and the network itself, as a whole, for career development. Fifty-three entrepreneurs were studied, in seven technological incubators in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Specifically, this study aimed to map the shared meanings of the incubated entrepreneurs regarding informal support networks. Such networks support the entrepreneurial career and the present study explores the characteristics and the conceptual model that underlies the networks. The data collection was achieved through interviews through a free evocation technique. The shared meanings indicate the existence of inherent thought categories that support network context in the incubator environment, mainly the mentoring networks. The results endorse the interpretation of an informal mentoring model emerging from the dominant evocations concerning a successful career and of the network itself as promoter of career development