239 research outputs found

    Hyperlocality - Technologiewandel im GeoWeb

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    Folgende Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Internettechnologien, die einen Raumbezug im (mobilen) Web aufweisen und Kapital aus ortsabhängigen Webdiensten schlagen. Die Rolle der Geoinformation im Internet ist grundlegend für viele anwenderbasierte Applikationsentwicklungen. Ortsabhängige Dienste werden als Geowebanwendungen zusammengefasst, beschrieben und praxisorientiert erörtert. Aufgrund des Vormarsches von technisch ausgereiften mobilen Endgeräten, ist eine neue Ära für das GeoWeb angebrochen. Mobile Informationen werden in Echtzeit an soziale Netzwerke übertragen und füttern die Metainformationsdatenbank der Nutzer. Tagged – World, also eine Markierung der Welt, im weiteren Sinne findet statt, in der jüngst nicht nur Objekte als „Tag“ Metadaten aufweisen, sondern auch die Nutzer selbst. Neue Applikationen zeigen Location-based Services in neuen Facetten und zeigen originelle Formen der Such- und Filterprinzipien im Web. Die Arbeit zeigt sich praxisorientiert und präsentiert die Möglichkeiten der Koordinatenerhebungen von Nutzern anhand der Geolocation API sowie den technischen Hintergrund von (mobilen) Webanwendungen im Web 2.0. Der Applikationsnutzer bedient sich einer Flut an mobilen Webservices und verknüpft sein digitales Dasein immer intensiver mit dem virtuellen Netzwerkgeflecht. Die Tatsache, dass ein User eine Verknüpfung der realen und virtuellen Realitäten erfährt, wird als mehrdimensionales-räumliches Stadium, der physischen und virtuellen Raumverflechtungen, kurz: Hyperlocality, verstanden.This thesis deals with Internet technologies, which show spatial references in the (mobile) Web, and benefits of the location-based Webservices. The role of geographic information on the Internet is fundamental for further development of user-oriented applications. Location-based services are presented, described and also discussed practically in this thesis. Due to the advance of technically sophisticated mobile devices, a new era has come for the GeoWeb. Information collected trough mobile phones is transmitted in real time to social networks and that is how the meta-information database of the user is being constantly enriched. Tagged-World of today, in a broader sense, contains of metadata not only of tagged objects, but also of the users themselves. New applications reveal not widely known possibilities of Location-based Services, and also show unique forms of principles of searching and filtering the Web (Algorithms). The thesis is oriented towards practice and, as such, presents the possibilities of collecting the location data from users using the Geolocation API. Notable part of this thesis deals with the technical background of (mobile) Web applications and Web 2.0. Application users mainly operate with a big number of mobile Web services and they connect more and more intensively their digital being with the virtual network-interlacing. A user faces a connection between existing and virtual realities, and that fact demands establishing a multidimension-spatial stage, which interlaces physical and virtual Networks. This spatial intelacing between physical and virtual spheres is called hyperlocality

    Concept of a distribution and infrastructure model for mobile applications development across multiple mobile platforms

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    Der Markt fuer mobile Applikationen ist in den letzten Jahre drastisch gewachsen, vorallem durch die staendige steigende Zahl and Mobiltelefonen. Gruende fuer den raschen Anstieg sind unter anderem die steigende Anzahl an Applikationsportalen von Endgeraeteherstellern sowie Telekomunternehmen. Durch die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Endgeraeten mit konkurrierenden Betriebssystemen, Entwicklungsplatformen, physische Charaktersistika sowie Netzwerk Infrastrukturen ist ein in sich komplexes Oekosystem entstanden. Durch die Unterschiede der Systeme ist vorallem auf Seiten der Applikationsentwicker ein hoher Grad an Unsicherheit in Bezug auf die Entwicklungsstrategie entstanden was die Technologie und vorallem auch die Nachfrage betrifft. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es ein “aggregiertes” Modell fuer die Distribution von Applikationen ueber mehrere Platformen zu finden. Im ersten Schritt wird die Analyse der existierenden Literatur in der Fachpresse, Internetquellen und Experteninterviews zum Thema Distributions- und Infrastrukturlandschaft in Form eines „Top-Down“ Ansatzes durchgefuehrt um eine Vergleichsbasis aufzubauen und eine Bewertung durchfuehren zu koennen. Im Folgenden wird die Modellierung der analysierten Geschaeftsprozesse mit dem ADONIS® Business Process Management Toolkit durchgefuehrt sowie fuer die Erstellung der Infrastrukturmodelle ADOit® IT Architecture- & Service Management Toolkit verwendet. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse werden analysiert und gegen die „ideal“ Charakteristika verglichen und ein aggregiertes Modell erstellt. Im Anschluss wird der Ansatz eines aggregierten Models in Form der Meta Platform WAC getestet indem deren Entwicklungsumgebung fuer die Erstellung einer Beispielsapplikation verwendet und die Kompatibilitaet auf verschiedenen Platformen getestet wird.The mobile application market continues to grow drastically due to the explosion in the sales of mobile device. One of the drivers behind that increase is the development and penetration of application stores provided by different stakeholders in the mobile space especially handset manufacturers, operating system developers and network operators. Therefore handsets nowadays contain competing operating systems, development platforms and physical characteristics. This diversity leads to a large degree of uncertainty in the mobile space on a strategic, technological, and demand level for mobile application developers. Currently developers need to decide which platform to develop and distribute for. Decision factors include among others the target market, compatibility issue, development time, hardware requirements and scalability. This work provides an overview of the existing mobile application and app store market, investigating in business models, processes and infrastructures to develop and distribute mobile applications across multiple platforms. As the goal is to find an aggregated model for the distribution of cross-platform applications I will start with a top-down approach to identify the existing distribution and infrastructure landscape, therefore I will conduct a research of the literature, internet i.e. Application store developer sites, specialized press and expert talks. The modelling of the business processes will be done with ADONIS® Business Process Management Toolkit and the modelling of infrastructures with ADOit® IT Architecture- & Service Management Toolkit. The final part of the thesis describes the development of a sample application using the WAC environment and the compatibility of on different platforms will be tested

