529 research outputs found

    Born Digital / Grown Digital: Assessing the Future Competitiveness of the EU Video Games Software Industry

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    This report reflects the findings of the JRC-IPTS study on the Video games Industry, with a focus on two specific activities: online and mobile video games. The report starts by introducing the technologies, their characteristics, market diffusion and barriers to take up, and their potential economic impact, before moving to an analysis of their contribution to the competitiveness of the European ICT industry. The research is based on internal and external expertise, literature reviews and desk research, several workshops and syntheses of the current state of the knowledge. The results were reviewed by experts and in dedicated workshops. The report concludes that the general expectations for the next years foresee a speeded up migration of contents and services to digital, in a scenario of rapidly increasing convergence of digital technologies and integration of media services taking advantage of improved and permanent network connections. The role of the so-called creative content industry is expected to increase accordingly. Communication services and media industry will co-evolve on the playground of the Internet of services, along with a product to service transformation of the software market in general. In this general context the Video games Software industry plays and is expected to play a major role. The games industry may become a major driver of the development of networks as it has been in the past for the development of computer hardware.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Optimized resource distribution for interactive TV applications

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    This paper proposes a novel resource optimization scheme for cloud-based interactive television applications that are increasingly believed to be the future of television broadcasting and media consumption, in general. The varying distribution of groups of users and the need for on-the-fly media processing inherent to this type of application necessitates a mechanism to efficiently allocate the resources at both a content and network level. A heuristic solution is proposed in order to (a) generate end-to-end delay bound multicast trees for individual groups of users and (b) co-locate multiple multicast trees, such that a minimum group quality metric can be satisfied. The performance of the proposed heuristic solution is evaluated in terms of the serving probability (i.e., the resource utilization efficiency) and execution time of the resource allocation decision making process. It is shown that improvements in the serving probability of up to 50%, in comparison with existing resource allocation schemes, and several orders of magnitude reduction of the execution time, in comparison to the linear programming approach to solving the optimization problem, can be achieved

    An Appetite for the Tasteless: An Evaluation of Off-Color Humor in Adult Animations and Video Games, Presented Through a Proposed Interactive Narrative via a Procedurally Generated Material Library

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    Off-color humor has propelled adult animation into its Golden Age. The success of this genre has prompted media studios to begin developing original series for subscription video-on-demand services. The technology used for these over the top (OTT) streaming services have improved to the point that providers have begun developing cloud-based gaming. These improvements, along with developments in rendering systems, have made it possible to create interactive media across both video and gaming platforms using similar assets. This document will detail the successes of adult animation and the proposal for more interactive narrative media within this category. Accompanying the text will be a procedural material library fitting within the theme and style of adult animation. In recent years media studios have been adapting to tools for a fully procedural texture creation workflow. The focus will be on the creation and implementation of a base material library, as well as examine the benefits and capabilities of said materials across multiple entertainment industries

    Strategic business models of platform providers in the video gaming industry - cloud gaming customer segmentation analysis

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    This work project examines the evolution and variation of business models within the online video gaming platform industry. In the present paper, an in-depth analysis of the recent business model of cloud gaming is provided. With large gaming audiences that differ in needs and preferences, segmentation should occur based on gamer type. The analysis reveals a large potential, especially within the non-gamer and casual gamer segments. Further, advantages and weaknesses of the business model are outlined, and overriding recommendations are presented to strategically optimize it. To conclude, key insights and limitations as well as future research are discussed

    Strategic business models of platform providers in the video gaming industry - cloud gaming value proposition analysis

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    This Work Project examines the evolution and variation of business models within the Online Video Gaming Platform Industry. In the present paper, an in-depth analysis of the cloud gaming value proposition is provided. Accessibility, affordability, and simplicity are the strongest components of the cloud gaming value proposition and differ significantly from the value proposition of other business models within the industry. Further, specific advantages and weaknesses of the business model are outlined, and overriding recommendations are presented to strategically optimize this business model. To conclude, key insights and limitations as well as future research are discussed

    Development of an industrial marketing framework for SME’s: a game industry case study

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    This study provides a complete coverage of the current status of the video game business and digital distribution through explanation of business models, and a focus on Finnish market with one case example. Literature review was done completely to provide a foundation for the reader to understand the business environment of Finland and how different parts of the value chain function. In addition to that, a case study was completed through an interview with a SME to present a practical example of the firm’s approach in marketing their product. To initiate this study, video game business in today’s world was analyzed followed by market and industry trends globally. Value chain in different aspects of the industry were discussed with factors and influential elements. Small and medium sized businesses were discussed along with their characteristics, after that different business models for video games were elaborated. In the final chapter, Finnish game market was through analyzed and the roles of different players and stakeholders were described. Video game business has evolved drastically in all aspect from technical aspects to business aspects. Finland has a very special place in this multibillion business, introducing many titles which are household names right now. This has created the desire for many new comers to enter the market, their success in the market depends on the quality of their product as well as a fitting business model

    Development of an industrial marketing framework for SME’s: a game industry case study

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    This study provides a complete coverage of the current status of the video game business and digital distribution through explanation of business models, and a focus on Finnish market with one case example. Literature review was done completely to provide a foundation for the reader to understand the business environment of Finland and how different parts of the value chain function. In addition to that, a case study was completed through an interview with a SME to present a practical example of the firm’s approach in marketing their product. To initiate this study, video game business in today’s world was analyzed followed by market and industry trends globally. Value chain in different aspects of the industry were discussed with factors and influential elements. Small and medium sized businesses were discussed along with their characteristics, after that different business models for video games were elaborated. In the final chapter, Finnish game market was through analyzed and the roles of different players and stakeholders were described. Video game business has evolved drastically in all aspect from technical aspects to business aspects. Finland has a very special place in this multibillion business, introducing many titles which are household names right now. This has created the desire for many new comers to enter the market, their success in the market depends on the quality of their product as well as a fitting business model
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