3,516 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Natural-language Robot Instructions: Probabilistic Knowledge Representation, Learning, and Reasoning

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    A robot that can be simply told in natural language what to do -- this has been one of the ultimate long-standing goals in both Artificial Intelligence and Robotics research. In near-future applications, robotic assistants and companions will have to understand and perform commands such as set the table for dinner'', make pancakes for breakfast'', or cut the pizza into 8 pieces.'' Although such instructions are only vaguely formulated, complex sequences of sophisticated and accurate manipulation activities need to be carried out in order to accomplish the respective tasks. The acquisition of knowledge about how to perform these activities from huge collections of natural-language instructions from the Internet has garnered a lot of attention within the last decade. However, natural language is typically massively unspecific, incomplete, ambiguous and vague and thus requires powerful means for interpretation. This work presents PRAC -- Probabilistic Action Cores -- an interpreter for natural-language instructions which is able to resolve vagueness and ambiguity in natural language and infer missing information pieces that are required to render an instruction executable by a robot. To this end, PRAC formulates the problem of instruction interpretation as a reasoning problem in first-order probabilistic knowledge bases. In particular, the system uses Markov logic networks as a carrier formalism for encoding uncertain knowledge. A novel framework for reasoning about unmodeled symbolic concepts is introduced, which incorporates ontological knowledge from taxonomies and exploits semantically similar relational structures in a domain of discourse. The resulting reasoning framework thus enables more compact representations of knowledge and exhibits strong generalization performance when being learnt from very sparse data. Furthermore, a novel approach for completing directives is presented, which applies semantic analogical reasoning to transfer knowledge collected from thousands of natural-language instruction sheets to new situations. In addition, a cohesive processing pipeline is described that transforms vague and incomplete task formulations into sequences of formally specified robot plans. The system is connected to a plan executive that is able to execute the computed plans in a simulator. Experiments conducted in a publicly accessible, browser-based web interface showcase that PRAC is capable of closing the loop from natural-language instructions to their execution by a robot

