116 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of a Novel Debugging Mechanism for Orchestrated Cloud Infrastructures with Macrosteps and Active Control

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    In Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, the development process of a ready-to-use and reliable infrastructure might be a complex task due to the interconnected and dependent services that are deployed (and operated later on) in a concurrent way on virtual machines. Different timing conditions may change the overall initialisation method, which can lead to abnormal behaviour or failure in the non-deterministic environment. The overall motivation of our research is to improve the reliability of cloud-based infrastructures with minimal user interactions and significantly accelerate the time-consuming debugging process. This paper focuses on the behaviour of cloud-based infrastructures during their deployment phase and introduces the adaption of a replay, and active control enriched debugging technique, called macrostep, in the field of cloud orchestration in order to provide support for developers troubleshooting deployment-related errors. The fundamental macrostep mechanisms, including the generation of collective breakpoint sets as well as the traversal method for such consistent global states, have been combined with the Occopus cloud orchestrator and the Neo4J graph database. The paper describes the novel approach, the design choices as well as the implementation of the experimental debugger tool with a use case for validation purposes by providing some preliminary numerical results

    Proceedings of The Rust-Edu Workshop

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    The 2022 Rust-Edu Workshop was an experiment. We wanted to gather together as many thought leaders we could attract in the area of Rust education, with an emphasis on academic-facing ideas. We hoped that productive discussions and future collaborations would result. Given the quick preparation and the difficulties of an international remote event, I am very happy to report a grand success. We had more than 27 participants from timezones around the globe. We had eight talks, four refereed papers and statements from 15 participants. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I can say that I learned a ton. These proceedings are loosely organized: they represent a mere compilation of the excellent submitted work. I hope you’ll find this material as pleasant and useful as I have. Bart Massey 30 August 202

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAlmost all high performance computing applications are written in MPI, which will continue to be the case for at least the next several years. Given the huge and growing importance of MPI, and the size and sophistication of MPI codes, scalable and incisive MPI debugging tools are essential. Existing MPI debugging tools have, despite their strengths, many glaring de ficiencies, especially when it comes to debugging under the presence of nondeterminism related bugs, which are bugs that do not always show up during testing. These bugs usually become manifest when the systems are ported to di fferent platforms for production runs. This dissertation focuses on the problem of developing scalable dynamic verifi cation tools for MPI programs that can provide a coverage guarantee over the space of MPI nondeterminism. That is, the tools should be able to detect diff erent outcomes of nondeterministic events in an MPI program and enforce all those di fferent outcomes through repeated executions of the program with the same test harness. We propose to achieve the coverage guarantee by introducing efficient distributed causality tracking protocols that are based on the matches-before order. The matches-before order is introduced to address the shortcomings of the Lamport happens-before order [40], which is not sufficient to capture causality for MPI program executions due to the complexity of the MPI semantics. The two protocols we propose are the Lazy Lamport Clocks Protocol (LLCP) and the Lazy Vector Clocks Protocol (LVCP). LLCP provides good scalability with a small possibility of missing potential outcomes of nondeterministic events while LVCP provides full coverage guarantee with a scalability tradeoff . In practice, we show through our experiments that LLCP provides the same coverage as LVCP. This thesis makes the following contributions: •The MPI matches-before order that captures the causality between MPI events in an MPI execution. • Two distributed causality tracking protocols for MPI programs that rely on the matches-before order. • A Distributed Analyzer for MPI programs (DAMPI), which implements the two aforementioned protocols to provide scalable and modular dynamic verifi cation for MPI programs. • Scalability enhancement through algorithmic improvements for ISP, a dynamic verifi er for MPI programs

    Efficient branch and node testing

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    Software testing evaluates the correctness of a program’s implementation through a test suite. The quality of a test case or suite is assessed with a coverage metric indicating what percentage of a program’s structure was exercised (covered) during execution. Coverage of every execution path is impossible due to infeasible paths and loops that result in an exponential or infinite number of paths. Instead, metrics such as the number of statements (nodes) or control-flow branches covered are used. Node and branch coverage require instrumentation probes to be present during program runtime. Traditionally, probes were statically inserted during compilation. These static probes remain even after coverage is recorded, incurring unnecessary overhead, reducing the number of tests that can be run, or requiring large amounts of memory In this dissertation, I present three novel techniques for improving branch and node coverage performance for the Java runtime. First, Demand-driven Structural Testing (DDST) uses dynamic insertion and removal of probes so they can be removed after recording coverage, avoiding the unnecessary overhead of static instrumentation. DDST is built on a new framework for developing and researching coverage techniques, Jazz. DDST for node coverage averages 19.7% faster than statically-inserted instrumentation on an industry-standard benchmark suite, SPECjvm98. Due to DDST’s higher-cost probes, no single branch coverage technique performs best on all programs or methods. To address this, I developed Hybrid Structural Testing (HST). HST combines different test techniques, including static and DDST, into one run. HST uses a cost model for analysis, reducing the cost of branch coverage testing an average of 48% versus Static and 56% versus DDST on SPECjvm98. HST never chooses certain techniques due to expensive analysis. I developed a third technique, Test Plan Caching (TPC), that exploits the inherent repetition in testing over a suite. TPC saves analysis results to avoid recomputation. Combined with HST, TPC produces a mix of techniques that record coverage quickly and efficiently. My three techniques reduce the average cost of branch coverage by 51.6–90.8% over previous approaches on SPECjvm98, allowing twice as many test cases in a given time budget

    Human factors in the design of parallel program performance tuning tools

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