216 research outputs found

    Technological Aspects of Solid-State and Incandescent Sources for Miner Cap Lamps

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    Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are emerging as viable replacements for incandescent-based cap lamps used in mining. The photometric and energy characteristics of these light sources differ in important ways. The present paper describes the performance of LED and incandescent sources in cap lamps in terms of correlated color temperature, color rendering, light output, electric power, ambient temperature and airflow, and light source aging. Importantly, these characteristics can influence a miner s ability to spot mining hazards thus impacting safety. Secondly, some of these characteristics interact with the operating life of the cap lamp s battery power, such that differences between LED and incandescent sources can be magnified toward the end of a 10 hour battery discharge cycle. Empirically, we have determined that after 8 hours at an ambient temperature of 25 C, the average light output of an incandescent cap lamp can decrease to about 69% of its initial value when powered by a lead-acid battery and it can decrease to about 65% of its initial value when powered by a nickel-hydride battery. An LED-based cap lamp using a constant current drive circuit can maintain about 96% of its initial value when powered by a nickel-hydride battery. Real-world tests addressing the effects of ambient temperature and airflow on the light output of an LED and incandescent cap lamp were conducted in the NIOSH Safety Research Coal Mine (SRCM). The LED cap lamp yielded a vertical average illuminance improvement of approximately 9.5% and the INC cap lamp yielded a vertical average illuminance degradation o f approximately 4%. The differences between LED and incandescent cap lamps were further quantified by the calculation of mesopic luminance data that indicated for the same photopic luminance (i.e., as measured using a conventional light meter) the LED cap lamp could be up to 38 % more efficient than the incandescent cap lamp with a lead-acid battery at the end of the 10-hour driving cycle. Lastly, accelerated life tests were used to empirically determine light output depreciation as the incandescent light source age approached its useful life. There was about a 35% decrease in light output. This is quite considerable, especially given that the light output will decrease an additional 30% to 45% over the period of a 10-hour shift. The implications of the differences between LED and incandescent sources are discussed. This information is crucial in determining how visual performance could be affected for real-world conditions where batteries discharge during the work shift and as the light source ages. To date, only idealized conditions have been used for LED and incandescent cap lamp visual performance research.2008768

    Optimal Roof Coverage and Identification of Potential Roof Problems in Underground Coal Mines Using LED Lighting

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    The popularity and implementation of light emitting diode (LED) lighting have increased drastically over recent years into both residential and industrial applications. However, due to MSHA permissibility requirements, LED lighting is not currently being fully utilized in underground coal mining. While previous research has focused on examining the benefits that LED lighting possesses over other common light sources, very few have been done to find the optimum configuration to illuminate underground excavations better for the safety of the miners. In this research, multiple experiments were conducted to evaluate the potential impacts LED lighting can have on underground mine safety. The optimal light setup that provided the most roof coverage was found to be between 5 and 7 feet of separation, which is similar to what is usually used on roof bolting machines. It was also determined that LED lighting performs well in terms of discontinuity identification compared to what is commonly used in underground coal mining. The results of this research will serve as a design parameter for lighting manufacturers to use. These tests were done to simulate possible lighting locations on a roof bolting machine, but the results can be employed for other underground equipment as well

    Do light-emitting diode cap lamps enable improvements in miner safety?

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    Proper illumination is critical to a miner\u2019s ability to detect hazards in underground mines. Moving hazards are often located in the miner\u2019s peripheral field-of-view, while slip/trip/ fall hazards are often located in the forward field-of-view. The objective of the research described in this paper was to determine if light-emitting diodes (LEDs) improve visual performance as compared to traditional incandescent (INC) cap lamps. The research presented focuses on comparative studies of a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) prototype LED, a commercial LED and an INC camp lamp. Thirty subjects participated in these studies, with ten subjects in each of the following age groups: 18 to 25 years, 40 to 50 years and 51+ years old. Visual per\uadformance was quantified by the subjects\u2019 speed and accuracy in detecting hazards, while visual performance for disability glare was quantified by the use of contrast sensitivity tests. Results suggest that LEDs with a visible spectrum containing a higher concentration of the shorter wavelengths can enable visual performance improvements with respect to disability glare, the detection of moving hazards in the peripheral field-of-view and the detection of floor hazards in the forward field-of-view. The NIOSH prototype LED cap lamp provided the best visual performance improvements for the older age groups in every test.2009768


