432 research outputs found

    FPGA Implementation of a Parameterized Fourier Synthesizer

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    International audienceField-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) offers advantages for many applications, particularly where missions are complex and time performance is critical. For small-production digital acoustic synthesizers, FPGA can achieve the above-mentioned tighter system requirements with low total system costs on single chip. In this manuscript, a real-time acoustic synthesizer is implemented using Fourier series algorithm on Altera's Cyclone II FPGA chip. This work emphasizes systematic designs and parallel computations. The proposed system includes a ïŹ‚exible processor and a parallel parameterized acoustic module. On one hand, the Nios II embedded processor, which is relatively low-speed component, is used to generate commands and conïŹgure high-speed acoustic module parameters. On the other hand, acoustic module which should require high-speed components contains 4 parallel architectures to gain high-speed simultaneous calculus of 4 independent digital timbres. Every timbre is equivalent to 16 parallel high-precision harmonic channels with 0.3 % frequency error. Experimental results corroborate the fact that a single FPGA chip can achieve complex missions and attain real-time performances

    Sound and Automated Synthesis of Digital Stabilizing Controllers for Continuous Plants

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    Modern control is implemented with digital microcontrollers, embedded within a dynamical plant that represents physical components. We present a new algorithm based on counter-example guided inductive synthesis that automates the design of digital controllers that are correct by construction. The synthesis result is sound with respect to the complete range of approximations, including time discretization, quantization effects, and finite-precision arithmetic and its rounding errors. We have implemented our new algorithm in a tool called DSSynth, and are able to automatically generate stable controllers for a set of intricate plant models taken from the literature within minutes.Comment: 10 page

    Digital Design Of The LHC Low Level rf: The Tuning System For The Superconducting Cavities

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    The low level RF systems for the LHC are based extensively on digital technology, not only to achieve the required performance and stability but also to provide full remote control and diagnostics facilities needed since most of the RF system is inaccessible during operation. The hardware is based on modular VME with a specially designed P2 backplane for timing distribution, fast data interchange and low noise linear power supplies. Extensive design re-use and the use of graphic FPGA design tools have streamlined the design process. A milestone was the test of the tuning system for the superconducting cavities. The tuning control module is based on a 2M gate FPGA with on-board DSP. Its design and functionality are described, including features such as automatic cavity measurements. Work is ongoing on completion of other modules and building up complete software and diagnostics facilities

    Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in FPGA for Maze Tracking of a Mobile Robot Based on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement

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    This paper describes an application of fuzzy logic to solve the problem of an autonomous mobile robot in tracking the path within a maze. The robot equipped with ultrasonic transceivers to measure the distance between robot and the wall. The information of distance then will be processed using fuzzy-based algorithm and implemented in two chips FPGA. The FPGA has responsibility to formulize the rule of the fuzzy and generate the PWM signals for robot's motors as the result of fuzzy inference. Implementing all necessary fuzzy logic algorithms will require many FPGA resources. Therefore, we use two FPGAs: XC4010E and XC4005XL. The first one for the fuzzification and rule base evaluation, and it consumes 98% of its resources (CLBs). The second one for defuzzification and PWM output generation, which utilizes 78% of all its CLBs. By implementing fuzzy logic using FPGA, the robot achieves relatively safe tracking the path in real-time sense

    FPGA Implementation of Hearing Impaired Assistive Device for Hard to Hear Individuals

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    The Noise cancellation and suppression techniques have been developed and implemented in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) in this work. Hearing aids are primarily meant for improving hearing and speech comprehensions. Digital hearing aids score over their analog counterparts. This happens as digital hearing aids provide flexible gain besides facilitating feedback reduction and noise elimination. Recent advances in digital signal processors (DSP) and Microelectronics have led to the development of superior digital hearing aids. Many researchers have investigated several algorithms suitable for hearing aid application that demands low noise, feed-back cancellation, echo cancellation, etc., however the toughest challenge is the implementation. Furthermore, the additional constraints are power and area. The device must consume as minimum power as possible to support extended battery life and should be as small as possible for increased portability. In this work, we are using cross-channel suppression technique to remove the unwanted audio signals. The unwanted signals are suppressed using twotone suppression scheme. In this project, the speech signal is absorbed by microphone. This signal is then converted to digital using ADC. The digitized signal is processed using FPGA. Here in FPGA the speech signal is enhanced and amplified to the desired level. The processed speech signal is then converted into analog format using DAC and is given to speaker

