144,514 research outputs found

    Model-based analysis of the potential of macroinvertebrates as indicators for microbial pathogens in rivers

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    The quality of water prior to its use for drinking, farming or recreational purposes must comply with several physicochemical and microbiological standards to safeguard society and the environment. In order to satisfy these standards, expensive analyses and highly trained personnel in laboratories are required. Whereas macroinvertebrates have been used as ecological indicators to review the health of aquatic ecosystems. In this research, the relationship between microbial pathogens and macrobenthic invertebrate taxa was examined in the Machangara River located in the southern Andes of Ecuador, in which 33 sites, according to their land use, were chosen to collect physicochemical, microbiological and biological parameters. Decision tree models (DTMs) were used to generate rules that link the presence and abundance of some benthic families to microbial pathogen standards. The aforementioned DTMs provide an indirect, approximate, and quick way of checking the fulfillment of Ecuadorian regulations for water use related to microbial pathogens. The models built and optimized with the WEKA package, were evaluated based on both statistical and ecological criteria to make them as clear and simple as possible. As a result, two different and reliable models were obtained, which could be used as proxy indicators in a preliminary assessment of pollution of microbial pathogens in rivers. The DTMs can be easily applied by staff with minimal training in the identification of the sensitive taxa selected by the models. The presence of selected macroinvertebrate taxa in conjunction with the decision trees can be used as a screening tool to evaluate sites that require additional follow up analyses to confirm whether microbial water quality standards are met

    Feed additives : annual report 2009 of the National Reference Laboratory

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    This report of the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for feed additives describes the activties employed in 2010. The main tasks of the NRL are: giving assistance to the European Union Reference Laboratort (EU-RL) on their request and advice and support the competent authority, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation - Department of Food, Animal and Consumer (EL&I-VDC

    A multi-temporal phenology based classification approach for Crop Monitoring in Kenya

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    The SBAM (Satellite Based Agricultural Monitoring) project, funded by the Italian Space Agency aims at: developing a validated satellite imagery based method for estimating and updating the agricultural areas in the region of Central-Africa; implementing an automated process chain capable of providing periodical agricultural land cover maps of the area of interest and, possibly, an estimate of the crop yield. The project aims at filling the gap existing in the availability of high spatial resolution maps of the agricultural areas of Kenya. A high spatial resolution land cover map of Central-Eastern Africa including Kenya was compiled in the year 2000 in the framework of the Africover project using Landsat images acquired, mostly, in 1995. We investigated the use of phenological information in supporting the use of remotely sensed images for crop classification and monitoring based on Landsat 8 and, in the near future, Sentinel 2 imagery. Phenological information on crop condition was collected using time series of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) based on Landsat 8 images. Kenyan countryside is mainly characterized by a high number of fragmented small and medium size farmlands that dramatically increase the difficulty in classification; 30 m spatial resolution images are not enough for a proper classification of such areas. So, a pan-sharpening FIHS (Fast Intensity Hue Saturation) technique was implemented to increase image resolution from 30 m to 15 m. Ground test sites were selected, searching for agricultural vegetated areas from which phenological information was extracted. Therefore, the classification of agricultural areas is based on crop phenology, vegetation index behaviour retrieved from a time series of satellite images and on AEZ (Agro Ecological Zones) information made available by FAO (FAO, 1996) for the area of interest. This paper presents the results of the proposed classification procedure in comparison with land cover maps produced in the past years by other projects. The results refer to the Nakuru County and they were validated using field campaigns data. It showed a satisfactory overall accuracy of 92.66 % which is a significant improvement with respect to previous land cover maps

    Development of canopy vigour maps using UAV for site-specific management during vineyard spraying process

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    Site-specific management of crops represents an important improvement in terms of efficiency and efficacy of the different labours, and its implementation has experienced a large development in the last decades, especially for field crops. The particular case of the spray application process for what are called “specialty crops” (vineyard, orchard fruits, citrus, olive trees, etc.)FI-DGR grant from Generalitat de Catalunya (2018 FI_B1 00083). Research and improvement of Dosaviña have been developed under LIFE PERFECT project: Pesticide Reduction using Friendly and Environmentally Controlled Technologies (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000205)This research was partially funded by the “Ajuts a les activitats de demostració (operació 01.02.01 de Transferència Tecnològica del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2020)” and an FI-DGR grant from Generalitat de Catalunya (2018 FI_B1 00083). Research and improvement of Dosaviña have been developed under the LIFE PERFECT project: Pesticide Reduction using Friendly and Environmentally Controlled Technologies (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000205).This research was partially funded by the “Ajuts a les activitats de demostració (operació 01.02.01 de Transferència Tecnològica del Programa de desenvolupament rural de Catalunya 2014-2020)” and an FI-DGR grant from Generalitat de Catalunya (2018 FI_B1 00083). Research and improvement of Dosaviña have been developed under LIFE PERFECT project: Pesticide Reduction using Friendly and Environmentally Controlled Technologies (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000205)Postprint (updated version

    A review of gender and sustainable land management: Implications for research and development

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    Land suitability analysis for emerging fruit crops in central Portugal using GIS

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    Fruit production is an important component of agricultural production in Portugal, and it has a positive impact on the economy, especially in rural areas. In recent years, there has been increased investment in so-called ‘emerging crops’. It is agreed that using the crops that are best suited to the soil and climate conditions as well as the socio-economic environment promotes sustainable use in rural areas. The objective of this study is to determine the suitability of different emerging fruit crops for cultivation in the Beira Baixa region based on analysis of soil and climate factors. The pistachio tree (Pistacia vera L.), strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.), almond tree (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb) and walnut tree (Juglans regia L.) were checked against the biophysical criteria for cultivation. The results were processed using a geographic information system. Analysis was performed using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Thus, after dividing the problem into hierarchical levels of decision-making, a pairwise comparison of criteria was performed to evaluate the weights of these criteria based on a scale of importance. Then, the consistency of these operations was validated. The AHP was adequate for evaluation of fruit tree species’ suitability since it enabled integration of several criteria, decision-making and problem resolution. It is essential to be aware of the suitability and resilience of new crops in order to meet the need to adapt to climate change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio