14 research outputs found

    Ultra-wide bandwidth backscatter modulation: processing schemes and performance

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    Future advanced radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems are expected to provide both identification and high-definition localization of objects with improved reliability and security while maintaining low power consumption and cost. Ultrawide bandwidth (UWB) technology is a promising solution for next generation RFID systems to overcome most of the limitations of current narrow bandwidth RFID technology, such as reduced area coverage, insufficient ranging resolution for accurate localization, sensitivity to interference, and scarce multiple access capability. In this article, the UWB technology is applied to passive RFID relying on backscatter modulation. A signaling structure with clutter and interference suppression capability is proposed and analyzed. The potential performance is investigated in terms of range/data rate trade-off, clutter suppression, and multiple access capability using experimental data obtained in both the controlled and realistic environments

    Realistic chipless RFID: identification and localization

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    Für die weitere Massenverbreitung von RFID Systemen ist ein günstiges und genaues Verfahren zur Objektlokalisierung und –verfolgung zwingend erforderlich. Chiplose RFID Systeme erlauben im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen chipbehafteten RFID Systemen den Einsatz von einfachen, druckbaren RFID Tags, eine Möglichkeit zum Einstieg in die Ära von extrem billigen RFID Tags. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Lösung von drei Herausforderungen bei der Erkennung von chiplosen RFID Tags innerhalb geschlossener Räume. Der erste in der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutierte Aspekt beschäftigt sich mit Methoden zum Eliminieren des Störechos der Umgebung (clutter removal techniques). Im chiplosen RFID System ist das Umgebungsstörecho definiert durch das von der Umgebung reflektierte Signal, das nicht mit dem RFID Tag interagiert. Die Stärke dieses Signals ist in jedem Fall größer als die des vom RFID Tag zurückgestrahlten (backscattered) Signals, was die Signaturerkennung des RFID Tags unmöglich macht. Zur Lösung dieses Problems schlage ich zwei Algorithmen vor. Der erste ist die Leerraum-Kalibrierung (empty room calibration). Bei diesem Algorithmus werden die Messungen mit RFID Tag von denen ohne RFID Tags abgezogen. Der zweite Algorithmus basiert auf dem Rake-Receiver unter Nutzung einer Zufallsfolge (PN sequence), er erfordert keine zusätzliche Kalibrierung. Der zweite Aspekt betrifft die Notch Erkennung und Identifikation, ein sehr wichtiger Bereich des chiplosen RFID Systems. Er ist dafür verantwortlich, die Notchs in Bits umzuwandeln. Für eine effektive Detektion werden Windowing (Fenster) Verfahren vorgeschlagen, wobei jedes Fenster einen oder auch keinen Notch beinhalten kann. Insgesamt drei neue Verfahren zur Notch Erkennung wurden implementiert. Als erstes ein Matched Filter (MF), in dem der einkommende Notch mit einem Referenz Notch verglichen wird. Das zweite Verfahren basiert auf einer gefensterten Singulärwertzerlegung, damit kann sowohl der Notch erkannt werden, als auch seine Bandbreite bestimmt werden. Als drittes Verfahren wird das dynamische Frequency Warping vorgestellt. Diese Technik nutzt nichtlineare um die Notche unddie Frequenzverschiebungen, die an den Notches auftreten, zu erkennen. Als dritter Aspekt wird die Lokalisierung der RFID Tags in dieser Dissertation diskutiert. Dazu werden zwei Algorithmen erklärt und implementiert. Der erste Algorithmus beruht auf der Triangulation durch drei getrennte RFID Lesegeräte, während sich der zweite die Position des RFID Tags aus der Signalstärke und dem Winkel des vom RFID Tag kommenden Signals berechnet. Alle genannten Algorithmen und Verfahren wurden in einer realen Innenraum Testumgebung mit RFID Tags und einer Software Defined Radio (SDR) Plattform vermessen, um die Zuverlässigkeit der Algorithmen unter normalen Bedingungen zu überprüfen.For mass deployment of RFID systems, cheap and accurate item level identification and tracking are profoundly needed. Fortunately, unlike conventional chip-based RFID, chipless RFID systems offers low-cost printable tags holding a better chance to enter the era of penny-cost tags. This dissertation concentrated on solving three challenges in the detection of the chipless tag inside an indoor environment. The first aspect discussed in the thesis are the chipless RFID clutter removal techniques. In chipless RFID the environmental clutter response is defined as the signal reflected from the environment, that does not interact with the tag. This signal has higher power than the backscattered signal from the tag, rendering the tag signature undetectable. Two algorithms to overcome this problem was used, the first is empty room calibration. The first algorithm is based on subtracting the measurement with the tag from the one without. The second algorithm is Rake receiver using PN sequence; this algorithm requires no pre-measurement calibration. The second aspect is notch detection and identification which is a critical part of the chipless system. This part is responsible for converting the notches into bits. For effective detection, a windowing operation is proposed, where each window may contain a notch or not. Three novel techniques are implemented to detect the notch. The first is matched filter were a reference notch is compared with the incoming signal. The second is window based singular value decomposition, where a constellation is created to detect not only the existence of a notch but also the bandwidth of the notch. The third notch detection technique is dynamic frequency warping. This technique utilizes non-linear warping to detect the notch and the frequency shifts that occurs on the notch. The third aspect discussed in the thesis is tag localization. In this aspect, two algorithms are implemented and explained. The first is trilateration which requires three different readers. The second localization algorithm exploits received signal strength and angle of arrival to detect the location of the tag accurately. All the algorithms were tested using a real testbed to validate the reliability of the techniques. The measurements were done using fabricated tags in an indoor environment using Software Defines Radio (SDR)

