19 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini berdasarkan atas realitas situasi komunikasi dan informasi saat pandemi COVID-19 Indonesia. Literasi Media dan Informasi menjadi penting dilaksanakan untuk menumbuhkan dan memberikan pengetahuan dalam menyikapi pemberitaan di media massa serta pemanfaatan media dalam berbagai bidang aktifitas masyarakat. Kegiatan ini melibatkan kelompok masyarakat Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Ranting 3 Ajen Cabang 3 Spers Kodam III Siliwangi dan Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Bataliyon Armed Cabang XXXIX Kodam Siliwangi sebagai mitra, mahasiswa dan tiga orang dosen sebagai tim PkM sesuai dengan kepakaran anggota pengusul pada bidangnyanya masing-masing (Bidang Media Massa, Bidang Komunikasi Lintas Budaya, dan Bidang Komunikasi Pembangunan). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan sosialisasi. Hasil kegiatan mengindikasikan (1). Mitra PkM telah memiliki pemahaman dasar tentang media dan informasi sebagai saluran komunikasi dan alat untuk pengembangan individu dan masyarakat sehingga dapat menggunakan media dengan bertanggungjawab serta memiliki sikap positif dalam pemanfaatan media informasi (2). Mampu untuk berdaya dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan literasi media.Abstract:  The implementation of community service / “Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat” (PkM) is based on the reality of the communication and information situation during the Indonesian COVID-19 pandemic. Media and information literacy is important to be implemented to grow and provide knowledge in responding to mass media coverage and the use of media in various fields of community activity. This activity involves the community group of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Branch 3 Ajen Branch 3 Spers Kodam III Siliwangi and Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Bataliyon Armed Branch XXXIX Kodam Siliwangi, students and three lecturers as the PkM team according to the expertise of the proposing members in their respective fields (Mass Media, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Development Communication). The method used in “Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat” (PkM) is using the socialization approach. Results of activities (1). Community group of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana have a basic understanding of media and information as a communication channel and a tool’s for individual and community development so that they can use the media responsibly and have a positive attitude in the use of information media (2). Able to be empowered in increasing media literacy knowledge and skills


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    Students now have more access to online courses thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study included high school students and aimed to comprehend the drivers behind smartphone use as well as the consequences of smartphone consumption. The school-based work in the sub-district area is not seen in that way, despite the fact that there are numerous forms of research on the use of mobile phones in the context of the city, college, or university. Bangladesh's upazila (subdistricts), in particular, do not have a lot of school-related work. The study uses a quantitative approach. In order to choose Jhikargacha Upazila of Jessore District, which is situated in the Southwest of Bangladesh, purposive sampling is utilized. Additionally, three schools were purposefully selected for data collection. A further offline survey was used to collect data, and SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the findings. In addition, the facts and context of smartphone usage are analyzed using the uses and gratification theory. Most participants claimed to use their smartphones for a range of purposes and to devote varying amounts of time to each. When the corona pandemic forces all educational activities to be conducted online, they are using cellphones. Additionally, certain changes in their daily routine have been brought about by using a smartphone. Some of them think it affects their day-to-day activities by making them feel detached from reality, stay up late, experience worry and melancholy, etc.  Article visualizations

    Sexting among University Students: Links to Internet Addiction and Psychological Variables

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    This paper has been funded by the Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Granada (Spain), programme of pre-competitive research projects for young researchers (Reference: PPJIB2019-06).Sexting is increasingly common among university students, while levels of Internet addiction are rising in this population. This has caused students to present certain risk behaviors that are linked to the development of psychological variables that affect health such as low self-control, depression, anxiety and stress. In this paper it was proposed as objective of the study to analyze the links that are established between the practice of sexting, Internet addiction, self- control, depression, anxiety and stress. For this purpose, an online survey was applied to a sample of 1013 university students from a Spanish university, which collected four standardized instruments to measure the constructs of the study. The results showed that students who practiced sexting were associated with low self-control and higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as problematic Internet use. Furthermore, gender, living with parents, and daily Internet use were predictors of sexting. Finally, the main implications derived from the study in relation to the links of sexting and Internet addiction were collected.University of Granada PPJIB2019-0

    Internet eta IKT-en erabilera, araudia eta arriskuen pertzepzioa lehen hezkuntzan: ikastola baten kasu azterketa