    Adapting robot behavior to user preferences in assistive scenarios

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el 24 de juliol de 2020Robotic assistants have inspired numerous books and science fiction movies. In the real world, these kinds of devices are a growing need in amongst the elderly, who while life continue requiring more assistance. While life expectancy is increasing, life quality is not necessarily doing so. Thus, we may find ourselves and our loved ones being dependent and needing another person to perform the most basic tasks, which has a strong psychological impact. Accordingly, assistive robots may be the definitive tool to give more quality of life by empowering dependent people and extending their independent living. Assisting users to perform daily activities requires adapting to them and their needs, as they might not be able to adapt to the robot. This thesis tackles adaptation and personalization issues through user preferences. We 'focus on physical tasks that involve close contact, as these present interesting challenges, and are of great importance for he user. Therefore, three tasks are mainly used throughout the thesis: assistive feeding, shoe fitting, and jacket dressing. We first describe a framework for robot behavior adaptation that illustrates how robots should be personalized for and by end- users or their assistants. Using this framework, non-technical users determine how !he robot should behave. Then, we define the concept of preference for assistive robotics scenarios and establish a taxonomy, which includes hierarchies and groups of preferences, grounding definitions and concepts. We then show how the preferences in the taxonomy are used with Al planning systems to adapt the robot behavior to the preferences of the user obtained from simple questions. Our algorithms allow for long-term adaptations as well as to cope with misinformed user models. We further integrate the methods with low-level motion primitives that provide a more robust adaptation and behavior while lowering the number of needed actions and demonstrations. Moreover, we perform a deeper analysis in Planning and preferences with the introduction of new algorithms to provide preference suggestions in planning domains. The thesis then concludes with a user study that evaluates the use of the preferences in the three real assistive robotics scenarios. The experiments show a clear understanding of the preferences of users, who were able to assess the impact of their preferences on the behavior of the robot. In summary, we provide tools and algorithms to design the robotic assistants of the future. Assistants that should be able to adapt to the assisted user needs and preferences, just as human assistants do nowadays.Els assistents robòtics han inspirat nombrosos llibres i pel·lícules de ciència-ficció al llarg de la història. Però tornant al món real, aquest tipus de dispositius s'estan tornant una necessitat per a una societat que envelleix a un ritme ràpid i que, per tant, requerirà més i més assistència. Mentre l'esperança de vida augmenta, la qualitat de vida no necessàriament ho fa. Per tant, ens podem trobar a nosaltres mateixos i als nostres estimats en una situació de dependència, necessitant una altra persona per poder fer les tasques més bàsiques, cosa que té un gran impacte psicològic. En conseqüència, els robots assistencials poden ser l'eina definitiva per proporcionar una millor qualitat de vida empoderant els usuaris i allargant la seva capacitat de viure independentment. L'assistència a persones per realitzar tasques diàries requereix adaptar-se a elles i les seves necessitats, donat que aquests usuaris no poden adaptar-se al robot. En aquesta tesi, abordem el problema de l'adaptació i la personalització d'un robot mitjançant preferències de l'usuari. Ens centrem en tasques físiques, que involucren contacte amb la persona, per les seves dificultats i importància per a l'usuari. Per aquest motiu, la tesi utilitzarà principalment tres tasques com a exemple: donar menjar, posar una sabata i vestir una jaqueta. Comencem definint un marc (framework) per a la personalització del comportament del robot que defineix com s'han de personalitzar els robots per usuaris i pels seus assistents. Amb aquest marc, usuaris sense coneixements tècnics són capaços de definir com s'ha de comportar el robot. Posteriorment definim el concepte de preferència per a robots assistencials i establim una taxonomia que inclou jerarquies i grups de preferències, els quals fonamenten les definicions i conceptes. Després mostrem com les preferències de la taxonomia s'utilitzen amb sistemes planificadors amb IA per adaptar el comportament del robot a les preferències de l'usuari, que s'obtenen mitjançant preguntes simples. Els nostres algorismes permeten l'adaptació a llarg termini, així com fer front a models d'usuari mal inferits. Aquests mètodes són integrats amb primitives a baix nivell que proporcionen una adaptació i comportament més robusts a la mateixa vegada que disminueixen el nombre d'accions i demostracions necessàries. També fem una anàlisi més profunda de l'ús de les preferències amb planificadors amb la introducció de nous algorismes per fer suggeriments de preferències en dominis de planificació. La tesi conclou amb un estudi amb usuaris que avalua l'ús de les preferències en les tres tasques assistencials. Els experiments demostren un clar enteniment de les preferències per part dels usuaris, que van ser capaços de discernir quan les seves preferències eren utilitzades. En resum, proporcionem eines i algorismes per dissenyar els assistents robòtics del futur. Uns assistents que haurien de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a les preferències i necessitats de l'usuari que assisteixen, tal com els assistents humans fan avui en dia.Postprint (published version