    The Analogue Computer as a Voltage-Controlled Synthesiser

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    This paper re-appraises the role of analogue computers within electronic and computer music and provides some pointers to future areas of research. It begins by introducing the idea of analogue computing and placing in the context of sound and music applications. This is followed by a brief examination of the classic constituents of an analogue computer, contrasting these with the typical modular voltage-controlled synthesiser. Two examples are presented, leading to a discussion on some parallels between these two technologies. This is followed by an examination of the current state-of-the-art in analogue computation and its prospects for applications in computer and electronic music

    Pyramic array: An FPGA based platform for many-channel audio acquisition

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    Array processing of audio data has many interesting applications: acoustic beamforming, source separation, indoor localization, room geometry estimation, etc. Recent advances in MEMS has produced tiny microphones, analog or even with digital converter integrated. This opens the door to create arrays with a massive number of microphones. We dub such an array many-channel by analogy to many-core processors.Microphone arrays techniques present compelling applications for robotic implementations. Those techniques can allow robots to listen to their environment and infer clues from it. Such features might enable capabilities such as natural interaction with humans, interpreting spoken commands or the localization of victims during search and rescue tasks. However, under noisy conditions robotic implementations of microphone arrays might degrade their precision when localizing sound sources. For practical applications, human hearing still leaves behind microphone arrays. Daniel Kisch is an example of how humans are able to efficiently perform echo-localization to recognize their environment, even in noisy and reverberant environments. For ubiquitous computing, another limitation of acoustic localization algorithms is within their capabilities of performing real-time Digital Signal Processing (DSP) operations. To tackle those problems, tradeoffs between size, weight, cost and power consumption compromise the design of acoustic sensors for practical applications. This work presents the design and operation of a large microphone array for DSP applications in realistic environments. To address those problems this project introduces the Pyramic sound capture system designed at LAP in EPFL. Pyramic is a custom hardware which possesses 48 microphones dis- tributed in the edges of a tetrahedron. The microphone arrays interact with a Terasic DE1-SoC board from Altera Cyclone V family devices, which combines a Hard Processor System (HPS) and a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in the same die. The HPS part integrates a dual- core ARM-based Cortex-A9 processor, which combined with the power of FPGA design suitable for processing multichannel microphone signals. This thesis explains the implementation of the Pyramic array. Moreover, FPGA-based hardware accelerators have been designed to imple- ment a Master SPI communication with the array and a parallel 48 channels FIR filters cascade of the audio data for delay-and-sum beamforming applications. Additionally, the configura- tion of the HPS part allows the Pyramic array to be controlled through a Linux based OS. The main purpose of the project is to develop a flexible platform in which real-time echo-location algorithms can be implemented. The effectiveness of the Pyramic array design is illustrated by testing the recorded data with offline direction of arrival algorithms developed at LCAV in EPFL

    Tutorial on direct digital synthesizer structure improvements and static timing analysis

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    The direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS) has been widely used in digital communication systems due to its high frequency resolution, fast frequency conversion, and continuous phase change. With the development of microelectronics technology, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices have been rapidly developed. Because of FPGAs’ high speed, high integration and field-programmable advantages, the devices are widely used in digital processing and are increasingly favored by hardware circuit design engineers. FPGAs also provide a technique for using digital data processing blocks as a means to generate a frequency and phase tunable output signal referenced to a fixed-frequency precision clock source. Many telecommunication applications require such high-speed switching, fine tunability and superior quality signal source for their components. This thesis will introduce the direct digital synthesizer (DDS) and investigate some ways to optimize the DDS structure to save hardware resources and increase chip speed without sacrificing signal quality. The Verilog hardware description language is used as the development language. This thesis will describe entire designs of both DDS with traditional structure and DDS with new structures. By comparing the outputs, it also examines the corresponding simulation results and verifies the improvement of the signal quality
