308 research outputs found

    TED Talk Recommender Using Speech Transcripts

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    Nowadays, online video platforms mostly recommend related videos by analyzing user-driven data such as viewing patterns, rather than the content of the videos. However, content is more important than any other element when videos aim to deliver knowledge. Therefore, we have developed a web application which recommends related TED lecture videos to the users, considering the content of the videos from the transcripts. TED Talk Recommender constructs a network for recommending videos that are similar content-wise and providing a user interface.Comment: 3 page

    Processing and Linking Audio Events in Large Multimedia Archives: The EU inEvent Project

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    In the inEvent EU project [1], we aim at structuring, retrieving, and sharing large archives of networked, and dynamically changing, multimedia recordings, mainly consisting of meetings, videoconferences, and lectures. More specifically, we are developing an integrated system that performs audiovisual processing of multimedia recordings, and labels them in terms of interconnected “hyper-events ” (a notion inspired from hyper-texts). Each hyper-event is composed of simpler facets, including audio-video recordings and metadata, which are then easier to search, retrieve and share. In the present paper, we mainly cover the audio processing aspects of the system, including speech recognition, speaker diarization and linking (across recordings), the use of these features for hyper-event indexing and recommendation, and the search portal. We present initial results for feature extraction from lecture recordings using the TED talks. Index Terms: Networked multimedia events; audio processing: speech recognition; speaker diarization and linking; multimedia indexing and searching; hyper-events. 1


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    This study deals with the investigation of an analysis of teaching vocabulary by using technology, entertainment, design (TED) Talk. The previous study conducted in university students, while the present study is a case study in one of senior high school in Cilacap. This study was aimed at investigating teachers’ way and knowing students’ perception in teaching vocabulary by using TED Talk. In conducting this study the writers used  qualitative research in which case study was employed to collect the data from participants in this research, that were English teacher who taught vocabulary using TED Talk and ten grade students of senior high school students’ perception. Moreover, classroom observation, questionnaire, and interview were the instruments used by the writers in collecting the data. It could be concluded that most of the students are very interested in learning, it was very significant in relation to their learning interest, it was very helpful in mastering new vocabulary, it was strongly agree that it was given positive results for their learning achievement.Keywords: TED Talk, Vocabular

    Combining Content with User Preferences for Non-Fiction Multimedia Recommendation: A Study on TED Lectures

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    This paper introduces a new dataset and compares several methods for the recommendation of non-fiction audio visual material, namely lectures from the TED website. The TED dataset contains 1,149 talks and 69,023 profiles of users, who have made more than 100,000 ratings and 200,000 comments. The corresponding metadata, which we make available, can be used for training and testing generic or personalized recommender systems. We define content-based, collaborative, and methods (LSI, LDA, RP, and ESA). We compare these methods on a personalized recommendation task in two settings, a cold-start and a non-cold-start one. In the cold-start setting, semantic vector spaces perform better than keywords. In the non-cold-start setting, where collaborative information can be exploited, content-based methods are outperformed by collaborative filtering ones, but the proposed combined method shows acceptable performances, and can be used in both settings. For the generic recommendation task, LSI and RP again outperform TF-IDF

    Combining Content with User Preferences for TED Lecture Recommendation

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    This paper introduces a new dataset and compares several methods for the recommendation of non-fiction audio-visual material, namely lectures from the TED website. The TED dataset contains 1,149 talks and 69,023 user profiles, who have made more than 100,000 ratings and 200,000 comments. This data set, which we make public, can be used for training and testing applied for generic or personalized recommendation tasks. We define content-based, collaborative, and combined recommendation methods for TED lectures and use cross-validation to select the best parameters of keyword-based (TFIDF) and semantic vector space-based methods (LSI, LDA, RP, and ESA). We compare these methods on the personalized recommendation task in two settings, a cold-start and a non-cold-start one. In the former, semantic-based vector spaces perform better than keyword-based ones. In the latter, where collaborative information can be exploited, content-based methods are outperformed by collaborative filtering ones, but the proposed combined method shows acceptable performances, and can be used in both settings

