90,380 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, quality Mathematical basis - Informatics is an inherent part of study. Mathematical basis is provided by Discrete Mathematics that is taught as a compulsory subject in stated study program in the Department of Mathematics. Authors clarify significance and importance of simple thematic units of subject Discrete Mathematics in teaching technical-system subjects in study programme Applied Informatics. Mentioned subject is being taught in first year of University study and knowledge that students acquire during the study of this course are the "cornerstone" for their further development in technical-system study. Justness and importance of individual topics were analysed based on the evaluation of questionnaires, in which pedagogues teaching professional IT subjects alloted weighted coefficients to individual thematic units. Weighted coefficients were alloted based on the significance of the given topic of the subject Discrete Math, with regard to the IT subject they are teaching. Upon designing the e-course, experience with the creation of linear and branch teaching software were used. For the simulation of the transition of students through individual lessons as well as the whole course, authors employed the method of the teaching process simulation using Petri nets

    The use of information and communication technologies at lessons discrete mathematics

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    UK: Метою дослідження є вивчення особливостей застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій при навчанні дискретній математиці. Задачами дослідження є розробити елементи методики комп’ютерної реалізації рішення задач дискретної математики та визначити особливості роботи в середовищі Maple для розв’язування широкого кола завдань. Об’єктом дослідження є навчання дискретної математики. Предметом дослідження є методика використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на заняттях з дискретної математики. В роботі за допомогою функцій пакету networks наведено розв’язання задач з розділу дискретної математики «Теорія графів». На їх прикладі наочно продемонстровано, що для більшості користувачів пакет networks перетворює важкозрозумілі графи в простий робочий інструмент. Результати дослідження – удосконалено методику вивчення теорії графів на основі Maple, візуалізовано побудову графів та видалення деяких їх вершин. EN: The aim is to study the characteristics of information and communication technologies in teaching discrete mathematics. Objectives of the study is to develop the technique for implementing a computer problem solving discrete mathematics and define the features of the environment in Maple for solving a wide range of tasks. The object of research is teaching discrete mathematics. The subject of research is the method of using ICT in the classroom discrete mathematics. In this work using package ‘networks’ are solving problems of discrete mathematics (section “Graph theory”). By examples is clearly demonstrated that package ‘networks’ can transforms hardto-understand graphs in a simple working tool to the majority of users. Results of the study – improved methodology for the study of graph theory based Maple, visualized build graphs and remove some of their peaks

    Организация учебного процесса по дискретной математике и математической логике

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    In this paper we consider the method of teaching discrete mathematics and mathematical logic for future bachelors of "Mathematics and Computer Science".Рассматривается методика обучения дискретной математике и математической логике будущих бакалавров по направлению подготовки «Математика и компьютерные науки»

    Teaching Discrete Structures: A systematic review of the literature

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    This survey paper reviews a large sample of publications on the teaching of discrete structures and discrete mathematics in computer science curricula. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. A number of broad themes in discrete structures education are identified relating to course content, teaching strategies and the means of evaluating the success of a course

    Teaching Discrete Structures: A systematic review of the literature

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    This survey paper reviews a large sample of publications on the teaching of discrete structures and discrete mathematics in computer science curricula. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. A number of broad themes in discrete structures education are identified relating to course content, teaching strategies and the means of evaluating the success of a course

    Agrárpiaci Jelentések Gabona és ipari növények

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    Source at https://journalofmathematicsandculture.wordpress.com/2017/12/28/journal-of-mathematics-and-culture-volume-11-number-4/.A group of Sámi middle school mathematics teachers cooperated with researchers over a period of three years in investigating ruvden (Sámi braiding). The aim was to find possibilities for teaching discrete mathematics based on ruvden. The Sámi are an Indigenous people of the Arctic and their braidings are intertwined with Sámi traditional knowledge. The teachers presented two different approaches to the ruvden procedure. One researcher presented a third approach and later, two students came up with a fourth. The analysis reveal that a) the four approaches reflect different aspects of Sámi traditional knowledge and b) investigations of ruvden may lead to two aspects of discrete mathematics; transitions from numbers to variables and combinatorics

    Workshop: Practical Examples for Teaching Discrete Mathematics in an Information Systems Curriculum

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    This workshop, designed for Faculty in Information Systems (IS) programs that have received or are seeking ABET IS accreditation, offers practical information and experience on how to design and implement a discrete mathematics course and modules for information systems (IS) programs seeking ABET IS accreditation or already accredited by ABET. The workshop will deliver small group practice with materials, online software resources, activities, and teaching techniques are targeted toward needs and interests of IS students. These materials and resources can be used (1) in a discrete mathematics course, (2) in modules in core curriculum courses, such as networking and data communications, operating systems, database management, systems analysis and design, programming and application development, network security, or (3) in both. Such materials, resources, and activities foster motivation and confidence for students as well as understanding of how the concepts presented serve in learning and will serve them in career settings. The technological and societal relevance of discrete mathematics concepts in the IS curriculum is covered. A matrix correlates each local ABET-accreditable core curriculum with a standard set of discrete mathematics topics to derive relevant topic coverage. Experiences in the information systems (IS) and information systems management (ISM) programs at Robert Morris University (RMU) guided the design of this workshop. The workshop includes orientation to rationale (based on matrix of discrete mathematics and IS core curriculum topics), design, and resources. shows how a formal discrete mathematics foundation supports the reliability of information technology, and covers assessment

    A Cool Brisk Walk Through Discrete Mathematics

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    A Cool Brisk Walk Through Discrete Mathematics - and its companion site allthemath - are completely-and-forever-free-and-open-source educational materials dedicated to the mathematics that budding computer science practitioners actually need to know. They feature the fun and addictive teaching of award-winning lecturer Dr. Stephen Davies of the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia