153 research outputs found

    Implementasi Peran E-government Dalam Mendukung Keterbukaan Informasi Pengelolaan Anggaran Daerah Pada Website Resmi Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai

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    Penelitian ini meninjau bagaimana implementasi peran e-government dalam mendukung keterbukaan infromasi pengelolaan anggaran daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai berdasarkan amanat Instruksi Mentri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Nomor 188.52/1797/SC/2012 tentang Transparansi Pengelolaan Anggaran Daerah (TPAD) juncto Instruksi Presiden Nomor 7 Tahun 2015. Tahun anggaran yang menjadi objek penelitian ini yaitu tahun 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan dokumentasi pada website resmi Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai yang dapat akes di laman www.banggaikab.go.id serta telaah pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian yang wajib dipublikasikan pada website resmi pemerintah, tidak satu pun yang tersedia dan dapat diakses oleh publik khususnya masyarakat Kabupaten Banggai. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai belum melaksanakan tuntutan Instruksi Mentri Dalam Negeri Nomor 188.52/1797/SC/2012 tentang Transparansi Pengelolaan Anggaran Daerah (TPAD) dan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 7 Tahun 2015 yang merupakan pengejawantahan dari Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi PublikKata Kunci: E-government; Keterbukaan Anggaran; Kabupaten Bangga

    Integracija izbjeglica : diplomski rad

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    S obzirom na aktualnu izbjegličku krizu, javlja se pitanje smještaja i integracije izbjeglica u društveni život zajednice. Ideja je kroz arhitektonski proces stvoriti novu tipologiju izbjegličkog stanovanja, koja će im pružiti normalan život te integraciju. Uzimajući u obzir da je arhitektura proces prije nego forma, upravo je ono što čini razliku između logora i urbane forme - naselja. Polazište je smještajni klaster s unutrašnjim dvorištem, čime je omogućena socijalizacija. Kroz analiziranje različitih modela, zatvoreni tip naselja je odbačen kao nedovoljno humana struktura te iz njega proizlazi novi tip otvorenog naselja koji nudi interaktivne sadržaje dostupne izbjeglicama i lokalnom stanovništvu. Na taj način se briše granica i stvara se socijalna kohezija novog i postojećeg. Model je isproban na dvije različite lokacije - Dugopolje i Sinj

    Integracija izbjeglica : diplomski rad

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    S obzirom na aktualnu izbjegličku krizu, javlja se pitanje smještaja i integracije izbjeglica u društveni život zajednice. Ideja je kroz arhitektonski proces stvoriti novu tipologiju izbjegličkog stanovanja, koja će im pružiti normalan život te integraciju. Uzimajući u obzir da je arhitektura proces prije nego forma, upravo je ono što čini razliku između logora i urbane forme - naselja. Polazište je smještajni klaster s unutrašnjim dvorištem, čime je omogućena socijalizacija. Kroz analiziranje različitih modela, zatvoreni tip naselja je odbačen kao nedovoljno humana struktura te iz njega proizlazi novi tip otvorenog naselja koji nudi interaktivne sadržaje dostupne izbjeglicama i lokalnom stanovništvu. Na taj način se briše granica i stvara se socijalna kohezija novog i postojećeg. Model je isproban na dvije različite lokacije - Dugopolje i Sinj

    Optical system for measuring position of metallic colored pellets on a platform.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2016.This thesis is the result of an investigation research on alternatives to develop a computerized vision system to measure the position of colored pellets on a planar noncontact magnetic manipulation platform (MagMan). This has been achieved before using MATLAB & Simulink environment, however, this thesis explores different options in order to improve the processing performance. First, the problem is going to be defined to set goals and objectives. Second, the research work is going to be discussed with the purpose of selecting and then describing the most adequate environment of the new computer vision system. The image processing methods considered for implementation are explained in the main body of the work, covering mainly color-detection techniques and object position measuring algorithms; which derived two productions: in Verilog Hardware Description Language and C code; both implemented on a Terasic tPad. The design processes in which the vision systems were implemented is included, both deviations are characterized in detail and then tested and compared against each other to finally conclude which is more effective to solve the given problem

    Definition, design and start-up of an innovative wastewater treatment pilot plant for nutrients and energy recovery

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    The present work is based on a real project developed by Cetaqua in collaboration with Avecom, a company devoted to steering and optimizing microbial processes. This work aims to study the feasibility of an innovative layout for a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). This new point of view pretends to enable the plant to be self-sustainable, by increasing the sludge produced in a Pre-concentration step at the inlet of the WWTP, and therefore increasing the biogas produced in the anaerobic digester. In order to reach this goal, a revision of the state of art is carried out; furthermore there is a detailed description of methodology, which comprehends the definition, design and start-up of the pilot plant; the new WWTP is under demonstration due to the pilots already are in start-up phase. Economic feasibility is evaluated taking as a starting point the expected results of the project. Finally the most significant conclusions and lessons learned are summarized


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    This study aimed to describe the transparency level of regional financial management (TPKD) in Indonesia, as in the Presidential Instruction (Inpres RI) No. 7 of 2015 on Actions to Prevent and Eradicate Corruption. This research was conducted in 138 local governments (Pemda), and the data was the regional financial management for 2019 fiscal year. The results showed the average TPKD index is 24.36 percent which was achieved by the Provincial Government, while the average index for the City and Regency Government is not very different. Meanwhile, Java regional governments received higher average scores than other regions, but no significant differences. Therefore, these findings showed the TPKD level of Local Governments  is very low and can be said to be non-transparent


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    This research aims to analyze the relationship between the fiscal capacity of district and city governments in East Java Province with uploading on the website. This research is important to find out the extent to which the Government needs to provide public information that can be accessed by the public and stakeholders, and the existence of transparency that provides a positive image for the government. This type of research is associative research. The population in this study were all-district / city local governments in East Java with a focus on 2017. Based on the criteria determined in the sample selection using purposive sampling techniques, there were 36 local governments used in the study. Research results show that the amount of wealth owned by local governments does not encourage local governments to disclose financial statements on local government websites. While local governments with high levels of leverage tend to cover their financial statements. This can be due to the higher leverage, the lower the funding obtained from creditors. The high level of leverage that is owned by local governments makes creditors will rethink in lending funds because it takes into account the ability to pay long-term obligations. In addition, the use of high debt as a source of regional financing can signal a negative performance of local governments


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    This study developed a research Beekes and Brown (2006) who found that corporate governance makes companies more informative (more transparent). This study aims to prove whether the same results were also found in environmental governance in Indonesia. The theory is used to achieve the goal of this research is the theory of agency. This research was conducted in 32 local governments in Indonesia. Based on a simple regression model, this study shows that local governance affects positively the transparency of local financial management. Such findings reinforce previous research. The findings of this study provide a useful contribution to government officials (executive and legislative), in demonstrating the important role of local governance in encouraging the transparency of local financial management. In addition, the findings of this study can be used as the basis for further research related to the topic of local governance and transparency of local financial management