485,094 research outputs found

    Voices from the Texas Pineywoods of El Camino Real de los Tejas: Sabine, San Augustine, and Nacogdoches Counties

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    The Voices from the Texas Pineywoods of El Camino Real de los Tejas: Sabine, San Augustine, and Nacogdoches Counties provides information for future research in the telling of the story of life ways in three counties of the Texas Pineywoods area of the east-west transportation corridor designated as El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail

    Renovation of El Camino Real of Santa Clara

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    In this project we focus on a section of the El Camino Real that is a major corridor that connects the South Bay to much of the Peninsula. The portion that we are looking at is by Santa Clara University from Lafayette Street to Scott Boulevard which consists of 3lanes in both directions. This is much wider than sections farther north as there are much higher traffic volumes in the spread out South Bay. As a result, El Camino Real can be dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Along with pedestrian safety concerns, our project goes into the inadequate service levels for public transit, the VTA 522El Camino Real Rapid Bus in particular. Our redesign of El Camino Real was inspired by the VTA’s BRT, Bus Rapid Transit, which converts 1 of 3 car lanes into a Bus Only lane and adds a bike lane. We created several alternative design options for the project and discuss each option’s strengths and weaknesses. After we decided on a design, we ran a Synchro simulation to see how the traffic conditions would be affected by our redesign. We noted the different service levels and safety improvements

    El Camino Real: Commercial Trade Route to Santa Fe

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    “El Camino Real: Commercial Trade Route to Santa Fe” The Royal Road of the Interior Land served as the sole trade and supply route to the frontier regions of New Spain for the better part of three centuries. The eighteenth century mission colony of Santa Fe was the northern terminus of El Camino Real. Caravan trade parties that traveled the near 1,600-mile route were the only means for buying and selling goods in Santa Fe. Native laborers were the backbone of the self-sustaining colony and manufactured numerous trade exports. The combination of Native American contributions and merchant trade on El Camino Real were the reasons for Santa Fe’s ultimate survival as a permanent settlement. I will be examining letters by two eighteenth century governors of New Mexico one of which provides requests and information on supplies needed to be sent overland for mission upkeep. Additionally, colonial era textiles provide an insightful example of commodities produced by Pueblo artisans for trade and purchase of needed imports. Sources from the Spanish and the natives provide some balance in contextualizing trade systems on El Camino Real

    Morangueiros Camino Real e Camarosa em espaçamentos de plantas reduzidos

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    The strawberry cultivars Camino Real and Camarosa are widely cultivated in Brazil, but they differ in vigor of plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the hypothesis that they respond differently to reduction in plant spacing and the cultivar ‘Camino Real’ can be planted in higher plant densities with gains in yield. Experiments were conducted in three harvest seasons testing both cultivars in spacing of 30cm between rows and 20 to 40cm between plants. The berries production, precocity, vegetative growth, soluble solids content and phytosanitary losses were evaluated. The cultivars responded differently to the spacing, with higher yield per m² with smaller spacing. Nevertheless, no effect of spacing was found on soluble solids and phytosanitary losses. It is concluded that ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Camino Real’ respond differently to reduction in plant spacing, but smaller spacing increases yield of both, with no effect on soluble solids content nor in losses due to pests in fruits.Os cultivares de morangueiro Camino Real e Camarosa são amplamente cultivados no Brasil, mas diferem no vigor das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a hipótese de que eles respondem de maneira diferente à redução no espaçamento de plantio, e que Camino Real pode ser plantado em densidades maiores com vantagens no rendimento. Os experimentos foram executados em três safras, comparando os dois cultivares em espaçamentos de 30cm entre linhas e 20 a 40cm entre plantas. Foram avaliados a produção de morangos, o crescimento vegetativo, o teor de sólidos solúveis e as perdas fitossanitárias. Os cultivares responderam de formas diferentes aos espaçamentos, mas ambos produziram maior quantidade em espaçamentos menores. Apesar disso, não foram observados efeito do espaçamento nos sólidos solúveis e perdas fitossanitárias. Conclui-se que Camarosa e Camino Real respondem de maneiras diferentes à redução do espaçamento de plantio, mas ao reduzi-lo se aumenta o rendimento dos dois, sem afetar o teor de sólidos solúveis nem as perdas de morangos por pragas e doenças

    Boston University Wind Ensemble, Tuesday, November 24, 1998

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Wind Ensemble performance on Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were "The American Dream" from Night Visions by James A. Beckel, Jr., Suite Francaise by Guy Woolfenden, Crystals by Thomas C. Duffy, Heroes, Last and Fallen (A Vietnam Memorial) by David R. Gillingham, and El Camino Real (A Latin Fantasy) by Alfred Reed. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Relative Salt Tolerance of Seven Strawberry Cultivars

