774 research outputs found

    Tempo-lexical context driven word embedding for cross-session search task extraction

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    Search task extraction in information retrieval is the process of identifying search intents over a set of queries relating to the same topical information need. Search tasks may potentially span across multiple search sessions. Most existing research on search task extraction has focused on identifying tasks within a single session, where the notion of a session is defined by a fixed length time window. By contrast, in this work we seek to identify tasks that span across multiple sessions. To identify tasks, we conduct a global analysis of a query log in its entirety without restricting analysis to individual temporal windows. To capture inherent task semantics, we represent queries as vectors in an abstract space. We learn the embedding of query words in this space by leveraging the temporal and lexical contexts of queries. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed query embedding, we conduct experiments of clustering queries into tasks with a particular interest of measuring the cross-session search task recall. Results of our experiments demonstrate that task extraction effectiveness, including cross-session recall, is improved significantly with the help of our proposed method of embedding the query terms by leveraging the temporal and templexical contexts of queries

    Modélisation des comportements de recherche basé sur les interactions des utilisateurs

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    Les utilisateurs de systèmes d'information divisent normalement les tâches en une séquence de plusieurs étapes pour les résoudre. En particulier, les utilisateurs divisent les tâches de recherche en séquences de requêtes, en interagissant avec les systèmes de recherche pour mener à bien le processus de recherche d'informations. Les interactions des utilisateurs sont enregistrées dans des journaux de requêtes, ce qui permet de développer des modèles pour apprendre automatiquement les comportements de recherche à partir des interactions des utilisateurs avec les systèmes de recherche. Ces modèles sont à la base de multiples applications d'assistance aux utilisateurs qui aident les systèmes de recherche à être plus interactifs, faciles à utiliser, et cohérents. Par conséquent, nous proposons les contributions suivantes : un modèle neuronale pour apprendre à détecter les limites des tâches de recherche dans les journaux de requête ; une architecture de regroupement profond récurrent qui apprend simultanément les représentations de requête et regroupe les requêtes en tâches de recherche ; un modèle non supervisé et indépendant d'utilisateur pour l'identification des tâches de recherche prenant en charge les requêtes dans seize langues ; et un modèle de tâche de recherche multilingue, une approche non supervisée qui modélise simultanément l'intention de recherche de l'utilisateur et les tâches de recherche. Les modèles proposés améliorent les méthodes existantes de modélisation, en tenant compte de la confidentialité des utilisateurs, des réponses en temps réel et de l'accessibilité linguistique. Le respect de la vie privée de l'utilisateur est une préoccupation majeure, tandis que des réponses rapides sont essentielles pour les systèmes de recherche qui interagissent avec les utilisateurs en temps réel, en particulier dans la recherche par conversation. Dans le même temps, l'accessibilité linguistique est essentielle pour aider les utilisateurs du monde entier, qui interagissent avec les systèmes de recherche dans de nombreuses langues. Les contributions proposées peuvent bénéficier à de nombreuses applications d'assistance aux utilisateurs, en aidant ces derniers à mieux résoudre leurs tâches de recherche lorsqu'ils accèdent aux systèmes de recherche pour répondre à leurs besoins d'information.Users of information systems normally divide tasks in a sequence of multiple steps to solve them. In particular, users divide search tasks into sequences of queries, interacting with search systems to carry out the information seeking process. User interactions are registered on search query logs, enabling the development of models to automatically learn search patterns from the users' interactions with search systems. These models underpin multiple user assisting applications that help search systems to be more interactive, user-friendly, and coherent. User assisting applications include query suggestion, the ranking of search results based on tasks, query reformulation analysis, e-commerce applications, retrieval of advertisement, query-term prediction, mapping of queries to search tasks, and so on. Consequently, we propose the following contributions: a neural model for learning to detect search task boundaries in query logs; a recurrent deep clustering architecture that simultaneously learns query representations through self-training, and cluster queries into groups of search tasks; Multilingual Graph-Based Clustering, an unsupervised, user-agnostic model for search task identification supporting queries in sixteen languages; and Language-agnostic Search Task Model, an unsupervised approach that simultaneously models user search intent and search tasks. Proposed models improve on existing methods for modeling user interactions, taking into account user privacy, realtime response times, and language accessibility. User privacy is a major concern in Ethics for intelligent systems, while fast responses are critical for search systems interacting with users in realtime, particularly in conversational search. At the same time, language accessibility is essential to assist users worldwide, who interact with search systems in many languages. The proposed contributions can benefit many user assisting applications, helping users to better solve their search tasks when accessing search systems to fulfill their information needs

    On the Evolution of Knowledge Graphs: A Survey and Perspective

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) are structured representations of diversified knowledge. They are widely used in various intelligent applications. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey on the evolution of various types of knowledge graphs (i.e., static KGs, dynamic KGs, temporal KGs, and event KGs) and techniques for knowledge extraction and reasoning. Furthermore, we introduce the practical applications of different types of KGs, including a case study in financial analysis. Finally, we propose our perspective on the future directions of knowledge engineering, including the potential of combining the power of knowledge graphs and large language models (LLMs), and the evolution of knowledge extraction, reasoning, and representation