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    [EUS] Ikerketa lan honetan ikastola baten irakasleria eta 12 urte baino gutxiagoko ikasleen, IKTen eta Interneteko zerbitzuen erabilpena eta hauen arriskuen pertzepzioa aztertzen da. Hortaz, irakasle eta ikasleen IKTen erabilera eta arau haustearen iritzia ikertu eta noraino arauak jarraitzen eta ezagutzen dituzten aurkezten da. Giza sareetan eta plataforma digitaletan dauden araudiak betetzen dituzten edo ez jakiteko, kasu azterketa metodoa erabili da. Emaitzetan ikasle eta irakasleen erabilera eta arrisku larritasunaren pertzepzioa guztiz ezberdina dela ikusten da. Ondorioetan, eskolak IKT hauen inguruan hezteko dituen zailtasunak eta mugak aurkezten dira non IKTen erabilera etxean eta ikastolan guztiz desberdina da eta arriskuen pertzezioan ikasle eta irakasleen arteko aldea nabarmena da. Gainera ikasle batzuk arauak ez dituztela batere betetzen ondorioztatzen da, batez ere, ikastetxetik kanpo.[EN] This work analyzes the circumstances of how teachers and children under 12 years old are using digital media tools and Internet services and how is the risk perception in a primary school. Therefore, it has explored if teachers and children do not comply with the terms of services that they use. Consequently, this circumstance is going to be analyzed by case study research to reveal if there is an important lack of compliance with the rules when children use digital platforms and Internet social networks. The results show how different use and perception of the risk have children and their teachers. In the conclusions it is explained the struggels and limitations of school to teach about ICTs which the use at home and in the school is totaly different and there is a big gap between teachers and students´ perception of the risk. Moreover, there are some students who do not comply the rules at all, particuraly, out of school.[ES] En este trabajo de investigación se analiza el uso que el profesorado y el alumnado menor de 12 años hace de las TIC y de internet, así como la perceción del riesgo de estas tecnologías en un centro de primaria. Por tanto, se incide en el uso y percepcion del incumplimiento de las normas del profesorado y de los estudiantes, analizando hasta qué punto siguen las cumplen. Para ello se realiza una investigación con estudio de casos tanto para ver si cumplen con las normas de los servicios de internet, como de las redes sociales y las plataformas digitales. Los resultados muestran que las percepciones de los riesgos entre profesorado y alumnado son totalmente diferentes. En las conclusiones, se exponen las dificultades que la escuela tiene para educar con las TIC, puesto que son diferentes las que usan en la escuela y en casa y donde la distancia en la percepción del riesgo de las mismas entre el profesorado y el alumnado es muy grande. Además, algunos estudiantes no cumplen ninguna de estas normas, especialmente, fuera de la escuela

    The Impact of Adolescent Internet Addiction on Sexual Online Victimization: The Mediating Effects of Sexting and Body Self-Esteem

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    Adolescents’ problematic use of the internet and the risk of sexual online victimization are an increasing concern among families, researchers, professionals and society. This study aimed to analyze the interplay between adolescents’ addiction to social networks and internet, body self-esteem and sexual–erotic risk behavior online: sexting, sextortion and grooming. While sexting refers to the voluntary engagement in texting sexual–erotic messages, sextortion and grooming are means of sexual–erotic victimization through the use of the internet. Participants were 1763 adolescents (51% girls), aged 12 to 16 years (M = 14.56; SD = 1.16), from public (n = 1068; 60.60%) and private (n = 695; 39.40%) high schools in the Basque Country (Spain). We carried out structural equation modeling (SEM) using Mplus to assess the mediating effects of body self-esteem in the relationship between addiction to social media and internet and sexual–erotic risk behavior. The results showed that internet addiction predicts online sexual victimization; specifically, the best predictors of sexting, sextortion and grooming victimization were symptoms of internet addiction and geek behavior. Body self-esteem and sexting mediated the relationship between internet addiction and sexual online victimization in adolescents. These results highlight the importance of attending to adolescents’ mental health regarding their online behavior, considering the risk and protective factors involved, due to its close association with online sexual victimization.This research was supported by grants from the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (BFI-2012-40)

    Best practice in the management of online sex offending

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    Our report sets out the outcomes from reviews of the relevant literature, and a series of consultations held by IWG_OSO, with participation from practitioners and researchers working in the field of child protection and online sex offending. Online sex offending. Internationally, researchers and practitioners have documented rises in the scale and impact of online sex offending, including the grooming of minors and vulnerable people for sexual purposes, sexual trafficking, and most dramatically, child sexual exploitation material and the related offences of its possession, production and distribution. Such a ‘high volume crime’ outweighs the capacity for effective management and prevention through the strategies and resources currently being used. This makes prosecution and case management increasingly difficult. Challenges to good practice.Without empirically based good practice, professionals are unable to deal effectively with the prevention of online sex offending, risk-management, and treatment decisions. This creates major limitations for the police, courts, probation, child protection, and other services, which are working to protect and safeguard children from online child sexual offenders, and to manage and prevent offending behaviours. Current issues and possible solutions. A series of current issues were highlighted, with possible solutions offered by IWG_OSO stakeholders. These included suggestions for changes in: international policy on CSEM offending; working with the internet industry; policing issues; research concerns; risk assessment and treatment developments; inter-agency and multi-disciplinary collaboration; barriers to change; and preventative methods.Conclusions.1. An increase in arresting and prosecuting offenders; 2. An increase in earlier interventions and primary and secondary prevention; 3. An increase in research to aid risk assessments, treatment options and prevention approaches; 4. An increase in international collaboration and consistency in applying learning to policy and practice

