87 research outputs found

    How Many Muscles? Optimal Muscles Set Search for Optimizing Myocontrol Performance

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    In myo-control, for computational and setup constraints, the measurement of a high number of muscles is not always possible: the choice of the muscle set to use in a myo-control strategy depends on the desired application scope and a search for a reduced muscle set, tailored to the application, has never been performed. The identification of such set would involve finding the minimum set of muscles whose difference in terms of intention detection performance is not statistically significant when compared to the original set. Also, given the intrinsic sensitivity of muscle synergies to variations of EMG signals matrix, the reduced set should not alter synergies that come from the initial input, since they provide physiological information on motor coordination. The advantages of such reduced set, in a rehabilitation context, would be the reduction of the inputs processing time, the reduction of the setup bulk and a higher sensitivity to synergy changes after training, which can eventually lead to modifications of the ongoing therapy. In this work, the existence of a minimum muscle set, called optimal set, for an upper-limb myoelectric application, that preserves performance of motor activity prediction and the physiological meaning of synergies, has been investigated. Analyzing isometric contractions during planar reaching tasks, two types of optimal muscle sets were examined: a subject-specific one and a global one. The former relies on the subject-specific movement strategy, the latter is composed by the most recurrent muscles among subjects specific optimal sets and shared by all the subjects. Results confirmed that the muscle set can be reduced to achieve comparable hand force estimation performances. Moreover, two types of muscle synergies namely “Pose-Shared” (extracted from a single multi-arm-poses dataset) and “Pose-Related” (clustering pose-specific synergies), extracted from the global optimal muscle set, have shown a significant similarity with full-set related ones meaning a high consistency of the motor primitives. Pearson correlation coefficients assessed the similarity of each synergy. The discovering of dominant muscles by means of the optimization of both muscle set size and force estimation error may reveal a clue on the link between synergistic patterns and the force task

    Synergy-Based Human Grasp Representations and Semi-Autonomous Control of Prosthetic Hands

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    Das sichere und stabile Greifen mit humanoiden Roboterhänden stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Dissertation befasst sich daher mit der Ableitung von Greifstrategien für Roboterhände aus der Beobachtung menschlichen Greifens. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Betrachtung des gesamten Greifvorgangs. Dieser umfasst zum einen die Hand- und Fingertrajektorien während des Greifprozesses und zum anderen die Kontaktpunkte sowie den Kraftverlauf zwischen Hand und Objekt vom ersten Kontakt bis zum statisch stabilen Griff. Es werden nichtlineare posturale Synergien und Kraftsynergien menschlicher Griffe vorgestellt, die die Generierung menschenähnlicher Griffposen und Griffkräfte erlauben. Weiterhin werden Synergieprimitive als adaptierbare Repräsentation menschlicher Greifbewegungen entwickelt. Die beschriebenen, vom Menschen gelernten Greifstrategien werden für die Steuerung robotischer Prothesenhände angewendet. Im Rahmen einer semi-autonomen Steuerung werden menschenähnliche Greifbewegungen situationsgerecht vorgeschlagen und vom Nutzenden der Prothese überwacht

    Deep Learning for Processing Electromyographic Signals: a Taxonomy-based Survey

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    Deep Learning (DL) has been recently employed to build smart systems that perform incredibly well in a wide range of tasks, such as image recognition, machine translation, and self-driving cars. In several fields the considerable improvement in the computing hardware and the increasing need for big data analytics has boosted DL work. In recent years physiological signal processing has strongly benefited from deep learning. In general, there is an exponential increase in the number of studies concerning the processing of electromyographic (EMG) signals using DL methods. This phenomenon is mostly explained by the current limitation of myoelectric controlled prostheses as well as the recent release of large EMG recording datasets, e.g. Ninapro. Such a growing trend has inspired us to seek and review recent papers focusing on processing EMG signals using DL methods. Referring to the Scopus database, a systematic literature search of papers published between January 2014 and March 2019 was carried out, and sixty-five papers were chosen for review after a full text analysis. The bibliometric research revealed that the reviewed papers can be grouped in four main categories according to the final application of the EMG signal analysis: Hand Gesture Classification, Speech and Emotion Classification, Sleep Stage Classification and Other Applications. The review process also confirmed the increasing trend in terms of published papers, the number of papers published in 2018 is indeed four times the amount of papers published the year before. As expected, most of the analyzed papers (≈60 %) concern the identification of hand gestures, thus supporting our hypothesis. Finally, it is worth reporting that the convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most used topology among the several involved DL architectures, in fact, the sixty percent approximately of the reviewed articles consider a CNN