    Music emotion recognition: a multimodal machine learning approach

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    Music emotion recognition (MER) is an emerging domain of the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) scientific community, and besides, music searches through emotions are one of the major selection preferred by web users. As the world goes to digital, the musical contents in online databases, such as Last.fm have expanded exponentially, which require substantial manual efforts for managing them and also keeping them updated. Therefore, the demand for innovative and adaptable search mechanisms, which can be personalized according to users’ emotional state, has gained increasing consideration in recent years. This thesis concentrates on addressing music emotion recognition problem by presenting several classification models, which were fed by textual features, as well as audio attributes extracted from the music. In this study, we build both supervised and semisupervised classification designs under four research experiments, that addresses the emotional role of audio features, such as tempo, acousticness, and energy, and also the impact of textual features extracted by two different approaches, which are TF-IDF and Word2Vec. Furthermore, we proposed a multi-modal approach by using a combined feature-set consisting of the features from the audio content, as well as from context-aware data. For this purpose, we generated a ground truth dataset containing over 1500 labeled song lyrics and also unlabeled big data, which stands for more than 2.5 million Turkish documents, for achieving to generate an accurate automatic emotion classification system. The analytical models were conducted by adopting several algorithms on the crossvalidated data by using Python. As a conclusion of the experiments, the best-attained performance was 44.2% when employing only audio features, whereas, with the usage of textual features, better performances were observed with 46.3% and 51.3% accuracy scores considering supervised and semi-supervised learning paradigms, respectively. As of last, even though we created a comprehensive feature set with the combination of audio and textual features, this approach did not display any significant improvement for classification performanc

    Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021

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    The eighth edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021) was held at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca from 26th to 28th January 2022. After the edition of 2020, which was held in fully virtual mode due to the health emergency related to Covid-19, CLiC-it 2021 represented the first moment for the Italian research community of Computational Linguistics to meet in person after more than one year of full/partial lockdown

    Timeout Reached, Session Ends?

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    Die Identifikation von Sessions zum Verständnis des Benutzerverhaltens ist ein Forschungsgebiet des Web Usage Mining. Definitionen und Konzepte werden seit über 20 Jahren diskutiert. Die Forschung zeigt, dass Session-Identifizierung kein willkürlicher Prozess sein sollte. Es gibt eine fragwürdige Tendenz zu vereinfachten mechanischen Sessions anstelle logischer Segmentierungen. Ziel der Dissertation ist es zu beweisen, wie unterschiedliche Session-Ansätze zu abweichenden Ergebnissen und Interpretationen führen. Die übergreifende Forschungsfrage lautet: Werden sich verschiedene Ansätze zur Session-Identifizierung auf Analyseergebnisse und Machine-Learning-Probleme auswirken? Ein methodischer Rahmen für die Durchführung, den Vergleich und die Evaluation von Sessions wird gegeben. Die Dissertation implementiert 135 Session-Ansätze in einem Jahr (2018) Daten einer deutschen Preisvergleichs-E-Commerce-Plattform. Die Umsetzung umfasst mechanische Konzepte, logische Konstrukte und die Kombination mehrerer Mechaniken. Es wird gezeigt, wie logische Sessions durch Embedding-Algorithmen aus Benutzersequenzen konstruiert werden: mit einem neuartigen Ansatz zur Identifizierung logischer Sessions, bei dem die thematische Nähe von Interaktionen anstelle von Suchanfragen allein verwendet wird. Alle Ansätze werden verglichen und quantitativ beschrieben sowie in drei Machine-Learning-Problemen (wie Recommendation) angewendet. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Dissertation besteht darin, einen umfassenden Vergleich von Session-Identifikationsalgorithmen bereitzustellen. Die Arbeit bietet eine Methodik zum Implementieren, Analysieren und Evaluieren einer Auswahl von Mechaniken, die es ermöglichen, das Benutzerverhalten und die Auswirkungen von Session-Modellierung besser zu verstehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unterschiedlich strukturierte Eingabedaten die Ergebnisse von Algorithmen oder Analysen drastisch verändern können.The identification of sessions as a means of understanding user behaviour is a common research area of web usage mining. Different definitions and concepts have been discussed for over 20 years: Research shows that session identification is not an arbitrary task. There is a tendency towards simplistic mechanical sessions instead of more complex logical segmentations, which is questionable. This dissertation aims to prove how the nature of differing session-identification approaches leads to diverging results and interpretations. The overarching research question asks: will different session-identification approaches impact analysis and machine learning tasks? A comprehensive methodological framework for implementing, comparing and evaluating sessions is given. The dissertation provides implementation guidelines for 135 session-identification approaches utilizing a complete year (2018) of traffic data from a German price-comparison e-commerce platform. The implementation includes mechanical concepts, logical constructs and the combination of multiple methods. It shows how logical sessions were constructed from user sequences by employing embedding algorithms on interaction logs; taking a novel approach to logical session identification by utilizing topical proximity of interactions instead of search queries alone. All approaches are compared and quantitatively described. The application in three machine-learning tasks (such as recommendation) is intended to show that using different sessions as input data has a marked impact on the outcome. The main contribution of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive comparison of session-identification algorithms. The research provides a methodology to implement, analyse and compare a wide variety of mechanics, allowing to better understand user behaviour and the effects of session modelling. The main results show that differently structured input data may drastically change the results of algorithms or analysis

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 : 10-12 December 2018, Torino

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Getting ahead: Prediction as a window into language, and language as a window into the predictive brain

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