29 research outputs found

    Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion

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    Social Inclusion has been growing as a goal in heritage management. Whereas the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) called for tools of knowledge documentation, social media already functions as a platform for online communities to actively involve themselves in heritage-related discussions. Such discussions happen both in “baseline scenarios” when people calmly share their experiences about the cities they live in or travel to, and in “activated scenarios” when radical events trigger their emotions. To organize, process, and analyse the massive unstructured multi-modal (mainly images and texts) user-generated data from social media efficiently and systematically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shown to be indispensable. This thesis explores the use of AI in a methodological framework to include the contribution of a larger and more diverse group of participants with user-generated data. It is an interdisciplinary study integrating methods and knowledge from heritage studies, computer science, social sciences, network science, and spatial analysis. AI models were applied, nurtured, and tested, helping to analyse the massive information content to derive the knowledge of cultural significance perceived by online communities. The framework was tested in case study cities including Venice, Paris, Suzhou, Amsterdam, and Rome for the baseline and/or activated scenarios. The AI-based methodological framework proposed in this thesis is shown to be able to collect information in cities and map the knowledge of the communities about cultural significance, fulfilling the expectation and requirement of HUL, useful and informative for future socially inclusive heritage management processes

    Rzym a Półwysep Iberyjski. Inspiracje i powiązania na przestrzeni dziejów / Roma y la Península Ibérica. Inspiracíones y vinculaciones a través de los siglos

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    języki artykułów: polski, hiszpańśkiZ ogromną radością oddajemy do rąk Czytelników kolejną już monografię ukazującą powiązania między starożytnym Rzymem a Półwyspem Iberyjskim. Relacje te wciąż żywo interesują badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny naukowe zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą. Książkę otwiera część poświęcona kwestiom językowym, zogniskowanym wokół dziedzictwa łaciny w języku hiszpańskim. Druga część dotyczy szeroko rozumianej literatury, począwszy od twórczości takich autorów, jak Marcjalis czy Pliniusz, poprzez łacińskie pieśni miłosne z Ripoll, piętnastowieczne dzieło Jana ze Stobnicy, a kończąc na pochodzącej ze starożytności ekfrazie, obecnej w literaturze siedemnastowiecznej Hiszpanii. Reprezentowana jest również literatura Portugalii, która w starożytnej mitologii doszukiwała się początków tego kraju. Kolejne rozdziały książki – na podstawie tekstów literackich oraz pozostałości archeologicznych, inskrypcji czy monet – poruszają tematy związane z historią i archeologią, takie jak: kult cesarski w hiszpańskich prowincjach Rzymu, zagadnienia militarne i prawnicze, polityczne koalicje oraz aktualność starożytnych wzorów osobowych. W monografii pojawiają się też rozdziały o amforach i świątyniach, które pozostały po starożytnej wymianie kulturowej i handlowej. Mamy nadzieję, że tom, w którym krzyżują się spojrzenia naukowców patrzących na tę problematykę z tak różnych perspektyw, okaże się pozycją ciekawą i inspirującą.Entregamos a los lectores el siguiente tomo monográfico dedicado a las relaciones entre la Roma antigua y la Península Ibérica. Dichas relaciones siguen interesando a los investigadores de varias disciplinas científicas, tanto en Polonia como en el extranjero. El libro se abre con una parte dedicada a las cuestiones lingüísticas, centradas en la herencia del latín en el español. La segunda parte trata de la literatura en su sentido más amplio, desde autores como Marcial o Plinio, las canciones latinas amorosas de Ripoll, una obra de Juan de Stobnica del siglo XV, hasta la écfrasis proveniente de la antigüedad, presente en la literatura española del siglo XVII. Aquí también se encuentra un capítulo sobre la literatura de Portugal que buscaba los orígenes de este país en la mitología antigua. Los capítulos siguientes tratan de temas relacionados con la historia y la arqueología, acercando al lector – a base de los textos literarios y vestigios arqueológicos, inscripciones y monedas – las investigaciones sobre el culto imperial en las privincias españolas romanas, cuestiones militares, coaliciones políticas, el derecho romano, o las referencias contemporáneas a los personajes antiguos, modelos para caudillos europeos. Esta parte abarca también capítulos sobre ánforas y templos: huellas del antiguo intercambio cultural y comercial. Esperamos que el tomo, en el que se entrecruzan las miradas de los investigadores desde perspectivas muy diversas, resulte inspirador y de interés para los lectores

