7,091 research outputs found

    Starting from scratch: experimenting with computer science in Flemish secondary education

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    In the Flemish secondary education curriculum, as in many countries and regions, computer science currently only gets an extremely limited coverage. Recently, in Flanders (and elsewhere), it has been proposed to change this, and try-outs are undertaken, both in and outside of schools. In this paper, we discuss some of those efforts, and in particular take a closer look at the preliminary results of one experiment involving different approaches to programming in grade 8. These experiments indicate that many students from secondary schools would welcome a more extensive treatment of computer science. Planning and implementing such a treatment, however, raises a number of issues, from which in this paper, we formulate a handful as calls for action for the computer science education research community

    Computational Thinking Unplugged: Comparing the Impact on Confidence and Competence from Analog and Digital Resources in Computer Science Professional Development for Elementary Teachers

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    The demand for computer science instruction is increasing across the K-12 spectrum, but in many cases elementary teachers are ill prepared to teach the subject. Based on prior research showing a preference for analog interfaces, this study compared the impact of analog and digital interface modalities on teachers’ confidence and competence gains in professional development on computational thinking conceived within the framework of cognitive acceleration. The analog group used the Robot Turtles board game and the digital group used the Scratch Jr. app on iPads while receiving the same professional development content. A single-case experimental design approach with a multiple-baseline approach to establish control and appropriate randomization techniques was used to allow for generalization of findings and identification of a functional relationship. Teachers were assessed using the Elementary Teacher Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Scale for confidence and the Computational Thinking Test for competence. The results indicated a significant and higher effect size on confidence for the analog cases as compared to the digital. Visual analysis confirmed these findings and provided emerging support for a functional relationship. Recommendations for modifications to current professional development, classroom instruction, and policy making practices to adopt an analog-first approach to computer science based on the foundational concepts of computational thinking were identified based on these findings

    Learning Dimensions: Lessons from Field Studies

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    In this paper, we describe work to investigate the creation of engaging programming learning experiences. Background research informed the design of four fieldwork studies involving a range of age groups to explore how programming tasks could best be framed to motivate learners. Our empirical findings from these four studies, described here, contributed to the design of a set of programming "Learning Dimensions" (LDs). The LDs provide educators with insights to support key design decisions for the creation of engaging programming learning experiences. This paper describes the background to the identification of these LDs and how they could address the design and delivery of highly engaging programming learning tasks. A web application has been authored to support educators in the application of the LDs to their lesson design

    Learning through play: an educational computer game to introduce radar fundamentals

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    The information exchange has evolved from traditional books to computers and Internet in a few years' time. Our current university students were born in this age: they learn and have fun with different methods as previous generations did. These digital natives enjoy computer games. Thus, designing games for learning some selected topics could be a good teaching strategy for such collective and also for undergraduate university students. This paper describes the development and test of an educational computer game revolving around radar. The objective of the game RADAR Technology is to teach students about the fundamentals of radar, while having fun during the learning experience. Based on the principle that you learn better what you practice, the authors want to induce students to discover a difficult to understand topic by proposing them a different experience, in a format better adapted to their generation skills. The computer game has been tested with actual students and the obtained results seem to be very promising

    Evaluation of existing resources (study/analysis)

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    Within TACCLE 3 – Coding European Union Erasmus+ KA2 Programme project, a review and evaluation of a set of resources that can contribute to teaching programming to younger children has made. This document represents the TACCLE 3 O4 deliverable entitled “Evaluation of existing resources (study/analysis)”

    Exploring Factors That Influence Computational Thinking Skills in Elementary Students’ Collaborative Robotics

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    Recently educational robotics has expanded into curriculum beyond traditional STEM fields, and which can also be used to foster computational thinking (CT) skills. Prior research has shown numerous interdisciplinary benefits related to CT, however, these influential factors have often been investigated with relatively few variables. This study investigated factors that may lead to 4th and 5th grade elementary school students’ development of computational thinking skills in collaborative robotics activities by hypothesizing a model which proposed that a problem solving inventory, intrinsic motivation, and enjoyment were the main predictors of computational thinking skills. The model was then tested by surveying students with several psychometric inventories where a revised model was then constructed. The study found significant relationships between perceived competence and enjoyment, and learning motivation, and intrinsic motivation. Another important finding was that problem solving was a significant predictor of computational thinking skills. Results were interpreted with reference to implications for possible means of improving learning outcomes when using collaborative robotics in an educational setting

    The cognitive effects of computational thinking: A systematic review and meta-analytic study

