10 research outputs found

    TCP Goes to Hollywood

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    Real-time multimedia applications use either TCP or UDP at the transport layer, yet neither of these protocols offer all of the features required. Deploying a new protocol that does offer these features is made difficult by ossification: firewalls, and other middleboxes, in the network expect TCP or UDP, and block other types of traffic. We present TCP Hollywood, a protocol that is wire-compatible with TCP, while offering an unordered, partially reliable messageoriented transport service that is well suited to multimedia applications. Analytical results show that TCP Hollywood extends the feasibility of using TCP for real-time multimedia applications, by reducing latency and increasing utility. Preliminary evaluations also show that TCP Hollywood is deployable on the public Internet, with safe failure modes. Measurements across all major UK fixed-line and cellular networks validate the possibility of deployment

    The QUIC Fix for Optimal Video Streaming

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    Within a few years of its introduction, QUIC has gained traction: a significant chunk of traffic is now delivered over QUIC. The networking community is actively engaged in debating the fairness, performance, and applicability of QUIC for various use cases, but these debates are centered around a narrow, common theme: how does the new reliable transport built on top of UDP fare in different scenarios? Support for unreliable delivery in QUIC remains largely unexplored. The option for delivering content unreliably, as in a best-effort model, deserves the QUIC designers' and community's attention. We propose extending QUIC to support unreliable streams and present a simple approach for implementation. We discuss a simple use case of video streaming---an application that dominates the overall Internet traffic---that can leverage the unreliable streams and potentially bring immense benefits to network operators and content providers. To this end, we present a prototype implementation that, by using both the reliable and unreliable streams in QUIC, outperforms both TCP and QUIC in our evaluations.Comment: Published to ACM CoNEXT Workshop on the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ

    The QUIC Fix for Optimal Video Streaming

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    Within a few years of its introduction, QUIC has gained traction: a significant chunk of traffic is now delivered over QUIC. The networking community is actively engaged in debating the fairness, performance, and applicability of QUIC for various use cases, but these debates are centered around a narrow, common theme: how does the new reliable transport built on top of UDP fare in different scenarios? Support for unreliable delivery in QUIC remains largely unexplored. The option for delivering content unreliably, as in a best-effort model, deserves the QUIC designers' and community's attention. We propose extending QUIC to support unreliable streams and present a simple approach for implementation. We discuss a simple use case of video streaming---an application that dominates the overall Internet traffic---that can leverage the unreliable streams and potentially bring immense benefits to network operators and content providers. To this end, we present a prototype implementation that, by using both the reliable and unreliable streams in QUIC, outperforms both TCP and QUIC in our evaluations

    Quality of experience-centric management of adaptive video streaming services : status and challenges

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    Video streaming applications currently dominate Internet traffic. Particularly, HTTP Adaptive Streaming ( HAS) has emerged as the dominant standard for streaming videos over the best-effort Internet, thanks to its capability of matching the video quality to the available network resources. In HAS, the video client is equipped with a heuristic that dynamically decides the most suitable quality to stream the content, based on information such as the perceived network bandwidth or the video player buffer status. The goal of this heuristic is to optimize the quality as perceived by the user, the so-called Quality of Experience (QoE). Despite the many advantages brought by the adaptive streaming principle, optimizing users' QoE is far from trivial. Current heuristics are still suboptimal when sudden bandwidth drops occur, especially in wireless environments, thus leading to freezes in the video playout, the main factor influencing users' QoE. This issue is aggravated in case of live events, where the player buffer has to be kept as small as possible in order to reduce the playout delay between the user and the live signal. In light of the above, in recent years, several works have been proposed with the aim of extending the classical purely client-based structure of adaptive video streaming, in order to fully optimize users' QoE. In this article, a survey is presented of research works on this topic together with a classification based on where the optimization takes place. This classification goes beyond client-based heuristics to investigate the usage of server-and network-assisted architectures and of new application and transport layer protocols. In addition, we outline the major challenges currently arising in the field of multimedia delivery, which are going to be of extreme relevance in future years

    Deployable transport services for low-latency multimedia applications

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    Low-latency multimedia applications generate a growing and significant majority of all Internet traffic. These applications are characterised by tight bounds on end-to-end latency that typically range from tens to a few hundred milliseconds. Operating within these bounds is challenging, with the best-effort delivery service of the Internet giving rise to unreliable delivery with unpredictable latency. The way in which the upper layers of the protocol stack manage this unreliability and unpredictability can greatly impact the quality-of-experience that applications can provide. In this thesis, I focus on the services and abstractions that the transport layer provides to applications. The delivery model provided by the transport layer can have a significant impact on the quality-of-experience that can be provided by the application. Reliability and order, for example, introduce delay while packet loss is detected and the lost data retransmitted. This enforces a particular trade-off between latency, loss, and application quality-of-experience, with reliability taking priority. This trade-off is not suitable for low-latency multimedia applications, which prefer predictable and bounded latency to strict reliability and order. No widely-deployed transport protocol provides a delivery model that fully supports low-latency applications: UDP provides no reliability guarantees, while TCP enforces reliability. Implementing a protocol that does support these applications is difficult: ossification restricts protocols to appearing as UDP or TCP on-the-wire. To meet both challenges -- of better supporting low-latency multimedia applications, and of deploying a new protocol within an ossified transport layer -- I propose TCP Hollywood, a protocol that maintains wire compatibility with TCP, while exposing the trade-off between reliability and delay such that applications can improve their quality-of-experience. I show that TCP Hollywood is deployable on the public Internet, and that it achieves its goal of improving support for low-latency multimedia applications. I conclude by evaluating the API changes that are required to support TCP Hollywood, distilling the protocol into the set of transport services that it provides