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    The scientific work documented in this thesis was carried out, as a part of the research investigation, sponsored by a major coal company, to create a safe visual working environment for a mechanized opencast coal mine. The research investigations were carried out with the following objectives: conduct illumination survey & check the adequacy of lighting vis-à-vis DGMS /International standards at: Different places of work in the mine.Different HEMMs. Design of appropriate illumination systems based on illumination requirement for: Haul road,Overburden(OB) transport road,Dump yard,Moving Coal & OB faces. The illumination study was performed in Kusmunda opencast project, SECL,Bilaspur. It included an illumination survey of the existing lighting system at haul road, dump yard,coal & OB face followed by analysis & improvement measures. The lux meter used for the survey was Metravi1332. The illumination models for various working places in mine were developed using DIALux. DGMS standard for opencast mine lighting was used for assessment and design of illumination systems. Haul & dump road lighting design was done as per CIE EN13201 standard, which is internationally used for road lighting. The design models resulted in significant improvement over the existing system. Also, improvement of lux level was obtained as compared to the existing lighting system. Based on the observations design of illumination systems for the mine following recommendations have been proposed to improve the visual level in the work places and are stated below: Installation of 150W HPSV luminaires for roads not exceeding length of 1 km and 250W HPSV luminaires for length exceeding 1 km and other installation details should follow the given design.Installation of Metal Halide luminaires for coal faces and HPSV for OB faces.Luminaires should be die cast aluminum built.Truck mounted illumination system can be used instead of fixed lighting system at coal face

    J Occup Environ Hyg

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    A person-wearable dust monitor that provides nearly real-time, mass-based readings of respirable dust was developed for use in underground coal mines. This personal dust monitor (PDM) combined dust sampling instrumentation with a cap lamp (and battery) into one belt-wearable unit, with the air inlet mounted on the cap lamp. However, obsolescence of belt-carried cap lamp and batteries in coal mining ensued and led end users to request that the cap lamp and battery be removed from the PDM. Removal of these components necessitated the design of a new air inlet to be worn on the miner's lapel. The revised inlet was tested for dust collection equivalency against the original cap-mounted inlet design. Using calculated inlet respirable fractions and measured dust mass collection, the performance of the two inlets is shown to be similar. The new inlet requires a 1.02 factor for converting dust masses obtained from it to equivalent masses collected from the original inlet.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2019-05-10T00:00:00Z30620243PMC65097006242vault:3213

    Application of Solar Energy for Lighting in Opencast Mines

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    Proper illumination in mines is a major requirement for un-interrupted production and improved safety. Most of the mines currently use conventional lighting systems. The energy source for such lighting systems are either electric or diesel power. The price of fossil fuel and diesel are increasing rapidly, which is responsible for increased price of power generation and cost of illumination. Therefore an alternative source like solar energy is a necessary requirement. The illumination level of mines can be improved by increasing the power output of a solar panel, the light intensity of solar panel being directly proportional to power output of solar panel. Solar energy could be a good choice of power generation, since the cost of solar panels decreasing rapidly in the past few years. Moreover, solar energy has also become more efficient as compared to other source of energy

    A History of Materials and Technologies Development

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    The purpose of the book is to provide the students with the text that presents an introductory knowledge about the development of materials and technologies and includes the most commonly available information on human development. The idea of the publication has been generated referring to the materials taken from the organic and non-organic evolution of nature. The suggested texts might be found a purposeful tool for the University students proceeding with studying engineering due to the fact that all subjects in this particular field more or less have to cover the history and development of the studied object. It is expected that studying different materials and technologies will help the students with a better understanding of driving forces, positive and negative consequences of technological development, etc