    Chipless Wireless High-Temperature Sensing in Time-Variant Environments

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    The wireless sensing of various physical quantities is demanded in numerous applications. A usual wireless sensor is based on the functionality of semiconductor Integrated Circuits (ICs), which enable the radio communication. These ICs may limit the application potential of the sensor in certain specific applications. One of these applications stands in the focus of this thesis: the operation in harsh environments, e.g., at high temperatures above 175°C, where most available sensors fail. Chipless wireless sensors are researched to exceed such chip-based limitations. A chipless sensor is setup as an entirely electro-magnetic circuit, and uses passive Radio Frequency (RF) backscatter principles to encode and transmit the measured value. Chipless sensors that target harsh environment operation are facing two important challenges: First, the disturbance by clutter, caused by time-variant reflections of the interrogation signal in the sensor environment and second, the design of suitable measurand transducers. These challenges are addressed in the thesis. To overcome the first challenge, three basic chipless sensor concepts feasible for operation in clutter environments are introduced. The concepts are realized by demonstrator designs of three temperature sensors and are proofed by wireless indoor measurements. A channel estimation method is presented that dynamically estimates and suppresses clutter signals to reduce measurement errors. To overcome the second challenge, measurand-sensitive dielectric materials are used as measurement transducers, and are being characterized by a novel high-temperature microwave dielectric characterization method. Complex permittivity characterization results in temperatures up to 900°C are presented. Finally, in-depth description and discussion of the three chipless concepts is given as well as a performance comparison in wireless indoor measurement scenarios. The first concept is based on polarization separation between the wanted sensor backscatter signal and unwanted clutter. The second concept separates tag and clutter signals in the frequency domain by using harmonic radar. The third concept exploits the slow decay of high-Q resonances in order to achieve the desired separation in time domain. This concept’s realization is based on dielectric resonators and has demon- strated the capability of wirelessly measuring temperatures up to 800°C without requiring an optical line-of-sight. This performance significantly exceeds temperature- and detection-limitations of commercially available sensors at the current state-of-the-art

    Design and Modelling of Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting Systems

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    The escalation of the Internet-of-Everything topicality has motivated an increased interest in both academia and industry research for efficient solutions enabling self-sustained smart operations. From the maintenance point of view, indeed, battery-less strategies represent the most valuable way for distributed zero-power standalone electronics. With this purpose, different scavenging techniques are being adopted, gathering energy from different sources such as mechanical, solar, thermal and electromagnetic waves. Due to the wide spread of wireless communication systems, the latter technology has recently benefited a renewed interest. This Ph.D. research activity has been focused on the investigation of new efficient solutions for radiofrequency energy harvesting and wireless power transmission techniques, aiming at improving the state of the art, by also taking into account the imperative necessity of eco-friendly materials for the development of green electronics. The combination of radiofrequency energy harvesting and ultra-wideband techniques is also proposed as possible candidate for future RFID systems. These functionalities are integrated in a novel, compact and low-profile tag, whose details are provided thoroughly from both electromagnetic and nonlinear circuit viewpoints. Results validation is provided through experimental characterization. Compatibility with the environment is assured by implementation with recyclable material. This concept is then extended with the investigation of more elaborated energy scavenging architectures, including rectenna arrays. Finally, a near-field wireless power transmission system is presented on low-cost materials, therefore suitable for possible mass-market deployment

    Application of Ultra-Wideband Technology to RFID and Wireless Sensors

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    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia l'ús de tecnologia de ràdio banda ultraampla (UWB) per sistemes de identificació per radiofreqüència (RFID) i sensors sense fils. Les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSNs), ciutats i llars intel•ligents, i, en general, l'Internet de les coses (IoT) requereixen interfícies de ràdio simples i de baix consum i cost per un número molt ampli de sensors disseminats. UWB en el domini temporal es proposa aquí com una tecnologia de radio habilitant per aquestes aplicacions. Un model circuital s'estudia per RFID d'UWB codificat en el temps. Es proposen lectors basats en ràdars polsats comercials amb tècniques de processat de senyal. Tags RFID sense xip (chipless) codificats en el temps son dissenyats i caracterizats en termes de número d'identificacions possible, distància màxima de lectura, polarització, influència de materials adherits, comportament angular i corbatura del tag. Es proposen sensors chipless de temperatura i composició de ciment (mitjançant detecció de permitivitat). Dos plataformes semipassives codificades en temps (amb un enllaç paral•lel de banda estreta per despertar el sensor i estalviar energia) es proposen com solucions més complexes i robustes, amb una distància de lectura major. Es dissenya un sensor de temperatura (alimentat per energia solar) i un sensor de diòxid de nitrogen (mitjançant nanotubs de carboni i alimentat per una petita bateria), ambdòs semipassius amb circuiteria analògica. Es dissenya un multi-sensor semipassiu capaç de mesurar temperatura, humitat, pressió i acceleració, fent servir un microcontrolador de baix consum digital. Combinant els tags RFID UWB codificats en temps amb tecnologia de ràdar de penetració del terra (GPR), es deriva una aplicació per localització en interiors amb terra intel•ligent. Finalment, dos sistemes actius RFID UWB codificats en el temps s'estudien per aplicacions de localització de molt llarg abast.Esta Tesis Doctoral estudia el uso de tecnología de radio de banda ultraancha (UWB) para sistemas de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) y sensores inalámbricos. Las redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSNs), ciudades y casas inteligentes, y, en general, el Internet de las cosas (IoT) requieren de interfaces de radio simples y de bajo consumo y coste para un número muy amplio de sensores diseminados. UWB en el dominio temporal se propone aquí como una tecnología de radio habilitante para dichas aplicaciones. Un modelo circuital se estudia para RFID de UWB codificado en tiempo. Configuraciones de lector, basadas en rádar pulsados comerciales, son propuestas, además de técnicas de procesado de señal. Tags RFID sin chip (chipless) codificados en tiempo son diseñados y caracterizados en términos de número de identificaciones posible, distancia máxima de lectura, polarización, influencia de materiales adheridos, comportamiento angular y curvatura del tag. Se proponen sensores chipless de temperatura y composición de cemento (mediante detección de permitividad). Dos plataformas semipasivas codificadas en tiempo (con un enlace paralelo de banda estrecha para despertar el sensor y ahorrar energía) se proponen como soluciones más complejas y robustas, con una distancia de lectura mayor. Se diseña un sensor de temperatura (alimentado por energía solar) y un sensor de dióxido de nitrógeno (mediante nanotubos de carbono y alimentado por una batería pequeña), ambos semipasivos con circuitería analógica. Se diseña un multi-sensor semipasivo capaz de medir temperatura, humedad, presión y aceleración, usando un microcontrolador digital de bajo consumo. Combinando los tags RFID UWB codificados en tiempo y tecnología de radar de penetración de suelo (GPR), se deriva una aplicación para localización en interiores con suelo inteligente. Finalmente, dos sistemas activos RFID UWB codificados en tiempo se estudian para aplicaciones de localización de muy largo alcance.This Doctoral Thesis studies the use of ultra-wideband (UWB) radio technology for radio-frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for smart cities, smart homes and, in general, Internet of Things (IoT) applications require low-power, low-cost and simple radio interfaces for an expected very large number of scattered sensors. UWB in time domain is proposed here as an enabling radio technology. A circuit model is studied for time-coded UWB RFID. Reader setups based on commercial impulse radars are proposed, in addition to signal processing techniques. Chipless time-coded RFID tags are designed and characterized in terms of number of possible IDs, maximum reading distance, polarization, influence of attached materials, angular behaviour and bending. Chipless wireless temperature sensors and chipless concrete composition sensors (enabled by permittivity sensing) are proposed. Two semi-passive time-coded RFID sensing platforms are proposed as more complex, more robust, and longer read-range solutions. A wake-up link is used to save energy when the sensor is not being read. A semi-passive wireless temperature sensor (powered by solar energy) and a wireless nitrogen dioxide sensor (enabled with carbon nanotubes and powered by a small battery) are developed, using analog circuitry. A semi-passive multi-sensor tag capable of measuring temperature, humidity, pressure and acceleration is proposed, using a digital low-power microcontroller. Combining time-coded UWB RFID tags and ground penetrating radar, a smart floor application for indoor localization is derived. Finally, as another approach, two active time-coded RFID systems are developed for very long-range applications

    Active Backscattering Positioning System Using Innovative Harmonic Oscillator Tags for Future Internet of Things: Theory and Experiments

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    RÉSUMÉ D'ici 2020, l'Internet des objets (IoT) permettra probablement de créer 25 milliards d'objets connectés, 44 ZB de données et de débloquer 11 000 milliards de dollars d’opportunités commerciales. Par conséquent, ce sujet a suscité d’énormes intérêts de recherche dans le monde académique entier. L'une des technologies clés pour l'IoT concerne le positionnement physique intérieur précis. Le principal objectif dans ce domaine est le développement d'un système de positionnement intérieur avec une grande précision, une haute résolution, un fonctionnement à plusieurs cibles, un faible coût, un faible encombrement et une faible consommation d'énergie. Le système de positionnement intérieur conventionnel basé sur les technologies de Wi-Fi ou d'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) ne peut répondre à ces exigences. Principalement parce que leur appareil et leur signal ne sont pas conçus spécialement pour atteindre les objectifs visés. Les chercheurs ont découvert qu'en mettant en oeuvre de différents types de modulation sur les étiquettes, le radar à onde continue (CW) et ses dérivés deviennent des solutions prometteuses. Les activités de recherche présentées dans cette thèse sont menées dans le but de développer des systèmes de positionnement en intérieur bidimensionnel (2-D) à plusieurs cibles basées sur des étiquettes actives à rétrodiffusion harmonique avec une technique à onde continue modulée en fréquence (FMCW). Les contributions de cette thèse peuvent être résumées comme suit: Tout d'abord, la conception d'un circuit actif harmonique, plus spécifiquement une classe d'oscillateurs harmoniques innovants utilisée comme composant central des étiquettes actives dans notre système, implique une méthodologie de conception de signal de grande taille et des installations de caractérisation. L’analyseur de réseau à grand signal (LSNA) est un instrument émergent basé sur les fondements théoriques du cadre de distorsion polyharmonique (PHD). Bien qu'ils soient disponibles dans le commerce depuis 2008, des organismes de normalisation et de recherche tels que l’Institut national des normes et de la technologie (NIST) des États-Unis travaillent toujours à la mise au point d'un standard largement reconnu permettant d'évaluer et de comparer leurs performances. Dans ce travail, un artefact de génération multi-harmonique pour la vérification LSNA est développé. C'est un dispositif actif capable de générer les 5 premières harmoniques d'un signal d'entrée avec une réponse ultra-stables en amplitude et en phase, quelle que soit la variation de l'impédance de la charge.----------ABSTRACT By 2020, the internet of things (IoT) will probably enable 25 billion connected objects, create 44 ZB data and unlock 11 trillion US dollar business opportunities. Therefore, this topic has been attracting tremendous research interests in the entire academic world. One of the key enabling technologies for IoT is concerned with accurate indoor physical positioning. The development of such an indoor positioning system with high accuracy, high resolution, multitarget operation, low cost, small footprint, and low power consumption is the major objective in this area. The conventional indoor positioning system based on WiFi or radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology cannot fulfill these requirements mainly because their device and signal are not purposely designed for achieving the targeted goals. Researchers have found that by implementing different types of modulation on the tags, continuous-wave (CW) radar and its derivatives become promising solutions. The research activities presented in this Ph.D. thesis are carried out towards the goal of developing multitarget two-dimensional (2-D) indoor positioning systems based on harmonic backscattering active tags together with a frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) technique. Research contributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: First of all, the design of a harmonic active circuit, more specifically, a class of innovative harmonic oscillators used as the core component of active tags in our system, involves a large signal design methodology and characterization facilities. The large signal network analyzer (LSNA) is an emerging instrument based on the theoretical foundation for the Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) framework. Although they have been commercially available since 2008, standard and research organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the US are still working towards a widely-recognized standard to evaluate and cross-reference their performances. In this work, a multi-harmonic generation artifact for LSNA verification is developed. It is an active device that can generate the first 5 harmonics of an input signal with ultra-stable amplitude and phase response regardless of the load impedance variation

