69 research outputs found

    Audio Fingerprinting for Multi-Device Self-Localization

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    This work was supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/K007491/1

    Wireless Sensor Node Localization based on LNSM and Hybrid TLBO- Unilateral technique for Outdoor Location

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    The paper aims at localization of the anchor node(fixed node) by pursuit nodes (movable node) in outdoor location.Two methods are studied for node localization. The first methodis based on LNSM (Log Normal Shadowing Model) technique tolocalize the anchor node and the second method is based on Hy-brid TLBO (Teacher Learning Based Optimization Algorithm)-Unilateral technique. In the first approach the ZigBee protocolhas been used to localize the node, which uses RSSI (ReceivedSignal Strength Indicator) values in dBm. LNSM technique isimplemented in the self-designed hardware node and localizationis studied for Outdoor location. The statistical analysis usingRMSE (root mean square error) for outdoor location is done anddistance error found to be 35 mtrs. The same outdoor locationhas been used and statistical analysis is done for localizationof nodes using Hybrid TLBO-Unilateral technique. The Hybrid-TLBO Unilateral technique significantly localizes anchor nodewith distance error of 0.7 mtrs. The RSSI values obtained arenormally distributed and standard deviation in RSSI value isobserved as 1.01 for outdoor location. The node becomes 100%discoverable after using hybrid TLBO- Unilateral technique

    Analysis of synchronous localization systems for UAVs urban applications

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    [EN] Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles (UAVs) represent an active research topic over multiple fields for performing inspection, delivery and surveillance applications among other operations. However, achieving the utmost efficiency requires drones to perform these tasks without the need of human intervention, which demands a robust and accurate localization system for achieving a safe and efficient autonomous navigation. Nevertheless, currently used satellite-based localization systems like GPS are insufficient for high-precision applications, especially in harsh scenarios like indoor and deep urban environments. In these contexts, Local Positioning Systems (LPS) have been widely proposed for satisfying the localization requirements of these vehicles. However, the performance of LPS is highly dependent on the actual localization architecture and the spatial disposition of the deployed sensor distribution. Therefore, before the deployment of an extensive localization network, an analysis regarding localization architecture and sensor distribution should be taken into consideration for the task at hand. Nonetheless, no actual study is proposed either for comparing localization architectures or for attaining a solution for the Node Location Problem (NLP), a problem of NP-Hard complexity. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a comparison among synchronous LPS for determining the most suited system for localizing UAVs over urban scenarios. We employ the Cràmer–Rao-Bound (CRB) for evaluating the performance of each localization system, based on the provided error characterization of each synchronous architecture. Furthermore, in order to attain the optimal sensor distribution for each architecture, a Black-Widow-Optimization (BWO) algorithm is devised for the NLP and the application at hand. The results obtained denote the effectiveness of the devised technique and recommend the implementation of Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) over Time of Arrival (TOA) systems, attaining up to 47% less localization uncertainty due to the unnecessary synchronization of the target clock with the architecture sensors in the TDOA architecture.S

    Energy-Efficient Self-Organization of Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks for Ground Target Tracking

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    With the developments in computing and communication technologies, wireless sensor networks have become popular in wide range of application areas such as health, military, environment and habitant monitoring. Moreover, wireless acoustic sensor networks have been widely used for target tracking applications due to their passive nature, reliability and low cost. Traditionally, acoustic sensor arrays built in linear, circular or other regular shapes are used for tracking acoustic sources. The maintaining of relative geometry of the acoustic sensors in the array is vital for accurate target tracking, which greatly reduces the flexibility of the sensor network. To overcome this limitation, we propose using only a single acoustic sensor at each sensor node. This design greatly improves the flexibility of the sensor network and makes it possible to deploy the sensor network in remote or hostile regions through air-drop or other stealth approaches. Acoustic arrays are capable of performing the target localization or generating the bearing estimations on their own. However, with only a single acoustic sensor, the sensor nodes will not be able to generate such measurements. Thus, self-organization of sensor nodes into virtual arrays to perform the target localization is essential. We developed an energy-efficient and distributed self-organization algorithm for target tracking using wireless acoustic sensor networks. The major error sources of the localization process were studied, and an energy-aware node selection criterion was developed to minimize the target localization errors. Using this node selection criterion, the self-organization algorithm selects a near-optimal localization sensor group to minimize the target tracking errors. In addition, a message passing protocol was developed to implement the self-organization algorithm in a distributed manner. In order to achieve extended sensor network lifetime, energy conservation was incorporated into the self-organization algorithm by incorporating a sleep-wakeup management mechanism with a novel cross layer adaptive wakeup probability adjustment scheme. The simulation results confirm that the developed self-organization algorithm provides satisfactory target tracking performance. Moreover, the energy saving analysis confirms the effectiveness of the cross layer power management scheme in achieving extended sensor network lifetime without degrading the target tracking performance

