10 research outputs found

    Region of interest-based tamper detection and lossless recovery watermarking scheme on MRI and X-ray medical images

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    The advancement of the technology has introduced many applications that will ease human daily process and improve the way people connect to each other. One of the applications that has been introduced to the user and vastly improve our life is the healthcare system. Health care system allows the medical practitioner to aware of the patient's previous health condition and documents their current. It also allows the medical practitioner to communicate with each other or get some advice from their peers and colleague even if they are far from each other physically. To ensure the authenticity of an image when it is transfer through the health care system, watermarking has been implemented. Through the process of watermarking the images, the authenticity of the images can be ensured. In this study, a ROI-based tamper detection and recovery watermarking scheme has been introduced. The proposed scheme has been tested out on the MRI and XA images. The PSNR value for MRI is 49.09 for the sequential mode and 49.07 in parallel mode. On the other hand, PSNR for XA images is 52.68 in the sequential mode and 52.68 in the parallel mode

    Fragile watermarking scheme based on SHA-256 hash function and mersenne twister for medical image authentication

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    Medical images can be easily manipulated by irresponsible persons and the altered medical image can be hard to identify. Fragile watermarking scheme is an alternative solution to authenticate and protect the medical images. Fragile watermarking scheme becomes vulnerable against modification by attackers. This research proposed a fragile watermarking scheme for medical images based onSHA-256 and Mersenne twister. A medical image was split into a region of interest (ROI) and region of non-interest (RONI). The ROI as watermarked image is encrypted by SHA-256 and the result is scrambled by Arnold transform with a secret key before embedding the watermark. The scrambled hash values are randomly embedded into RONI by using Mersenne Twister with a secret key. The experimental results showed that our scheme produces high imperceptibility with PSNR value of about 83 dB. The proposed scheme was able to detect tampers accurately on the medical images. The proposed scheme improved the invisibility of the watermarked image and it provided additional security. The proposed scheme authenticated and validated the originality of the medical images

    Digital Image Recovery Based on Lifting Wavelet Transform

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    Recently, with the wide distribution of digital media, the need for authenticating digital images was increased. Therefore, many image tamper detection and recovery algorithms were introduced in literature to detect malicious modifications and retrieve the original images. The process of detection and recovery, however, used to have complex operation which requires long processing time. In this paper, a simplified image recovery algorithm is presented by using lifting wavelet transform. In the proposed method, the approximation band is hidden inside the bits of the original image and to be retrieved without relying on source image. For images with hidden data, the average PSNR and SSIM values were 31.22 and 0.977 respectively, and images were successfully retrieved after block attack

    ROI-based reversible watermarking scheme for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of DICOM MR images

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    Reversible and imperceptible watermarking is recognized as a robust approach to confirm the integrity and authenticity of medical images and to verify that alterations can be detected and tracked back. In this paper, a novel blind reversible watermarking approach is presented to detect intentional and unintentional changes within brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. The scheme segments images into two parts; the Region of Interest (ROI) and the Region of Non Interest (RONI). Watermark data is encoded into the ROI using reversible watermarking based on the Difference Expansion (DE) technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method, whilst fully reversible, can also realize a watermarked image with low degradation for reasonable and controllable embedding capacity. This is fulfilled by concealing the data into ‘smooth’ regions inside the ROI and through the elimination of the large location map required for extracting the watermark and retrieving the original image. Our scheme delivers highly imperceptible watermarked images, at 92.18-99.94dB Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) evaluated through implementing a clinical trial based on relative Visual Grading Analysis (relative VGA). This trial defines the level of modification that can be applied to medical images without perceptual distortion. This compares favorably to outcomes reported under current state-of-art techniques. Integrity and authenticity of medical images are also ensured through detecting subsequent changes enacted on the watermarked images. This enhanced security measure, therefore, enables the detection of image manipulations, by an imperceptible approach, that may establish increased trust in the digital medical workflow

    A novel robust reversible watermarking scheme for protecting authenticity and integrity of medical images