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    Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars (“Albion”, “Benicia”, “Camarosa”, “Camino Real”, “Chandler”, “Radiance”, and “San Andreas”) were evaluated for salt tolerance in a greenhouse environment. Plants were irrigated with a nutrient solution with an electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.1 dS·m−1 (control) or a nutrient solution with the addition of salts (salt solution) with ECs of 2.2, 3.3, or 4.4 dS·m−1 for four months. Salinity reduced plant growth and fruit yield of strawberry; however, the magnitude of reduction varied with cultivar. For example, at an EC of 4.4 dS·m−1 , “Benicia” and “Chandler” had 39% and 44% less shoot dry weight (DW) respectively, compared with control plants. At ECs of 3.3 and 4.4 dS·m−1 , “Camino Real” had equal shoot DW, which was about 50% lower than that of the control. The fruit yield of “Benicia” and “Camino Real” at 4.4 dS·m−1 was reduced by 56%, while the other salt treatments did not affect their shoot DW or fruit yield. To distinguish differences among the cultivars with respect to their tolerance to salinity, cluster analysis was performed based on growth parameters and visual quality. The results indicated that “Albion”, “Camarosa”, and “San Andreas” were more salt tolerant, while “Camino Real”, “Benicia”, “Chandler”, and “Radiance” were less salt tolerant

    Chemical, physical, and sensory characterization of ‘Osogrande’ and ‘Camino real’ strawberries stored under 5 and 15ºC

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de morangos ‘Osogrande’ e ‘Camino Real’ durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Morangos foram colhidos, selecionados, embalados e armazenados a 5 e a 15º C. A cada dois dias foram avaliados para perda de massa, cor, firmeza, percentual de podridões e qualidade global. Verificou-se que o armazenamento a 5º C foi mais eficaz para manutenção de algumas características químicas, físicas e sensoriais dos morangos. Todavia, a condição não foi suficiente para manutenção da qualidade por quatro dias de armazenamento. As melhores características iniciais para todas as variáveis foram observadas em morangos ‘Camino Real’. Todavia, observou-se maior grau de deterioração e maior velocidade de alterações de importantes características físicas e químicas para este cultivar. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work aimed at evaluating the quality of ‘Osogrande’ and ‘Camino Real’ strawberries during the refrigerated storage. Strawberries were harvested, selected, packed and stored at 5 and to 15o C. Every two days fruits were evaluated for mass loss, color, firmness, decay percentage and global quality. It was observed that the storage at 5oC was more efficient for maintenance of some chemical, physical and sensory characteristics. However, the condition was not sufficient for keeping the quality for up to four days of storage. The best initial characteristics were observed for ‘Camino Real’ strawberries for all the variables studied. However, higher decay and higher chemical and physical alteration ratings were verified for that cultivar

    Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal, dark septate endophytes and root anatomy in Fragaria ananassa var. Camino Real (Rosaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina

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    En la provincia de Tucumán el cultivo de frutilla ocupa una superficie de 350 hectáreas. El mismo es invernal, con cosechas periódicas de fines de mayo a noviembre inclusive. Para evitar esta discontinuidad de producción, se incorporan al espectro de variedades precoces (Fortuna y Festival), variedades tardías, entre ellas Camino Real. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estudiar las micorrizas vesículo-arbusculares, los endófitos septados oscuros y caracterizar la anatomía radical en Fragaria ananassa var. Camino Real en cultivo comercial en la provincia de Tucumán. El muestreo fue realizado en el INTA-EEA Famaillá, Tucumán, Argentina. Se recolectaron los sistemas radicales correspondientes a un total de 20 individuos; los que fueron tratados con técnicas convencionales. Los sistemas radicales de la variedad Camino Real presentan las células del parénquima cortical colonizadas por micorrizas vesículo-arbusculares con dos tipos morfológicos simultáneos: Arum y Paris, siendo la morfología Arum la de mayor frecuencia. Además, el tejido cortical presenta endófitos septados oscuros. La anatomía radical de la estructura primaria presenta una histología típica con estelas de tipo diarca a tetrarca. Mientras que la estructura secundaria de la raíz muestra diferentes estadios de crecimiento, con restos de epidermis y parénquima cortical adheridos a la polidermis en formación. Se describen por primera vez, para Argentina, las micorrizas vesículoarbusculares, los endófitos septados oscuros y la anatomía radical en Fragaria ananassa var. Camino Real.In the province of Tucumán strawberry cultivation occupies an area of 350 hectares. It is a winter crop, with periodic harvests since late May to November inclusive. To avoid this discontinuity of production, a late variety (Camino Real) was added to the spectrum of early varieties (Fortuna and Festival). This paper aims to evaluate the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza, dark septate endophytes and characterize the radical anatomy in Fragaria ananassa variety Camino Real in the province of Tucumán. The sampling was carried out at INTA-EEA Famaillá, Tucumán, Argentina. The radicals systems corresponding to 20 individuals were collected and treated with conventional techniques. The root systems of the variety Camino Real, show cortical parenchyma cells colonized by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae which have two simultaneous morphological types: Arum and Paris. The Arum morphology is the most frequent. In addition, the cortical tissue has dark septate endophytes. The radical anatomy of the primary structure presents a typical histology with diarca to tetrarch stela, while the secondary root structure show different stages of growth with traces of epidermis and cortical parenchyma attached to the polidermis in development. The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae, dark septate endophytes and radical anatomy of Fragaria ananassa var. ‘Camino Real’ were described for the first time for ArgentinaFil: Lizarraga, Sofía Valentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, A. I.. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Salazar, Sergio Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Ricci, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Albornoz, Patricia Liliana. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Patrimonio y paisajes culturales en el Camino Real a Buenos Aires. La Ruta del Tucumán en el siglo XVIII, un itinerario histórico en el corazón de Sudamérica