    IoT Based Human-Building Interaction

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    Fatal attraction: identifying mobile devices through electromagnetic emissions

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    Smartphones are increasingly augmented with sensors for a variety of purposes. In this paper, we show how magnetic field emissions can be used to fingerprint smartphones. Previous work on identification rely on specific characteristics that vary with the settings and components available on a device. This limits the number of devices on which one approach is effective. By contrast, all electronic devices emit a magnetic field which is accessible either through the API or measured through an external device. We conducted an in-the-wild study over four months and collected mobile sensor data from 175 devices. In our experiments we observed that the electromagnetic field measured by the magnetometer identifies devices with an accuracy of 98.9%. Furthermore, we show that even if the sensor was removed from the device or access to it was discontinued, identification would still be possible from a secondary device in close proximity to the target. Our findings suggest that the magnetic field emitted by smartphones is unique and fingerprinting devices based on this feature can be performed without the knowledge or cooperation of users

    Application of a context model in context-aware mobile government services

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoAs novas tecnologias móveis oferecem um elevado potencial para a interacção e a participação dos cidadãos com as autoridades locais. Estas tecnologias são exploradas nesta dissertação, tendo como objectivo promover e melhorar esta interacção, suportando e criando formas novas de comunicação e tentando tomar vantagem da mobilidade tanto quanto possível. As aplicações baseadas no contexto utilizam o contexto para facilitar e melhorar a experiência do utilizador Estas aplicações, combinadas com as novas tecnologias móveis, podem simplificar os processos de comunicação com o governo. Esta dissertação apresenta as áreas chaves a considerar no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel baseada no contexto. Inicialmente são apresentados os principais requisitos identificados para tais aplicações. Contexto é descrito então como um modelo do ambiente circunvizinho, e um modelo de objectos é apresentado a fim de demonstrar esta visão. Para a implementação do modelo de objectos foi utilizado RDF, que permite a representação de conhecimento. Um conjunto de aplicações centrais foi desenvolvido a fim de suportar o modelo de contexto e a criação de aplicações baseados no contexto. As aplicações foram testadas no município de Vila Nova de Cerveira, com a contribuição de um conjunto de cidadãos. Por último, os cenários de teste, assim como os resultados de usabilidade são apresentados.New mobile technologies offer a wide potential for interaction and participation between citizens and local authorities. These technologies are explored and exploited in this thesis with the aim of promoting and improving this interaction by supporting and creating novel ways of communication and taking as much advantage of mobility as much as possible. Context Aware Applications utilise context to facilitate and improve the user experience. These applications, combined with the new mobile technologies used by citizens, can simplify their process of communication with government bodies. This dissertation presents the key areas for consideration in developing a Context Aware Mobile Government Application. Initially we present the central requirements we identified for such applications. Our understanding of context is then described as a model of the surrounding environment, and an object model in particular is presented in order to realize this understanding. The object model was implemented using RDF, which allows the representation of knowledge, and a set of core applications were developed in order to support the context model and the creation of new context aware applications. These were tested in a trial implementation at the municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira, which we present along with some user studies that we conducted with the help of some citizens of the municipality

    Machine learning techniques for identification using mobile and social media data

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    Networked access and mobile devices provide near constant data generation and collection. Users, environments, applications, each generate different types of data; from the voluntarily provided data posted in social networks to data collected by sensors on mobile devices, it is becoming trivial to access big data caches. Processing sufficiently large amounts of data results in inferences that can be characterized as privacy invasive. In order to address privacy risks we must understand the limits of the data exploring relationships between variables and how the user is reflected in them. In this dissertation we look at data collected from social networks and sensors to identify some aspect of the user or their surroundings. In particular, we find that from social media metadata we identify individual user accounts and from the magnetic field readings we identify both the (unique) cellphone device owned by the user and their course-grained location. In each project we collect real-world datasets and apply supervised learning techniques, particularly multi-class classification algorithms to test our hypotheses. We use both leave-one-out cross validation as well as k-fold cross validation to reduce any bias in the results. Throughout the dissertation we find that unprotected data reveals sensitive information about users. Each chapter also contains a discussion about possible obfuscation techniques or countermeasures and their effectiveness with regards to the conclusions we present. Overall our results show that deriving information about users is attainable and, with each of these results, users would have limited if any indication that any type of analysis was taking place

