66 research outputs found

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation

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    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, by the hardware policies. However, a new class of multithreaded hardware allows the explicit allocation of resources to be controlled or biased by the software. Currently, there is little or no coordination between the allocation of resources done by the hardware and the prioritization of tasks done by the software.This thesis targets to narrow the gap between the software and the hardware, with respect to the hardware resource allocation, by proposing a new explicit resource allocation hardware mechanism and novel schedulers that use the currently available hardware resource allocation mechanisms.It approaches the problem in two different types of computing systems: on the high performance computing domain, we characterize the first processor to present a mechanism that allows the software to bias the allocation hardware resources, the IBM POWER5. In addition, we propose the use of hardware resource allocation as a way to balance high performance computing applications. Finally, we propose two new scheduling mechanisms that are able to transparently and successfully balance applications in real systems using the hardware resource allocation. On the soft real-time domain, we propose a hardware extension to the existing explicit resource allocation hardware and, in addition, two software schedulers that use the explicit allocation hardware to improve the schedulability of tasks in a soft real-time system.In this thesis, we demonstrate that system performance improves by making the software aware of the mechanisms to control the amount of resources given to each running thread. In particular, for the high performance computing domain, we show that it is possible to decrease the execution time of MPI applications biasing the hardware resource assignation between threads. In addition, we show that it is possible to decrease the number of missed deadlines when scheduling tasks in a soft real-time SMT system.Postprint (published version

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation

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    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, by the hardware policies. However, a new class of multithreaded hardware allows the explicit allocation of resources to be controlled or biased by the software. Currently, there is little or no coordination between the allocation of resources done by the hardware and the prioritization of tasks done by the software.This thesis targets to narrow the gap between the software and the hardware, with respect to the hardware resource allocation, by proposing a new explicit resource allocation hardware mechanism and novel schedulers that use the currently available hardware resource allocation mechanisms.It approaches the problem in two different types of computing systems: on the high performance computing domain, we characterize the first processor to present a mechanism that allows the software to bias the allocation hardware resources, the IBM POWER5. In addition, we propose the use of hardware resource allocation as a way to balance high performance computing applications. Finally, we propose two new scheduling mechanisms that are able to transparently and successfully balance applications in real systems using the hardware resource allocation. On the soft real-time domain, we propose a hardware extension to the existing explicit resource allocation hardware and, in addition, two software schedulers that use the explicit allocation hardware to improve the schedulability of tasks in a soft real-time system.In this thesis, we demonstrate that system performance improves by making the software aware of the mechanisms to control the amount of resources given to each running thread. In particular, for the high performance computing domain, we show that it is possible to decrease the execution time of MPI applications biasing the hardware resource assignation between threads. In addition, we show that it is possible to decrease the number of missed deadlines when scheduling tasks in a soft real-time SMT system

    Measurement, Modeling, and Characterization for Power-Aware Computing

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    Society’s increasing dependence on information technology has resulted in the deployment of vast compute resources. The energy costs of operating these resources coupled with environmental concerns have made power-aware computingone of the primary challenges for the IT sector. Making energy-efficient computing a rule rather than an exception requires that researchers and system designers use the right set of techniques and tools. These involve measuring,modeling, and characterizing the energy consumption of computers at varying degrees of granularity.In this thesis, we present techniques to measure power consumption of computer systems at various levels. We compare them for accuracy and sensitivityand discuss their effectiveness. We test Intel’s hardware power model for estimation accuracy and show that it is fairly accurate for estimating energy consumption when sampled at the temporal granularity of more than tens ofmilliseconds.We present a methodology to estimate per-core processor power consumption using performance counter and temperature-based power modeling and validate it across multiple platforms. We show our model exhibits negligible computationoverhead, and the median estimation errors ranges from 0.3% to 10.1% for applications from SPEC2006, SPEC-OMP and NAS benchmarks. We test the usefulness of the model in a meta-scheduler to enforce power constraint on a system.Finally, we perform a detailed performance and energy characterization of Intel’s Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM). We use TinySTM software transactional memory (STM) system to benchmark RTM’s performance against competing STM alternatives. We use microbenchmarks and STAMP benchmarksuite to compare RTM versus STM performance and energy behavior. We quantify the RTM hardware limitations that affect its success rate. We show that RTM performs better than TinySTM when working-set fits inside the cache and that RTM is better at handling high contention workloads

