354,833 research outputs found

    Design of the Reverse Logistics System for Medical Waste Recycling Part I: System Architecture, Classification & Monitoring Scheme, and Site Selection Algorithm

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    With social progress and the development of modern medical technology, the amount of medical waste generated is increasing dramatically. The problem of medical waste recycling and treatment has gradually drawn concerns from the whole society. The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic further brought new challenges. To tackle the challenges, this study proposes a reverse logistics system architecture with three modules, i.e., medical waste classification & monitoring module, temporary storage & disposal site selection module, as well as route optimization module. This overall solution design won the Grand Prize of the "YUNFENG CUP" China National Contest on Green Supply and Reverse Logistics Design ranking 1st. This paper focuses on the description of architectural design and the first two modules, especially the module on site selection. Specifically, regarding the medical waste classification & monitoring module, three main entities, i.e., relevant government departments, hospitals, and logistics companies, are identified, which are involved in the five management functions of this module. Detailed data flow diagrams are provided to illustrate the information flow and the responsibilities of each entity. Regarding the site selection module, a multi-objective optimization model is developed, and considering different types of waste collection sites (i.e., prioritized large collection sites and common collection sites), a hierarchical solution method is developed employing linear programming and K-means clustering algorithms sequentially. The proposed site selection method is verified with a case study and compared with the baseline, it can immensely reduce the daily operational costs and working time. Limited by length, detailed descriptions of the whole system and the remaining route optimization module can be found at https://shorturl.at/cdY59.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to and under review by the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2023

    Multicriteria cruise control design considering geographic and traffic conditions

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    The paper presents the design of cruise control systems considering road and traffic information during the design of speed trajectories. Several factors are considered such as road inclinations, traffic lights, preceding vehicles, speed limits, engine emissions and travel times. The purpose of speed design is to reduce longitudinal energy, fuel consumption and engine emissions without a significant increase in travel time. The signals obtained from the road and traffic are handled jointly with the dynamic equations of the vehicle and built into the control design of reference speed. A robust H∞ control is designed to achieve the speed of the cruise control, guaranteeing the robustness of the system against disturbances and uncertainties

    How would tourists use Green Spaces? Case Studies in Lisbon

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    EntretextosThis report provides in a relative condensed format the results of small-scale study undertaken in Lisbon during the Meeting of the CyberParks Project (www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/tud/Actions/TU1306). CyberParks is a COST Action coordinated by the Universidade Lusófona at the CeiED - Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development. The Project aims at creating a research platform on the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of public open spaces, and their relevance to sustainable urban development. The impacts of this relationship are being explored from social, ecological, urban design and technological perspectives. Based on the supposition that the participants of the Meeting are tourists visiting Lisbon, a survey was carried out on the topic how people actually use and how they would use public spaces. This survey is also the first approach to the case study areas chosen in Lisbon: Parque Quinta das Conchas and Jardim da Estrela. Both green spaces will be subject of further studies in the forthcoming years. This study employed (1) a questionnaire for measuring the user’s experience and preferences, and (2) two different tracking devices that utilise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), in our case the GPS for satellite positioning technologies. It also presents the results of a study on the relevance of wi-fi in Lisbon’s public spaces. Even considering that the surveys in Lisbon’s green spaces are a first exercise within the work programme of CyberParks they show important outcomes. On the one hand, regarding the technologies used and their potential for research and on the other hand the findings about Lisbon’s green spaces. It should be noted that the conducted surveys and the gathered data are statistically not representative, but can be characterised as an empirical case and as a showcase, as how tourists tend to use a green space. The results shows that surveys benefit from multiple research methods and from combining insights.Este relatório apresenta, em formato condensado, os resultados de um estudo de pequena escala realizado em Lisboa durante o Seminário do Projeto CyberParks. CyberParks é uma Ação COST coordenada pela Universidade Lusófona/CeiED - Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento. O projeto visa a criação de uma plataforma de debate sobre a relação entre as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e a produção de espaços públicos, e da sua relevância para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Os impactos dessa relação estão a ser explorados a partir de perspetivas sociais, ecológicas, tecnológicas e de desenho urbano. Na sua etapa exploratória, este estudo assenta na suposição de que os participantes do Seminário são turistas de visita a Lisboa. A partir dos dados recolhidos pelos investigadores envolvidos na ação COST, foi realizada uma análise à forma como diferentes indivíduos usam, e como poderão usar, diferentes espaços públicos verdes. Este estudo apresenta, portanto, a primeira abordagem às áreas de estudos selecionadas em Lisboa. São elas o Parque Quinta das Conchas e o Jardim da Estrela. Ambos os espaços verdes serão objeto de novos estudos nos próximos anos. Neste primeiro estudo exploratório foram empregues: (1) um questionário, para aferir a experiência de um potencial utilizador e as suas preferências, e (2) dois dispositivos diferentes de rastreamento que utilizam tecnologia GNSS (Sistemas de Navegação Global por Satélite) e, no nosso caso, o GPS para as tecnologias de posicionamento por satélite. Ele também apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado sobre a relevância do wi-fi em espaços públicos na cidade de Lisboa. Mesmo considerando que os estudos realizados nos espaços verdes representam um primeiro exercício no âmbito do programa de trabalho do CyberParks em Lisboa, são aqui revelados resultados importantes. Por um lado, o recurso às tecnologias utilizadas e seu potencial para a investigação e, por outro lado, os resultados sobre a vivência dos espaços verdes. Deve-se notar que os dados recolhidos não são estatisticamente representativos, mas evidenciam um caso empírico de como turistas tendem a usar um espaço verde urbano. A combinação do questionário com novos métodos digitais resultou num grande ganho de conhecimento, recobrindo as áreas de estudo sob a perspetiva de um turista, para além de maiores informações sobre as potencialidades e limites da tecnologia digital como ferramenta de investigação. Os resultados mostram que a investigação no campo social pode se beneficiar da combinação de vários métodos e técnicas

