397 research outputs found

    Poetics in the Era of Convergence

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    The aim of the study is to present changes in structure of a text (its structure, ways of creation, especially figures) in a digital discourse. The identity of digital communication is thus premised upon existing signs, texts, and discourses; and it develops in the process of their adaptation and reinterpretation. Internet seems to be a really good space to make different discourses alike. The creation of new poetics of text and discourse is the result of this process. Digital media modify rhetorical figures (especially ontology and functions of those figures), cancel figures existing in traditional texts (for example inversion is invalidated because no determined way of reading the text exists), and create new ones. In digital discourse words and icons have multifunctional nature (functions of meanings’ creation, linking, acting, marking, signaling sender’s emotions). Traditional textual forms, which differ semiotically and medially are combined and transform, so the borders between forms of expression are blurred

    The Role of Public Service Broadcasters in the Era of Convergence A Case Study of Televisió de Catalunya

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    The development of the convergence process has several implications in the reconfiguration of the media landscape. Public services broadcasters have new opportunities to fulfil their public service duties in a new competitive environment, which involves developing new applications on new platforms. Televisió de Catalunya, the public service broadcaster (PSB) of Catalonia, has developed a clear strategy in this new convergent environment, applying its traditional know-how to new interactive and digital media according to its public mission and getting positive feedback.convergence; public service broadcasting; interactive TV; bandwidth; 3G services; multimedia and digital divide

    Cinematographic image in the era of convergence. Reflections about its artistry

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    El texto es una reflexión a cerca de la imagen cinematográfica en las nuevas pantallas y escenarios, en base al dilema que se nos plantea de si esta es la pureza de un arte o un arte ecléctico. Una(s) reflexión(es) que se plantea(n) a partir de los estudios y aportaciones de los textos clásicos acerca del medio cinematográfico, recopilados en las principales teorías cinematográficas. En la Era de la convergencia mediática, de la transme-dialidad, del hibridismo narrativo y de la imagen en diferentes soportes y plataformas multimedia, es un acercamiento reflexivo a la esencia o eclecticismo del arte cinematográfico.The text is a reflection about the cinematographic image in new screens and scenarios, based on the dilemma that appears us whether the film is the purity of an art or a new synthesis. Areflection (or several) that appear(s) from the studies and contributions of the classic texts brings over of the cinematographic environment, compiled in the principal cinematographic theories. In the Era of Media convergence, transmedi-ality, narrative hybridism and the image on different formats and multi-media platforms, it is a reflective approach to the essence or eclecticism of the cinematographic art

    Diffusion of Converging Technology and Human Resources Development

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    Following the rapid technological changes of information and communication technology (ICT) in late 20th century is the emergence of converging technology from nano-technology (NT), ICT and bio-technology (BT). It brings great transformation of the whole society. For instance, different industries are now converging and new disciplines are derived from the old disciplines. Therefore, it is an urgent matter to research the human resources development which confronts the converging trend. The study aims to respond to the needs of the new era. It dares to enlarge the understandings of the changes in the knowledge, and of what is needed in the learning process along with the converging trends. It requires a theoretical inquiry about the knowledge as well as the empirical investigation on learning process. The study starts from the following two hypotheses: Hypothesis I: Traditional knowledge was created through transferring and combination of disciplines, but the creation of knowledge in the era of convergence is based on communication and co-absorption. Hypothesis II: Communication and co-absorption of knowledge are the essential core capability to create knowledge in diffusion of converging technologies, and also to acquire knowledge. The hypothesis I is theoretically examined through literature reviews and the hypothesis II is empirically tested through a survey. However, the study only reaches to a preliminary result preparing for the advanced study and cannot be considered as a concrete conclusion or a rigorous study. Next step of the study is to bring up a more reliable and robust confirmation based on further empirical evidences including job-analysis with future perspectives. The result of the current study is that in human resource development in the era of convergence, prompt response to technological needs (ie. customized education and training) would be inferior to the expansion of field-based learning opportunity based on strengthening fundamental learning capability

    Media Institutions as a Research Field: Three Phases of Norwegian Broadcasting Research

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    The article discusses the background and origins of research on media institutions as a field, and especially assesses the development and status of Norwegian research on broadcasting institutions. It is demonstrated how the field has developed, both quantitatively and qualitatively, through three key phases: the era of broadcasting monopolies; the "newmedia situation" in the 1980s and 1990s; and the era of convergence; globalization andcommercialization from the late 1990s. A key purpose is to discuss the theoretical perspectives and implicit and explicit assumptions upon which the research is based. Further, the article points to shortcomings and gaps in our knowledge of how media institutions evolve and operate. In closing, it is suggested how the field may maintain its relevance in an era where the very concept of a “broadcasting institution” is becoming more blurred

    The Role of Center for Broadcasting Development Studies in Improving Professional Education in Indonesia

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    A change of power in Indonesia marked a change of paradigm concerning almost every aspect of social political life in the country. Among those changes are the reinterpretation of the government role concerning the information control and freedom of press. As consequences of the strengthening of people power and their awareness to apply social control, press paradigm – including broadcasting- also changed. After 1998 reform, people became aware that broadcasting should be used for the people, by the people, and for the benefit of the people. In accordance with this situation, which is provoked by the elimination of the Ministry of Information, there is a need to establish the Center for Broadcasting Development Studies

    The Role of Public Service Broadcasters in the Era of Convergence A Case Study of Televisió de Catalunya

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    The development of the convergence process has several implications in the reconfiguration of the media landscape. Public services broadcasters have new opportunities to fulfil their public service duties in a new competitive environment, which involves developing new applications on new platforms. Televisió de Catalunya, the public service broadcaster (PSB) of Catalonia, has developed a clear strategy in this new convergent environment, applying its traditional know-how to new interactive and digital media according to its public mission and getting positive feedback

    Hollywood’s most reliable audience. Il pubblico adolescente tra consumo, narrazioni e partecipazione

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    This paper aims to analyse the role of the “teen audience” in the process of definition and evolution of the “teen movie” genre. Since its origin, in fact, this genre is presented as the result of the interaction between public and industry, between production and consumption practices. Today, in the era of convergence culture, the “teen movie” strengthens the relationship with its audience through new forms of participation. This allows us to analyse both the needs for building a community typical of fandom practices, and the dynamics of identity construction and identification expressed by the “digital generation”