    Digitalität, Ethik und Bildung

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    Ethische Fragestellungen und Begründungsversuche sind seit Beginn zentraler Bestandteil des medienpädagogischen Diskurses. Deren aktuelle Brisanz offenbart sich in der Notwendigkeit eines ethischen Bezugsrahmens unter den Bedingungen der Digitalität. Damit zusammenhängende Phänomene wie Hate Speech oder Deep Fake werden national wie international zahlreich erforscht. Dabei bleibt jedoch unscharf, auf welchen normativen Rahmen rekurriert wird und auf welche Weise dabei moralische Aspekte reflektiert werden. Vor dem Hintergrund der Unübersichtlichkeit des gegenwärtigen Diskurses, der Divergenz der erforschten Phänomene und eingenommenen Perspektiven sowie der kulturellen Heterogenität internationaler Beiträge schlagen wir in diesem Beitrag eine heuristische Systematisierung zur Bedeutung ethischer Dimensionen in medienpädagogischen Handlungsfeldern vor. Anhand eines narrativen Literaturreviews sichten wir empirische Studien im skizzierten Forschungsfeld und verorten diese anschliessend in einer entwickelten Heuristik, die die drei Dimensionen Kommunikationsebene, Sozialstrukturebene und Agency umfasst. Auf diese Weise möchten wir am Ende des Beitrags auf Schwerpunkte, implizites Wissen und musterhafte Argumentationen hinweisen, die Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung und Theoriebildung bieten

    Internet eta IKT-en erabilera, araudia eta arriskuen pertzepzioa lehen hezkuntzan: ikastola baten kasu azterketa

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    [EUS] Ikerketa lan honetan ikastola baten irakasleria eta 12 urte baino gutxiagoko ikasleen, IKTen eta Interneteko zerbitzuen erabilpena eta hauen arriskuen pertzepzioa aztertzen da. Hortaz, irakasle eta ikasleen IKTen erabilera eta arau haustearen iritzia ikertu eta noraino arauak jarraitzen eta ezagutzen dituzten aurkezten da. Giza sareetan eta plataforma digitaletan dauden araudiak betetzen dituzten edo ez jakiteko, kasu azterketa metodoa erabili da. Emaitzetan ikasle eta irakasleen erabilera eta arrisku larritasunaren pertzepzioa guztiz ezberdina dela ikusten da. Ondorioetan, eskolak IKT hauen inguruan hezteko dituen zailtasunak eta mugak aurkezten dira non IKTen erabilera etxean eta ikastolan guztiz desberdina da eta arriskuen pertzezioan ikasle eta irakasleen arteko aldea nabarmena da. Gainera ikasle batzuk arauak ez dituztela batere betetzen ondorioztatzen da, batez ere, ikastetxetik kanpo.[EN] This work analyzes the circumstances of how teachers and children under 12 years old are using digital media tools and Internet services and how is the risk perception in a primary school. Therefore, it has explored if teachers and children do not comply with the terms of services that they use. Consequently, this circumstance is going to be analyzed by case study research to reveal if there is an important lack of compliance with the rules when children use digital platforms and Internet social networks. The results show how different use and perception of the risk have children and their teachers. In the conclusions it is explained the struggels and limitations of school to teach about ICTs which the use at home and in the school is totaly different and there is a big gap between teachers and students´ perception of the risk. Moreover, there are some students who do not comply the rules at all, particuraly, out of school.[ES] En este trabajo de investigación se analiza el uso que el profesorado y el alumnado menor de 12 años hace de las TIC y de internet, así como la perceción del riesgo de estas tecnologías en un centro de primaria. Por tanto, se incide en el uso y percepcion del incumplimiento de las normas del profesorado y de los estudiantes, analizando hasta qué punto siguen las cumplen. Para ello se realiza una investigación con estudio de casos tanto para ver si cumplen con las normas de los servicios de internet, como de las redes sociales y las plataformas digitales. Los resultados muestran que las percepciones de los riesgos entre profesorado y alumnado son totalmente diferentes. En las conclusiones, se exponen las dificultades que la escuela tiene para educar con las TIC, puesto que son diferentes las que usan en la escuela y en casa y donde la distancia en la percepción del riesgo de las mismas entre el profesorado y el alumnado es muy grande. Además, algunos estudiantes no cumplen ninguna de estas normas, especialmente, fuera de la escuela

    De los riesgos en la socialización global: adolescentes en conflicto con la ley con perfil de ajuste social

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    El presente artículo analiza los efectos del cambio social en los adolescentes de la era del riesgo.Se trata de una investigación que integra diferentes métodos y técnicas en aras de triangular las evidencias. Se estudiaron 183 adolescentes condenados a medidas de internamiento judicial durante un periodo de cinco años (desde 2011). Como principales hallazgos destacan la presencia de riesgo en contextos protegidos, donde los padres han disminuido el compromiso instructivo sobre sus hijos, delegando su responsabilidad parental, reduciéndose así la educación familiar en valores prosociales. Por otro lado, se alerta en torno a la cosificación de las relaciones entre las personas y la existencia de un ocio despersonalizado y virtual que paraliza la actitud crítica y creativa de los adolescentes. Las conclusiones muestran una sociedad altamente individualizada, donde el riesgo emerge como un aspecto en la vida cotidiana y presente en todos los círculos y estratos sociales