1,039 research outputs found

    Making learning more engaging for primary level learners in a technologyenhanced learning environment

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    The integration of mobile learning app-based quiz-games in higher education teaching of anatomical sciences

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    Background: Mobile learning (mLearning) and gamification are two potential pedagogical tools that are continuously evolving in Higher Education. Their efficiency as learning tools is not fully understood and their use by staff is sporadic and sometimes viewed poorly compared to traditional methods. Aim: To determine a framework of best practice for the integration of mLearning app based quiz-games into the Higher Education (HE) teaching of anatomical sciences. This thesis presents three studies, which aim to 1) evaluate mLearning quiz-games as a revision tool for an anatomy online examination 2) and 3) investigate the effect of pre-seminar mLearning quiz gameplay on knowledge acquisition, retention and engagement in anatomy. Method: The data collection was performed over a two year period in a level 4 anatomy module for Sport and Exercise Science students. All three studies employed an experimental mixed methods approach within an action research framework to allow the development of the project in a naturalistic way. Study One was completed over two cohorts, 2014-15 (n=125) and 2015-16 (n=121). The module has four assessment points, A1, A2, A3, A4 where A1-3 are online assessments with a mixture of Multiple Choice Questions, labelling and matching questions and A4 is a viva voce. Students did A1, A2 and A4 as normal but at A3 they were offered a choice to revise as normal, the control group (n= 164) or to play mLearning games (n=87) for 15 minutes prior to the assessment on a tablet or smartphone device. All students completed a modified Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) post-assessment and then for triangulation of data online focus groups were completed (n=84) as well as extended semi-structured interviews (n=9). Study Two was completed in 2015-16 using the same module as Study One. Over two consecutive weeks students were videoed in a two hour seminar session where in week one they did 15 minutes of no formal class preparation (n=87) and in week two they did 15 minutes of mLearning games (n=87). Students did a plenary and recap class Socrative quiz every week where the plenary scores indicate knowledge acquisition and the difference between the plenary and recap scores of subsequent weeks indicates knowledge retention. Observational behavioural engagement analysis was completed using an adapted coding system and students completed the National Survey of Student Engagement following each seminar. Study Three was completed on the same cohort in semester two using a randomised repeated measures design for the knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention scores over three weeks with three 15 minute interventions; Games, Control and Games plus question generation before class. Results: Study One found that the Games group performed better at A3 with no difference at A2 or A1 (p<0.0.01) but no differences were found in the SPQ surface and deep learning motives and strategies. Students revealed reasons for using mLearning quiz-games were primarily the fun, visual stimulation, instant feedback and accessibility. Study Two found that playing quiz-games prior to class increased on-task behaviours and peer interaction and improved knowledge acquisition and retention scores (p<0.01). Study Three agreed but found no difference in the Games-plus questions group compared to the control or games groups. Conclusions: The studies reveal the positive effect that mLearning quiz-games can have on achievement and engagement both in class and as a revision tool prior to assessment. The results of all three studies have been used to inform the proposed Mobigames framework for the integration of mLearning quiz-games in HE teaching. The framework has four key aspects: Information, Facilitation, Learning and Timing

    Readtheory.org – the theory of 21st-century reading: fostering 21st-century reading skills through digital competence, digital teaching aids and frequent digital teaching.

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    Digitalisering i den norske skulen er synleg – og engelskfaget er ikkje eit unntak. Det engelske språket er vårt verktøy for kommunikasjon med store delar av verda gjennom internet og digitale platformar – å kunne lese engelsk er viktig for å delta i eit stadig meir globalisert og samankopla verdssamfunn. Målet med studien er å setje søkelyset på kva den digitale lærekonteksen og det digital lærematerialet krev av læarar og elevar, og vidare granske korleis engelsklærarar oppfattar digital kompetense og lesedugleikar i det 21. århundre – og korleis dei nyttar digiale ressursar for å fremje dette. Studien er ein undersøkjande studie som tek føre seg norske engelsklærarar sine tankar og erfaringar med kring digital kompetanse, lesedugleikar i det 21. århundre og deira digitale engelskundervisning. I tilegg, undersøkjer studien bruk av eit digital og adaptivt lesevektøy der funna er basert på lærarars og programutviklarane bak ReadTheory sine oppfatningar om til kva grad ReadTheory kan fremje lesedugleikar i det 21. århundre. Prosjektet er basert på datamateriale frå ein åpen-distribuert spørjeundersøking, der lærarar med erfaring frå ReadTheory kunne velgje å svare på både lukka- og opne spørsmål. For å supplere dette datamaterialet har studien nytta dokumentanalyse der ulike dokument distribuert av ReadTheory har danna grunnlaget for supplerande forskingsmateriell. Funna tyder på at det er ein viss samanheng mellom digital kompetense og hyppig bruk av digitale ressursar i engelskfaget – og at det blir nytta ei rekkje ulike digital ressursar i engelskfaget generlt, men og særleg i lesing. Lærararne sine skildringar av digital kompetanse og modern lesedugleikar peiker på mykje av det same – og funna tyder på at ein kan samalikne dei to dugleiksområda og sjå dei i samanheng i diskusjonen om digital og moderne lesing. Readtheory.org er ein amerikansk utvikla leseplatform, som hevdar å gje elevar ein meir individuell tilpassa leseoppleving gjennom sin algoritmedrivne adaptive funksjon. Studien samaliknar norske engelsklærarar sine erfaringar og tankar kring platformen med kva utviklarane meiner platformen kan brukast i lesetrening i engelskfaget. Det er ei viss usemje blant lærarar om at bruken av ReadTheory kan vere med på å fremje moderne lesedugleikar, men at platformen har ei rekkje gode funksjonar. Dei konkluderande tankane rundt bruken av platformen munnar ut i at platformen er god til sitt bruk, men forblir eit supplement i undervisninga – då den ikkje evna å dekkje samtlege kompetansemål og fokuserar på individuelle læremiljø.Engelsk mastergradsoppgåveENG350MAHF-ENGMAHF-LÆF

    Communicating the Past in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Methods in Teaching and Learning in Archaeology (12-13 October 2018)

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    Recent developments in the field of archaeology are not only progressing archaeological fieldwork but also changing the way we practise and present archaeology today. As these digital technologies are being used more and more every day on excavations or in museums, this also means that we must change the way we approach teaching and communicating archaeology as a discipline. This volume presents the outcome of a two-day international symposium on digital methods in teaching and learning in archaeology held at the University of Cologne in October 2018. Specialists from around the world share their views on the newest developments in the field of archaeology and the way we teach these with the help of archaeogaming, augmented and virtual reality, 3D reconstruction and many more

    Emerging technologies for learning (volume 2)

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