    Quality-driven management of video streaming services in segment-based cache networks

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    Dynamic adaptive video streaming with minimal buffer sizes

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    Recently, adaptive streaming has been widely adopted in video streaming services to improve the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of video delivery over the Internet. However, state-of-the-art bitrate adaptation achieves satisfactory performance only with extensive buffering of several tens of seconds. This leads to high playback latency in video delivery, which is undesirable especially in the context of live content with a low upper bound on the latency. Therefore, this thesis aims at pushing the application of adaptive streaming to its limit with respect to the buffer size, which is the dominant factor of the streaming latency. In this work, we first address the minimum buffering size required in adaptive streaming, which provides us with guidelines to determine a reasonable low latency for streaming systems. Then, we tackle the fundamental challenge of achieving such a low-latency streaming by developing a novel adaptation algorithm that stabilizes buffer dynamics despite a small buffer size. We also present advanced improvements by designing a novel adaptation architecture with low-delay feedback for the bitrate selection and optimizing the underlying transport layer to offer efficient realtime streaming. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that our approach achieves superior QoE in adaptive video streaming, especially in the particularly challenging case of low-latency streaming.In letzter Zeit setzen immer mehr Anbieter von Video-Streaming im Internet auf adaptives Streaming um die Nutzererfahrung (QoE) zu verbessern. Allerdings erreichen aktuelle Bitrate-Adaption-Algorithmen nur dann eine zufriedenstellende Leistung, wenn sehr große Puffer in der Größenordnung von mehreren zehn Sekunden eingesetzt werden. Dies führt zu großen Latenzen bei der Wiedergabe, was vor allem bei Live-Übertragungen mit einer niedrigen Obergrenze für Verzögerungen unerwünscht ist. Aus diesem Grund zielt die vorliegende Dissertation darauf ab adaptive Streaming-Anwendung im Bezug auf die Puffer-Größe zu optimieren da dies den Hauptfaktor für die Streaming-Latenz darstellt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir zuerst die minimale benötigte Puffer-Größe für adaptives Streaming, was uns ermöglicht eine sinnvolle Untergrenze für die erreichbare Latenz festzulegen. Im nächsten Schritt gehen wir die grundlegende Herausforderung an dieses Optimum zu erreichen. Hierfür entwickeln wir einen neuartigen Adaptionsalgorithmus, der es ermöglicht den Füllstand des Puffers trotz der geringen Größe zu stabilisieren. Danach präsentieren wir weitere Verbesserungen indem wir eine neue Adaptions-Architektur für die Datenraten-Anpassung mit geringer Feedback-Verzögerung designen und das darunter liegende Transportprotokoll optimieren um effizientes Echtzeit-Streaming zu ermöglichen. Durch experimentelle Prüfung zeigen wir, dass unser Ansatz eine verbesserte Nutzererfahrung für adaptives Streaming erreicht, vor allem in besonders herausfordernden Fällen, wenn Streaming mit geringer Latenz gefordert ist

    Enabling energy-awareness for internet video

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    Continuous improvements to the state of the art have made it easier to create, send and receive vast quantities of video over the Internet. Catalysed by these developments, video is now the largest, and fastest growing type of traffic on modern IP networks. In 2015, video was responsible for 70% of all traffic on the Internet, with an compound annual growth rate of 27%. On the other hand, concerns about the growing energy consumption of ICT in general, continue to rise. It is not surprising that there is a significant energy cost associated with these extensive video usage patterns. In this thesis, I examine the energy consumption of typical video configurations during decoding (playback) and encoding through empirical measurements on an experimental test-bed. I then make extrapolations to a global scale to show the opportunity for significant energy savings, achievable by simple modifications to these video configurations. Based on insights gained from these measurements, I propose a novel, energy-aware Quality of Experience (QoE) metric for digital video - the Energy - Video Quality Index (EnVI). Then, I present and evaluate vEQ-benchmark, a benchmarking and measurement tool for the purpose of generating EnVI scores. The tool enables fine-grained resource-usage analyses on video playback systems, and facilitates the creation of statistical models of power usage for these systems. I propose GreenDASH, an energy-aware extension of the existing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP standard (DASH). GreenDASH incorporates relevant energy-usage and video quality information into the existing standard. It could enable dynamic, energy-aware adaptation for video in response to energy-usage and user ‘green’ preferences. I also evaluate the subjective perception of such energy-aware, adaptive video streaming by means of a user study featuring 36 participants. I examine how video may be adapted to save energy without a significant impact on the Quality of Experience of these users. In summary, this thesis highlights the significant opportunities for energy savings if Internet users gain an awareness about their energy usage, and presents a technical discussion how this can be achieved by straightforward extensions to the current state of the art