    Federated Robust Embedded Systems: Concepts and Challenges

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    The development within the area of embedded systems (ESs) is moving rapidly, not least due to falling costs of computation and communication equipment. It is believed that increased communication opportunities will lead to the future ESs no longer being parts of isolated products, but rather parts of larger communities or federations of ESs, within which information is exchanged for the benefit of all participants. This vision is asserted by a number of interrelated research topics, such as the internet of things, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, and multi-agent systems. In this work, the focus is primarily on ESs, with their specific real-time and safety requirements. While the vision of interconnected ESs is quite promising, it also brings great challenges to the development of future systems in an efficient, safe, and reliable way. In this work, a pre-study has been carried out in order to gain a better understanding about common concepts and challenges that naturally arise in federations of ESs. The work was organized around a series of workshops, with contributions from both academic participants and industrial partners with a strong experience in ES development. During the workshops, a portfolio of possible ES federation scenarios was collected, and a number of application examples were discussed more thoroughly on different abstraction levels, starting from screening the nature of interactions on the federation level and proceeding down to the implementation details within each ES. These discussions led to a better understanding of what can be expected in the future federated ESs. In this report, the discussed applications are summarized, together with their characteristics, challenges, and necessary solution elements, providing a ground for the future research within the area of communicating ESs

    Using Wii technology to explore real spaces via virtual environments for people who are blind

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    Purpose - Virtual environments (VEs) that represent real spaces (RSs) give people who are blind the opportunity to build a cognitive map in advance that they will be able to use when arriving at the RS. Design - In this research study Nintendo Wii based technology was used for exploring VEs via the Wiici application. The Wiimote allows the user to interact with VEs by simulating walking and scanning the space. Finding - By getting haptic and auditory feedback the user learned to explore new spaces. We examined the participants' abilities to explore new simple and complex places, construct a cognitive map, and perform orientation tasks in the RS. Originality – To our knowledge, this finding presents the first virtual environment for people who are blind that allow the participants to scan the environment and by this to construct map model spatial representations

    Firewatch: Use of Sattelite Imagery by Remote\ud Communities in Northern Australia for Fire Risk\ud Communications.

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    This paper presents the contextual background and early findings from a new research project funded by the Australian Research Council titled Using community engagement and enhanced visual information to promote FireWatch satellite communications as a support for collaborative decision-making. FireWatch (provided by Landgate in Western Australia) is an internet-based public information service based on near real time satellite data showing timely information relevant to bushfire safety within Australia. However, it has been developed in a highly technical environment and is currently used chiefly by\ud experts. This project aims to redesign FireWatch for ordinary users and to engage a remote community in Northern Australia in this process, leading to improved decision making surrounding bushfire risk

    Glance behaviours when using an in-vehicle smart driving aid : a real-world, on-road driving study

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    In-vehicle information systems (IVIS) are commonplace in modern vehicles, from the initial satellite navigation and in-car infotainment systems, to the more recent driving related Smartphone applications. Investigating how drivers interact with such systems when driving is key to understanding what factors need to be considered in order to minimise distraction and workload issues while maintaining the benefits they provide. This study investigates the glance behaviours of drivers, assessed from video data, when using a smart driving Smartphone application (providing both eco-driving and safety feedback in real-time) in an on-road study over an extended period of time. Findings presented in this paper show that using the in-vehicle smart driving aid during real-world driving resulted in the drivers spending an average of 4.3% of their time looking at the system, at an average of 0.43 s per glance, with no glances of greater than 2 s, and accounting for 11.3% of the total glances made. This allocation of visual resource could be considered to be taken from ‘spare’ glances, defined by this study as to the road, but off-centre. Importantly glances to the mirrors, driving equipment and to the centre of the road did not reduce with the introduction of the IVIS in comparison to a control condition. In conclusion an ergonomically designed in-vehicle smart driving system providing feedback to the driver via an integrated and adaptive interface does not lead to visual distraction, with the task being integrated into normal driving