    Towards the recovery of rare earth elements from end-of-life products : hydrometallurgical routes and mathematical modelling of extraction systems

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    Aplicat embargament de la tesi des de la data de defensa fins al juny de 2020. Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per drets de l'editor.The rare earth elements (REEs) are essential ingredients for the development of modern industry and the transition to a more sustainable economy model. The unique physicochemical features of these elements, such as their magnetism and optical properties, are greatly expanding their application. They have become key elements for the manufacture of many ordinary consumer goods like hybrid cars, fluorescent lamps or electronic devices like mobile phones or tablets. The growing popularity of the rare earth elements derivatives is leading to an increase in the global demand and the price of these elements. Unfortunately, the current availability of these resources is limited due to three main factors: their heterogeneous geological location, their low concentration in the ores, and the environmental issues related with their mining. All these disadvantages concerning the supply of the rare earth elements have led to the study of new techniques to obtain them, such as the recycling of end-of-life products. Recycling of REEs arises as a new secondary source of supply of REEs, especially in Europe where large amounts of technological waste are generated every year. Currently, the recycling of rare earth elements represents less than 1% of the global supply. Nevertheless, some studies in the literature assume that by 2050 the recovery rate of REEs will be 90% for wind turbines, 70% for electrical vehicles and 40% for the rest of derivative products. The research presented in this thesis relies on experimental investigation of new hydrometallurgical routes, the majority of them involving the use of ionic liquids, which could eventually be applied for the recovery of rare earth elements from end-of-life products. Matemathical modelling of the reported extraction systems has been carried out in order to provide a computational instrument that can be easily tailored for prediction of other collecting processes requiring minor adjustments.Les terres rares son ingredients essencials per al desenvolupament de la indústria moderna i la transició cap a un model econòmic més sostenible. Les seves característiques físico-químiques úniques, com el seu magnetisme i propietats òptiques, han precipitat un increment accelerat en l’aplicació d’aquests elements. Les terres rares s’han convertit en elements clau per a la fabricació de molts articles d’ús diari com per exemple, cotxes elèctrics i dispositius electrònics com telèfons mòbils i tabletes. La creixent popularitat dels productes que contenen aquests metalls està provocant un escalat en la demanda global i el preu de les terres rares. Desafortunadament, en l’actualitat, la disponibilitat d’aquests recursos a la natura és limitada degut bàsicament a tres factors: heterogènia localització geològica, baixa concentració als minerals que els contenen i inconvenients mediambientals relacionats amb la mineria. Els inconvenients relacionats amb el subministrament de les terres rares a nivell mundial han propiciat l’estudi de noves tècniques per a la obtenció d’aquests elements mitjançant el reciclatge de productes que els contenen. El reciclatge sorgeix com una font secundària alternativa a la mineria per tal d’assegurar el provisionament de terres rares especialment a Europa, on generem grans quantitats de residus tecnològics cada any. Actualment, la taxa de reciclatge de terres rares se situa per sota l'1% del subministrament global. No obstant, alguns estudis publicats en la literatura assumeixen que l’any 2050, la taxa de recuperació haurà augmentat considerablement, de manera que es reciclarà fins a un 90% de les terres rares provinents d’aerogeneradors, 70% de vehicles elèctrics i 40% de la resta de productes que contenen aquests metalls. La recerca presentada en aquesta tesi es basa, principalment, en la investigació de noves rutes hidrometal·lúrgies, la majoria d’elles utilitzant líquids iònics, que puguin ser implementades en processos de recuperació de terres rares a partir de residus tecnològics. D’altra banda, s’han elaborat models matemàtics dels sistemes d’extracció reportats que pretenen convertir-se en una eina computacional, fàcilment adaptable, per a la predicció del comportament d’extracció en d’altres processos de recuperació amb diferents condicions experimentals.Postprint (published version

