209,882 research outputs found

    Media For Language Teaching and Learning in Digital Era

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    Learning a new language is considered as difficult task because it needs more exercises in various skills. Media plays the important role in increasing the learners’ desire to learn by creating the atmosphere of fun. In this digital era, learning models utilize technology as leaning media to provide wider access and opportunities for students in building their own knowledge. The availability of technology in education enables educators to plan and implement innovative and interactive learning model.  The main goal of this paper is to suggest the current media for teaching and learning language in digital era


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    Social media has become an important part of learning. However, the adoption of E-learning and technology in learning resulted in a new teaching era among all educators all over the world. As the COVID-19 hit the world of education, education shifted the learning from face to face learning into distance learning. The following study discussed the implementation of technology in the new era of education during community service programs. Qualitative research was implemented through a week intensive observation by the researchers focusing on media of learning creation, use of digital media in learning and gamification of learning. Based on the data from the study, 48% of the participants had difficulty accessing technology in learning. The researchers also suggested that social media have a significant role to create fun and interactive learning. Moreover, applications such as Canva, Powtoon, Prezi and Kinemaster can be a great tool and media in a new and modern era of learning

    The Using of Digital Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning English on the Well-being of Indonesian Students

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    This paper focuses on the using of digital media to enhance teaching and learning English as language difficulties is the critical issue of Indonesian students facing today. The study was conducted at University of Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, explored the experiences of students at fifth semester supported the hypothesis that language difficulties influence the level of psychological well-being among Indonesian students. As students from non-English speaking countries enter the globalization era where speaking English is the norm, they are faced with the challenge of learning a new language as a prerequisite to successful and further thriving. The use of digital media has implications for the well-being of Indonesian students as online communication stimulates young learners social connectedness. Academic achievement would also benefit from schools having access to a teaching material aimed at delivering skills for the use of Internet and digital technology. In this paper, the writer tries to explore the new trend of digital media to enhance teaching and learning English not just simply because the students are confronted with digital media in their daily life anyway, but because of the fact that the more channels for the reception of information are used, the better for the students’ language acquisition or their learning process in general. The findings support the conclusion that the using of digital media boosts the English language proficiency, and reduces the levels of cultural stress, academic difficulties, and negative emotions among Indonesian students confronted with other students across the world.Key words: digital media, teaching English, language learning, well-bein


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    The use of technological advances has given rise to new media for all fields, including the use of technology in the field of education. This allows the development of alternative learning media that can help the process of teaching courses in higher education. A teacher is required to be able to adapt to technology and use it as a creative and innovative learning tool or medium. The use of digital-based learning media allows students to study these materials anywhere and at any time. Serial podcasts as a medium for learning Indonesian for academic purposes in the digital era are a development product carried out by a team of digital-based media and learning resource developers. This podcast consists of eight episodes containing material related to learning Indonesian. The development of this learning media aims to describe and present eight podcasts with different material for each episode. Determining the type of media development product has been considered from the important elements and characteristics of selecting learning media that suit student needs. The development of this learning media uses a 4D model which has four stages, namely (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop; and (4) disseminete or distribution. The results of this learning media development product include the following materials: (1) Indonesian for Academic Purposes in the Digital Era, (2) Spelling in Indonesian, (3) Sentences in Indonesian, (4) Topic 4: Paragraphs in Indonesian , (5) Utilization of Digital Technology to Improve Indonesian Language Skills, (6) Indonesian in Academic Communication, (7) Indonesian in Scientific Research and Publications, and; (8) Challenges and Opportunities of Indonesian in the Digital Era which have been published on the ”Siniar Enggang” YouTube account (https://www.youtube.com/@SiniarEnggang)

    Adaptation of Learning Technology for Teachers of SD Negeri 2 Pakistaji During the Covid-19 Period

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    The covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on various sectors in Indonesia, one of them being the education sector. When online learning begins, teachers must adapt to various strategies and new media to ensure teaching and learning activities continue even when students are at home. But now after learning can be carried out in offline learning, educators need to re-adapt to this learning mode. The Teaching Campus Program is one solution to the problems faced by teachers during offline learning in the New Normal Era. This program aims to assist the adaptation of technology by teachers. This service is held at SD Negeri Pakistaji, Banyuwangi Regency. The activity was carried out for three months and was attended by teachers at SD Negeri Pakistani. The results of this activity examine the teacher's ability to operate digital devices as support

    Pedagogies of Design and Multiliterate Learner Identities

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    In an era of multiliteracies, teaching and learning have become knowledge performances at multiple levels. Instead of a singular, linear focus upon print technologies, the techno-oriented philosophy of teaching aims at providing a rhizomatic network of texts where there is a close link between, and often an overlap of, different designs—linguistic, visual, spatial, and gestural—to construct the multiliterate learner. In this paper, I discuss the role of multimodal literacies in a primary classroom, affirming the role of multiliteracies and decentring the pre-dominance of linguistic at the cost of other designs. While the print media are acknowledged as significant to literacy, the multimodality of print is enhanced through visual and spatial design (Kenner, 2004). Through graphic examples of ICT applications of designs in a primary classroom, I demonstrate that students are operating through multitextual and digitextual (Everett, 2003) practices. What follows is the complex positioning and re-situating of teacher and learner identities engaged in learning through the knowledge processes of experiencing, identifying, applying and critiquing concepts (Kalantzis & Cope, 2004). In particular, I argue that within the diversity of present day classrooms, the digital oriented, multiliterate learner is implicated in constant identity construction by drawing upon macro and micro social practices. I conclude by reiterating the significance of new technologies and new literacy practices as essential to the construction of new learner identities

    Unlocking Multiple Intelligence with Technology to Teach English

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    There has been classic problem in education called teacher centered approach. This paradigm put teacher’s performance as the core of learning process. The students are seen to be passive participants so  that they can not retrieve benefit of learning process as well. Multiple intelligence helps teachers reach every student in teaching and learning process. Outside of the Multpile Intelligence framework, teacher do not deeply consider the individual condition of the students. They usually teach the students evenly and classicaly. It might cause the ignorance toward individual students’ need and characteristics. In fact, Multiple Intelligence regards that the students have different individual intelligences strength. In the digital era fortunate enough to live in a world where countless programs, service and social media platforms are but a click away, these programs can helps teacher to tackle multiple intelligences like never before. This paper focuses on the use of social media platforms for learners to experience new learning style. This paper aimed to describe how multiple intelligence with social media make the students are more facilitated in their learning process. The use of Multiple Intelligence with social media platforms in the classroom promote teaching and learning process more fun, lively and effective. Keywords: multiple intelligence, social media platforms, learning styl


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    Teachers have an important role in the process of teaching and learning activities. But unfortunately in this online learning there are still many teachers who have difficulty in making learning patterns through content media. Due to lack of references and several other factors. Therefore, the readiness of teachers to face the digital era in the world of education is very necessary, so that teachers are ready to use digital technology as the main learning platform. By conducting training to make learning videos through the Canva application because it is very important for teachers to do. The goal is for teachers to be able to make videos that are interesting, interactive, easy to understand and useful. In addition, continue to encourage a sense of enthusiasm to teach under any circumstances. The method used is socialization, training and evaluation. The existence of training activities to make learning media can improve the ability of teachers to provide material and teachers are also increasingly able to use technology, are able to make learning videos through YouTube and can implement the Canva application and get new references


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    This paper focuses on the using of social media as part of digital medias to enhance writing skill that to be one of  issues of Indonesian students. Internet facilities and social media are becoming increasingly important and take a strategic role in most of human activities included education and learning sector. The study was conducted at Tidar University, explored the experiences of second semester students supported the hypothesis that as students from non-English countries enter the globalization era where English is the norm, they are faced with the challenge of learning a new language especially in writing which has many requirements to make it such as vocabularies, grammar ideas and habit as a prerequisite to successful and further thriving .The fact that Indonesian students often played digital media as online communication stimulates young learners social connectedness. Academic achievement would also benefit from their activities, having access to a teaching material aimed at delivering skills for the use of Internet and digital technology. From the qualitative research done, the writer explored the new trend of digital media especially using social media to enhance writing ability as the facilities in autonomous learning because they are confronted with social media in their daily life anyway where they could use many channels they wanted to receive the information and learnt to share their writing freely and comfortably. From  findings, it can be concluded that social media boosts the writing proficiency, influences the autonomy and promotes independent of learning writing, improves the vocabularies references, increases the confidences, explores the experience and styles  also solves other academic difficulties such as grammatical rules, exploring  and also developing idea

    Analysis of foreign language teachers ÂŽattitudes towards digital teaching in the European Union Countries

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    In the present era, both learning and teaching, including foreign language learning (FLL) and teaching, are being radically influenced by a massive implementation of digital technologies. The purpose of this study is to analyze foreign language teachers’ attitudes towards the use of technologies in foreign language teaching across Europe and to identify clear implications for their efficient implementation. The methodology of this study includes a mixed-method research design (quantitative and qualitative) with a survey conducted with altogether 234 foreign language (FL) teachers from different universities across Europe. The results clearly show that FL teachers generally have a positive attitude towards the use of technologies in their classes and that they frequently use them in their teaching since they can make students more engaged in learning a foreign language. In fact, the FL teachers have always been at the forefront of innovative approaches to teaching and learning. In spite of this, they admit that they would welcome more professional support from the management of their home institutions and demand training in the use of new technologies. The results of the research also indicate that special attention should be paid to the lack of personal contact, students' reactions, and the expression of emotions, which is difficult and almost impossible to achieve through the use of digital media. These findings are unique since they aim specifically at current FL teachers® attitudes and needs across Europe and can be utilized by stakeholders and FLL course designers. Moreover, they can also be extended to a larger scale, i.e., the global levelThis study was supported by COST Action CA19102 project ‘Language in the Human-Machine Era’ (LITHME
