7 research outputs found

    Students’ competence as eHealth and eWelfare service developers based on the International Medical Informatics Association IMIA’s curriculum structure and design thinking

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    Multidisciplinary cooperation is required to develop digital health and welfare services. The aim of this article is to determine the eHealth and eWelfare service design competences that multidisciplinary students need to be able to develop digital services in health and social care. A secondary aim is to develop a measurement tool based on the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) curriculm for future assessment of such competences. Based on basic descriptive statistics results show that most students felt they have good skills in e-communication, basic IT, literature retrieval and research methods; some students, however, reported that they lack these basic skills. It is crucial that instructors be aware of student variations so that they can support the learning of the basics and further the biomedical and health informatics (BMHI) and design thinking (DT) competences. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine the principal components (PC) from measured responses to BMHI and DT sections. Data were collected from 64 students. The components were explored and compared to constructs used to design the original measurement tool. A twenty-component structure showed the simplest solution and explained (80%, 68%, 73%) of variances in BMHI and 83% DT competences, respectively, in the measurement tool, each part of which was analysed by PCA. The PC can be the core areas in different professions taking part in developing eHealth and eWelfare. The parts of measurement tools relied on item reliability and content validity testing. This study provided a base for further measurement tool revision and theoretical testing

    Terveydenhoitajien hoitotyön tiedonhallintataidot Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiössä

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiön (YTHS) terveydenhoitajien hoitotyön tiedonhallintataitoja. Hoitotyön tiedonhallintataidot muodostuvat tietokoneen peruskäyttötaidoista, tiedonlukutaidoista ja kliinisen tiedon hallintataidoista. Tiedonhallintataitoja selvitettiin neljän tutkimusongelman kautta; 1. Millaiseksi terveydenhoitajat arvioivat tietokoneen peruskäyttötaitonsa? 2. Millaiseksi terveydenhoitajat arvioivat tiedonlukutaitonsa? 3. Millaiseksi terveydenhoitajat arvioivat kliinisen tiedon hallintataitonsa? 4. Mihin hoitotyön tiedonhallinnan osa-alueisiin tarvitaan lisää osaamista? Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselytutkimuksena, jonka pohjana käytettiin Hunter- McGonigle- Hebda (2013) kehittämää mittaria hoitotyön tiedonhallintataidoista. Suomennettu mittari lähetettiin 75:lle YTHS:n terveydenhoitajalle ja vastauksia saatiin 45, vastausprosentti oli 60 %. Vastaajat arvioivat tiedonhallintataitoihin liittyviä väittämiä asteikolla 1-4, 1 aloittelija, 2 suoriutuva, 3 taitava, 4 asiantuntija. Suurin osa vastanneista terveydenhoitajista oli jokaisessa hoitotyön tiedonhallintataidon osa- alueessa taitava tai asiantuntija, kuitenkin myös aloittelijoita ja/ tai suoriutuvia oli jokaisessa osa- alueessa. Paikoin aloittelijoita ja/ tai suoriutuvia oli lähes tai yli 40 % vastanneista. Tiedonlukutaidot oli heikoin osaamisen alue ja lisää osaamista tarvitaan tiedon tarpeen tunnistamiseen ja tiedonhakuun, tiedon kriittiseen arviointiin sekä tiedon hyödyntämiseen. Tietokoneen peruskäyttötaidoista lisää osaamista tarvitaan tiedostojen ja kansioiden hallintaan sekä sähköiseen kommunikointiin. Myös kliinisen tiedon hallintataidoissa nousi esiin lisäosaamisen tarve sähköisessä kommunikoinnissa. Näiden lisäksi tietokoneen peruskäyttötaidoissa ja kliinisen tiedon hallintataidoissa nousi esiin yksittäisiä osioita, joihin tarvitaan lisää osaamista. Opinnäytetyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhoitajien hoitotyön tiedonhallintataitojen osaamisen varmistamisessa ja kehittämisessä YTHS:lla.Purpose of the thesis was to find out what kind of Nursing Informatics Competencies do Public Health Nurses (Phn) have at Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). In this study Nursing Informatics Competencies consists three parts; Basic Computer Competencies, Information Literacy and Clinical Information Management. Research problems were 1. What kind of Basic Computer Competencies do Phn ́s have? 2. What kind of Information Literacy skills do Phn ́s have? 3. What kind of Clinical Information Management skills do Phn ́s have? 4. In what sector of Nursing Informatics Competencies do they need more training? Nursing Informatics Competencies were measured by self- assessment tool, developed by Hunter- McGonigle- Hebda (2013). This instrument was sent to 75 Public Health Nurses at FSHS. There were 45 respondents, which means 60 % response rate. Respondents evaluated the claims in instrument in a scale of 1 to 4; response choices were 1 beginner, 2 comfortable, 3 proficient, 4 expert. Main part of respondents were proficient or expert in every field of Nursing Informatics Competencies. However, there were also beginners and/ or comfortables in every sector. In some sectors almost or more than 40 % of the respondents were beginners or comfortables. The least knowledge was in Information Literacy and thus more training is needed in following sectors; determining the nature and extent of the information needed, accessing information needed, evaluating information and its sources critically and using information effectively. In Basic Computer Competencies more training is needed in file management and in electronic communication. Also electronic communication in Clinical Information Management needs further training. In addition, there were also sporadic matters in Basic Computer Competencies and in Clinical Information Management that need more training. The results of the thesis can be utilized in assuring and developing the Nursing Informatics Competencies of Public Health Nurses at FSHS