    Activity and Rhythms in Roman Fora in the Republican and Early Imperial Periods

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    Piazzas have long been places of community, interaction, and conflict within urban environments. This was certainly the case in Roman Italy, where the forum was the economic, political, and social center of most towns. Nevertheless, when fora are discussed in current scholarship, the focus is almost always on the political messaging and identity-forming elements within these spaces. This emphasis results in reconstructions nearly void of personal engagement or activity, particularly for anyone not claiming an elite male identity. My dissertation aims to create a new framework for how we examine open public spaces in Roman society (4th century BCE – 1st century CE) and the variety of lived experiences possible within them, an objective accomplished through an interdisciplinary approach combining textual, archaeological, and ethnographic evidence. After exploring possible reasons why scholars of Roman urbanism have overlooked the subject of piazza spaces in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2 I review a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative theories which have been applied to the open public spaces of the Roman world and discuss how each has affected my own approach. Central to my framework is a mixture of a form of A. Rapoport’s architectural-communication approach with H. Lefebvre’s concept of rhythmanalysis. Lefebvre’s consideration of rhythm introduces the notions of cyclical and linear time as important elements for understanding the nature of spatial environments; meanwhile, Rapoport’s division of urban features into different types allows a categorical separation based on permanence and spatial influence that lends itself to an archaeological consideration. Importantly, to Rapoport’s division I add the concept of transitory-feature elements, which includes aspects of the urban environment that may appear and disappear within a rhythmic cycle. Chapter 3 delves into the primary ancient sources discussing activities and interactions in piazza spaces, including military functionality, information gathering, and daily life events involving taverns, banks, auctions, markets, bookshops, gambling, slave auctions, brothels, games, punishments, protest, omens, and general leisure. The collection of these activities provides an initial framework and catalog of concrete actions which may then be combined with what may be understood from the specific built environments of these spaces themselves. These physical environments are the subject of Chapter 4, where I outline different examples of framing-feature, local-feature, and transitory-feature elements from archaeological and textual sources and suggest future avenues for expanded research. The next two chapters explore how we might use the concept of rhythm to expand how we research and explore piazza spaces and the events which take place within them. These are by necessity experimental, and each takes a different approach to interpreting lived experiences. Chapter 5 explores the possibilities available for further research into a subject well-studied both textually and archaeologically: the Roman triumph. In moving away from a purely elite viewpoint, I address the triumph in terms of its rhythmic qualities over time. This new approach both affects how we view the triumphal event and allows us to shift our consideration to the differential spaces and, most importantly, people who engaged with the procession over the course of their lives. Chapter 6, meanwhile, takes an archaeological approach to considering the rhythms of an open public space at the site of Gabii outside Rome, with a focus on how its rhythms reflect the larger cultural changes taking place in Roman Italy.PHDClassical Art & ArchaeologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163077/1/mnaglak_1.pd

    Bridging the Tiber: Movement, Space and Experience

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    This thesis details the development of the Tiber bridges of Rome up to the first century BC. It is the first study of the bridges which has applied a new methodology, based on philosophical and spatial theories, to augment the existing literary and archaeological evidence in order to move beyond the study of form and function. It establishes that the bridges spatial development was founded on patterns of movement and access, which over the longue durée resulted in bridges becoming tools of urban development. Through the application of embodied perception and meshwork, this thesis demonstrates how the bridges' materiality was appropriated to create a temporal flow of correspondence which reflected Roman cultural values and was able to bring the past into the physical present. The mutability of Rome's monumental bridges created familiarity of form which became part of the physical and embodied framework of the city for its inhabitants. This thesis redefines the relationship between the bridges and the city of Rome, transforming them from the merely functional into meaningful elements of the socio-cultural life and urban development of Rome