    Deep Learning Meets Hyperspectral Image Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Review

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    Modern hyperspectral imaging systems produce huge datasets potentially conveying a great abundance of information; such a resource, however, poses many challenges in the analysis and interpretation of these data. Deep learning approaches certainly offer a great variety of opportunities for solving classical imaging tasks and also for approaching new stimulating problems in the spatial–spectral domain. This is fundamental in the driving sector of Remote Sensing where hyperspectral technology was born and has mostly developed, but it is perhaps even more true in the multitude of current and evolving application sectors that involve these imaging technologies. The present review develops on two fronts: on the one hand, it is aimed at domain professionals who want to have an updated overview on how hyperspectral acquisition techniques can combine with deep learning architectures to solve specific tasks in different application fields. On the other hand, we want to target the machine learning and computer vision experts by giving them a picture of how deep learning technologies are applied to hyperspectral data from a multidisciplinary perspective. The presence of these two viewpoints and the inclusion of application fields other than Remote Sensing are the original contributions of this review, which also highlights some potentialities and critical issues related to the observed development trends

    On the use of context information for an improved application of data-based algorithms in condition monitoring

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    xi, 124 p.En el campo de la monitorización de la condición, los algoritmos basados en datos cuentan con un amplio recorrido. Desde el uso de los gráficos de control de calidad que se llevan empleando durante casi un siglo a técnicas de mayor complejidad como las redes neuronales o máquinas de soporte vectorial que se emplean para detección, diagnóstico y estimación de vida remanente de los equipos. Sin embargo, la puesta en producción de los algoritmos de monitorización requiere de un estudio exhaustivo de un factor que es a menudo obviado por otros trabajos de la literatura: el contexto. El contexto, que en este trabajo es considerado como el conjunto de factores que influencian la monitorización de un bien, tiene un gran impacto en la algoritmia de monitorización y su aplicación final. Por este motivo, es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis en la que se han analizado tres casos de uso. Se ha profundizado en sus respectivos contextos, tratando de generalizar a la problemática habitual en la monitorización de maquinaria industrial, y se ha abordado dicha problemática de monitorización de forma que solucionen el contexto en lugar de cada caso de uso. Así, el conocimiento adquirido durante el desarrollo de las soluciones puede ser transferido a otros casos de uso que cuenten con contextos similares

    Dissecting muscle synergies in the task space

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    The research presented here concerns the notion of modularity and its role in the functional organisation of the human motor system. In Chapter 1, I introduce the concept of modularity and a popular computational approach to its investigation in the motor neurosciences known as muscle synergy analysis. I highlight open problems in this field, in particular the lack of a direct mapping of muscle synergies to task performance, and present the ways in which i will address these open problems both conceptually and analytically. In Chapter 2, I address current analytical limitations in the field by leveraging information- and network-theoretic tools to present a novel, generalisable approach to muscle synergy extraction under relaxed model assumptions. This approach builds on top of traditional methods and is referred to as the Network-Information Framework (NIF). In Chapter 3, I then employ the NIF to provide a new perspective on muscle synergies that is made implicit in this novel computational approach. This novel perspective integrates important findings from recent influential works showing how muscles not only ’work together’ towards common task-goals as previously conceived, but also complementary and task-irrelevant objectives concomitantly. By directly including task parameters into muscle synergy extraction, i effectively dissect the task-relevant information dynamics underlying coordinated movement, thus providing a principled way to access this complex functional architecture. In Chapter 4, I further develop the NIF to simultaneously quantify diverse types of muscle interactions across inter- and intra-muscular scales, including functionally similar (i.e. redundant), -complementary (i.e. synergistic) and -independent (i.e. unique) interactions. In doing so, I reveal novel insights into movement control in health and with pathology. I also align current muscle synergy analysis with the forefront in theoretical understanding on human movement modularity. To conclude this work, in Chapter 5 I summarise these contributions, their implications for neurobiological mechanisms, and the novel research opportunities they present for the motor control field

