493 research outputs found

    Active Remote Sensing: Lidar SNR Improvements

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    MarSpray LiDAR (MSL) for the comprehensive measurement of Sea Spray for Improving the Prediction of Marine Icing in Cold Conditions

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    Marine icing is a very complicated phenomenon, and its prediction, evaluation, and estimation involve many uncertainties. Commonly, the most severe ice accretion is caused by sea spray. A substantial amount of study is present on sea spray ice accretion about modelling and numerical simulations with certain assumptions and not based on comprehensive real-time data. The past techniques used to measure sea spray couldn’t provide information such as its complete droplets distribution, velocity, and concentration. The high temporal and spatial resolution measurement ability of the LiDAR technique has proven to be useful for studying pesticide spray drift in the agricultural domain. Due to its similar properties to sea spray, we proposed to use this remote measurement technique well-established in other disciplines in a new field: the study of sea spray icing. To recognize this potential, a novel LiDAR prototype named MarSpray LiDAR (MSL) is designed, built, and tested. MSL is a mono-static multi-axial LiDAR equipment specifically designed for short-range spray analysis and measurement. With certain future modifications, this equipment can be made suitable for shipborne use to retrieve marine spray properties that the past studies failed. These measurements can be applied for developing a more precise model for improving marine icing prediction in cold conditions

    Comparison of Scanning LiDAR with Other Remote Sensing Measurements and Transport Model Predictions for a Saharan Dust Case

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    The evolution and the properties of a Saharan dust plume were studied near the city of Karlsruhe in southwest Germany (8.4298°E, 49.0953°N) from 7 to 9 April 2018, combining a scanning LiDAR (90°, 30°), a vertically pointing LiDAR (90°), a sun photometer, and the transport model ICON-ART. Based on this Saharan dust case, we discuss the advantages of a scanning aerosol LiDAR and validate a method to determine LiDAR ratios independently. The LiDAR measurements at 355 nm showed that the dust particles had backscatter coefficients of 0.86 ± 0.14 Mm−1^{-1} sr−1^{-1}, extinction coefficients of 40 ± 0.8 Mm−1^{-1}, a LiDAR ratio of 46 ± 5 sr, and a linear particle depolarisation ratio of 0.27 ± 0.023. These values are in good agreement with those obtained in previous studies of Saharan dust plumes in Western Europe. Compared to the remote sensing measurements, the transport model predicted the plume arrival time, its layer height, and its structure quite well. The comparison of dust plume backscatter values from the ICON-ART model and observations for two days showed a correlation with a slope of 0.9 ± 0.1 at 355 nm. This work will be useful for future studies to characterise aerosol particles employing scanning LiDARs

    Airborne laser sensors and integrated systems

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    The underlying principles and technologies enabling the design and operation of airborne laser sensors are introduced and a detailed review of state-of-the-art avionic systems for civil and military applications is presented. Airborne lasers including Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Laser Range Finders (LRF), and Laser Weapon Systems (LWS) are extensively used today and new promising technologies are being explored. Most laser systems are active devices that operate in a manner very similar to microwave radars but at much higher frequencies (e.g., LIDAR and LRF). Other devices (e.g., laser target designators and beam-riders) are used to precisely direct Laser Guided Weapons (LGW) against ground targets. The integration of both functions is often encountered in modern military avionics navigation-attack systems. The beneficial effects of airborne lasers including the use of smaller components and remarkable angular resolution have resulted in a host of manned and unmanned aircraft applications. On the other hand, laser sensors performance are much more sensitive to the vagaries of the atmosphere and are thus generally restricted to shorter ranges than microwave systems. Hence it is of paramount importance to analyse the performance of laser sensors and systems in various weather and environmental conditions. Additionally, it is important to define airborne laser safety criteria, since several systems currently in service operate in the near infrared with considerable risk for the naked human eye. Therefore, appropriate methods for predicting and evaluating the performance of infrared laser sensors/systems are presented, taking into account laser safety issues. For aircraft experimental activities with laser systems, it is essential to define test requirements taking into account the specific conditions for operational employment of the systems in the intended scenarios and to verify the performance in realistic environments at the test ranges. To support the development of such requirements, useful guidelines are provided for test and evaluation of airborne laser systems including laboratory, ground and flight test activities

    Abstracts of papers presented at the Eleventh International Laser Radar Conference

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    Abstracts of 39 papers discuss measurements of properties from the Earth's ocean surface to the mesosphere, made with techniques ranging from elastic and inelastic scattering to Doppler shifts and differential absorption. Topics covered include: (1) middle atmospheric measurements; (2) meteorological parameters: temperature, density, humidity; (3) trace gases by Raman and DIAL techniques; (4) techniques and technology; (5) plume dispersion; (6) boundary layer dynamics; (7) wind measurements; visibility and aerosol properties; and (9) multiple scattering, clouds, and hydrometers

    Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height: Inter-Comparison of Different Estimation Approaches Using the Raman Lidar as Benchmark

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    This work stems from the idea of improving the capability to measure the atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLH) in variable or unstable weather conditions or in the presence of turbulence and precipitation events. A new approach based on the use of rotational and roto-vibrational Raman lidar signals is considered and tested. The traditional gradient approach based on the elastic signals at wavelength 532 nm is also considered. Lidar data collected by the University of Basilicata Raman lidar (BASIL) within the Special Observation Period 1 (SOP 1) in Cardillargues (Ceveninnes-CV supersite) during the Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX) were used. Our attention was specifically focused on the data collected during the period 16-21 October 2012. ABLH estimates from the Raman lidar were compared against other innovative methods, such as the recently established Morphological Image Processing Approach (MIPA) and the temperature gradient technique applied to potential temperature obtained from radio-sounding data. For each considered methodology, a statistical analysis was carried out. In general, the results from the different methodologies are in good agreement. Some deviations have been observed in correspondence with quite unstable weather conditions

    Mobile Doppler LiDAR Observations of the Convective Boundary Layer Over California

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    A series of transects using a truck-mounted Doppler LiDAR were conducted to obtain mobile vertical profiles of the backscatter intensity and radial velocity across California. Using the backscatter and velocity profiles, several techniques were used to estimate the depth of the convective boundary layer (CBL). The CBL was estimated from the backscatter profiles using three analyses: (1) the Haar wavelet covariance, (2) the variance, (3) the gradient. These analyses were compared to vertical velocity variance, which uses a specified threshold (0.15 m2 s-2) to determine CBL height. The accuracy of the backscatter analyses was heavily dependent on strong aerosol loading near the surface and clean air in the free-atmosphere. The accuracy of the vertical velocity variance was dependent on the variance threshold, and underestimated the CBL depth in conditions with weak vertical motions. The backscatter analyses tended to yield deeper CBL estimates on the order of 100 m compared to the vertical velocity variance analysis. Vertical velocity skewness and variance profiles differ between stationary and mobile observations, with variance profiles decreasing with height in cross-California transects. The Haar wavelet and vertical velocity variance techniques were applied to a transect with heavy smoke-aerosol loading emitted from a nearby wildfire. Observations show weak vertical mixing in regions with heavy smoke, along with suppressed CBL heights