    Um atlas digital para o megalitismo: uma infraestrutura de dados espaciais (sudoeste da Península Ibérica)

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    O Megalitismo é uma das mais conhecidas manifestações culturais das primeiras comunidades agropastoris europeias. Geograficamente, concentra-se principalmente na Europa Atlântica e surge, assincronamente, em áreas tão dispersas quanto o subcontinente indiano, o sudeste asiático e África, entre outras. O conceito, apesar de homogéneo na sua leitura, é heterogéneo ao nível das especificidades. As particularidades, intrínsecas a cada região, ou a cada monumento, tornam-no heterogéneo de forma independente das diferentes monumentalidades de cada um destes sítios arqueológicos. Nesta dissertação criou-se uma estrutura de informação arqueológica que promove a comparação intraconceitos e a ultrapassagem dos limites geográficos, a partir de premissas tecnológicas da Web Semântica e da ontologia CIDOC-CRM. A implementação do Atlas do Megalitismo permite que todos os recursos para o estudo destes monumentos tenham clareza semântica, sejam normalizados e, simultaneamente, promove a preservação, divulgação e acessibilidade dos monumentos enquanto agente de turismo cultural e ferramenta para a investigação; Abstract: A Digital Atlas for Megalithic Culture a Spatial Data Infrastructure (Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula) Megalithism is one of the most well-known cultural manifestations of the first European agro-pastoral communities. Geographically, it is mainly concentrated in Atlantic Europe and appears, asynchronously, in areas as dispersed as the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Africa, among others. The concept, although it’s homogeneous reading, is heterogeneous at a detailed level. The particularities, intrinsic to each region, or each monument, make it heterogeneous independently of the different monumentalities of each of these archaeological sites. In this dissertation, an archaeological information application was created to permit the intraconcept comparison and the surpassing of geographical limits, taking into account Semantic Web technology and the CIDOC-CRM ontology. The implementation of the Megalithic Atlas allows that all resources for the study of these monuments have semantic clarity, are standardized and simultaneously promote the preservation, disclosure and accessibility of monuments as a cultural tourism agent and research tool

    Liquid footprints : water, urbanism, and sustainability in Roman Ostia

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    The present study explores the role of water in the ancient Roman city of Ostia.In antiquity, Ostia was situated at the intersection of the Tiber River and the Mediterranean Sea, and acted as one of the harbour cities of Rome for several centuries.This study investigates how water was acquired, used, and drained away in Ostia, and how these systems changed over time. To achieve a high level of resolution, three city blocks (insulae), were selected as case studies: III, i; IV, ii; and V, ii.to contextualize these hydraulic systems, the present study developed a new methodology, the Roman Water Footprint. The method was inspired by 21st century ways of understanding how and why water is used in modern cities. These modern insights have indicated that sustainable water usage is based not only on advanced hydraulic technology, but also includes environmental factors, and a strong cultural factor.The results of the study indicate that Roman water usage was much more diverse and flexible than has been previously appreciated.By placing Roman water systems into dialogue with the methodologies of modern sustainable water research, this study forms an initial bridge between modern and ancient approaches to water and urbanism.Classical & Mediterranean Archaeolog

    Public Art Journal

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    La provincia romana de la Bética en época de los Severos (193-235 d. C.)