    Adapting robot behavior to user preferences in assistive scenarios

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    Robotic assistants have inspired numerous books and science fiction movies. In the real world, these kinds of devices are a growing need in amongst the elderly, who while life continue requiring more assistance. While life expectancy is increasing, life quality is not necessarily doing so. Thus, we may find ourselves and our loved ones being dependent and needing another person to perform the most basic tasks, which has a strong psychological impact. Accordingly, assistive robots may be the definitive tool to give more quality of life by empowering dependent people and extending their independent living. Assisting users to perform daily activities requires adapting to them and their needs, as they might not be able to adapt to the robot. This thesis tackles adaptation and personalization issues through user preferences. We 'focus on physical tasks that involve close contact, as these present interesting challenges, and are of great importance for he user. Therefore, three tasks are mainly used throughout the thesis: assistive feeding, shoe fitting, and jacket dressing. We first describe a framework for robot behavior adaptation that illustrates how robots should be personalized for and by end- users or their assistants. Using this framework, non-technical users determine how !he robot should behave. Then, we define the concept of preference for assistive robotics scenarios and establish a taxonomy, which includes hierarchies and groups of preferences, grounding definitions and concepts. We then show how the preferences in the taxonomy are used with Al planning systems to adapt the robot behavior to the preferences of the user obtained from simple questions. Our algorithms allow for long-term adaptations as well as to cope with misinformed user models. We further integrate the methods with low-level motion primitives that provide a more robust adaptation and behavior while lowering the number of needed actions and demonstrations. Moreover, we perform a deeper analysis in Planning and preferences with the introduction of new algorithms to provide preference suggestions in planning domains. The thesis then concludes with a user study that evaluates the use of the preferences in the three real assistive robotics scenarios. The experiments show a clear understanding of the preferences of users, who were able to assess the impact of their preferences on the behavior of the robot. In summary, we provide tools and algorithms to design the robotic assistants of the future. Assistants that should be able to adapt to the assisted user needs and preferences, just as human assistants do nowadays.Els assistents robòtics han inspirat nombrosos llibres i pel·lícules de ciència-ficció al llarg de la història. Però tornant al món real, aquest tipus de dispositius s'estan tornant una necessitat per a una societat que envelleix a un ritme ràpid i que, per tant, requerirà més i més assistència. Mentre l'esperança de vida augmenta, la qualitat de vida no necessàriament ho fa. Per tant, ens podem trobar a nosaltres mateixos i als nostres estimats en una situació de dependència, necessitant una altra persona per poder fer les tasques més bàsiques, cosa que té un gran impacte psicològic. En conseqüència, els robots assistencials poden ser l'eina definitiva per proporcionar una millor qualitat de vida empoderant els usuaris i allargant la seva capacitat de viure independentment. L'assistència a persones per realitzar tasques diàries requereix adaptar-se a elles i les seves necessitats, donat que aquests usuaris no poden adaptar-se al robot. En aquesta tesi, abordem el problema de l'adaptació i la personalització d'un robot mitjançant preferències de l'usuari. Ens centrem en tasques físiques, que involucren contacte amb la persona, per les seves dificultats i importància per a l'usuari. Per aquest motiu, la tesi utilitzarà principalment tres tasques com a exemple: donar menjar, posar una sabata i vestir una jaqueta. Comencem definint un marc (framework) per a la personalització del comportament del robot que defineix com s'han de personalitzar els robots per usuaris i pels seus assistents. Amb aquest marc, usuaris sense coneixements tècnics són capaços de definir com s'ha de comportar el robot. Posteriorment definim el concepte de preferència per a robots assistencials i establim una taxonomia que inclou jerarquies i grups de preferències, els quals fonamenten les definicions i conceptes. Després mostrem com les preferències de la taxonomia s'utilitzen amb sistemes planificadors amb IA per adaptar el comportament del robot a les preferències de l'usuari, que s'obtenen mitjançant preguntes simples. Els nostres algorismes permeten l'adaptació a llarg termini, així com fer front a models d'usuari mal inferits. Aquests mètodes són integrats amb primitives a baix nivell que proporcionen una adaptació i comportament més robusts a la mateixa vegada que disminueixen el nombre d'accions i demostracions necessàries. També fem una anàlisi més profunda de l'ús de les preferències amb planificadors amb la introducció de nous algorismes per fer suggeriments de preferències en dominis de planificació. La tesi conclou amb un estudi amb usuaris que avalua l'ús de les preferències en les tres tasques assistencials. Els experiments demostren un clar enteniment de les preferències per part dels usuaris, que van ser capaços de discernir quan les seves preferències eren utilitzades. En resum, proporcionem eines i algorismes per dissenyar els assistents robòtics del futur. Uns assistents que haurien de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a les preferències i necessitats de l'usuari que assisteixen, tal com els assistents humans fan avui en dia

    Multi-robot task allocation system to improve assistance in domestic scenarios

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    The AURORA project aims at developing new strategies to take assistive robotics a step further. In order to provide extended services to potential users, engaging a team of simpler robots is often preferable to using a unique, super-capable robot. In such multi-robot systems, the coordination for task execution is one of the major challenges to overcome. The present thesis proposes a solution to the specific issue of multi-robot task allocation within an heterogeneous team of robots, with additional inter-task precedence constraints. The main elements of the state of the art that support this project are reported, including useful taxonomies and existing methods. From the analyzed solutions, the one that better fits with the constraints of the project is an iterated auction-based algorithm able to manage precedence constraints, which has been modified to handle heterogeneity and partial scheduling. The selected solution has been designed and implemented with the particular purpose of being applied to the robotized kitchen setup of the AURORA project; it is however flexible and scalable and can therefore be applied to other use-cases, for instance vehicle-routing problems. Several evaluation scenarios have been tested, that demonstrate the good functioning and characteristics of the system, as well as the possibility to integrate humans into the task assignation process

