22 research outputs found


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    The success of the training lies in learning activities between the presenter and the participants. The roleof technology media becomes substantial because it allows improving communication and transfer ofknowledge. The main objective of workshop training is to introduce and practice statistical processingmethods for research using IBM SPSS 23. The results of the training evaluation that a difference in theaverage value of participants' knowledge and abilities between pre-post conditions. A paired t-test wasused and concluded that the average value after training was significantly higher than before. Thetraining was conceptual into problem-based learning. It will increase its success with the support ofapplication technology. So the choice of the appropriate application technology in training is substantial.The IBM SPSS 23 application was selected, with consideration of various sources. Finally, thoseactivities have been carried out and accepted by the participants. In the future to add learning technologymedia (games, video tutorials) to the attractive tool and participant’s entertainment

    Winning Paper: Effectiveness of Curriculum-Based Technology in Student Learning

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    As technology changes and becomes more prevalent in society, there is greater push to integrate technology into classroom instruction (Nganji, 2018). One of the main focuses in education has become developing the best way to integrate the technology to support student learning of the content while building students’ technology skills (Ozerbas & Erdogan, 2016). Many teachers continue to build their own lessons integrating various programs and websites as they see fit for their instruction. Textbook and curriculum developers create digital-based content to support this growing need. The effectiveness of technology in classroom instruction, such as websites, word processing, and searching the internet, has been established in many studies throughout the world (Garavaglia et al., 2012; Joshi et al., 2019; Kardanova et al., 2018; Ozerbas & Erdogan, 2016). These studies compare technology rich classrooms with the traditional classroom. I propose an experimental design be applied to the research question how effective is the integration of technology derived from a prepared curriculum in students’ retention and performance compared to general websites and digital activities integrated into lesson plans? This would fill the gap in the existing research regarding the effectiveness of various types of technology in the classroom

    The Difference of Mathematics Learning Achievement between Ipad For Learning Multimedia Learning and Conventional Learning Media in Junior High School Students

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    This research includes gender as moderator as well as the intelligence and motivation of learning as the covariance of learning achievement. This research design is causal-comparative by comparing mathematics learning achievement between learning with iPad and conventional media. The overall research’s subjects are 128 students. The result shows that there are differences in learning achievement between multimedia learning iPad for Learning and conventional learning media (F=48,698, p0,05).

    Problem Based Learning E-Handout: Improving Students’ Mathematical Representation and Self Efficacy

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    This research aimed to improve students’ ability in mastering mathematical representation and self-efficacy in an optical material. The pre-experimental design was implemented as the research method by one group pre-test and post-test. The samples were selected by implementing a cluster random sampling technique. The sample consisted of the eleventh-grade Science students with a total number of 54 in SMAN 1 Sleman. The students’ ability in mathematical representation was measured by using pre-test and post-test in the form of an essay test. Students’ self-efficacy was measured by using a questionnaire as the research instrument. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and descriptive analysis to determine the N-Gain score and self-efficacy was calculated by using percentages. The results revealed that the PBL E-Handout supported by PhET simulation using Schoology could improve students’ mathematical representation abilities and self-efficacy. This is indicated by the value of Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) smaller than 0.05 where 0.0000.05 and the N-Gain score is 0.3 in the intermediate categor

    Student Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Learning

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    The rapid expansion of online learning in higher education in recent years has attracted a large number of students. In this paper, the researchers examined students’ perceptions of both online and face-to-face learning by conducting a qualitative study that surveyed 313 students from an Ontario community college. The objective was to explore students’ perspectives on the issues of learner preference, interactivity, workload, performance, and challenges. An analysis between the two groups, online and F2F, showed a difference in student perceptions and experiences

    تعليم مهارة الكتابة باستخدام وسيلة Digital Classroomومشكلاته لدى التلاميد في الصف السابع بمدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية BSB سمارانج