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    In this paper, we review and meta-analyze the findings of experimental studies published between 2006 and 2022 that examined the effects of coding and programming interventions on children's core and higher order executive functions (response inhibition, working memory, cognitive flexibility, planning and problem solving). The systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to address three research questions: 1) Which executive functions are most impacted by the teaching of CT? 2) Which instructional modality (educational robotics/virtual coding/unplugged coding) is most effective in enhancing executive function skills in learners aged 4–16 years? and 3) Does the cognitive effectiveness of coding vary with children's age? A total of 19 studies with 1523 participants met the selection criteria for the systematic review. The meta-analysis included 11 of those studies. The results reveal beneficial effects of structured virtual and tangible coding (educational robotics) activities for preschoolers and first graders, and significant effects of more unstructured virtual coding activities (e.g., Scratch-based) for older students. A multivariate fixed-effects model meta-analysis shows that the teaching of coding significantly improves problem-solving with the highest effect (dppc2 = 0.89), but also planning (dppc2 = 0.36), and inhibition and working memory with lower effects (dppc2 = 0.17, dppc2 = 0.20)

    The Need to Integrate Computer Science

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    This school improvement plan outlines a detailed three-year strategy designed to integrate computer science into the K-5 curriculum. Emphasizing a comprehensive approach, the action plan employs a multi-tiered strategy combining a standalone curriculum with embedded activities. Drawing insights from successful educational practices and leveraging resources, the plan strategically aligns the curriculum with CSTA standards while fostering hands-on learning experiences at various grade levels. The timeline features foundational teacher training, curriculum integration, community engagement events, and consistent assessment processes. The plan aims to create an environment where both students and educators actively participate in the dynamic landscape of computer science education. By using a phased approach, this blueprint offers a comprehensive understanding of computer science concepts, equipping students for success in a technology-driven world. The plan acknowledges the importance of monitoring potential barriers and challenges to ensure effectiveness in the integration process

    The Big Why of Implementing Computational Thinking In STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Computational Thinking (CT) has been increasingly embraced as a reformation in STEM education. This paper discusses why the implementation of CT would have a considerable effect on STEM education. The first objective of this systematic literature review is to identify the subjects that incorporate the most elements of CT in STEM education. Secondly, it aims to provide an overview of CT practices in the classrooms. Finally, the major findings of this study seek to discuss the benefits and challenges of the use of CT in STEM education. Fifteen articles were methodically selected from Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions, and Google Scholar databases as the relevant studies to be discussed in this systematic study, based on the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) review technique. This review identifies current research gaps and directions for the practice and implementation of CT in STEM education. Further analysis of the articles has contributed to a conclusion that CT has become more widespread and multi-disciplinary and seems to have propagated improvements in STEM education. Still, a new study is required, especially on long-term implications

    Multiplayer Serious Games Supporting Programming Learning

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    Computational thinking (CT) is crucial in education for providing a multifaceted approach to problem-solving. However, challenges exist such as supporting teachers' knowledge of CT and students' desire to learn it, particularly for non-technical students. To combat these challenges, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) has been introduced in classrooms and implemented using a variety of technologies, including serious games, which have been adopted across several domains aiming to appeal to various demographics and skill levels. This research focuses on a Collaborative Multiplayer Serious Game (MSG) for CT skill training. The architecture is aimed at young students and is designed to aid in the learning of programming and the development of CT skills. The purpose of this research is to conduct an empirical study to assess the multiplayer game gameplay mechanics for collaborative CT learning. The proposed game leverages a card game structure and contains complex multi-team multi-player processes, allowing students to communicate and absorb sequential and conditional logics as well as graph routing in a 2D environment. A preliminary experiment was conducted with four fourth-graders and eight sixth-graders from a French school in Morocco who have varying levels of understanding of CT. Participants were split into three groups each with two teams and were required to complete a 16-question multiple-choice quiz before and after playing the same game to assess their initial structural programming logics and the effectiveness of the MSG. Questionnaires were collected along with an interview to gather feedback on their gaming experiences and the game’s role in teaching and learning. The results demonstrate that the proposed MSG had a favourable effect on the participants’ test scores as the scores of 4 of the teams increased and 1 remained the same. All students performed well on the sequential and conditional logics, which was significantly better than the achievement of the Bebras test of the graph routing. Furthermore, according to the participants, the game provides an appealing environment that allows players to immerse themselves in the game and the competitive aspect of the game adds to its appeal and helps develop teamwork, coordination, and communication skills