25 research outputs found

    The DCU dependency-based metric in WMT-MetricsMATR 2010

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    We describe DCU’s LFG dependencybased metric submitted to the shared evaluation task of WMT-MetricsMATR 2010. The metric is built on the LFG F-structurebased approach presented in (Owczarzak et al., 2007). We explore the following improvements on the original metric: 1) we replace the in-house LFG parser with an open source dependency parser that directly parses strings into LFG dependencies; 2) we add a stemming module and unigram paraphrases to strengthen the aligner; 3) we introduce a chunk penalty following the practice of METEOR to reward continuous matches; and 4) we introduce and tune parameters to maximize the correlation with human judgement. Experiments show that these enhancements improve the dependency-based metric's correlation with human judgement

    Comparative evaluation of research vs. Online MT systems

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    This paper reports MT evaluation experiments that were conducted at the end of year 1 of the EU-funded CoSyne 1 project for three language combinations, considering translations from German, Italian and Dutch into English. We present a comparative evaluation of the MT software developed within the project against four of the leading free webbased MT systems across a range of state-of-the-art automatic evaluation metrics. The data sets from the news domain that were created and used for training purposes and also for this evaluation exercise, which are available to the research community, are also described. The evaluation results for the news domain are very encouraging: the CoSyne MT software consistently beats the rule-based MT systems, and for translations from Italian and Dutch into English in particular the scores given by some of the standard automatic evaluation metrics are not too distant from those obtained by wellestablished statistical online MT systems

    MATREX: the DCU MT system for WMT 2010

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    This paper describes the DCU machine translation system in the evaluation campaign of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and Metrics in ACL-2010. We describe the modular design of our multi-engine machine translation (MT) system with particular focus on the components used in this participation. We participated in the English–Spanish and English–Czech translation tasks, in which we employed our multiengine architecture to translate. We also participated in the system combination task which was carried out by the MBR decoder and confusion network decoder

    Integrating source-language context into log-linear models of statistical machine translation

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    The translation features typically used in state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) model dependencies between the source and target phrases, but not among the phrases in the source language themselves. A swathe of research has demonstrated that integrating source context modelling directly into log-linear phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and hierarchical PB-SMT (HPB-SMT), and can positively influence the weighting and selection of target phrases, and thus improve translation quality. In this thesis we present novel approaches to incorporate source-language contextual modelling into the state-of-the-art SMT models in order to enhance the quality of lexical selection. We investigate the effectiveness of use of a range of contextual features, including lexical features of neighbouring words, part-of-speech tags, supertags, sentence-similarity features, dependency information, and semantic roles. We explored a series of language pairs featuring typologically different languages, and examined the scalability of our research to larger amounts of training data. While our results are mixed across feature selections, language pairs, and learning curves, we observe that including contextual features of the source sentence in general produces improvements. The most significant improvements involve the integration of long-distance contextual features, such as dependency relations in combination with part-of-speech tags in Dutch-to-English subtitle translation, the combination of dependency parse and semantic role information in English-to-Dutch parliamentary debate translation, supertag features in English-to-Chinese translation, or combination of supertag and lexical features in English-to-Dutch subtitle translation. Furthermore, we investigate the applicability of our lexical contextual model in another closely related NLP problem, namely machine transliteration

    The integration of machine translation and translation memory

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    We design and evaluate several models for integrating Machine Translation (MT) output into a Translation Memory (TM) environment to facilitate the adoption of MT technology in the localization industry. We begin with the integration on the segment level via translation recommendation and translation reranking. Given an input to be translated, our translation recommendation model compares the output from the MT and the TMsystems, and presents the better one to the post-editor. Our translation reranking model combines k-best lists from both systems, and generates a new list according to estimated post-editing effort. We perform both automatic and human evaluation on these models. When measured against the consensus of human judgement, the recommendation model obtains 0.91 precision at 0.93 recall, and the reranking model obtains 0.86 precision at 0.59 recall. The high precision of these models indicates that they can be integrated into TM environments without the risk of deteriorating the quality of the post-editing candidate, and can thereby preserve TM assets and established cost estimation methods associated with TMs. We then explore methods for a deeper integration of translation memory and machine translation on the sub-segment level. We predict whether phrase pairs derived from fuzzy matches could be used to constrain the translation of an input segment. Using a series of novel linguistically-motivated features, our constraints lead both to more consistent translation output, and to improved translation quality, reflected by a 1.2 improvement in BLEU score and a 0.72 reduction in TER score, both of statistical significance (p < 0.01). In sum, we present our work in three aspects: 1) translation recommendation and translation reranking models that can access high quality MT outputs in the TMenvironment, 2) a sub-segment translation memory and machine translation integration model that improves both translation consistency and translation quality, and 3) a human evaluation pipeline to validate the effectiveness of our models with human judgements