    Hybrid Cloud Model Checking Using the Interaction Layer of HARMS for Ambient Intelligent Systems

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    Soon, humans will be co-living and taking advantage of the help of multi-agent systems in a broader way than the present. Such systems will involve machines or devices of any variety, including robots. These kind of solutions will adapt to the special needs of each individual. However, to the concern of this research effort, systems like the ones mentioned above might encounter situations that will not be seen before execution time. It is understood that there are two possible outcomes that could materialize; either keep working without corrective measures, which could lead to an entirely different end or completely stop working. Both results should be avoided, specially in cases where the end user will depend on a high level guidance provided by the system, such as in ambient intelligence applications. This dissertation worked towards two specific goals. First, to assure that the system will always work, independently of which of the agents performs the different tasks needed to accomplish a bigger objective. Second, to provide initial steps towards autonomous survivable systems which can change their future actions in order to achieve the original final goals. Therefore, the use of the third layer of the HARMS model was proposed to insure the indistinguishability of the actors accomplishing each task and sub-task without regard of the intrinsic complexity of the activity. Additionally, a framework was proposed using model checking methodology during run-time for providing possible solutions to issues encountered in execution time, as a part of the survivability feature of the systems final goals

    Self-managed Workflows for Cyber-physical Systems

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    Workflows are a well-established concept for describing business logics and processes in web-based applications and enterprise application integration scenarios on an abstract implementation-agnostic level. Applying Business Process Management (BPM) technologies to increase autonomy and automate sequences of activities in Cyber-physical Systems (CPS) promises various advantages including a higher flexibility and simplified programming, a more efficient resource usage, and an easier integration and orchestration of CPS devices. However, traditional BPM notations and engines have not been designed to be used in the context of CPS, which raises new research questions occurring with the close coupling of the virtual and physical worlds. Among these challenges are the interaction with complex compounds of heterogeneous sensors, actuators, things and humans; the detection and handling of errors in the physical world; and the synchronization of the cyber-physical process execution models. Novel factors related to the interaction with the physical world including real world obstacles, inconsistencies and inaccuracies may jeopardize the successful execution of workflows in CPS and may lead to unanticipated situations. This thesis investigates properties and requirements of CPS relevant for the introduction of BPM technologies into cyber-physical domains. We discuss existing BPM systems and related work regarding the integration of sensors and actuators into workflows, the development of a Workflow Management System (WfMS) for CPS, and the synchronization of the virtual and physical process execution as part of self-* capabilities for WfMSes. Based on the identified research gap, we present concepts and prototypes regarding the development of a CPS WFMS w.r.t. all phases of the BPM lifecycle. First, we introduce a CPS workflow notation that supports the modelling of the interaction of complex sensors, actuators, humans, dynamic services and WfMSes on the business process level. In addition, the effects of the workflow execution can be specified in the form of goals defining success and error criteria for the execution of individual process steps. Along with that, we introduce the notion of Cyber-physical Consistency. Following, we present a system architecture for a corresponding WfMS (PROtEUS) to execute the modelled processes-also in distributed execution settings and with a focus on interactive process management. Subsequently, the integration of a cyber-physical feedback loop to increase resilience of the process execution at runtime is discussed. Within this MAPE-K loop, sensor and context data are related to the effects of the process execution, deviations from expected behaviour are detected, and compensations are planned and executed. The execution of this feedback loop can be scaled depending on the required level of precision and consistency. Our implementation of the MAPE-K loop proves to be a general framework