178 research outputs found

    3D exploration and navigation with optimal-RRT planners for ground robots in indoor incidents

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    Navigation and exploration in 3D environments is still a challenging task for autonomous robots that move on the ground. Robots for Search and Rescue missions must deal with unstructured and very complex scenarios. This paper presents a path planning system for navigation and exploration of ground robots in such situations. We use (unordered) point clouds as the main sensory input without building any explicit representation of the environment from them. These 3D points are employed as space samples by an Optimal-RRTplanner (RRT ∗ ) to compute safe and efficient paths. The use of an objective function for path construction and the natural exploratory behaviour of the RRT ∗ planner make it appropriate for the tasks. The approach is evaluated in different simulations showing the viability of autonomous navigation and exploration in complex 3D scenarios


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    The scope of this work spans two main areas of autonomy research 1) autonomous path planning and 2) test and evaluation of autonomous systems. Path planning is an integral part of autonomous decision-making, and a deep understanding in this area provides valuable perspective on approaching the problem of how to effectively evaluate vehicle behavior. Autonomous decision-making capabilities must include reliability, robustness, and trustworthiness in a real-world environment. A major component of robot decision-making lies in intelligent path-planning. Serving as the brains of an autonomous system, an efficient and reliable path planner is crucial to mission success and overall safety. A hybrid global and local planner is implemented using a combination of the Potential Field Method (PFM) and A-star (A*) algorithms. Created using a layered vector field strategy, this allows for flexibility along with the ability to add and remove layers to take into account other parameters such as currents, wind, dynamics, and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLGREGS). Different weights can be attributed to each layer based on the determined level of importance in a hierarchical manner. Different obstacle scenarios are shown in simulation, and proof-of-concept validation of the path-planning algorithms on an actual ASV is accomplished in an indoor environment. Results show that the combination of PFM and A* complement each other to generate a successfully planned path to goal that alleviates local minima and entrapment issues. Additionally, the planner demonstrates the ability to update for new obstacles in real time using an obstacle detection sensor. Regarding test and evaluation of autonomous vehicles, trust and confidence in autonomous behavior is required to send autonomous vehicles into operational missions. The author introduces the Performance Evaluation and Review Framework Of Robotic Missions (PERFORM), a framework for which to enable a rigorous and replicable autonomy test environment, thereby filling the void between that of merely simulating autonomy and that of completing true field missions. A generic architecture for defining the missions under test is proposed and a unique Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic approach is used as the foundation for the mathematically rigorous autonomy evaluation framework. The test environment is designed to aid in (1) new technology development (i.e. providing direct comparisons and quantitative evaluations of varying autonomy algorithms), (2) the validation of the performance of specific autonomous platforms, and (3) the selection of the appropriate robotic platform(s) for a given mission type (e.g. for surveying, surveillance, search and rescue). Several case studies are presented to apply the metric to various test scenarios. Results demonstrate the flexibility of the technique with the ability to tailor tests to the user’s design requirements accounting for different priorities related to acceptable risks and goals of a given mission

    Social navigation of autonomous robots in populated environments

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    Programa de Doctorado en Biotecnología, Ingeniería y Tecnología QuímicaLínea de Investigación: Ingeniería InformáticaClave Programa: DBICódigo Línea: 19Today, more and more mobile robots are coexisting with us in our daily lives. As a result, the behavior of robots that share space with humans in dynamic environments is a subject of intense investigation in robotics. Robots must re- spect human social conventions, guarantee the comfort of surrounding people, and maintain the legibility so that humans can understand the robot¿s intentions. Robots that move in humans¿ vicinity should navigate in a socially compliant way; this is called human-aware navigation. These social behaviors are not easy to frame in mathematical expressions. Consequently, motion planners with pre- programmed constraints and hard-coded functions can fail in acquiring proper behaviors related to human-awareness. All in all, it is easier to demonstrate socially acceptable behaviors than mathematically defining them. Therefore, learning these social behaviors from data seems a more principled approach. This thesis aims at endowing mobile robots with new social skills for au- tonomous navigation in spaces populated with humans. This work makes use of learning from demonstration (LfD) approaches to solve the problem of human- aware navigation. Different techniques and algorithms are explored and devel- oped in order to transfer social navigation behaviors to a robot by using demon- strations of human experts performing the proposed tasks. The contributions of this thesis are in the field of Learning from Demonstra- tion applied to human-aware navigation tasks. First, a LfD technique based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) is employed to learn a policy for ¿social¿ local motion planning. Then, a novel learning algorithm combining LfD concepts and sampling-based path planners is presented. Finally, other novel approaches combining different LfD techniques, like deep learning among others, and path planners are investigated. The methods proposed are compared against state- of-the-art approaches and tested in different experiments with the real robots employed in the European projects FROG and TERESA.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Deporte e InformáticaPostprin