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    الأهداف من هذا البحث هي: 1) لمعرفة تعليم مهارة الكتابة باستخدام وسيلة Digital Classroom لدى التلاميذ في الصف السابع بمدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية BSB سمارانج. 2) ولمعرفة مشكلات تعليممهارة الكتابةباستخدام وسيلة Digital Classroom لدى التلاميذ في الصف السابع بمدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية BSB سمارانج. الافراد من هذا البحث هي التلاميذ في الصف السابع بمدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية BSB سمارانج وعددهم تسعة وستون تلميذا. وهذا البحث نوعي ميداني وصفي. عملية جمع البيانات في هذه الدراسة طريقة المقابلة, طريقة المشاهدة, طريقة التوثيق, وطريقة تحليل البيانات. بعد ان تلاحظ الباحثة في المدرسة في المدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية BSB سمارانج على المحقق أن تختم بعض ما يلي: 1) Digital Classroom هو اصطلاح ليشرح أن أنشطة الفصل تستخدم دور شبكة الدولية و تكنولوجية الرقمي جيدا في استعداد و تنفيذ و تقييم التعليم على التلاميذ و المعلم. المفهوم الذي يندمج تكنولوجيا الرقمية و التعليم. ويشعر التلاميذ الصف السابع بمدرسة الأزهر 29 المتوسطة الإسلامية قد وجهوا الصعوبة في الكتابة. اما الصعوبة المنطيقية هي يصعب التلاميذ نسخ كتابة المعلم في السبورة لانها غير واضح, ويصعب التلاميذ كتابة احرف الهجاء المتنوعة عينها في اولها في او اوسطها او اخرها, ويصعب التلاميذ فراق بين الاحرف المواصلة والمنقطعة ان لم تكن مثاليا. ويصعب التلاميذ اجابة الاسئلة وسبابها هم لا يعرفونها كيفية كتابة صحيحة. اما الصعوبة غير المنطيقية هي اختلاف خلفية التربية لدى التلاميذ ليؤثرن سيطرة الكتابة لهم. اكثرهم من المدرسة الابتدائية. ونقصان الدفاعة يؤثر نقصان الرغبة لدى التلاميذ اللغة العربية لمهارة الكتابة

    A Comparative Investigation of Assessment Practices in Distance and Online Learning Undergraduate Mathematics in Nigeria

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    We investigate and compare assessment practices in two (dual- and single-mode) institutions in Nigeria. A mixed-methods approach was employed. Descriptive statistics and narration were carried out for the purpose of determining what the assessment practices were and how they may be related to the students learning of undergraduate mathematics in distance and online education. Results show that there are similarities and variations in assessment practices that shaped open and distance learning practices in these universities. This suggests a need for careful review of assessment practices aimed at improving students’ engagement and learning for outstanding undergraduate mathematics learning experiences


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    Perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi cara belajar di institusi pendidikan. Salah satunya adalah e-learning yang sudah mulai diterapkan di beberapa institusi pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini membahas perihal penggunaan teknologi untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran e-learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu untuk mengukur perilaku belajar reflektif antara mahasiswa yang memaksimalkan fitur kamera pada smartphone saat e-learning dan mahasiswa yang tidak memaksimalkan fitur kamera pada smartphone saat e-learning. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 10 kelas yang mempelajari matakuliah statistik. Kelas eksperimen terdiri dari 5 kelas. Kelas control terdiri dari 5 kelas. Secara spesifik, materi ajar dalam matakuliah statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran pemusatan data dan ukuran penyebaran data. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa efektivitas e-learning dengan menggunakan kamera smartphone lebih baik daripada e-learning tanpa menggunakan kamera smartphone. Mahasiswa dengan kemampuan akademik tinggi mampu menunjukan kemampuan belajar reflektif yang lebih baik, baik pada reflektif diri maupun reflektfi sejawat. Mahasiswa yang menggunakan kamera smartphone saat e-learning mampu memahami materi ajar dengan lebih baik, mampu meninjau kembali jawaban yang diberikan, baik jawaban diri sendiri ataupun jawaban sejawat, saat memberikan komen pada forum diskusi e-learning. Selain itu, mahasiswa tersebut dapat meningkatkan fokus pada konsep dan informasi yang diberikan saat e-learning.Kata Kunci: Belajar Reflektif; E-learning; Teknologi Pendidika


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    Masih adanya permasalahan pada pengembangan desa wisata dari segi sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni dalam pengelolaan, teknologi, dan pemasaran di era industry 4.0 ini menjadi alasan adanya penelitian ini. Alasan lainnya adalah hasil panen yang berlebih belum berhasil dipasarkan dengan baik dan belum banyak informasi untuk wisatawan terkait adanya desa wisata. Penelitian dilakukan di dusun princi, desa gedongkulon, kabupaten malang. Penelitian ini meneliti keyakinan diri masyarakat dalam beberapa peran media sosial. Media sosial menjadi fokus media teknologi pemasaran yang diteliti., apalagi wisatawan yang berada pada generasi milineal adalah pengguna aktif media sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui terkait sejauh mana dampak dengan technology self efficacy dan digital marketing tourism pada perkembaangan desa wisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya keyakinan diri masyarakat dusun princi bahwa media sosial memperluas jangkauan pasar wisata, digunakan sebagai perencanaan perjalanan wisata, selama perjalanan wisata, evaluasi perjalanan wisata, memperkuat promosi dan komunikasi dengan konsumen, dan untuk distribusi produk pariwisata belum terbangun. Dikarenakan belum memiliki arah pemasaran yang terukur pada pemasaran desa wisata, masyarakat belum berani mengambil resiko dengan menggunakan teknologi baru untuk pemasaran produk desa wisata. Hasil penelitian ini sebagai acuan penerapan media sosial sebagai media digital marketing untuk menarik wisatawan terutama pada generasi milineal