for adding self-* capabilities to WfMSes. The evaluation of our concepts within a smart home case study shows expected behaviour, reasonable execution times, reduced error rates and high coverage of the identified requirements, which makes our CPS~WfMS a suitable system for introducing workflows on top of systems, devices, things and applications of CPS.:1. Introduction 15 1.1. Motivation 15 1.2. Research Issues 17 1.3. Scope & Contributions 19 1.4. Structure of the Thesis 20 2. Workflows and Cyber-physical Systems 21 2.1. Introduction 21 2.2. Two Motivating Examples 21 2.3. Business Process Management and Workflow Technologies 23 2.4. Cyber-physical Systems 31 2.5. Workflows in CPS 38 2.6. Requirements 42 3. Related Work 45 3.1. Introduction 45 3.2. Existing BPM Systems in Industry and Academia 45 3.3. Modelling of CPS Workflows 49 3.4. CPS Workflow Systems 53 3.5. Cyber-physical Synchronization 58 3.6. Self-* for BPM Systems 63 3.7. Retrofitting Frameworks for WfMSes 69 3.8. Conclusion & Deficits 71 4. Modelling of Cyber-physical Workflows with Consistency Style Sheets 75 4.1. Introduction 75 4.2. Workflow Metamodel 76 4.3. Knowledge Base 87 4.4. Dynamic Services 92 4.5. CPS-related Workflow Effects 94 4.6. Cyber-physical Consistency 100 4.7. Consistency Style Sheets 105 4.8. Tools for Modelling of CPS Workflows 106 4.9. Compatibility with Existing Business Process Notations 111 5. Architecture of a WfMS for Distributed CPS Workflows 115 5.1. Introduction 115 5.2. PROtEUS Process Execution System 116 5.3. Internet of Things Middleware 124 5.4. Dynamic Service Selection via Semantic Access Layer 125 5.5. Process Distribution 126 5.6. Ubiquitous Human Interaction 130 5.7. Towards a CPS WfMS Reference Architecture for Other Domains 137 6. Scalable Execution of Self-managed CPS Workflows 141 6.1. Introduction 141 6.2. MAPE-K Control Loops for Autonomous Workflows 141 6.3. Feedback Loop for Cyber-physical Consistency 148 6.4. Feedback Loop for Distributed Workflows 152 6.5. Consistency Levels, Scalability and Scalable Consistency 157 6.6. Self-managed Workflows 158 6.7. Adaptations and Meta-adaptations 159 6.8. Multiple Feedback Loops and Process Instances 160 6.9. Transactions and ACID for CPS Workflows 161 6.10. Runtime View on Cyber-physical Synchronization for Workflows 162 6.11. Applicability of Workflow Feedback Loops to other CPS Domains 164 6.12. A Retrofitting Framework for Self-managed CPS WfMSes 165 7. Evaluation 171 7.1. Introduction 171 7.2. Hardware and Software 171 7.3. PROtEUS Base System 174 7.4. PROtEUS with Feedback Service 182 7.5. Feedback Service with Legacy WfMSes 213 7.6. Qualitative Discussion of Requirements and Additional CPS Aspects 217 7.7. Comparison with Related Work 232 7.8. Conclusion 234 8. Summary and Future Work 237 8.1. Summary and Conclusion 237 8.2. Advances of this Thesis 240 8.3. Contributions to the Research Area 242 8.4. Relevance 243 8.5. Open Questions 245 8.6. Future Work 247 Bibliography 249 Acronyms 277 List of Figures 281 List of Tables 285 List of Listings 287 Appendices 28

    Sustainability in software engineering: a systematic literature review

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    Background: Supporting sustainability in software engineering is becoming an active area of research. We want to contribute the first Systematic Literature Review(SLR) in this field to aid researchers who are motivated to contribute to that topic by providing a body of knowledge as starting point, because we know from own experience, this search can be tedious and time consuming. Aim: We aim to provide an overview of different aspects of sustainability in software engineering research with regard to research activity, investigated topics, identified limitations, proposed approaches, used methods, available studies, and considered domains. Method: The applied method is a SLR in five reliable and commonly-used databases according to the (quasi-standard) protocol by Kitchenham et al. [1]. We assessed the 100 first results of each database ordered by relevance with respect to the search query. Results: Of 500 classified publications, we regard 96 as relevant for our research questions. We sketch a taxonomy of their topics and domains, and provide lists of used methods and proposed approaches. Most of the excluded publications were ruled out because of an unfitting usage of terms within the search query. Conclusions: Currently, there is little research coverage on the different aspects of sustainability in software engineering while other disciplines are already more active. Future work includes extending the study by reviewing a higher number of publications, including dedicated journal and workshop searches, and snowballing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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