29 research outputs found

    Algebra and the Complexity of Digraph CSPs: a Survey

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    We present a brief survey of some of the key results on the interplay between algebraic and graph-theoretic methods in the study of the complexity of digraph-based constraint satisfaction problems

    Decidability of admissibility:On a problem by friedman and its solution by rybakov

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    Rybakov (1984) proved that the admissible rules of IPC are decidable. We give a proof of the same theorem, using the same core idea, but couched in the many notions that have been developed in the mean time. In particular, we illustrate how the argument can be interpreted as using refinements of the notions of exactness and extendibility

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    Contributions to the theory of Large Cardinals through the method of Forcing

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    [eng] The present dissertation is a contribution to the field of Mathematical Logic and, more particularly, to the subfield of Set Theory. Within Set theory, we are mainly concerned with the interactions between the largecardinal axioms and the method of Forcing. This is the line of research with a deeper impact in the subsequent configuration of modern Mathematics. This area has found many central applications in Topology [ST71][Tod89], Algebra [She74][MS94][DG85][Dug85], Analysis [Sol70] or Category Theory [AR94][Bag+15], among others. The dissertation is divided in two thematic blocks: In Block I we analyze the large-cardinal hierarchy between the first supercompact cardinal and Vopenka’s Principle (Part I). In Block II we make a contribution to Singular Cardinal Combinatorics (Part II and Part III). Specifically, in Part I we investigate the Identity Crisis phenomenon in the region comprised between the first supercompact cardinal and Vopenka’s Principle. As a result, we settle all the questions that were left open in [Bag12, §5]. Afterwards, we present a general theory of preservation of C(n)– extendible cardinals under class forcing iterations from which we derive many applications. In Part II and Part III we analyse the relationship between the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis (SCH) and other combinatorial principles, such as the tree property or the reflection of stationary sets. In Part II we generalize the main theorems of [FHS18] and [Sin16] and manage to weaken the largecardinal hypotheses necessary for Magidor-Shelah’s theorem [MS96]. Finally, in Part III we introduce the concept of _-Prikry forcing as a generalization of the classical notion of Prikry-type forcing. Subsequently we devise an abstract iteration scheme for this family of posets and, as an application, we prove the consistency of ZFC + ¬SCH_ + Refl([cat] La present tesi és una contribució a l’estudi de la Lògica Matemàtica i més particularment a la Teoria de Conjunts. Dins de la Teoria de Conjunts, la nostra àrea de recerca s’emmarca dins l’estudi de les interaccions entre els Axiomes de Grans Cardinals i el mètode de Forcing. Aquestes dues eines han tigut un impacte molt profund en la configuració de la matemàtica contemporànea com a conseqüència de la resolució de qüestions centrals en Topologia [ST71][Tod89], Àlgebra [She74][MS94][DG85][Dug85], Anàlisi Matemàtica [Sol70] o Teoria de Categories [AR94][Bag+15], entre d’altres. La tesi s’articula entorn a dos blocs temàtics. Al Bloc I analitzem la jerarquia de Grans Cardinals compresa entre el primer cardinal supercompacte i el Principi de Vopenka (Part I), mentre que al Bloc II estudiem alguns problemes de la Combinatòria Cardinal Singular (Part II i Part III). Més precisament, a la Part I investiguem el fenòmen de Crisi d’Identitat en la regió compresa entre el primer cardinal supercompacte i el Principi de Vopenka. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta anàlisi resolem totes les preguntes obertes de [Bag12, §5]. Posteriorment presentem una teoria general de preservació de cardinals C(n)–extensibles sota iteracions de longitud ORD, de la qual en derivem nombroses aplicacions. A la Part II i Part III analitzem la relació entre la Hipòtesi dels Cardinals Singulars (SCH) i altres principis combinatoris, tals com la Propietat de l’Arbre o la reflexió de conjunts estacionaris. A la Part II obtenim sengles generalitzacions dels teoremes principals de [FHS18] i [Sin16] i afeblim les hipòtesis necessàries perquè el teorema de Magidor-Shelah [MS96] siga cert. Finalment, a la Part III, introduïm el concepte de forcing _-Prikry com a generalització de la noció clàssica de forcing del tipus Prikry. Posteriorment dissenyem un esquema d’iteracions abstracte per aquesta família de forcings i, com a aplicació, derivem la consistència de ZFC + ¬SCH_ + Refl