    Towards the recovery of rare earth elements from end-of-life products : hydrometallurgical routes and mathematical modelling of extraction systems

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    The rare earth elements (REEs) are essential ingredients for the development of modern industry and the transition to a more sustainable economy model. The unique physicochemical features of these elements, such as their magnetism and optical properties, are greatly expanding their application. They have become key elements for the manufacture of many ordinary consumer goods like hybrid cars, fluorescent lamps or electronic devices like mobile phones or tablets. The growing popularity of the rare earth elements derivatives is leading to an increase in the global demand and the price of these elements. Unfortunately, the current availability of these resources is limited due to three main factors: their heterogeneous geological location, their low concentration in the ores, and the environmental issues related with their mining. All these disadvantages concerning the supply of the rare earth elements have led to the study of new techniques to obtain them, such as the recycling of end-of-life products. Recycling of REEs arises as a new secondary source of supply of REEs, especially in Europe where large amounts of technological waste are generated every year. Currently, the recycling of rare earth elements represents less than 1% of the global supply. Nevertheless, some studies in the literature assume that by 2050 the recovery rate of REEs will be 90% for wind turbines, 70% for electrical vehicles and 40% for the rest of derivative products. The research presented in this thesis relies on experimental investigation of new hydrometallurgical routes, the majority of them involving the use of ionic liquids, which could eventually be applied for the recovery of rare earth elements from end-of-life products. Matemathical modelling of the reported extraction systems has been carried out in order to provide a computational instrument that can be easily tailored for prediction of other collecting processes requiring minor adjustments.Les terres rares son ingredients essencials per al desenvolupament de la indústria moderna i la transició cap a un model econòmic més sostenible. Les seves característiques físico-químiques úniques, com el seu magnetisme i propietats òptiques, han precipitat un increment accelerat en l’aplicació d’aquests elements. Les terres rares s’han convertit en elements clau per a la fabricació de molts articles d’ús diari com per exemple, cotxes elèctrics i dispositius electrònics com telèfons mòbils i tabletes. La creixent popularitat dels productes que contenen aquests metalls està provocant un escalat en la demanda global i el preu de les terres rares. Desafortunadament, en l’actualitat, la disponibilitat d’aquests recursos a la natura és limitada degut bàsicament a tres factors: heterogènia localització geològica, baixa concentració als minerals que els contenen i inconvenients mediambientals relacionats amb la mineria. Els inconvenients relacionats amb el subministrament de les terres rares a nivell mundial han propiciat l’estudi de noves tècniques per a la obtenció d’aquests elements mitjançant el reciclatge de productes que els contenen. El reciclatge sorgeix com una font secundària alternativa a la mineria per tal d’assegurar el provisionament de terres rares especialment a Europa, on generem grans quantitats de residus tecnològics cada any. Actualment, la taxa de reciclatge de terres rares se situa per sota l'1% del subministrament global. No obstant, alguns estudis publicats en la literatura assumeixen que l’any 2050, la taxa de recuperació haurà augmentat considerablement, de manera que es reciclarà fins a un 90% de les terres rares provinents d’aerogeneradors, 70% de vehicles elèctrics i 40% de la resta de productes que contenen aquests metalls. La recerca presentada en aquesta tesi es basa, principalment, en la investigació de noves rutes hidrometal·lúrgies, la majoria d’elles utilitzant líquids iònics, que puguin ser implementades en processos de recuperació de terres rares a partir de residus tecnològics. D’altra banda, s’han elaborat models matemàtics dels sistemes d’extracció reportats que pretenen convertir-se en una eina computacional, fàcilment adaptable, per a la predicció del comportament d’extracció en d’altres processos de recuperació amb diferents condicions experimentals