    Human Feedback in Statistical Machine Translation

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    The thesis addresses the challenge of improving Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems via feedback given by humans on translation quality. The amount of human feedback available to systems is inherently low due to cost and time limitations. One of our goals is to simulate such information by automatically generating pseudo-human feedback. This is performed using Quality Estimation (QE) models. QE is a technique for predicting the quality of automatic translations without comparing them to oracle (human) translations, traditionally at the sentence or word levels. QE models are trained on a small collection of automatic translations manually labelled for quality, and then can predict the quality of any number of unseen translations. We propose a number of improvements for QE models in order to increase the reliability of pseudo-human feedback. These include strategies to artificially generate instances for settings where QE training data is scarce. We also introduce a new level of granularity for QE: the level of phrases. This level aims to improve the quality of QE predictions by better modelling inter-dependencies among errors at word level, and in ways that are tailored to phrase-based SMT, where the basic unit of translation is a phrase. This can thus facilitate work on incorporating human feedback during the translation process. Finally, we introduce approaches to incorporate pseudo-human feedback in the form of QE predictions in SMT systems. More specifically, we use quality predictions to select the best translation from a number of alternative suggestions produced by SMT systems, and integrate QE predictions into an SMT system decoder in order to guide the translation generation process

    Methods for Measuring Semantic Similarity of Texts

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    A thesis submitted in partial ful lment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyMeasuring semantic similarity is a task needed in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. For example, in Machine Translation evaluation, semantic similarity is used to assess the quality of the machine translation output by measuring the degree of equivalence between a reference translation and the machine translation output. The problem of semantic similarity (Corley and Mihalcea, 2005) is de ned as measuring and recognising semantic relations between two texts. Semantic similarity covers di erent types of semantic relations, mainly bidirectional and directional. This thesis proposes new methods to address the limitations of existing work on both types of semantic relations. Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE) is a directional relation where a text T entails the hypothesis H (entailment pair) if the meaning of H can be inferred from the meaning of T (Dagan and Glickman, 2005; Dagan et al., 2013). Most of the RTE methods rely on machine learning algorithms. de Marne e et al. (2006) propose a multi-stage architecture where a rst stage determines an alignment between the T-H pairs to be followed by an entailment decision stage. A limitation of such approaches is that instead of recognising a non-entailment, an alignment that ts an optimisation criterion will be returned, but the alignment by itself is a poor predictor for iii non-entailment. We propose an RTE method following a multi-stage architecture, where both stages are based on semantic representations. Furthermore, instead of using simple similarity metrics to predict the entailment decision, we use a Markov Logic Network (MLN). The MLN is based on rich relational features extracted from the output of the predicate-argument alignment structures between T-H pairs. This MLN learns to reward pairs with similar predicates and similar arguments, and penalise pairs otherwise. The proposed methods show promising results. A source of errors was found to be the alignment step, which has low coverage. However, we show that when an alignment is found, the relational features improve the nal entailment decision. The task of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) (Agirre et al., 2012) is de- ned as measuring the degree of bidirectional semantic equivalence between a pair of texts. The STS evaluation campaigns use datasets that consist of pairs of texts from NLP tasks such as Paraphrasing and Machine Translation evaluation. Methods for STS are commonly based on computing similarity metrics between the pair of sentences, where the similarity scores are used as features to train regression algorithms. Existing methods for STS achieve high performances over certain tasks, but poor results over others, particularly on unknown (surprise) tasks. Our solution to alleviate this unbalanced performances is to model STS in the context of Multi-task Learning using Gaussian Processes (MTL-GP) ( Alvarez et al., 2012) and state-of-the-art iv STS features ( Sari c et al., 2012). We show that the MTL-GP outperforms previous work on the same datasets

    Hybrid machine translation using binary classification models trained on joint, binarised feature vectors