    Filling cages: reverse mathematics and combinatorial principles

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    Nella tesi sono analizzati alcuni principi di combinatorica dal punto di vista della reverse mathematics. La reverse mathematics \ue8 un programma di ricerca avviato negli anni settanta e interessato a individuare l'esatta forza, intesa come assiomi riguardanti l'esistenza di insiemi, di teoremi della matematica ordinaria. --- Dopo una concisa introduzione al tema, \ue8 presentato un algoritmo incrementale per reorientare transitivamente grafi orientati infiniti e pseudo-transitivi. L'esistenza di tale algoritmo implica che un teorema di Ghouila-Houri \ue8 dimostrabile in RCA0. --- Grafi e ordini a intervalli sono la comune tematica della seconda parte della tesi. Un primo capitolo \ue8 dedicato all'analisi di diverse caratterizzazioni di grafi numerabili a intervalli e allo studio della relazione tra grafi numerabili a intervalli e ordini numerabili a intervalli. In questo contesto emerge il tema dell'ordinabilit\ue0 unica di grafi a intervalli, a cui \ue8 dedicato il capitolo successivo. L'ultimo capitolo di questa parte riguarda invece enunciati relativi alla dimensione degli ordini numerabili a intervalli. --- La terza parte ruota attorno due enunciati dimostrati da Rival e Sands in un articolo del 1980. Il primo teorema afferma che ogni grafo infinito contiene un sottografo infinito tale che ogni vertice del grafo \ue8 adiacente ad al pi\uf9 uno o a infiniti vertici del sottografo. Si dimostra che questo enunciato \ue8 equivalente ad ACA0, dunque pi\uf9 forte rispetto al teorema di Ramsey per coppie, nonostante la somiglianza dei due principi. Il secondo teorema dimostrato da Rival e Sands asserisce che ogni ordine parziale infinito con larghezza finita contiene una catena infinita tale che ogni punto dell'ordine \ue8 comparabile con nessuno o con infiniti elementi della catena. Quest'ultimo enunciato ristretto a ordini di larghezza k, per ogni k maggiore o uguale a tre, \ue8 dimostrato equivalente ad ADS. Ulteriori enunciati sono studiati nella tesi.In the thesis some combinatorial statements are analysed from the reverse mathematics point of view. Reverse mathematics is a research program, which dates back to the Seventies, interested to find the exact strength, measured in terms of set-existence axioms, of theorems from ordinary non set-theoretic mathematics. --- After a brief introduction to the subject, an on-line (incremental) algorithm to transitivelly reorient infinite pseudo-transitive oriented graphs is defined. This implies that a theorem of Ghouila-Houri is provable in RCA0 and hence is computably true. --- Interval graphs and interval orders are the common theme of the second part of the thesis. A chapter is devoted to analyse the relative strength of different characterisations of countable interval graphs and to study the interplay between countable interval graphs and countable interval orders. In this context arises the theme of unique orderability of interval graphs, which is studied in the following chapter. The last chapter about interval orders inspects the strength of some statements involving the dimension of countable interval orders. --- The third part is devoted to the analysis of two theorems proved by Rival and Sands in 1980. The first principle states that each infinite graph contains an infinite subgraph such that each vertex of the graph is adjacent either to none, or to one or to infinitely many vertices of the subgraph. This statement, restricted to countable graphs, is proved to be equivalent to ACA0 and hence to be stronger than Ramsey's theorem for pairs, despite the similarity of the two principles. The second theorem proved by Rival and Sands states that each infinite partial order with finite width contains an infinite chain such that each point of the poset is comparable either to none or to infinitely many points of the chain. For each k greater or equal to three, the latter principle restricted to countable poset of width k is proved to be equivalent to ADS. Some complementary results are presented in the thesis

    Commutative, idempotent groupoids and the constraint satisfaction problem

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    A restatement of the Algebraic Dichotomy Conjecture, due to Marti and McKenzie, postulates that if a finite algebra possesses a weak near-unanimity term, then the corresponding constraint satisfaction problem is tractable. A binary operation is weak near-unanimity if and only if it is both commutative and idempotent. Thus if the dichotomy conjecture is true, any finite commutative, idempotent groupoid (CI-groupoid) will be tractable. It is known that every semilattice (associative CI-groupoid) is tractable. A groupoid identity is of Bol-Moufang type if the same three variables appear on either side, one of the variables is repeated, the remaining two variables appear once, and the variables appear in the same order on either side (for example, x(x(yz))=(x(xy))z). These identities can be thought of as generalizations of associativity. We show that there are exactly 8 varieties of CI-groupoids defined by a single additional identity of Bol-Moufang type, derive some of their important structural properties, and use that structure theory to show that 7 of the varieties are tractable. We also characterize the finite members of the variety of CI-groupoids satisfying the self-distributive law x(yz)=(xy)(xz), and show that they are tractable. Varieties of CI-groupoids satisfying other identities strictly weaker than associativity are also considered, and shown to be tractable

    Branching densities of cube-free and square-free words

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    Binary cube-free language and ternary square-free language are two “canonical” represen-tatives of a wide class of languages defined by avoidance properties. Each of these two languages can be viewed as an infinite binary tree reflecting the prefix order of its elements. We study how “homogenious” these trees are, analysing the following parameter: the density of branching nodes along infinite paths. We present combinatorial results and an efficient search algorithm, which together allowed us to get the following numerical results for the cube-free language: the minimal density of branching points is between 3509/9120 ≈ 0.38476 and 13/29 ≈ 0.44828, and the maximal density is between 0.72 and 67/93 ≈ 0.72043. We also prove the lower bound 223/868 ≈ 0.25691 on the density of branching points in the tree of the ternary square-free language. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This research was funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Mathematical Center project No. 075-02-2020-1537/1)