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    It is of great importance in telemedicine to protect authenticity and integrity of medical images. They are mainly addressed by two technologies, which are region of interest (ROI) lossless watermarking and reversible watermarking. However, the former causes biases on diagnosis by distorting region of none interest (RONI) and introduces security risks by segmenting image spatially for watermark embedding. The latter fails to provide reliable recovery function for the tampered areas when protecting image integrity. To address these issues, a novel robust reversible watermarking scheme is proposed in this paper. In our scheme, a reversible watermarking method is designed based on recursive dither modulation (RDM) to avoid biases on diagnosis. In addition, RDM is combined with Slantlet transform and singular value decomposition to provide a reliable solution for protecting image authenticity. Moreover, ROI and RONI are divided for watermark generation to design an effective recovery function under limited embedding capacity. Finally, watermarks are embedded into whole medical images to avoid the risks caused by segmenting image spatially. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed lossless scheme not only has remarkable imperceptibility and sufficient robustness, but also provides reliable authentication, tamper detection, localization and recovery functions, which outperforms existing schemes for protecting medical image

    Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review

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    Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which are intended to facilitate data security. However, it is common for images, and records, to be extracted from these for a wide range of accepted practices, such as external second opinion, transmission to another care provider, patient data request, etc. Therefore, confirming trust within medical imaging workflows has become essential. Digital watermarking has been recognised as a promising approach for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medical images. Authenticity refers to the ability to identify the information origin and prove that the data relates to the right patient. Integrity means the capacity to ensure that the information has not been altered without authorisation. This paper presents a survey of medical images watermarking and offers an evident scene for concerned researchers by analysing the robustness and limitations of various existing approaches. This includes studying the security levels of medical images within PACS system, clarifying the requirements of medical images watermarking and defining the purposes of watermarking approaches when applied to medical images

    Reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of brain MR images

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    The digital medical workflow has many circumstances in which the image data can be manipulated both within the secured Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and exchanged. This potentially grows ethical and legal concerns regarding modifying images details that are crucial in medical examinations. Digital watermarking is recognised as a robust technique for enhancing trust within medical imaging by detecting alterations applied to medical images. Despite its efficiency, digital watermarking has not been widely used in medical imaging. Existing watermarking approaches often suffer from validation of their appropriateness to medical domains. Particularly, several research gaps have been identified: (i) essential requirements for the watermarking of medical images are not well defined; (ii) no standard approach can be found in the literature to evaluate the imperceptibility of watermarked images; and (iii) no study has been conducted before to test digital watermarking in a medical imaging workflow. This research aims to investigate digital watermarking to designing, analysing and applying it to medical images to confirm manipulations can be detected and tracked. In addressing these gaps, a number of original contributions have been presented. A new reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach is presented to detect manipulations of brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images based on Difference Expansion (DE) technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method, whilst fully reversible, can also realise a watermarked image with low degradation for reasonable and controllable embedding capacity. This is fulfilled by encoding the data into smooth regions (blocks that have least differences between their pixels values) inside the Region of Interest (ROI) part of medical images and also through the elimination of the large location map (location of pixels used for encoding the data) required at extraction to retrieve the encoded data. This compares favourably to outcomes reported under current state-of-art techniques in terms of visual image quality of watermarked images. This was also evaluated through conducting a novel visual assessment based on relative Visual Grading Analysis (relative VGA) to define a perceptual threshold in which modifications become noticeable to radiographers. The proposed approach is then integrated into medical systems to verify its validity and applicability in a real application scenario of medical imaging where medical images are generated, exchanged and archived. This enhanced security measure, therefore, enables the detection of image manipulations, by an imperceptible and reversible watermarking approach, that may establish increased trust in the digital medical imaging workflow

    Tamper Localization and Lossless Recovery Watermarking Scheme with ROI Segmentation and Multilevel Authentication

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    Tamper localization and recovery watermarking scheme can be used to detect manipulation and recover tampered images. In this paper, a tamper localization and lossless recovery scheme that used region of interest (ROI) segmentation and multilevel authentication was proposed. The watermarked images had a high average peak signal-to-noise ratio of 48.7 dB and the results showed that tampering was successfully localized and tampered area was exactly recovered. The usage of ROI segmentation and multilevel authentication had significantly reduced the time taken by approximately 50 % for the tamper localization and recovery processing