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    We describe the design and implementation of a system combination method for machine translation output. It is based on sentence selection using binary classification models estimated on joint, binarised feature vectors. By contrast to existing system combination methods which work by dividing candidate translations into n-grams, i.e., sequences of n words or tokens, our framework performs sentence selection which does not alter the selected, best translation. First, we investigate the potential performance gain attainable by optimal sentence selection. To do so, we conduct the largest meta-study on data released by the yearly Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT). Second, we introduce so-called joint, binarised feature vectors which explicitly model feature value comparison for two systems A, B. We compare different settings for training binary classifiers using single, joint, as well as joint, binarised feature vectors. After having shown the potential of both selection and binarisation as methodological paradigms, we combine these two into a combination framework which applies pairwise comparison of all candidate systems to determine the best translation for each individual sentence. Our system is able to outperform other state-of-the-art system combination approaches; this is confirmed by our experiments. We conclude by summarising the main findings and contributions of our thesis and by giving an outlook to future research directions.Wir beschreiben den Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Systems zur Kombination von Übersetzungen auf Basis nicht modifizierender Auswahl gegebener Kandidaten. Die zugehörigen, binĂ€ren Klassifikationsmodelle werden unter Verwendung von gemeinsamen, binĂ€risierten Merkmalsvektoren trainiert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Methoden zur Systemkombination, die die gegebenen KandidatenĂŒbersetzungen in n-Gramme, d.h., Sequenzen von n Worten oder Symbolen zerlegen, funktioniert unser Ansatz mit Hilfe von nicht modifizierender Auswahl der besten Übersetzung. Zuerst untersuchen wir das Potenzial eines solches Ansatzes im Hinblick auf die maximale theoretisch mögliche Verbesserung und fĂŒhren die grĂ¶ĂŸte Meta-Studie auf Daten, welche jĂ€hrlich im Rahmen der Arbeitstreffen zur Statistischen Maschinellen Übersetzung (WMT) veröffentlicht worden sind, durch. Danach definieren wir sogenannte gemeinsame, binĂ€risierte Merkmalsvektoren, welche explizit den Merkmalsvergleich zweier Systeme A, B modellieren. Wir vergleichen verschiedene Konfigurationen zum Training binĂ€rer Klassifikationsmodelle basierend auf einfachen, gemeinsamen, sowie gemeinsamen, binĂ€risierten Merkmalsvektoren. Abschließend kombinieren wir beide Verfahren zu einer Methodik, die paarweise Vergleiche aller Quellsysteme zur Bestimmung der besten Übesetzung einsetzt. Wir schließen mit einer Zusammenfassung und einem Ausblick auf zukĂŒnftige Forschungsthemen

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    Incorporating translation quality-oriented features into log-linear models of machine translation

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    The current state-of-the-art approach to Machine Translation (MT) has limitations which could be alleviated by the use of syntax-based models. Although the benefits of syntax use in MT are becoming clear with the ongoing improvements in string-to-tree and tree-to-string systems, tree-to-tree systems such as Data Oriented Translation (DOT) have, until recently, suffered from lack of training resources, and as a consequence are currently immature, lacking key features compared to Phrase-Based Statistical MT (PB-SMT) systems. In this thesis we propose avenues to bridge the gap between our syntax-based DOT model and state-of-the-art PB-SMT systems. Noting that both types of systems score translations using probabilities not necessarily related to the quality of the translations they produce, we introduce a training mechanism which takes translation quality into account by averaging the edit distance between a translation unit and translation units used in oracle translations. This training mechanism could in principle be adapted to a very broad class of MT systems. In particular, we show how when translating Spanish sentences into English, it leads to improvements in the translation quality of both PB-SMT and DOT. In addition, we show how our method leads to a PB-SMT system which uses significantly less resources and translates significantly faster than the original, while maintaining the improvements in translation quality. We then address the issue of the limited feature set in DOT by defining a new DOT model which is able to exploit features of the complete source sentence. We introduce a feature into this new model which conditions each target word to the source-context it is associated with, and we also make the first attempt at incorporating a language model (LM) to a DOT system. We investigate different estimation methods for our lexical feature (namely Maximum Entropy and improved Kneser-Ney), reporting on their empirical performance. After describing methods which enable us to improve the efficiency of our system, and which allows us to scale to larger training data sizes, we evaluate the performance of our new model on English-to-Spanish translation, obtaining significant translation quality improvements compared to the original DOT system