    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors

    Android on x86

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    Computer scienc

    Improving the Performance of User-level Runtime Systems for Concurrent Applications

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    Concurrency is an essential part of many modern large-scale software systems. Applications must handle millions of simultaneous requests from millions of connected devices. Handling such a large number of concurrent requests requires runtime systems that efficiently man- age concurrency and communication among tasks in an application across multiple cores. Existing low-level programming techniques provide scalable solutions with low overhead, but require non-linear control flow. Alternative approaches to concurrent programming, such as Erlang and Go, support linear control flow by mapping multiple user-level execution entities across multiple kernel threads (M:N threading). However, these systems provide comprehensive execution environments that make it difficult to assess the performance impact of user-level runtimes in isolation. This thesis presents a nimble M:N user-level threading runtime that closes this con- ceptual gap and provides a software infrastructure to precisely study the performance impact of user-level threading. Multiple design alternatives are presented and evaluated for scheduling, I/O multiplexing, and synchronization components of the runtime. The performance of the runtime is evaluated in comparison to event-driven software, system- level threading, and other user-level threading runtimes. An experimental evaluation is conducted using benchmark programs, as well as the popular Memcached application. The user-level runtime supports high levels of concurrency without sacrificing application performance. In addition, the user-level scheduling problem is studied in the context of an existing actor runtime that maps multiple actors to multiple kernel-level threads. In particular, two locality-aware work-stealing schedulers are proposed and evaluated. It is shown that locality-aware scheduling can significantly improve the performance of a class of applications with a high level of concurrency. In general, the performance and resource utilization of large-scale concurrent applications depends on the level of concurrency that can be expressed by the programming model. This fundamental effect is studied by refining and customizing existing concurrency models

    Measurement, Modeling, and Characterization for Energy-Efficient Computing

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    The ever-increasing ecological footprint of Information Technology (IT) sector coupled with adverse effects of high power consumption on electronic circuits has increased the significance of energy-efficient computing in the last decade. Making energy-efficient computing a norm rather than an exception requires that system designers and programmers understand the energy implications of their design and implementation choices. This necessitates a detailed view of system’s energy expenditure and/or power consumption. We explore this aspect of energy-efficient computing in this thesis through power measurement, power modeling, and energy characterization.First, we present a quantitative comparison between power measurement data collected for computer systems using four techniques: a power meter at wall outlet, currenttransducers at ATX power rails, CPU voltage regulator’s current monitor, and Intel’s proprietary RAPL (Running Average Power Limit) interface. We compare them for accuracy, sensitivity and accessibility.Second, we present two different methodologies to model processor power consumption. The first model estimates power consumption at the granularity of individualcores using per-core performance events and temperature sensors. We validate the methodology on six different platforms and show that our model estimates power consumption with high accuracy across all platforms consistently. To understand the energy expenditure trends across different frequencies and different degrees of parallelism, we need to model power at a much finer granularity. The second power model addresses this issue by estimating static and dynamic power consumption for individual cores and the uncore. We validate this model on Intel’s Haswell platform for single-threaded and multi-threaded benchmarks. We use this power model to characterize energy efficiency of frequency scaling on Haswell microarchitecture and use the insights to implementa low overhead DVFS scheduler. We also characterize the energy efficiency of thread scaling using the power model and demonstrate how different communication parametersand microarchitectural traits affect application’s energy when it scales.Finally, we perform detailed performance and energy characterization of Intel’s RestrictedTransactional Memory (RTM).We use TinySTM software transactional memory(STM) system to benchmark RTM’s performance against competing STM alternatives.We use microbenchmarks and STAMP benchmark suite to compare RTM an STM performanceand energy behavior. We quantify the RTM hardware limitations and identifyconditions required for RTM to outperform STM

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing
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