    Learning Explainable User Sentiment and Preferences for Information Filtering

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    In the last decade, online social networks have enabled people to interact in many ways with each other and with content. The digital traces of such actions reveal people's preferences towards online content such as news or products. These traces often result from interactions such as sharing or liking, but also from interactions in natural language. The continuous growth of the amount of content and of digital traces has led to information overload: surrounded by large volumes of information, people are facing difficulties when searching for information relevant to their interests. To improve user experience, information systems must be able to assist users in achieving their search goals, effectively and efficiently. This thesis is concerned with two important challenges that information systems need to address in order to significantly improve search experience and overcome information overload. First, these systems need to model accurately the variety of user traces, and second, they need to meaningfully explain search results and recommendations to users. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes novel methods based on machine learning to model user sentiment and preferences for information filtering systems, which are effective, scalable, and easily interpretable by humans. We focus on two prominent types of user traces in social networks: on the one hand, user comments accompanied by unary preferences such as likes, and on the other hand, user reviews accompanied by numerical preferences such as star ratings. In both cases, we advocate that by better understanding user text through mining its semantics and modeling its structure, we can not only improve information filtering, but also explain predictions to users. Within this context, we aim to answer three main research questions, namely: (i)~how do item semantics help to predict unary preferences; (ii)~how do sentiments of free-form user texts help to predict unary preferences; and (iii)~how to model fine-grained numerical preferences from user review texts. Our goal is to model and extract from user text the knowledge required to answer these questions, and to obtain insights on how to design better information filtering systems that are more effective and improve user experience. To answer the first question, we formulate the recommendation problem based on unary preferences as a top-N retrieval task and we define an appropriate dataset and metrics for measuring performance. Then, we propose and evaluate several content-based methods based on semantic similarities under presence or absence of preferences. To answer the second question, we propose a sentiment-aware neighborhood model which integrates the sentiment of user comments with unary preferences, either through fixed or through learned mapping functions. For the latter type, we propose a learning algorithm which adapts the sentiment of user comments to unary preferences at collective or individual levels. To answer the third question, we cast the problem of modeling user attitude toward aspects of items as a weakly supervised problem, and we propose a weighted multiple-instance learning method for solving it. Lastly, we show that the learned saliency weights, apart from being easily interpretable, are useful indicators for review segmentation and summarization

    Machine Learning Models for Educational Platforms

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    Scaling up education online and onlife is presenting numerous key challenges, such as hardly manageable classes, overwhelming content alternatives, and academic dishonesty while interacting remotely. However, thanks to the wider availability of learning-related data and increasingly higher performance computing, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to turn such challenges into an unparalleled opportunity. One of its sub-fields, namely Machine Learning, is enabling machines to receive data and learn for themselves, without being programmed with rules. Bringing this intelligent support to education at large scale has a number of advantages, such as avoiding manual error-prone tasks and reducing the chance that learners do any misconduct. Planning, collecting, developing, and predicting become essential steps to make it concrete into real-world education. This thesis deals with the design, implementation, and evaluation of Machine Learning models in the context of online educational platforms deployed at large scale. Constructing and assessing the performance of intelligent models is a crucial step towards increasing reliability and convenience of such an educational medium. The contributions result in large data sets and high-performing models that capitalize on Natural Language Processing, Human Behavior Mining, and Machine Perception. The model decisions aim to support stakeholders over the instructional pipeline, specifically on content categorization, content recommendation, learners’ identity verification, and learners’ sentiment analysis. Past research in this field often relied on statistical processes hardly applicable at large scale. Through our studies, we explore opportunities and challenges introduced by Machine Learning for the above goals, a relevant and timely topic in literature. Supported by extensive experiments, our work reveals a clear opportunity in combining human and machine sensing for researchers interested in online education. Our findings illustrate the feasibility of designing and assessing Machine Learning models for categorization, recommendation, authentication, and sentiment prediction in this research area. Our results provide guidelines on model motivation, data collection, model design, and analysis techniques concerning the above applicative scenarios. Researchers can use our findings to improve data collection on educational platforms, to reduce bias in data and models, to increase model effectiveness, and to increase the reliability of their models, among others. We expect that this thesis can support the adoption of Machine Learning models in educational platforms even more, strengthening the role of data as a precious asset. The thesis outputs are publicly available at https://www.mirkomarras.com

    Information overload in structured data

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    Information overload refers to the difficulty of making decisions caused by too much information. In this dissertation, we address information overload problem in two separate structured domains, namely, graphs and text. Graph kernels have been proposed as an efficient and theoretically sound approach to compute graph similarity. They decompose graphs into certain sub-structures, such as subtrees, or subgraphs. However, existing graph kernels suffer from a few drawbacks. First, the dimension of the feature space associated with the kernel often grows exponentially as the complexity of sub-structures increase. One immediate consequence of this behavior is that small, non-informative, sub-structures occur more frequently and cause information overload. Second, as the number of features increase, we encounter sparsity: only a few informative sub-structures will co-occur in multiple graphs. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose to tackle the above problems by exploiting the dependency relationship among sub-structures. First, we propose a novel framework that learns the latent representations of sub-structures by leveraging recent advancements in deep learning. Second, we propose a general smoothing framework that takes structural similarity into account, inspired by state-of-the-art smoothing techniques used in natural language processing. Both the proposed frameworks are applicable to popular graph kernel families, and achieve significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art graph kernels. In the second part of this dissertation, we tackle information overload in text. We first focus on a popular social news aggregation website, Reddit, and design a submodular recommender system that tailors a personalized frontpage for individual users. Second, we propose a novel submodular framework to summarize videos, where both transcript and comments are available. Third, we demonstrate how to apply filtering techniques to select a small subset of informative features from virtual machine logs in order to predict resource usage
