377 research outputs found

    A Survey on IT-Techniques for a Dynamic Emergency Management in Large Infrastructures

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    This deliverable is a survey on the IT techniques that are relevant to the three use cases of the project EMILI. It describes the state-of-the-art in four complementary IT areas: Data cleansing, supervisory control and data acquisition, wireless sensor networks and complex event processing. Even though the deliverable’s authors have tried to avoid a too technical language and have tried to explain every concept referred to, the deliverable might seem rather technical to readers so far little familiar with the techniques it describes

    Workshop sensing a changing world : proceedings workshop November 19-21, 2008

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    Model predictive energy control of ventilation for underground stations

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    Smart building systems are opening up new markets, nevertheless the implementation of these novel technologies still lacks suitable and proven whole engineering solutions in complex buildings. This paper presents a detailed approach for the ventilation control of an underground space, as an example of application of the developed solution to a very harsh environment but also highly demanding in terms of energy consumption. The underground spaces are characterized by a particular thermal behavior, because of the continuous and huge thermal exchange they have with the outside, via the openings and the ground surrounding the majority of the building. The main objective of the developed methodology is to reduce energy consumption of ventilation control while maintaining acceptable comfort levels: succeeding in achieving this twofold goal in a real station and the generalization of the approach are the most relevant contributions of the paper. The developed solution is based on a Model-based Predictive Control algorithm used together with a proper monitoring platform. The model predictive control is based on a Bayesian environmental prediction model, which works in cooperation with a weather forecast web service, schedule-based predictions about trains and external fans and an occupancy detection system to appraise the real amount of people. The prediction model develops scenarios useful to allow the controller acting in advance in order to adapt the system to the current and future conditions of use, taking profit of the knowledge of the real ventilation demand. Finally, the proposed control architecture is applied to the Passeig de Gràcia metro station in Barcelona as a case study, validating the usefulness of the proposed approach and obtaining more than 30% of energy savings in the ventilation system, while maintaining the pre-existing comfort levels. The saving percentage values estimated by simulation are confirmed by the direct measures continuously taken on site through energy-meters

    Towards the Internet of Smart Trains: A Review on Industrial IoT-Connected Railways

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    [Abstract] Nowadays, the railway industry is in a position where it is able to exploit the opportunities created by the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and enabling communication technologies under the paradigm of Internet of Trains. This review details the evolution of communication technologies since the deployment of GSM-R, describing the main alternatives and how railway requirements, specifications and recommendations have evolved over time. The advantages of the latest generation of broadband communication systems (e.g., LTE, 5G, IEEE 802.11ad) and the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for the railway environment are also explained together with the strategic roadmap to ensure a smooth migration from GSM-R. Furthermore, this survey focuses on providing a holistic approach, identifying scenarios and architectures where railways could leverage better commercial IIoT capabilities. After reviewing the main industrial developments, short and medium-term IIoT-enabled services for smart railways are evaluated. Then, it is analyzed the latest research on predictive maintenance, smart infrastructure, advanced monitoring of assets, video surveillance systems, railway operations, Passenger and Freight Information Systems (PIS/FIS), train control systems, safety assurance, signaling systems, cyber security and energy efficiency. Overall, it can be stated that the aim of this article is to provide a detailed examination of the state-of-the-art of different technologies and services that will revolutionize the railway industry and will allow for confronting today challenges.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431C 2016-045Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED341D R2016/012Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2016-75067-C4-1-

    Análisis urbano y comunidades inteligentes: “una aproximación al empleo de la tecnología en la movilidad cotidiana”

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    Concentration of population in urban centers is a global problem for which different strategies in order to organize different processes in cities and improve the quality of life are required. The creation of smart communities is shown as a sustainable solution since they deal with various key aspects, such as traffc management and mobility, through the use of information technologies (ITs). This work presents a review of recent studies using information technologies for urban analysis and mobility in cities. A descriptive analysis of automated methods for collecting and analyzing citizens’ mobility patterns is performed; it is centered in smart card use, geolocation and geotagging. It is concluded that a robust communication infrastructure, supported by an effcient computational platform allowing big data management and ubiquitous computing, is a crucial aspect for urban management in a smart community.La concentración de la población en los centros urbanos es una problemática mundial que requiere de estrategias que permitan organizar sus procesos y mejorar la calidad de vida. La creación de comunidades inteligentes se muestra como una solución sostenible, debido a que éstas trabajan aspectos claves para el desarrollo urbano, como la gestión de tráfco y la movilidad, apoyada en las tecnologías de la información (TICs). Este trabajo presenta una revisión del estado del arte en cuanto a la aplicación de las TICs al análisis urbano y movilidad ciudadana. Se analizan descriptivamente diversos métodos automáticos para la recolección y el análisis del patrón de movilidad de los ciudadanos, enfocándose en el uso de tarjetas inteligentes, geolocalización y geoetiquetado. Se encuentra que una infraestructura de comunicaciones robusta, apoyada en una plataforma computacional ágil con manejo de grandes datos y computación ubicua, es primordial para la gestión urbana en una comunidad inteligente