    Cognitive radar network design and applications

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    PhD ThesisIn recent years, several emerging technologies in modern radar system design are attracting the attention of radar researchers and practitioners alike, noteworthy among which are multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), ultra wideband (UWB) and joint communication-radar technologies. This thesis, in particular focuses upon a cognitive approach to design these modern radars. In the existing literature, these technologies have been implemented on a traditional platform in which the transmitter and receiver subsystems are discrete and do not exchange vital radar scene information. Although such radar architectures benefit from these mentioned technological advances, their performance remains sub-optimal due to the lack of exchange of dynamic radar scene information between the subsystems. Consequently, such systems are not capable to adapt their operational parameters “on the fly”, which is in accordance with the dynamic radar environment. This thesis explores the research gap of evaluating cognitive mechanisms, which could enable modern radars to adapt their operational parameters like waveform, power and spectrum by continually learning about the radar scene through constant interactions with the environment and exchanging this information between the radar transmitter and receiver. The cognitive feedback between the receiver and transmitter subsystems is the facilitator of intelligence for this type of architecture. In this thesis, the cognitive architecture is fused together with modern radar systems like MIMO, UWB and joint communication-radar designs to achieve significant performance improvement in terms of target parameter extraction. Specifically, in the context of MIMO radar, a novel cognitive waveform optimization approach has been developed which facilitates enhanced target signature extraction. In terms of UWB radar system design, a novel cognitive illumination and target tracking algorithm for target parameter extraction in indoor scenarios has been developed. A cognitive system architecture and waveform design algorithm has been proposed for joint communication-radar systems. This thesis also explores the development of cognitive dynamic systems that allows the fusion of cognitive radar and cognitive radio paradigms for optimal resources allocation in wireless networks. In summary, the thesis provides a theoretical framework for implementing cognitive mechanisms in modern radar system design. Through such a novel approach, intelligent illumination strategies could be devised, which enable the adaptation of radar operational modes in accordance with the target scene variations in real time. This leads to the development of radar systems which are better aware of their surroundings and are able to quickly adapt to the target scene variations in real time.Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Greenwich

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance

    Beam scanning by liquid-crystal biasing in a modified SIW structure

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    A fixed-frequency beam-scanning 1D antenna based on Liquid Crystals (LCs) is designed for application in 2D scanning with lateral alignment. The 2D array environment imposes full decoupling of adjacent 1D antennas, which often conflicts with the LC requirement of DC biasing: the proposed design accommodates both. The LC medium is placed inside a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) modified to work as a Groove Gap Waveguide, with radiating slots etched on the upper broad wall, that radiates as a Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA). This allows effective application of the DC bias voltage needed for tuning the LCs. At the same time, the RF field remains laterally confined, enabling the possibility to lay several antennas in parallel and achieve 2D beam scanning. The design is validated by simulation employing the actual properties of a commercial LC medium