    Behavior-specific proprioception models for robotic force estimation: a machine learning approach

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    Robots that support humans in physically demanding tasks require accurate force sensing capabilities. A common way to achieve this is by monitoring the interaction with the environment directly with dedicated force sensors. Major drawbacks of such special purpose sensors are the increased costs and the reduced payload of the robot platform. Instead, this thesis investigates how the functionality of such sensors can be approximated by utilizing force estimation approaches. Most of today’s robots are equipped with rich proprioceptive sensing capabilities where even a robotic arm, e.g., the UR5, provides access to more than hundred sensor readings. Following this trend, it is getting feasible to utilize a wide variety of sensors for force estimation purposes. Human proprioception allows estimating forces such as the weight of an object by prior experience about sensory-motor patterns. Applying a similar approach to robots enables them to learn from previous demonstrations without the need of dedicated force sensors. This thesis introduces Behavior-Specific Proprioception Models (BSPMs), a novel concept for enhancing robotic behavior with estimates of the expected proprioceptive feedback. A main methodological contribution is the operationalization of the BSPM approach using data-driven machine learning techniques. During a training phase, the behavior is continuously executed while recording proprioceptive sensor readings. The training data acquired from these demonstrations represents ground truth about behavior-specific sensory-motor experiences, i.e., the influence of performed actions and environmental conditions on the proprioceptive feedback. This data acquisition procedure does not require expert knowledge about the particular robot platform, e.g., kinematic chains or mass distribution, which is a major advantage over analytical approaches. The training data is then used to learn BSPMs, e.g. using lazy learning techniques or artificial neural networks. At runtime, the BSPMs provide estimates of the proprioceptive feedback that can be compared to actual sensations. The BSPM approach thus extends classical programming by demonstrations methods where only movement data is learned and enables robots to accurately estimate forces during behavior execution

    New Research in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    This book collects recent research in the field of care for neurodevelopmental disorders, emphasizing transdisciplinary work in clinical, educational and family contexts. It presents an opportunity to learn about the impact of participation on children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. Mainly, new therapeutic approaches are presented in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or motor coordination disorders

    On the use of context information for an improved application of data-based algorithms in condition monitoring

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    xi, 124 p.En el campo de la monitorización de la condición, los algoritmos basados en datos cuentan con un amplio recorrido. Desde el uso de los gráficos de control de calidad que se llevan empleando durante casi un siglo a técnicas de mayor complejidad como las redes neuronales o máquinas de soporte vectorial que se emplean para detección, diagnóstico y estimación de vida remanente de los equipos. Sin embargo, la puesta en producción de los algoritmos de monitorización requiere de un estudio exhaustivo de un factor que es a menudo obviado por otros trabajos de la literatura: el contexto. El contexto, que en este trabajo es considerado como el conjunto de factores que influencian la monitorización de un bien, tiene un gran impacto en la algoritmia de monitorización y su aplicación final. Por este motivo, es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis en la que se han analizado tres casos de uso. Se ha profundizado en sus respectivos contextos, tratando de generalizar a la problemática habitual en la monitorización de maquinaria industrial, y se ha abordado dicha problemática de monitorización de forma que solucionen el contexto en lugar de cada caso de uso. Así, el conocimiento adquirido durante el desarrollo de las soluciones puede ser transferido a otros casos de uso que cuenten con contextos similares

    Recent Developments in Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization

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    This book contains chapters that describe advanced atomic force microscopy (AFM) modes and Raman spectroscopy. It also provides an in-depth understanding of advanced AFM modes and Raman spectroscopy for characterizing various materials. This volume is a useful resource for a wide range of readers, including scientists, engineers, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and scientific professionals working in specialized fields such as AFM, photovoltaics, 2D materials, carbon nanotubes, nanomaterials, and Raman spectroscopy