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    La presente tesis doctoral pretende ofrecer una visión de conjunto sobre la situación de la provincia romana de la Bética durante un período de la dominación romana escasamente investigado, el de la dinastía de los Severos (193-235 d. C.). Partiendo del estudio y valoración crítica de las fuentes de la Historia, en especial de la epigrafía, y de la breve revisión de las aportaciones historiográficas sobre esta etapa, presentamos una primera aproximación de la situación de la provincia durante cada uno de los siete períodos en que subdividimos esta dinastía. Tras este acercamiento, ofrecemos un estudio en profundidad de los cuatro principales hechos históricos acontecidos en la provincia en este período: las consecuencias de las incursiones de los mauri, la evolución del Kalendarium Vegetianum, las represalias y confiscaciones de Septimio Severo en el año 197 y el impacto de la implementación de la Constitutio Antoniniana en la provincia. A continuación, nos centramos en el análisis del modo de gestión de la Bética, partiendo del contexto general de las reformas administrativas emprendidas por Septimio Severo, encaminadas a una mayor centralización y especialización de la burocracia. Complementando este estudio, presentamos un repertorio prosopográfico de los senadores y caballeros implicados en la administración de la provincia en este período, así como un análisis contextual de las inscripciones erigidas en distintas ciudades béticas en homenaje a los emperadores Severos. El análisis de la actuación imperial en la provincia finaliza con el estudio de las actuaciones en relación con las vías de comunicación y, en especial, en relación con el sistema de abastecimiento annonario. El capítulo se cierra con una revisión de las transformaciones documentadas en el modo de gestión municipal, donde cobran especial relevancia las figuras de los curatores reipublicae y la transmisión en el seno de las mismas familias del gobierno de las ciudades. A continuación se analiza la sociedad de la provincia Bética durante la etapa severiana, haciendo especial hincapié en sus recursos económicos, su participación e implicación en el funcionamiento del sistema municipal y los principales flujos migratorios detectados en el interior de la provincia. Se incluye, asimismo, un repertorio prosopográfico de los senadores y caballeros oriundos de la Bética, así como de los flamines provinciales y los patronos de las comunidades béticas de este momento. Por último, presentamos el panorama de la dinámica experimentada por las ciudades de la Bética a partir del estudio de la evolución de dieciséis de las principales comunidades urbanas de la provincia desde el punto de vista del hábito epigráfico y la edilicia, resaltando las alteraciones y continuidades detectadas a lo largo de este período histórico.The present doctoral thesis aims to offer an overview of the situation in the province of Baetica during a period of the Roman domination scarcely inquired: The Severan dynasty (193-235 A. D.). Starting from the study and critical assessment of the main historical sources, primarily Epigraphy, and a brief review of historiographical contributions on this period, we introduce a first approach on the provincial state based on epigraphic documentation, following each one of the seven periods in which we have subdivided this dynasty. We offer then an in-depth study of each of the four historical milestones in this province during the Severan age: Consequences of the mauri incursions, evolution of the Kalendarium Vegetianum, reprisal and seizure by Septimius Severus in 197 and epigraphic impact of the application of the Constitutio Antoniniana in this province. Next, we focus on the analysis of the provincial management based on the general context of the administrative reforms undertaken by the founder of the dynasty, aimed at greater centralization and specialization of bureaucracy. A prosopographic repertoire of senatores and equites involved in provincial management during this period complements this study, as well as a contextual review of the inscriptions erected in Baetican civitatesthat honored Severan emperors. The analysis of imperial involvement in the province ends with the study of interventions on the communication routes and, especially, on the Annona system. The chapter closes with a review of transformations on local management, with a significant importance of the curatores reipublicae and the hereditary transmission of the city government. Next, the Baetican society during the Severan period is assessed from the perspective of its economic resources, involvement in the maintenance of the municipal system and the migration flow within the province. We include, as well, another prosopographic repertoire of native senatores and equites along with provincial flamines and local patrons. Finally, we offer a survey of the evolution of sixteen of the main provincial civitatesfrom an epigraphical habit and urban planning perspective, with a highlight in continuities and transformations detected in this historical period