7,065 research outputs found

    Finite Satisfiability for Guarded Fixpoint Logic

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    The finite satisfiability problem for guarded fixpoint logic is decidable and complete for 2ExpTime (resp. ExpTime for formulas of bounded width)

    Distributed Graph Automata and Verification of Distributed Algorithms

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    Combining ideas from distributed algorithms and alternating automata, we introduce a new class of finite graph automata that recognize precisely the languages of finite graphs definable in monadic second-order logic. By restricting transitions to be nondeterministic or deterministic, we also obtain two strictly weaker variants of our automata for which the emptiness problem is decidable. As an application, we suggest how suitable graph automata might be useful in formal verification of distributed algorithms, using Floyd-Hoare logic.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, includes a condensed version of the author's Master's thesis arXiv:1404.6503. (This version of the article (v2) is identical to the previous one (v1), except for minor changes in phrasing.

    Two-Way Automata Making Choices Only at the Endmarkers

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    The question of the state-size cost for simulation of two-way nondeterministic automata (2NFAs) by two-way deterministic automata (2DFAs) was raised in 1978 and, despite many attempts, it is still open. Subsequently, the problem was attacked by restricting the power of 2DFAs (e.g., using a restricted input head movement) to the degree for which it was already possible to derive some exponential gaps between the weaker model and the standard 2NFAs. Here we use an opposite approach, increasing the power of 2DFAs to the degree for which it is still possible to obtain a subexponential conversion from the stronger model to the standard 2DFAs. In particular, it turns out that subexponential conversion is possible for two-way automata that make nondeterministic choices only when the input head scans one of the input tape endmarkers. However, there is no restriction on the input head movement. This implies that an exponential gap between 2NFAs and 2DFAs can be obtained only for unrestricted 2NFAs using capabilities beyond the proposed new model. As an additional bonus, conversion into a machine for the complement of the original language is polynomial in this model. The same holds for making such machines self-verifying, halting, or unambiguous. Finally, any superpolynomial lower bound for the simulation of such machines by standard 2DFAs would imply LNL. In the same way, the alternating version of these machines is related to L =? NL =? P, the classical computational complexity problems.Comment: 23 page

    On Pebble Automata for Data Languages with Decidable Emptiness Problem

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    In this paper we study a subclass of pebble automata (PA) for data languages for which the emptiness problem is decidable. Namely, we introduce the so-called top view weak PA. Roughly speaking, top view weak PA are weak PA where the equality test is performed only between the data values seen by the two most recently placed pebbles. The emptiness problem for this model is decidable. We also show that it is robust: alternating, nondeterministic and deterministic top view weak PA have the same recognition power. Moreover, this model is strong enough to accept all data languages expressible in Linear Temporal Logic with the future-time operators, augmented with one register freeze quantifier.Comment: An extended abstract of this work has been published in the proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2009}, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5734, pages 712-72

    Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs

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    We solve the subgroup intersection problem (SIP) for any RAAG G of Droms type (i.e., with defining graph not containing induced squares or paths of length 3): there is an algorithm which, given finite sets of generators for two subgroups H,K of G, decides whether HKH \cap K is finitely generated or not, and, in the affirmative case, it computes a set of generators for HKH \cap K. Taking advantage of the recursive characterization of Droms groups, the proof consists in separately showing that the solvability of SIP passes through free products, and through direct products with free-abelian groups. We note that most of RAAGs are not Howson, and many (e.g. F_2 x F_2) even have unsolvable SIP.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures (revised following the referee's suggestions

    Truly On-The-Fly LTL Model Checking

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    We propose a novel algorithm for automata-based LTL model checking that interleaves the construction of the generalized B\"{u}chi automaton for the negation of the formula and the emptiness check. Our algorithm first converts the LTL formula into a linear weak alternating automaton; configurations of the alternating automaton correspond to the locations of a generalized B\"{u}chi automaton, and a variant of Tarjan's algorithm is used to decide the existence of an accepting run of the product of the transition system and the automaton. Because we avoid an explicit construction of the B\"{u}chi automaton, our approach can yield significant improvements in runtime and memory, for large LTL formulas. The algorithm has been implemented within the SPIN model checker, and we present experimental results for some benchmark examples

    The \mu-Calculus Alternation Hierarchy Collapses over Structures with Restricted Connectivity

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    It is known that the alternation hierarchy of least and greatest fixpoint operators in the mu-calculus is strict. However, the strictness of the alternation hierarchy does not necessarily carry over when considering restricted classes of structures. A prominent instance is the class of infinite words over which the alternation-free fragment is already as expressive as the full mu-calculus. Our current understanding of when and why the mu-calculus alternation hierarchy is not strict is limited. This paper makes progress in answering these questions by showing that the alternation hierarchy of the mu-calculus collapses to the alternation-free fragment over some classes of structures, including infinite nested words and finite graphs with feedback vertex sets of a bounded size. Common to these classes is that the connectivity between the components in a structure from such a class is restricted in the sense that the removal of certain vertices from the structure's graph decomposes it into graphs in which all paths are of finite length. Our collapse results are obtained in an automata-theoretic setting. They subsume, generalize, and strengthen several prior results on the expressivity of the mu-calculus over restricted classes of structures.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Automata with Nested Pebbles Capture First-Order Logic with Transitive Closure

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    String languages recognizable in (deterministic) log-space are characterized either by two-way (deterministic) multi-head automata, or following Immerman, by first-order logic with (deterministic) transitive closure. Here we elaborate this result, and match the number of heads to the arity of the transitive closure. More precisely, first-order logic with k-ary deterministic transitive closure has the same power as deterministic automata walking on their input with k heads, additionally using a finite set of nested pebbles. This result is valid for strings, ordered trees, and in general for families of graphs having a fixed automaton that can be used to traverse the nodes of each of the graphs in the family. Other examples of such families are grids, toruses, and rectangular mazes. For nondeterministic automata, the logic is restricted to positive occurrences of transitive closure. The special case of k=1 for trees, shows that single-head deterministic tree-walking automata with nested pebbles are characterized by first-order logic with unary deterministic transitive closure. This refines our earlier result that placed these automata between first-order and monadic second-order logic on trees.Comment: Paper for Logical Methods in Computer Science, 27 pages, 1 figur

    Turing Automata and Graph Machines

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    Indexed monoidal algebras are introduced as an equivalent structure for self-dual compact closed categories, and a coherence theorem is proved for the category of such algebras. Turing automata and Turing graph machines are defined by generalizing the classical Turing machine concept, so that the collection of such machines becomes an indexed monoidal algebra. On the analogy of the von Neumann data-flow computer architecture, Turing graph machines are proposed as potentially reversible low-level universal computational devices, and a truly reversible molecular size hardware model is presented as an example

    Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs

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    We solve the subgroup intersection problem (SIP) for any RAAG G of Droms type (i.e., with defining graph not containing induced squares or paths of length 3): there is an algorithm which, given finite sets of generators for two subgroups H,K of G, decides whether HKH \cap K is finitely generated or not, and, in the affirmative case, it computes a set of generators for HKH \cap K. Taking advantage of the recursive characterization of Droms groups, the proof consists in separately showing that the solvability of SIP passes through free products, and through direct products with free-abelian groups. We note that most of RAAGs are not Howson, and many (e.g. F_2 x F_2) even have unsolvable SIP.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures (revised following the referee's suggestions