    Behavior change techniques to promote healthcare professionals' eHealth competency : A systematic review of interventions

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    Introduction: The use of eHealth is rapidly ->increasing; however, many healthcare professionals have insufficient eHealth competency. Consequently, interventions addressing eHealth competency might be useful in fostering the effective use of eHealth. Objective: Our systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate the behavior change techniques applied in interventions to promote healthcare professionals' eHealth competency. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review following the Joanna Briggs Institute's Manual for Evidence Synthesis. Published quantitative studies were identified through screening PubMed, Embase, and CINAHL. Two reviewers independently performed full-text and quality assessment. Eligible interventions were targeted to any healthcare professional and aimed at promoting eHealth capability or motivation. We synthesized the interventions narratively using the Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy v1 and the COM-B model. Results: This review included 32 studies reporting 34 heterogeneous interventions that incorporated 29 different behavior change techniques. The interventions were most likely to improve the capability to use eHealth and less likely to enhance motivation toward using eHealth. The promising techniques to promote both capability and motivation were action planning and participatory approach. Information about colleagues' approval, emotional social support, monitoring emotions, restructuring or adding objects to the environment, and credible source are techniques worth further investigation. Conclusions: We found that interventions tended to focus on promoting capability, although motivation would be as crucial for competent eHealth performance. Our findings indicated that empathy, encouragement, and usercentered changes in the work environment could improve eHealth competency as a whole. Evidence-based techniques should be favored in the development of interventions, and further intervention research should focus on nurses and multifaceted competency required for using different eHealth systems and devices.Peer reviewe

    "Alakumetreillä ollaan" : Henkilöstöanalytiikka Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueella

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    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan muutos on jatkuvaa ja resursseista on pulaa. Työvoimavaje on todellista ja vaikeuttaa uusien hyvinvointialueiden toimintaa joka päivä. Yksi sote-uudistuksen onnistumisen edellytys on tiedolla johtaminen. Sosiaali- ja terveysala on sidoksissa henkilöstöön. Organisaation on tunnettava henkilöstö, oltava aidosti kiinnostuneita heistä, henkilöstöjohtaminen on oltava laadukasta ja toimintatavat yhdenmukaisia. Henkilöstöanalytiikkaa hyödyntämällä voidaan tehdä parempia päätöksiä, joilla parannetaan organisaation toimintaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueen henkilöstöanalytiikan taso ja tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää henkilöstöanalytiikan käyttöönotossa sosiaali- ja terveysalalla ja etenkin hyvinvointialueella. Tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää HVA:n HR-tiedolla johtamisen kehittämisessä. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus ja tiedonkeruumenetelmänä on haastattelu. Haastateltavia oli kymmenen ja teemahaastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina toukokuussa 2023. Haastattelumuotona oli teemahaastattelu. Tutkimukseen osallistui 10 henkilöstöasioiden ammattilaista. Haastattelut toteutettiin sekä kasvotusten että Teamsin välityksellä. Litteroinnin jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Aineiston luotettavuutta arvioitiin laadullisen tutkimuksen luotettavuuden arviointikriteeristön perusteella. Tutkimuksen luotettavuuden ja läpinäkyvyyden parantamiseksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin COREQ-tarkastuslistaa, joka soveltuu laadulliselle tutkimukselle käytettäväksi yksilöhaastattelussa. Tutkimuksen mukaan HR-datan käyttö päätöksenteon tukena on tällä hetkellä vajavaista johtuen osittain yhteisten toimintatapojen puutteesta ja datan pirstalaisuudesta. Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueella henkilöstöanalytiikan hyödyntäminen on hyvin alkuvaiheessa eli pääosin käytetään kuvailevaa analytiikkaa. Tahtotila on kehittyä ja laajentaa henkilöstöanalytiikan käyttöä, kun resurssit ja tarkoituksenmukaiset ohjelmat saadaan käyttöön. Henkilöstöanalytiikan hyödyntäminen esimerkiksi työvuorosuunnittelussa ja rekrytoinnissa nähdään tarkoituksenmukaisena ja yhtenä keinona vastata sosiaali- ja terveysalan työvoimapulaan. Tutkimuksen mukaan voidaan todeta, että henkilöstöanalytiikan hyödyntäminen laajemmin Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueella vaatii HR-tiedolla johtamisen kehittymistä organisaatiossa ja sellaisen kulttuurin luomista, jossa työntekijöitä kuullaan ja arvostetaan