    Bimanual robotic manipulation based on potential fields

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    openDual manipulation is a natural skill for humans but not so easy to achieve for a robot. The presence of two end effectors implies the need to consider the temporal and spatial constraints they generate while moving together. Consequently, synchronization between the arms is required to perform coordinated actions (e.g., lifting a box) and to avoid self-collision between the manipulators. Moreover, the challenges increase in dynamic environments, where the arms must be able to respond quickly to changes in the position of obstacles or target objects. To meet these demands, approaches like optimization-based motion planners and imitation learning can be employed but they have limitations such as high computational costs, or the need to create a large dataset. Sampling-based motion planners can be a viable solution thanks to their speed and low computational costs but, in their basic implementation, the environment is assumed to be static. An alternative approach relies on improved Artificial Potential Fields (APF). They are intuitive, with low computational, and, most importantly, can be used in dynamic environments. However, they do not have the precision to perform manipulation actions, and dynamic goals are not considered. This thesis proposes a system for bimanual robotic manipulation based on a combination of improved Artificial Potential Fields (APF) and the sampling-based motion planner RRTConnect. The basic idea is to use improved APF to bring the end effectors near their target goal while reacting to changes in the surrounding environment. Only then RRTConnect is triggered to perform the manipulation task. In this way, it is possible to take advantage of the strengths of both methods. To improve this system APF have been extended to consider dynamic goals and a self-collision avoidance system has been developed. The conducted experiments demonstrate that the proposed system adeptly responds to changes in the position of obstacles and target objects. Moreover, the self-collision avoidance system enables faster dual manipulation routines compared to sequential arm movements

    HuNavSim: A ROS 2 Human Navigation Simulator for Benchmarking Human-Aware Robot Navigation

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    This work presents the Human Navigation Simulator (HuNavSim), a novel open-source tool for the simulation of different human-agent navigation behaviors in scenarios with mobile robots. The tool, the first programmed under the ROS 2 framework, can be employed along with different well-known robotics simulators like Gazebo. The main goal is to ease the development and evaluation of human-aware robot navigation systems in simulation. Besides a general human-navigation model, HuNavSim includes, as a novelty, a rich set of individual and realistic human navigation behaviors and a complete set of metrics for social navigation benchmarking.Comment: Pre-print version of the paper submitted to the RA-L Journa

    Robot navigation in dense human crowds: Statistical models and experimental studies of human–robot cooperation

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    We consider the problem of navigating a mobile robot through dense human crowds. We begin by exploring a fundamental impediment to classical motion planning algorithms called the “freezing robot problem”: once the environment surpasses a certain level of dynamic complexity, the planner decides that all forward paths are unsafe, and the robot freezes in place (or performs unnecessary maneuvers) to avoid collisions. We argue that this problem can be avoided if the robot anticipates human cooperation, and accordingly we develop interacting Gaussian processes, a prediction density that captures cooperative collision avoidance, and a “multiple goal” extension that models the goal-driven nature of human decision making. We validate this model with an empirical study of robot navigation in dense human crowds (488 runs), specifically testing how cooperation models effect navigation performance. The multiple goal interacting Gaussian processes algorithm performs comparably with human teleoperators in crowd densities nearing 0.8 humans/m^2, while a state-of-the-art non-cooperative planner exhibits unsafe behavior more than three times as often as the multiple goal extension, and twice as often as the basic interacting Gaussian process approach. Furthermore, a reactive planner based on the widely used dynamic window approach proves insufficient for crowd densities above 0.55 people/m^2. We also show that our non-cooperative planner or our reactive planner capture the salient characteristics of nearly any dynamic navigation algorithm. Based on these experimental results and theoretical observations, we conclude that a cooperation model is critical for safe and efficient robot navigation in dense human crowds