    Applications across Co-located Devices

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    We live surrounded by many computing devices. However, their presence has yet to be fully explored to create a richer ubiquitous computing environment. There is an opportunity to take better advantage of those devices by combining them into a unified user experience. To realize this vision, we studied and explored the use of a framework, which provides the tools and abstractions needed to develop applications that distribute UI components across co-located devices. The framework comprises the following components: authentication and authorization services; a broker to sync information across multiple application instances; background services that gather the capabilities of the devices; and a library to integrate web applications with the broker, determine which components to show based on UI requirements and device capabilities, and that provides custom elements to manage the distribution of the UI components and the multiple application states. Collaboration between users is supported by sharing application states. An indoor positioning solution had to be developed in order to determine when devices are close to each other to trigger the automatic redistribution of UI components. The research questions that we set out to respond are presented along with the contributions that have been produced. Those contributions include a framework for crossdevice applications, an indoor positioning solution for pervasive indoor environments, prototypes, end-user studies and developer focused evaluation. To contextualize our research, we studied previous research work about cross-device applications, proxemic interactions and indoor positioning systems. We presented four application prototypes. The first three were used to perform studies to evaluate the user experience. The last one was used to study the developer experience provided by the framework. The results were largely positive with users showing preference towards using multiple devices under some circumstances. Developers were also able to grasp the concepts provided by the framework relatively well.Vivemos rodeados de dispositivos computacionais. No entanto, ainda não tiramos partido da sua presença para criar ambientes de computação ubíqua mais ricos. Existe uma oportunidade de combiná-los para criar uma experiência de utilizador unificada. Para realizar esta visão, estudámos e explorámos a utilização de uma framework que forneça ferramentas e abstrações que permitam o desenvolvimento de aplicações que distribuem os componentes da interface do utilizador por dispositivos co-localizados. A framework é composta por: serviços de autenticação e autorização; broker que sincroniza informação entre várias instâncias da aplicação; serviços que reúnem as capacidades dos dispositivos; e uma biblioteca para integrar aplicações web com o broker, determinar as componentes a mostrar com base nos requisitos da interface e nas capacidades dos dispositivos, e que disponibiliza elementos para gerir a distribuição dos componentes da interface e dos estados de aplicação. A colaboração entre utilizadores é suportada através da partilha dos estados de aplicação. Foi necessário desenvolver um sistema de posicionamento em interiores para determinar quando é que os dispositivos estão perto uns dos outros para despoletar a redistribuição automática dos componentes da interface. As questões de investigação inicialmente colocadas são apresentadas juntamente com as contribuições que foram produzidas. Essas contribuições incluem uma framework para aplicações multi-dispositivo, uma solução de posicionamento em interiores para computação ubíqua, protótipos, estudos com utilizadores finais e avaliação com programadores. Para contextualizar a nossa investigação, estudámos trabalhos anteriores sobre aplicações multi-dispositivo, interação proxémica e sistemas de posicionamento em interiores. Apresentámos quatro aplicações protótipo. As primeiras três foram utilizadas para avaliar a experiência de utilização. A última foi utilizada para estudar a experiência de desenvolvimento com a framework. Os resultados foram geralmente positivos, com os utilizadores a preferirem utilizar múltiplos dispositivos em certas circunstâncias. Os programadores também foram capazes de compreender a framework relativamente bem

    Multi-Dimensional-Personalization in mobile contexts

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    During the dot com era the word "personalisation” was a hot buzzword. With the fall of the dot com companies the topic has lost momentum. As the killer application for UMTS or the mobile internet has yet to be identified, the concept of Multi-Dimensional-Personalisation (MDP) could be a candidate. Using this approach, a recommendation of mobile advertisement or marketing (i.e., recommendations or notifications), online content, as well as offline events, can be offered to the user based on their known interests and current location. Instead of having to request or pull this information, the new service concept would proactively provide the information and services – with the consequence that the right information or service could therefore be offered at the right place, at the right time. The growing availability of "Location-based Services“ for mobile phones is a new target for the use of personalisation. "Location-based Services“ are information, for example, about restaurants, hotels or shopping malls with offers which are in close range / short distance to the user. The lack of acceptance for such services in the past is based on the fact that early implementations required the user to pull the information from the service provider. A more promising approach is to actively push information to the user. This information must be from interest to the user and has to reach the user at the right time and at the right place. This raises new requirements on personalisation which will go far beyond present requirements. It will reach out from personalisation based only on the interest of the user. Besides the interest, the enhanced personalisation has to cover the location and movement patterns, the usage and the past, present and future schedule of the user. This new personalisation paradigm has to protect the user’s privacy so that an approach supporting anonymous recommendations through an extended "Chinese Wall“ will be described