    Current nursing and midwifery contribution to leading digital health policy and practice: An integrative review

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    Aim: To review the current nursing and midwifery contribution to leading digital health (DH) policy and practice and what facilitates and/or challenges this. Design: Integrative literature review. Methods: Pre-defined inclusion criteria were used. Study selection and quality assessment using the appropriate critical appraisal tools were undertaken by two authors , followed by narrative synthesis. Data Sources: Six databases and hand searching for papers published from 2012 to February 2024. Findings: Four themes were identified from 24 included papers. These are discussed according to the World Health Organization's Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery and indicate nurses/midwives are leading DH policy and practice, but this is not widespread or systematically enabled. Conclusion: Nurses and midwives are ideally placed to help improve health outcomes through digital healthcare transformation, but their policy leadership potential is underused. Implications for the profession and/or patient care: Nurses/midwives' DH leadership must be optimized to realize maximum benefit from digital transformation. A robust infrastructure enabling nursing/midwifery DH policy leadership is urgently needed. Impact: This study addresses the lack of nursing/midwifery voice in international DH policy leadership. It offers nurses/midwives and health policymakers internationally opportunity to: drive better understanding of nursing/midwifery leadership in a DH policy context; enhance population outcomes by optimizing their contribution; Develop a robust infrastructure to enable this

    Strategies Used in eHealth Systems Adoption

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    Failure to adopt an interoperable eHealth system limits the accurate communication exchange of pertinent health-care-related data for diagnosis and treatment. Patient data are located in disparate health information systems, and the adoption of an interoperable eHealth system is complex and requires strategic planning by senior health care IT leaders. Grounded in DeLone and McLeanâs information system success model, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore strategies used by some senior information technology (IT) health care leaders in the successful adoption of an eHealth system. The participants were 8 senior health care IT leaders in the eastern United States who successfully adopted an interoperable eHealth system. Data were collected using semistructured interviews following Kallioâs five phase interview guide and analyzed using thematic analysis. Six themes emerged: eHealth ecosystem, implementation approach, quality, strategy, use/intent to use, and user satisfaction. A key recommendation from results indicates that further identification and development of strategies based on the DeLone and McLean IS success model might benefit successful eHealth adoption and implementation. Positive social change implications include the potential for senior health care IT leaders to identify a framework to enhance accuracy among eHealth systems to reduce medical errors and improve patient care

    The Development Process of eHealth Strategy for Nurses in Finland

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    Growing use of information and communication technology (ICT) demands have caused a need for nursing to strengthen the knowledge, skills and competences related to ICT in health (eHealth) and define its versatile roles. The Finnish Nurses Association (FNA) named a group of eHealth experts from various professional fields that are closely connected to nursing e.g. nursing practice, higher education, nursing research and administration. The main purpose was to describe nurses’ contribution to the national strategy concerning eHealth development and implementation in health and social care. The group searched for answers, discussed strategic issues, wrote drafts, and sent texts for open commentary circles. The chosen themes of the eHealth strategies deal with the role of the client, nursing practice, ethical aspects education and eHealth competences, nursing leadership, knowledge management and research and development. The article describes the strategic work and the structure of eHealth strategy of nurses in Finland