47,012 research outputs found

    Realization of Analog Wavelet Filter using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for On-line Epileptic Event Detection

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    © 2020 The Author(s). This open access work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.As the evolution of traditional electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring unit for epilepsy diagnosis, wearable ambulatory EEG (WAEEG) system transmits EEG data wirelessly, and can be made miniaturized, discrete and social acceptable. To prolong the battery lifetime, analog wavelet filter is used for epileptic event detection in WAEEG system to achieve on-line data reduction. For mapping continuous wavelet transform to analog filter implementation with low-power consumption and high approximation accuracy, this paper proposes a novel approximation method to construct the wavelet base in analog domain, in which the approximation process in frequency domain is considered as an optimization problem by building a mathematical model with only one term in the numerator. The hybrid genetic algorithm consisting of genetic algorithm and quasi-Newton method is employed to find the globally optimum solution, taking required stability into account. Experiment results show that the proposed method can give a stable analog wavelet base with simple structure and higher approximation accuracy compared with existing method, leading to a better spike detection accuracy. The fourth-order Marr wavelet filter is designed as an example using Gm-C filter structure based on LC ladder simulation, whose power consumption is only 33.4 pW at 2.1Hz. Simulation results show that the design method can be used to facilitate low power and small volume implementation of on-line epileptic event detector.Peer reviewe

    Intermediate coherent-incoherent charge transport: DNA as a case study

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    We study an intermediate quantum coherent-incoherent charge transport mechanism in metal-molecule-metal junctions using B\"uttiker's probe technique. This tool allows us to include incoherent effects in a controlled manner, and thus to study situations in which partial decoherence affects charge transfer dynamics. Motivated by recent experiments on intermediate coherent-incoherent charge conduction in DNA molecules [L. Xiang {\it et al.}, Nature Chem. 7, 221-226 (2015)], we focus on two representative structures: alternating (GC)n_n and stacked Gn_nCn_n sequences; the latter structure is argued to support charge delocalization within G segments, and thus an intermediate coherent-incoherent conduction. We begin our analysis with a highly simplified 1-dimensional tight-binding model, while introducing environmental effects through B\"uttiker's probes. This minimal model allows us to gain fundamental understanding of transport mechanisms and derive analytic results for molecular resistance in different limits. We then use a more detailed ladder-model Hamiltonian to represent double-stranded DNA structures---with environmental effects captured by B\"uttiker's probes. We find that hopping conduction dominates in alternating sequences, while in stacked sequences charge delocalization (visualized directly through the electronic density matrix) supports significant resonant-ballistic charge dynamics reflected by an even-odd effect and a weak distance dependence for resistance. Our analysis illustrates that lessons learned from minimal models are helpful for interpreting charge dynamics in DNA.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Development of a twin-head infusion pump for micromixing

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    Mixing is a crucial process in most of the industrial technology such as the operation of chemicals and fermentation reactors, combustion engines, polymer blends, and pharmaceutical formulations [1]. For handling a smaller volume of liquid, micromixing is a suitable method that can be applied. Micromixing (micromixer) is one of the microfluidic functions for mixing and blending liquids as precursors for biological process such as cell activation, enzyme reaction, and drug delivery system [2, 3]. There are several advantages of applying microfluidic device (micromixer) in the chemical technological processes such as processing accuracy, efficiency, minimum usage of reagents and ease of disposing of devices and fluids [3]. Basically, micromixers are categorised into passive and active micromixers. Passive micromixer consists of no moving parts and free from additional friction. It does not use external forces, fully dependent on molecular diffusion and chaotic advection for mixing process [4]. In contrast to active micromixers, external forces are applicable to active micromixers by implementing moving elements either within the microchannels, a time-variant, or a pressure field [5]. To create the pressure field differences for moving the liquid within the micromixer, an infusion pump is usually applied

    Novel Approach to Design Ultra Wideband Microwave Amplifiers: Normalized Gain Function Method

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    In this work, we propose a novel approach called as “Normalized Gain Function (NGF) method” to design low/medium power single stage ultra wide band microwave amplifiers based on linear S parameters of the active device. Normalized Gain Function TNGF is defined as the ratio of T and |S21|^2, desired shape or frequency response of the gain function of the amplifier to be designed and the shape of the transistor forward gain function, respectively. Synthesis of input/output matching networks (IMN/OMN) of the amplifier requires mathematically generated target gain functions to be tracked in two different nonlinear optimization processes. In this manner, NGF not only facilitates a mathematical base to share the amplifier gain function into such two distinct target gain functions, but also allows their precise computation in terms of TNGF=T/|S21|^2 at the very beginning of the design. The particular amplifier presented as the design example operates over 800-5200 MHz to target GSM, UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX applications. An SRFT (Simplified Real Frequency Technique) based design example supported by simulations in MWO (MicroWave Office from AWR Corporation) is given using a 1400mW pHEMT transistor, TGF2021-01 from TriQuint Semiconductor

    Transient electrothermal simulation of power semiconductor devices

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    In this paper, a new thermal model based on the Fourier series solution of heat conduction equation has been introduced in detail. 1-D and 2-D Fourier series thermal models have been programmed in MATLAB/Simulink. Compared with the traditional finite-difference thermal model and equivalent RC thermal network, the new thermal model can provide high simulation speed with high accuracy, which has been proved to be more favorable in dynamic thermal characterization on power semiconductor switches. The complete electrothermal simulation models of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and power diodes under inductive load switching condition have been successfully implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The experimental results on IGBT and power diodes with clamped inductive load switching tests have verified the new electrothermal simulation model. The advantage of Fourier series thermal model over widely used equivalent RC thermal network in dynamic thermal characterization has also been validated by the measured junction temperature

    A Novel Side-Channel in Real-Time Schedulers

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    We demonstrate the presence of a novel scheduler side-channel in preemptive, fixed-priority real-time systems (RTS); examples of such systems can be found in automotive systems, avionic systems, power plants and industrial control systems among others. This side-channel can leak important timing information such as the future arrival times of real-time tasks.This information can then be used to launch devastating attacks, two of which are demonstrated here (on real hardware platforms). Note that it is not easy to capture this timing information due to runtime variations in the schedules, the presence of multiple other tasks in the system and the typical constraints (e.g., deadlines) in the design of RTS. Our ScheduLeak algorithms demonstrate how to effectively exploit this side-channel. A complete implementation is presented on real operating systems (in Real-time Linux and FreeRTOS). Timing information leaked by ScheduLeak can significantly aid other, more advanced, attacks in better accomplishing their goals

    Towards automated design of quantum cascade lasers

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    We present an advanced technique for the design and optimization of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade laser structures. It is based on the implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm with the purpose of determining a set of design parameters that satisfy predefined conditions, leading to an enhancement of the device output characteristics. Two important design aspects have been addressed: improved thermal behavior, achieved by the use of higher conduction band offset materials, and a more efficient extraction mechanism, realized via a ladder of three lower laser states, with subsequent pairs separated by the optical phonon energy. A detailed analysis of performance of the obtained structures is carried out within a full self-consistent rate equations model of the carrier dynamics. The latter uses wave functions calculated by the transfer matrix method, and evaluates all relevant carrier–phonon and carrier–carrier scattering rates from each quantized state to all others within the same and neighboring periods of the cascade. These values are then used to form a set of rate equations for the carrier density in each state, enabling further calculation of the current density and gain as a function of the applied field and temperature. This paper addresses the application of the described procedure to the design of lambda~9 ”m GaAs-based mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers and presents the output characteristics of some of the designed optimized structures. © 2005 American Institute of Physic

    Non-Reciprocal Geometric Wave Diode by Engineering Asymmetric Shapes of Nonlinear Materials

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    Unidirectional nonreciprocal transport is at the heart of many fundamental problems and applications in both science and technology. Here we study the novel design of wave diode devices by engineering asymmetric shapes of nonlinear materials to realize the function of non-reciprocal wave propagations. We first show analytical results revealing that both nonlinearity and asymmetry are necessary to induce such non-reciprocal (asymmetric) wave propagations. Detailed numerical simulations are further performed for a more realistic geometric wave diode model with typical asymmetric shape, where good non-reciprocal wave diode effect is demonstrated. Finally, we discuss the scalability of geometric wave diodes. The results open a flexible way for designing wave diodes efficiently simply through shape engineering of nonlinear materials, which may find broad implications in controlling energy, mass and information transports.Comment: 4 figure