    Análisis Urbano y Comunidades Inteligentes: Una Aproximación al Empleo de la Tecnología en la Movilidad Cotidiana

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    Concentration of population in urban centers is a global problem for which different strategies in order to organize different processes in cities and improve the quality of life are required. The creation of smart communities is shown as a sustainable solution since they deal with various key aspects, such as traffic management and mobility, through the use of information technologies (ITs). This work presents a review of recent studies using information technologies for urban analysis and mobility in cities. A descriptive analysis of automated methods for collecting and analyzing citizens’ mobility patterns is performed; it is centered in smart card use, geolocation and geotagging. It is concluded that a robust communication infrastructure, supported by an efficient computational platform allowing big data management and ubiquitous computing, is a crucial aspect for urban management in a smart communityLa concentración de la población en los centros urbanos es una problemática mundial que requiere de estrategias que permitan organizar sus procesos y mejorar la calidad de vida. La creación de comunidades inteligentes se muestra como una solución sostenible, debido a que éstas trabajan aspectos claves para el desarrollo urbano, como la gestión de tráfico y la movilidad, apoyada en las tecnologías de la información (TICs). Este trabajo presenta una revisión del estado del arte en cuanto a la aplicación de las TICs al análisis urbano y movilidad ciudadana. Se analizan descriptivamente diversos métodos automáticos para la recolección y el análisis del patrón de movilidad de los ciudadanos, enfocándose en el uso de tarjetas inteligentes, geolocalización y geoetiquetado. Se encuentra que una infraestructura de comunicaciones robusta, apoyada en una plataforma computacional ágil con manejo de grandes datos y computación ubicua, es primordial para la gestión urbana en una comunidad inteligente

    Communication protocols evaluation for a wireless rainfall monitoring network in an urban area

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    Rainfall monitoring networks are key elements for the development of alerts and prediction models for communities at risk of flooding during high intensity rainfall events. Currently, most of these networks send the precipitation measurement to a data center in real-time using wireless communication protocols, avoiding travel to the measurement site. An Early Warning System (EWS) for pluvial flash floods developed in Barranquilla (Colombia), used the GPRS protocol to send rain gauge data in real-time to a web server for further processing; however, this protocol has a high consumption of energy and also high maintenance costs. This article carried out an evaluation in terms of link budget, link profile, energy consumption and devices costs of three low-power wireless communication protocols, Zigbee, LoRaWAN and Sigfox, to determine which one is the most suitable for the EWS of the city of Barranquilla. To perform the evaluation, a wireless sensor network was designed and characterized for Zigbee and LoRaWAN with Radio Mobile tool taking into account the measurement points implemented with GPRS network. The evaluation included the power consumption of Zigbee, LoRaWAN and Sigfox. From the results of simulations, LoRaWAN and Zigbee network has similar radio signal received and the LoRaWAN network obtains the least losses per path. As for power consumption, the LoRaWAN devices has the lowest energy consumption, as well as, the LoRaWAN network sensor nodes are cheaper. Finally, the protocol with the best general performance was LoRAWAN, since complies with the communication, consumption and cost requirements

    wireless real time monitoring system for the implementation of intelligent control in subways

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    This chapter looks into the technical features of state-of-the-art wireless sensors networks for environmental monitoring. Technology advances in low-power and wireless devices have made the deployment of those networks more and more affordable. In addition, wireless sensor networks have become more flexible and adaptable to a wide range of situations. Hence, a framework for their correct implementation will be provided. Then, one specific application about real-time environmental monitoring in support of a modelbased predictive control system installed in a metro station will be described. In these applications, filtering, resampling, and post-processing functions must be developed, in order to convert raw data into a dataset arranged in the right format, so that it can inform the algorithms of the control system about the current state of the domain under control. Finally, the whole architecture of the model-based predictive control and its final performances will be reported