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    En la articulación del territorio acontecida en América a partir del siglo XVI se aprovecharon algunos de los trazados prehispánicos y se construyeron nuevos tramos que hicieran seguro el tránsito de personas, objetos e ideas. Los conceptos de paisaje cultural o itinerario cultural evidencian la importancia de los valores del entorno y del territorio, poniendo de manifiesto la dimensión del patrimonio en diferentes niveles. Este trabajo de investigación analiza el Camino Real que unía Lima con Buenos Aires, a su paso por el territorio de la República Argentina. Considerado como una importante vía del Camino Real Intercontinental, fue fundamental para el desarrollo de contextos como el rioplatense. Se extendía a Córdoba, y desde allí a Tucumán y la Audiencia de Charcas. En ese itinerario se destacaban las ciudades de Salta, Jujuy, Potosí, Oruro, La Paz, Puno, Huamanga, Huancavelica, llegando a Lima.A su vez, en Jujuy y a su paso por Argentina, el Camino Real incluía la Quebrada de Humahuaca, recientemente inscrita como itinerario en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial. La huella dejada por las relaciones de los grupos que lo transitaron, y por la incidencia del ser humano en el territorio, permite estudiar a través de dicho camino, centrando la mirada en la ruta del Tucumán en el siglo XVIII, un itinerario histórico cultural basado en su patrimonio tangible e intangible y en el concepto de paisaje cultural.Pudimos definir que la ciudad de Buenos Aires se convirtió desde el siglo XVI en la cabecera de tres caminos reales: el Camino Viejo a Santa Fe, –que llega hasta Asunción del Paraguay–; el Camino Nuevo a Córdoba, –que continúa hasta el Alto Perú– y el Camino del Oeste, a San Luis, Mendoza y Santiago de Chile. Se han individualizado ciento trece hitos patrimoniales del siglo XVIII, en su mayoría postas, capillas, casas, lugares históricos y tradiciones culturales. Se confeccionó un cuadro patrimonial para cada provincia y una ficha documental para cada hito.The articulation of the territory which took place in America from the sixteenth century onwards took advantage of already existing prehispanic paths and built new ones to ensure the transit of people, objects and ideas. The concepts of Cultural Landscape and Cultural Itinerary demonstrate the importance of the values of the environment and territories highlighting the heritage dimension at different levels. This research analyzes the Camino Real that joined Lima to Buenos Aires, which run along the Argentine territory. Regarded as an important route of the Intercontinental Camino Real, it was fundamental for the development of the River Plate contexts. It extended to Córdoba and from there to Tucuman and to the Audiencia de Charcas. The following cities were the most important in this road: Salta, Jujuy, Potosi, Oruro, La Paz, Puno, Huamanga, Huancavelica, an Lima. At the same time, in Jujuy, the Camino Real included Humahuaca, recently registered as a route in the World Heritage List. The mark left by the relations of the groups that transited this path, and by the incidence of human beings in the territory, allows for its study by focusing on the path of Tucuman in the eighteenth century, a historical cultural itinerary based on its tangible and intangible heritage and the concept of Cultural Landscape. We have been able to identify the city of Buenos Aires as the head of three highways during the sixteenth century: the Old Santa Fe Trail - which reaches Asuncion, Paraguay; the New Way to Cordoba, - that continues to Alto Peru and the Way of the West, San Luis, Mendoza and Santiago de Chile.They have identified one hundred thirteen heritage landmarks of the eighteenth century, mostly buckshot, chapels, houses, historic sites and cultural traditions. An equity table for each province and one documentary record for each milestone were made