    A Moving Source Localization Method for Distributed Passive Sensor Using TDOA and FDOA Measurements

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    The conventional moving source localization methods are based on centralized sensors. This paper presents a moving source localization method for distributed passive sensors using TDOA and FDOA measurements. The novel method firstly uses the steepest descent algorithm to obtain a proper initial value of source position and velocity. Then, the coarse location estimation is obtained by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Finally, more accurate location estimation is achieved by subtracting theoretical bias, which is approximated by the actual bias using the estimated source location and noisy data measurement. Both theoretical analysis and simulations show that the theoretical bias always meets the actual bias when the noise level is small, and the proposed method can reduce the bias effectively while keeping the same root mean square error (RMSE) with the original MLE and Taylor-series method. Meanwhile, it is less sensitive to the initial guess and attains the CRLB under Gaussian TDOA and FDOA noise at a moderate noise level before the thresholding effect occurs

    Localization Context-Aware Models for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are emerging as the key technology to support the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart objects. Small devices with low energy consumption and limited computing resources have wide use in many applications and different fields. Nodes are deployed randomly without a priori knowledge of their location. However, location context is a fundamental feature necessary to provide a context-aware framework to information gathered from sensors in many services such as intrusion detection, surveillance, geographic routing/forwarding, and coverage area management. Nevertheless, only a little number of nodes called anchors are equipped with localization components, such as Global Positioning System (GPS) chips. Worse still, when sensors are deployed in an indoor environment, GPS serves no purpose. This chapter surveys a variety of state-of-the-art existing localization techniques and compares their characteristics by detailing their applications, strengths, and challenges. The specificities and enhancements of the most popular and effective techniques are as well reported. Besides, current research directions in localization are discussed

    Tracking mobile targets through Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In recent years, advances in signal processing have led to small, low power, inexpensive Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The signal processing in WSN is different from the traditional wireless networks in two critical aspects: firstly, the signal processing in WSN is performed in a fully distributed manner, unlike in traditional wireless networks; secondly, due to the limited computation capabilities of sensor networks, it is essential to develop an energy and bandwidth efficient signal processing algorithms. Target localisation and tracking problems in WSNs have received considerable attention recently, driven by the necessity to achieve higher localisation accuracy, lower cost, and the smallest form factor. Received Signal Strength (RSS) based localisation techniques are at the forefront of tracking research applications. Since tracking algorithms have been attracting research and development attention recently, prolific literature and a wide range of proposed approaches regarding the topic have emerged. This thesis is devoted to discussing the existing WSN-based localisation and tracking approaches. This thesis includes five studies. The first study leads to the design and implementation of a triangulation-based localisation approach using RSS technique for indoor tracking applications. The presented work achieves low localisation error in complex environments by predicting the environmental characteristics among beacon nodes. The second study concentrates on investigating a fingerprinting localisation method for indoor tracking applications. The proposed approach offers reasonable localisation accuracy while requiring a short period of offline computation time. The third study focuses on designing and implementing a decentralised tracking approach for tracking multiple mobile targets with low resource requirements. Despite the interest in target tracking and localisation issues, there are few systems deployed using ZigBee network standard, and no tracking system has used the full features of the ZigBee network standard. Tracking through the ZigBee is a challenging task when the density of router and end-device nodes is low, due to the limited communication capabilities of end-device nodes. The fourth study focuses on developing and designing a practical ZigBee-based tracking approach. To save energy, different strategies were adopted. The fifth study outlines designing and implementing an energy-efficient approach for tracking applications. This study consists of two main approaches: a data aggregation approach, proposed and implemented in order to reduce the total number of messages transmitted over the network; and a prediction approach, deployed to increase the lifetime of the WSN. For evaluation purposes, two environmental models were used in this thesis: firstly, real experiments, in which the proposed approaches were implemented on real sensor nodes, to test the validity for the proposed approaches; secondly, simulation experiments, in which NS-2 was used to evaluate the power-consumption issues of the two approaches proposed in this thesis

    Fine landmark-based synchronization of ad-hoc microphone arrays

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    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks